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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. UG! Bittersweet, Blue, Exotica, Latte....maybe Incandescence....Oh! Decisions, decisions!!! Common samples - hurry home to me so I can know for sure
  2. the note for all of them look WONDERFUL! So excited to get the sampler! And THIS time I shouldn't be sick when they arrive so I'll get to go bonkers when I find them in the post!
  3. I had been inspired by tyvey to wear SC the last couple of days. I don't wear it as often as I'd like because I don't want to abuse the magic But this stuff is GREAT! I didn't need it for meetings or anything of the sort. I just wanted the last 2 days of work to be smoooooth. And smooth they were! I have been complimented on my work and productivity so much that I'm beginning to feel a bit concerned When I go to work, it's with the focus that I will work while I'm there. Is that so strange? Anyway, with the Cougar "shine", my last couple of days have been stellar! Even hubby was pretty extraordinarily sweet and wonderful while we were together I would LOVE to wear this every day, hehe, but all things in moderation. I'll have to hang on to some of my pixie dust for another day
  4. No. He refers to both this forum and my obsess...er - hobby with perfumes as "my porn" ie - "Are you on your porn site again?" "Are you ordering more porn?" "So, learn anything new on your porn site?" But seriously, yes, he considers it just "smelly stuff" aka perfumes/colognes
  5. Yeah, I'll save that one for "when he's finally a believer". I think he'll rock the SS4M though
  6. Maybe you like edible flower petals somewhere deep in your soul?
  7. HAHAHA! I am already down almost half a bottle of the 2 I have - so I will probably blow through these. I slather quite heavily...or re-apply....I almost never re-apply things...I love TG! OH - and hubby quite likes it on me so, yea....I plan to go through quite a bit. I keep forgetting it has cops, it just smells so yummilicious! Roll in like cat nip worthy for sure!!!!
  8. Hmm. Good point. Since hubby doesn't buy the whole phero "hoo-doo" he'd be BOUND to wear it in inappropriate situations...which may prove entertaining for me at least...
  9. Motormouthitis?! I think I experienced some of that tonight but didn't realize it was PM But it's true! For filling in, everyone is being really great sonsidering it isn't my normal shift or crew to manage. Very good week so far. I did notice that my pets were very interested in me after application before I left home today...little velco balls of fur just fascinated by my every move....
  10. BUMP! I know I love Wanted Man and I've gotten hubby to try the SS4M in Super, which he will never grab before Voracious unless I special request him to I could cry because at some point I had Pashazade and Captain Fantastic - not realizing Heart Throb was in them to test! Hubby's crinkled nose was the nail in the coffin for them, so to new homes they went, Can't believe I did something so irresponsible without at least testing them on myself! I was looking at Charisma because I thought it was awesome that people were not swayed by my guy's "angry resting face" and engaged him in spite of it (he's usually deep into whatever's going on in his own head, so he's really just thinking - not angry ) He really only looks angry, so seeing him interact with strangers just made my heart happy Someone would just randomly start talking with him. Polite chit-chat stuff. As soon as he's snapped out of his inner wrappings, he's all smiles and engaging. But of course I'm interested completely in the sexual pheros....so if one had to choose between SS4M and Heart Throb which would it be and why. I expect it would be something like me trying to choose between Sexpionage and Blatant Invitation....
  11. Until the next men's Un phero in chosen, Wanted Man is still the leader in this house. It just smells so good in Voracious! I know there's something else working beside the great fragrance....WM makes me just want to grab my man and drag him off for bed sports....
  12. You've put me in the mood for PM today! I have a whole "new" group of people to phero on. I think PM will be a great way to break the ice and get to know them better!
  13. There you go then! Plump, juicy, bursting with sweetness grapes to compliment a soft, doughy, freshly backed and steaming from the oven, ooey-gooey cinnamon roll!
  14. NuTrix


    I love how rich and chewy Nola is on me. I feel like I have on something decadent when I'm wearing it! It's heady and vanilla and not very boozy at all BB & cops. Hehe. Well. BB is a great social to me. One 2 separate occasions with 2 very different guys I was told I was distracting and that when they were near me they seemed to become confused (tongue tied, unfocused). Now I find BB to be a bit "giddy" on it's own, but throw cops into the mix and it can be downright distracting apparently
  15. hehe...do you like grapes? Maybe you can think of it more as sweet fresh grapes with a cinnamon roll at breakfast?
  16. NuTrix

    Egg 2014

    The staying power of this one is scummilicious! Granted, I maaaay, slather the teensiest bit... To hoard more or not o hoard more...always the question....
  17. Ditto! All my memories of licorice and harsh black, cloyingly sweet licorice. Now, RED licorice I can warm up to....But LP has liberated me from any licorice fears and now I'm more ready to try them at the very least. I did get a fb of this one though - VERY happy! A vanilla marshmallow yum with a twinge of licorice...mostly straight up yum though....
  18. MLH in comparison to SWS is more of a femme vibe on me is all All woman with a little crack o' the riding crop. But not the hard, black latex suit, Domme crack o' the whip. More like a snap on the table, to grab your attention when you aren't paying proper mind, solid slap of a firm crop on a hard surface.... You're not really frightened of her, because she doesn't seem intent on hurting you - or she would have done it by now.... More of a - I have your best interests in mind, so obedience is truly the best course of action... You neither fear nor adore her - but somehow, you know following her direction is clear, and you are only too happy to oblige....mesmerized and yet matter of fact...you are compelled to obedience and yet it feels like free will...
  19. OK! OK! YOU WIN! CANNOT RESIST GIANT BROWN PUPPY EYES! (not even sure what you win - just cannot resist giant brown pleading adorable puppy eyes! )
  20. OK. SO. Daft fool that I am - I didn't even REALIZE the new releases were posted! Soooo... I ordered the sampler, a FB of Encens de Café and 3 more FBs of Totem: Goat Now all there is, is to wait and see how many bottles from this June release I'll need
  21. OHMYGOSHHOWDIDIMISSTHISUNTILTODAY!??!?!?!? Absolutely GORGEOUS! Must order samples just to have ALL of the labels! UNBELIEVABLYBEAUTIFUL! They are truly amazing!!!!!!!!!! :w00t:
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