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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. I will be testing at work and was hoping someone would mention effects on others Thanks Irish eyes! So, I'm a molecule junkie and also took note of PM's honorable mentions. Looking at it; DHEAS, Alpha Androstenol, Epi-Androsterone and AndrostEnone and reading reviews is probably kind of not fair because early on I formed a hypothesis about how it may behave and what I'm reading is only confirming it. I wear pheros all the time so I don't think it will skew my testing, it will just make things more interesting when they pop up... I'm excited to test it today. I will be wearing 4 sprays, 2 to chest & 1 each split between backs of hands and also to wrists, so that I will hit myself and my co-workers. This looks very DHEAS forward and strong according to reviews, which is awesome! (visual acuity, sound sensitivity...) I'm not seeing anything specific (to me) to promote focus outside of the androstenone. Outside of sexually specific blends, androstenone has always behaved, (again, for me) as either a confidence builder or a focus enhancer. In my use, androstenone is great for that and if there is just a smidge, then no worries about flipping the B*tch switch. Quick note on androstenone: imo, I don't think anyone needs to fear this molecule. I DO believe you should know your molecules and know how YOU wear them (or, if you like, how they wear you). These things take time and trial, but pheromones have incredible social potential and I believe we should take advantage of that and spread our phero fairy glamour liberally, albeit, responsibly Be back later with the days findings!
  2. CB doesn't have b-nol does it? I thought it was just cops & Est...
  3. Took this for a run all day and, while BANG! performed superbly, I believe this is just not a scent meant for me. I will hang onto my vial, but no FB this time. Invidiana - I think I understand the "woody" note you're describing but I think I'm lumping it into the green feel I'm getting. I didn't get much honeysuckle today, as a matter of fact, I'd forgotten it was even supposed to be in there until now. I think the fig had me distracted
  4. Hmm. Berry? I hadn't thought of it as berry, but there's definitely something sweet going on. I'll have to keep it in mind next time I wear it...
  5. Heheeee, I'm home from work and have already put some of this on. It's becoming my ritual. Come home, set tea, change clothes, apply Unisexy....chill.
  6. This is a soft delicious scent - I'm sure you will LOVE it! Have you tried a sample or are you going unsniffed here? Can't wait to see what you think!
  7. I've worn the 2012 and this one side by side and while the 2012 starts out more sandalwood, once they dried down, I actually couldn't pick them apart! I've been wearing this every night before bed since it arrived! Definitely glad I ordered a FB!
  8. Me either - but just because I'm less likely to fully participate doesn't mean I'll say no... I wanted to LOVE this LP badly but my chemistry just punishes me with the patch. Sometimes it's awesome (in other blends) but for whatever reason this one does NOT play nicely. My beloved BANG! Still searching for my perfect fragrance match...I'm a patient woman....I can wait
  9. There is one thing I have to note about Levitation as a phero blend. I just DO NOT get the kind of hits from the unscented as I do from the fragrances it's intended to be in. Seriously. I got the Un when I fell in love with Flying Potion but it just didn't give me the same selfies or hits. Could it all be in my head? I think, for me, the dreaminess of it's paired fragrances enhances the phero effects. I've noticed with some pheros it's better for me to go with Mara's heavenly creations than it is to go Un (Lumina is another one! AHE & Pherodise = great! Un = not the same idk???) Ladybird is like that! I'm on the fence with this one because I still have my Flying Potion - but this would just make such a delicious spray that I feel I may have to cave....
  10. I agree with Irish eyes on the OD. Perhaps you are wonderfully receptive to pheros and only need a spray or 2 I have combo'd many things but this is actually not one of them Looking solely at the molecules in the 2 you would be adding cops and a smidge of androstenone. If you're only planning to wear a bit of BI at your navel, because it would be so well buffered by the PP, I would think you would get more from the addition of the cops than the androstenone. You may go from Jennifer Aniston to Angelina Jolie...If you decide to try it let us know if you notice a change
  11. Hahaha! Yes! This! I really like the scent of CB but it's too strong for me to wear more than a smidge. You won't be disappointed with the Un, and you could maybe make a "lite" CB by adding a trial vile (or even just several drops) to a FB for a "lightly scented" Un
  12. I think so too, which kind of scares me. I quite like it now and want it to stay this way...but I keep telling myself, "What if it just gets even BETTER?"
  13. I add cops to everything I think that livin101 is the perfect example of WHY
  14. Really? LP Black is sweet on me and when I finally talked myself into trying the OCCO Black I fell for it instantly - which I didn't expect given I don't usually go for patch heavy anything. I began to pair the 2 so much that I rarely wear the one with out the other anymore. When I think of the Dominance blend I think OCCO Black and (of course) Sex & Violins. LP Black has been more of a Leather blend to me I wonder if the honey note will change over the next couple months?
  15. I wouldn't mind an earful from the fellas here I was wearing this last night just home with hubby in the evening and it seems to make him sweet natured and thoughtful. It's always a concern in the back of my mind though about whether it will bring him down in mood over too much exposure. I LOVE Teddy BB but the androstadienone in B2.2 is supposed to be much higher. I've never witnessed a depressed effect on him, but this is the 1st time in a very long time that I've worn B2 around him. I'm not too concerned at 1/3 the Un strength but I would like to hear the thoughts of others for sure
  16. Yes, I do I have the OCCO Black too and, No, Dom Noire is not like it. OCCO Black for me is very chewy and patch forward. Dom Noire is honey forward with my chemistry, but not ALL honey that it's all I get. It has that similiar chewiness about it that the OCCO does and the patch definately adds a rich, dense undertone but there is such a sweetness on top of everything - and that dripping thick honey note...Mmmmm. I'll be watching for your review!
  17. Wore his into work yesterday. The scent really carries and it doesn't take much. Glad I'm getting the Dom potion in Un. The bottle I have coming will last and last. I LOVE these kind of fragrances! They are pungent and long lasting so a little bit really goes a long way - lots of bang for your buck! I took off my layers (the season is finally showing its bitter teeth around here) and the scent flung out - more than I expected! It settled down after a bit though, but I was VERY aware of it...and got LOTS of compliments from others (thank goodness!) One co-worker sidled up to me all moon eyed, "Is that you honey?" he asked all smiles and then waived another worker over to "share" me The only poor reaction I had was from my one gf who hates patch (with the single exception so far of Compromising Positions) but I can't just wear things for her all the time I knew she'd hate it, but she's 1 out of - oh, everyone else...so I'll risk it Stayed with me all day and with a bare hint of sugared honey still in the a.m. 18+ hours later! A+++
  18. ^^^ Oh No! How awful! No Fair! That IS evil...so close...so close... I feel for you!
  19. Like others have mentioned above, I'm also a fan of "tweaking" all sorts of things with the more simple blends like LAM!, BAM!, Lace, CB, Topper, DHEAS, OCCOs.... I've got my crazy mixes, true, but I can totally vouch for the merits of each solo blend too - LFM, SS4W, Gotcha!, Perfect Match, Cougar, Leather (Dom tweaked), BANG! (SS4W tweaked), Balm Bomb, etc.,....it sure simplifies things with a blend that you can just pick up and wear and KNOW you'll get results. I hadn't thought of Cougar and TMI...Hmm...Bet that would work well on hubby...
  20. ^^^ 12 hours later and I can still smell it on me this morning. Sheesh. I wonder how this will change with age? It's sweet, without being necessarily foodie. It's almost innocent, all sweet and soft on top...but underneath is something else, something slinky and sultry. The patch and (maybe?) amber keep it grounded and from going too overly/cloyingly sweet. It's really in perfect balance. I'm SOOOOO glad my chemistry isn't amping the honey/powder thing it has been know to do on occasion! I almost don't want this to age because I love it so much just the way it is! I have to hoard this sample until my bottle comes, but I'm already thinking - should I get back up/s? This is my favorite of the sampler so far
  21. Oh. My. GAWD. I have this on tonight and it's even MORE amazing than last night...to think it was even possible! I am SO all over this honey note! This is flippin' SHMEXY! This is SO rich and chewy, so sticky gooey, so resin-y sweet...I want to rub in it like cat nip...and then go find somethin' else to rub....er, I think the cops must be affecting me
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