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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. How wonderful! Hmm...now you have me thinking, maybe I need a heavier hand with this one, like with PP? It seems I need higher doses of that to be effective...maybe a bit more Lumina should be applied for more blatant reactions...and heck! Who doesn't want free stuff!?
  2. Sometimes it's as much about finding out what works on others as much as ourselves. If it makes you feel any better, I get something similar with my guy. His reaction to Gotcha! isn't at all what I hoped for. In EVERY other situation so far Gotcha! has been great but it seems to be a dud with hm. Not completely ineffective but just kind of "meh". But Est heavy blends or b-nol heevy blends (like TMI) are HUGE winners in this house were he's concerned. With some testing and tinkering, you'll figure out what works best for who. Take notes! Then you can look back on them and re-trial to see if the reactions are consistent, figure out the "how much to wear" part and happily use them as a tool for enhancing your relationships
  3. I second the suggestions for Perfect Match and Open Windows! They both jumped to mind immediately If you're drown to b-nol/bonding type blends, PM is WAY under rated imo, and really great for a diversity of environments OW is "Welcome!" in a bottle - great social. Have you tried Balm Bomb? That's a happy/interactive little gem. Mother's little Helper surprised me too by being really versatile. Good luck with whatever you decide! I've been wanting to try Un SWS, that will be in my next order when I decide which FBs from the sampler I can't live without I need to go brush up on that review thread...
  4. Without sniffing I'd guess FBs of Dom Noire, Living Doll and Unisexy for starters But I ordered the sampler so the list may grow...
  5. Ooooo....They all sound WONDERFUL...without sniffing I'd guess FBs of Dom Noire, Living Doll and Unisexy and a heavy maybe on Coquette, Ladybird, Lightning in a bottle and Secret Sweetness....
  6. I haven't been able to find a lot in definitive answers, but what I've managed to dig up is that it behaves as a disinhibitor. It's in PP and Gotcha! and the beta version is in LFM/LFN and Balm Bomb (there may be others, but that's from my personal list of goodies...) It's also in other products I have from other vendors. It has been called an "I don't give a flip" molecule because it can add to a sense of being laid back to the circumstances around you - that kind of "just roll with it" feeling. Kind of a sedate, no, that's not the right word - relaxed feel. It helps take the edge off for some who may feel social situations can be awkward or just make you more comfortable in general with your surroundings. From personal experience, it has made me, on occasion, more comfortable in my own skin, which I believe is a bit of that "just roll with it" vibe. I identify with the relaxed feel. It's an unrushed, things will happen when they are supposed to happen vibe. It's buffered with a lot of really great molecules in Gotcha! Looks like (and has behaved for me like) it's intended to make the wearer inviting, approachable and self confident. There is still a lot of happy going on over all. Allo/Alpha-THDOC is as much in there for me as for the responder, imo. It may be disinhibiting for them but the blends I've worn it in have a kind of laid back comfortable feeling for me too Any of this seeming familiar? I would love to know if others are interpreting this phero blend similarly
  7. OH WOWSAH! that's awesome news! Congratulations!!!
  8. Welcome! You are among friends and enablers here What are some of your favorites so far?
  9. Wonder if it's the a-THDOC taking the edge off? That's a nifty lil' molecule
  10. BBM is delicious with Pink. I have Perfect Match in Pink - LOVE. Lace is good, CB too...
  11. I couldn't wait! I ordered the Nov sampler even though I know I have to wait for it
  12. WOW really? I find that intriguing! FP doesn't remind me anything of SBF but I have it and SBC so I'll have to see what my chemistry makes of the 2 of them together...either way it'll be a win/win situation with those 2 great confections!
  13. This IS a dreamy scent . When in doubt - slather? I slather all the time though so my opinion may be invalid : Donsie - has it even failed when you instigate? Ooooo, imagine if THIS scent came with CB?!?!?!
  14. Knowing the inside intel. on the guys you'll be interacting with is helpful in decision making. If they are good responders to Est, then CB may work well for you. There are quite a few "fall over themselves helpful" types when I wear this where I work. Knowing yourself and your audience is REALLY beneficial and it sounds like you have a good handle on both The BI/Topper combo doesn't surprise me. I get 2 things from androstenone - confidence boost and focus. BI has always been a femme blend (a-nol/Est/cops) with that little kick of 'none. You buffered it further with more a-nol and some DHEAS - you were probably all kinds of uber sparkly that day
  15. I was going to suggest LFM or Open Windows. People are so accommodating with LFM and Open Windows people just adore. I got my promo while wearing BANG! so I can't say CB would be any poorer a choice than that, lol, and I had a boardroom of people to contend with. As women we're always giving off cops so I'm still on the fence about cops and work as most of what I wear has some fashion of copulins in it or I'm adding them...It hasn't changed the fact that I'm "the" competent go-to and am told that often by my superiors. CB wears soft femme on me, sweet and unassuming. Not sure if that's what you want to project going in to request a raise, but that depends entirely how it plays on you. Cougar has on occasion made ME more giddy than I like on for being able to concentrate properly at work but I've figured out my dosages since those days...however, it has never failed to charm others. LFN may be a good choice so long as the men folk don't get bristly with the androstenone. If you have this week to test yet, then I would see how it wears for selfies and for others Good luck!
  16. I've decanted some into a 15ml spray that's almost used up - good thing I have extras! hehe....
  17. They would jump at the chance if they ever thought they had one! Working with a mainly all male crew is certainly a dance at times. Even if I were single, I think I would lead them all to believe I wasn't just to keep things professional. If any ever thought they had a chance I'd wager we'd be less like family and more like crazy college students HAAHA! Right now they will just have to HOPE to get a girl to do the things to them that the figure I must do to my husband! LAM! is light to me, phero wise, just a boost and a bit of cops...ok, more than a "bit" When I get low, I have my eye on the Pink Amber next. I LOVE the BAM! in PA and would love PA to be my next LAM! replacement
  18. Since it isn't copulins you should be fine. I have it in oil, but I've gotten it on my clothes and deliberately rubbed a bit into the tips of my hair. As this wears on me it only turns sweeter and more golden honey-like over time and has made my clothes smell dreamy. I've not had any trouble washing it from my hair either.. Anyone else have it in spray?
  19. HOLY AWESOME LABELS BAT MAN! Must have set! Don't even care about pheros (ok, maybe a little) but will definitely NEED the sampler to get my mitts on all those lovely labels! Damn! What I REALLY want is the wardrobes and the pink/purple wigs/hair...
  20. On me, S&V is a resin, woody sexy musky scent. Very chewy and heavy and slinky - if that makes any sense? Almost predatory Fits the Dominance vibe perfectly, lol, very confident and all woman...no kitten at all. I have mine in oil and also cop'd. The sugared violets softened heaviness of it and the light floral addition was a good fit. I was pleasantly surprised by how complimentary the 2 went together. It immediately changed it from a slinky scent to a "I may be all woman, but you may approach me without fear of my awesomeness" scent. Kind of like going from Lioness to Lynx - there's still tooth and claw but I seemed less intimidating
  21. It certainly seems to - I 'm usually pairing it with a phero combination to fit my need as well. It seems like a real powerhouse though, no matter with or w/o phero enhancement, the scent really grabs peoples attention. Even my husband told me "Whatever you have on today smells really good." And he doesn't hand out compliments like that often I notice a LOT of men really like it and, to me, I find the scent really unique as well. I'm just tickled with it and I'm glad I've still got bottles of it!
  22. Wore this today for spiritual and emotional reasons and it worked beautifully for my purpose. On top of that, I was complimented again by a newer co-worker on how he liked my perfume very much...and then repeated that - yes, it's very nice. Like he had thought about it a bit after the compliment and wanted me to know he really meant it
  23. Combined this with a bit of Sugared Violets and it was DELISH! I had a guy almost fall over someone, stop dead in his tracks, and more announce than ask, "What smells so good?! Is that YOU?" And then practically climb past 2 people to get to me (my co-workers appreciate my LP addic...hobby) only to proclaim that THIS must be "The BEST one yet!!!"
  24. Wore this yesterday and I must say, the CAKE I SO delicious! This has aged fabulously! It's iced ,orange glazed, sugared, buttery pound cake! When I wear something that distracts me (happily) each time I smell it, it's a GOOOOOOD day
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