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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Glad it was helpful Swimming with Sharks So far, makes them cold but I give them at least 24 hours to acclimate out of habit now. It does make a world of difference sometimes.
  2. I under rated PM for quite some time, but thanks to the suggestion of BB I tried it for work too. I was using it for home and specifically for hubby. Turns out its very office friendly! I get far more miles out of it at work now than at home It just makes everyone, hmm, comfortable? They're helpful and they aren't intimidated to share thoughts or ideas in a positive and constructive manner. Really great blend!
  3. I us this to "bump" all kinds of things I used it to bump Stone Cougar over the weekend... It just makes thing "more" in the happy direction. From "meh" to "Yeah, let's do this!" Want something to lighten the Dom? Top it! Need to chill out the Sexpionage? Soften the Sexology? Top it! BI too blatant? Top it! Wear it with CB, BAM!, OCCOs...just saying.
  4. Thanks Halo! now I'm curious about kumquat. After looking it up, is the kumquat note from the fruit (my first guess) or it's flower? The fruit is in a citrus category but it's coming across as a tart tweak to my nose and is very complimentary to the pomegranate, perks up the whole fragrance
  5. Now that I've gotten to enjoy the sampler... Unisexy and Dom Noire foh sho! Also, the SWS & Dominance Un trial sizes Hehe...I'm still building my next sugared set
  6. The one I have is from 2012 and would have had Perfect Match in it, but I ordered mine virgin. They smell very similar, though not identical. The new 2014 seems sweeter, warmer? The musk in the 2012 seems more pronounced now. They are still pretty darn close ime I never had the pleasure to try the 2010.
  7. I don't know that I've ever had the good fortune to smell kumquat, but there's definitely a top note of fruitiness! Once that settles, the creamy goodness beneath starts to shine through - Mmmmmm...butter, sugar, milk, cream, vanilla, marshmallow.... It's NOT actually a heavy, thick foodie fragrance. It's light and creamy fluff with a berry/tart kiss. I would have laid it all at the feet of the pomegranate, but the kumquat may be a partner in crime This IS definitely all girl, and I think it will be a good match for the coming holiday season!
  8. This is a true floral to my nose! It's not soapy clean or anything like that, just flowers, like a beautiful fresh bouquet placed on the center of the table - a gift for valentine's day permeating it's pleasantness all through the house This is not a me scent, but it IS a very pretty floral, just gorgeous really. There's a - creamy? - undertone to it as well. Maybe the amber and butter/cream combo? I can absolutely see some of the forum folk going head over heels for this one
  9. This is really pretty and it's got A LOT going on, lol. The floral and coconut note are actually quite nice together...and then there's this citrus something playing underneath it all. With all the notes, I find it interesting that the coconut is sitting on top. I would have thought the floral notes would trump it but it's all very complimentary to one another. It isn't wearing sheer on me It's a fruity/citrus floral with a creamy coconut touch. I think it would support cops nicely
  10. I. This. My nose is not smelling what I think these notes should smell like Let me try again... That's how I felt at first. Wet I didn't know what I was smelling, then I gradually realized it was the fig. It seemed VERY green to me, just not what I was expecting from it I think. Then, after a few minutes, I got the honeysuckle and, I think, the musk? Then about 20 minutes in, everything just settles in. It's definitely a floral and the honeysuckle is prominent. I'm not reading a foodie vanilla at all, but the bee pollen adds a really unique dimension to it (I like it in Pherogirl & UNE too). It's a bit too on the green side for me right now. I don't know if it's the fig amping with my chemistry I think I'll let this sit another day or 2 and give it another trial then. Looking forward to other reviews!
  11. Agreed! The apple in this SPRINGS right tot the forefront! Freshly cut, juicy deliciousness! Nothing like pie filling - just crisp, bright goodness. It's wearing on me VERY lightly and somewhat sheer after dry down - SO odd for a cop powerhouse like CB It turns soft and sweet and sheer and...and...almost like what a body wash fragrance would be like. Something you spritz on after your shower for a light fresh scent - could that be the oak moss tinkering with my scent memories? Tbh, at first I thought - eh, I'm not sure I want to smell like fresh cut apples. It springs out of the vile like that first on. But the dry down is light and gorgeous. This one is a surprise win because I don't often go for straight fruity scents, but this one isn't, to me, really straight fruity. The dry down is so soft and light - and sometimes fruits can be stabby for me too - but not this one, though at first - as apple-y as it was, I did have a slight concern - but it faded quickly. Though I'm still not completely sold on it being a "me" scent just yet, it's a super nice surprise! Only a half hour in and it's lingering very close to my skin and is a clean, barely fruity scent. Mostly registering "clean and fresh" but absolutely nothing to be confused with CB or SC type clean. I think this one may win me over to FB...
  12. Big Easy was too much on the masculine side for me and Tickle Tickle did the medicinal thing on me too. After several hours of dry down it was ok but we never quite made friends. BUT! For Beautiful Dreamer: While wet, at the very first, springing from the vile, I got the blast of lavender with a bit of bite but it quickly - like less than a few minutes - changes to an almost floral, powdery note. Really soft and pretty. The vanilla adds a pillow of softness and isn't a foodie vanilla to my nose at all. I seem to love most things amber but I can't quite pick it out. The amber and vanilla seem to float right along with the lavender and make for a lovely well blended fragrance. This isn't a me scent, but I think a lot of you will really like it, especially those of you who like clean floral fragrances
  13. I think it's actually the earth and smoke notes that are lending to that dried and damp leaf smell individually. The smoke adds to the dryness of autumn leaves smell, and the earth with the water note(s) give it that trapped moister under the leaves scent. I think that they are just so geniusly combined it's easy to miss (I'm sorry everyone, but I can't help myself) "the forest for the trees" Or in this case, leaves Smell again and see if you get what I mean I may be completely off, but that's my personal perception.
  14. This is definitely autumn in a bottle! This is a little too clean smelling for my liking though, but still a really great fragrance! There's something poking my third eye sadly - the ozone maybe? This strikes me as very masculine and invokes thoughts of strength and stability. It's the fragrance of hiking through the woods after all the leaves have fallen from the trees and you can smell the moisture tucked under them as your shoes rustle through flipping them over. In spite of the image of crunchy leaves, it seems to smell quite clean to my nose at the same time. I look forward to seeing whit the rest of you think
  15. At first I thought I would definitely prefer this on my guy rather than on me. It's very woodsy/crisp and while wet I didn't get the linen-like at all, just all manliness...but on dry down I completely get it! How on earth do you DO that Mara?!? Once it transitions, literally like 5 minutes of dry down, I can totally see this being a unisex fragrance. I COMPLETEY wanted a SWS fragrance and I think I found a winner! This is not SC or CB linen, this is a pressed shirt, understated, clean, linen-like scent, just like the description states. This one suits me because it doesn't have any of the floral notes that SC and CB have that can go stabby on me. This is really great! I can see this getting some serious appreciation in this house. It's not an in your face, "Hey! I'm wearing a fragrance!" People will just think you take good care of your laundry...I believe I would actually compliment a guy on how good he smelled if he stood next to me smelling like this....
  16. This was pure win for the Unisexy fragrance alone. This is definitely one of those fragrances that surprised me. When I first tried Unisexy (a couple/few? years back) I was able to ask for it sans pheromones. When I wore it, I had to warm up to it because it wasn't what I traditionally felt was a woman's fragrance and until LP (I lived a perfume sheltered life before LP also) I had never heard of a "unisex" fragrance. I was floored by the number of compliments it garnered from men and women. This generation of Unisexy certainly lives up to its predecessors! And with the B2.2? WOW. This is a powerhouse that I am going to fully enjoy snuggling up to...it smells GREAT on my husband as well. He even gave it the, "It's not bad." Which means he would/will wear it. Wet, it smells like something a guy should wear - to me. It doesn't strike me as sweet. The wood, tobacco and musk are all up front and it isn't until farther into the dry down that the vanilla and maple pop up, but even then they are more complimentary than distinct notes. more like something sweet under the wood, tobacco and musk. It smells warm and like something I want to curl up against/with. I'm not sure if it's all the fragrance this time with B2.2 being in there also But it's going to have to be a FB for me
  17. Starting off I wanted to love this one from the description since I layer LP & OCCO Black. Of course when I pulled it out of the mail it was the first thing I snuffled at and even put it on before bed. Of course, helpful hubby crinkled his nose at first hint, exclaiming his dislike from 3 feet away...but even I was leery....the honey was behaving oddly, like the musk/honey in SLF, and I wasn't sure that's what I wanted to go for and yet I was compelled to huff my app points and delighted still again to wake up with the faint scent clinging to me the next morning. Post acclimation from traveling: Tonight I'm wearing it again and the scent memory of SLF is in the back of my head, but the musk/honey is NOT "dirty-like" now. It's sweet, definitely sweet. It's not, to my nose, like how layering LP & OCCO black smell - this is definitely its own animal. Hubby has changed his tune to, "Eh. Not good, not bad..." So at least I know it won't be offensive to wear around him as I first feared. He's an all out foodie lover - what can I say? Dom Noire is a rich, chewy fragrance. That HAS to be the patch. There's this sweetness that's not just vanilla or honey or sugar but a beautiful blend of them all. I can pick out the faint powder note in the honey without it being really powdery, it's just a hint - which is GREAT because sometimes my skin over does powder with some honeys. But along with the sweetness is the balancing depth of the patch, musk and amber. I LOVE how sticky this is, it has real staying power! This is totally going to be FB! That scent description above nails it - Deep, dark, exotic, sweet and sexy.
  18. Squeeeeeeeal! I got mah goods last night! Of course I HAD to sniff everything....but I won't test them until portably tonight, to give them that 24 hours to rest from the travel and cold. At 1st sniff, in the vial, really liking Ladybird & Unisexy, loving the apple in Living Doll A LOT, wanted to LOVE Dom Noire but will have to come back to that one...you just can't know anything for sure until wearing it....Blast this travel shock waiting period! Can't wait to start reading reviews!
  19. I don't normally wear the same thing 2 days in a row b/c I like to rotate my goodies, but went with Cougar again yesterday, mostly to make a presentation to new hires. It wasn't a small training room so it was interesting to see how long it took to see it working. I wade sure to walk around the room and to keep the engaged (it's always great when you get people after lunch and they're ready for a nap - if you let them be) I like testing on diverse groups, so opportunity was knocking far to loudly to pass it up. So, once again, my x3 spray scented with Pure Sugar. 2 sprays to chest, 1 to blouse. This time no extra Topper like in yesterday's post and sprayed my PE Sanctuary over everything. *Quick note to WildAutumn - I love to scented Cougar Potion too, but if you get the Un, you will surely find something that works just as wonderfully. Like the others have already mentioned - now would be the time to scoop up those sale $15 Un samples! After being captive with me for about 20 minutes the mood began to lift and the interaction was improved. By the time my hour was up with them, 2/3s were smiling, asking questions, and making great eye contact. The other 3rd were at last along for the ride This was just the first thing on my "to-do" list for the day... Apparently my lipstick was extra fascinating (I was trying out a new color/brand, who knew SO many people would take notice? ) and garnered compliments. I was speaking with someone from another office area at one point in the day and when we finished talking about the task, he just didn't seem to want to leave, hehe, continued to make small talk until I had o excuse myself to get back to my area. I don't usually "Cougar" at work because it does play like a kind of popularity potion and will keep people wanting to carry on conversations - which is GREAT - but not always productive But the day was smooth, laid back and, in general, just plain good...and of course...sprinkled with Cougar highlights Good magic here I tell ya.....
  20. Was in the mood for some Cougar yesterday. x3 strength spray scented with Pure Sugar. Was going to only wear 2 sprays, but before leaving the house about an hour later, decided on 1 more pray to clothes just because it's been SO cold lately and wanted to make sure Cougar would been effective under all my layers. WELL - no worries THERE From that dose - high for even me (equivalent to 9 sprays of the average x1 bottle) I was immediately effected by the playful/happy vibe. Light, flirty, smiley...hit hubby pretty well also - BONUS. Sometimes I have a hard time gaging what's hitting him as he often wears Voracious for men from LP - OH MAN! That smells SOOOO good (it's not just the pheros ladies, I bought a virgin bottle just for myself. Voracious is divine/shmexy!) ANYWHO...Today he was phero free so Cougar did all the work. One of the things that really stands out was the visit with my mom. My aunt was also there and she and my husband hit it off like 2 old friends that hadn't talked in ages! When she left, like a gentleman, he walked her out! WTH? But wth is a SUPER awesome way. Cougar had the happy/pleasant going in the apartment that's for sure. Got LOTS of compliments about my appearance, which is common with Cougar. I could be wearing a pony tail and sweats and just be rocking them, lol, but I was just wearing jeans and a blouse so it's not like I was stunning or anything. When we went to eat we decided to sit at the bar (GREAT restaurant, imo, Bonefish Grill. Nothing super fancy, but def good eats) and got superb interactive service and were about to interact with other customers more there than at a table. Hubbies interactions seem to be GREATLY - and I mean noticeably - improved with Cougar. He usually is on the quiet side, but Cougar had him chatting up everyone we encountered Maybe it was the higher dose that I wore that finally got him out of that shell? Shopped a bit and got a great pair of boots, and he even chatted up the cashier! HE was playful with me ALL day...teasing, flirting, social, interactive....I'm going to spray HIM with Cougar every day off if this is the outcome I like Cougar, and I recommend others try it as well teheheeee....
  21. This one is really great for work. It makes everyone very amicable towards me No push back when I request things and lots of offers to help even without being asked.
  22. OH!I hope so! I don't get bristly reactions when wearing cops! Scented CB is enticing and addicting! It's SO easy to just keep huffing! I have a weird love/hate relationship with it though. Too much and I get that stabbing 3rd eye pain, but just right - HEAVEN I keep it under my clothes mostly and just a wee dab below each ear and one tiny swipe split between my wrists. And it has staying power like few I have do! My guy LOVES it too. He's always liked the fresh bed sheets too, lol, though laundry is DEF NOT his favorite chore Hahaha!
  23. OH! Sugared LINEN! Thank you for the reminder StacyK! I keep forgetting about that one b/c it's so not my norm. But I bet it's true! *scribbles note for next order* Sugared Honeysuckle - the honeysuckle is just SO complimentary to sugar This is great all by itself too
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