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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. I think my OC Black will last a looooong time It only takes a lil' dab. It has WICKED throw! But I LOVE it. The only time I slather in it is when I'm home and all to myself. This one isn't for everybody it seems. People cringe at overly reaching scents. I have to dab this one and S&V when I wear them. I don't think it's that they are offensive so much as they both have insane throw. I don't want to invade people's space - I want to invite them into mine.... It helps me remember that just because I can roll in something like it's my cat nip, not everyone else wants to experience it the same way
  2. Hahaha! Weeeeelll, you can do all manner of things with good quality duct tape!
  3. WOW! This one is REALLY nice. I used the sample vile to create a spray for hubby and he wore it for me today. We made a quick morning dash to the store and I was walking behind him just to be in his scent trail It definitely boosted his mood and made him more talkative and playful, made me a bit more giddy than my norm and playful too. I left him to wander off a few times and saw him getting glances when he passed by a handful of different women. Two even stopped their conversation to look once he walked by. PRICELESS! A guy at the one counter went out of his way to check in the back of the store on something when my husband asked him about one of their products and was all smiles when he returned with items in hand! Even the cashier was sneaking peeks - it was awesome! All that from only - I think - 3 & a half sprays (first time using the bottle, took a couple pumps to get the first spray) from a 5ml spritzer. He said he likes the scent but still prefers Voracious...but said he would wear Super again. SO, I may be able to get another cologne for him in the future if he likes it enough, but he's a terrible creature of habit... Wanted to add that he sprayed the front of his shirt, so the scent was purely fantastic on it's own w/o being altered by his chemistry. Wonder how it will differ on his skin with his chemistry...
  4. WOW! That's AWESOME! Stealthy...unique...sultry...and mysterious.....Who was that girl? Cool!
  5. This is another one of the perfumes I'm associating with "clean", like shower clean or linen/laundry clean. Hmm. Shower clean, me thinks. It's a lovely floral and greens kind of scent. Something in it picks at my inner eye though It's not over bearing and it's surprising me that I'm finding this one somehow pointy to me and yet I didn't get that same poke from Gypsum White. It is a very pretty floral. I will set it aside and give it another whirl in a week...
  6. Ooooo! The blueberry came out right away! Sprang right out of the vial! Turns out, on me, this one is floral but there are so many other things going on around that floral center that it's absolutely fascinating This one is REEEEEEALLY pretty. The weird thing is that while I don't know that it's necessarily a me scent, I really love it. It's such a happy, pleasant, tranquil and content scent! I'm going to have to make this sample into a spray for my linens before bed! I bet I would drift off happily to sweet dreams with this hovering around in the room! I don't get anything briney/salty really. Just clean - crisp, clear water, not the SC or X Appeal kind of clean - sweet floral and mood lifting!
  7. Me too! Me too! With my chemistry though, these 2 are nothing alike. This one is floral forward too, but not nearly as sweet and candy like to me. It's very violet on me, and while I do like violet, I think I will set this aside and try it again in a few days. I believe I can detect the lime in there, just in the back, brightening things up. I'm not getting the grape - or possibly more likely, not recognizing it. I'm reading the violet and musk mostly.
  8. NuTrix

    Crayons: Indigo

    Interestingly enough this is coming through "creamy" to me, like a balm or a salve. It's a very subtle floral skin scent on me. It's wearing close and is incredibly soft and smooth. Nothing pointy or anything that jumps out except there's something that reminds me, oddly, like LadyV mentioned above, of Papal Purple - which I ADORE! So what might that association be? Frankincense? IDK... This one is a real win and I like it very much I'm not getting strong patch - really not sure where it is... I get creamy florals and I think I MUST be a fan of Egyptian musk because I've liked a number of scents with that in them. Really beautiful!
  9. At first I amped the earth note! But once this dried down, it chilled out and shared the stage. This smells very "natural" to me. The earth note, to my nose, is a very dark, moist and alive, perfect-for-growing-things earth smell. Everything else adds to this earthiness and after dry down is melded together in such a complimentary way and is incredibly well blended. Liking the woods and even that little bit of smokiness - barely there. It's REALLY nice! I didn't think I'd like it so much. I think I would love this on my man....
  10. I thought I would go for this one, but strangely I think, atm, not so much. It's odd. Because I kinda like it but I kinda don't. I think there are definitely notes in here that I like, and something in it I like quite a bit. I wonder if it's just the black orchid I'm disagreeing with? I don't think I know black orchid when I smell it I'm picking up something coming across as spicy to me that I like very much, but there's something else that is very like some other scent my mind quite can't put it's finger on that I'm not digging so much....will have to set aside and retry...
  11. I was trying to put my finger on the scent memory... it's clean smelling but not like X Appeal or SC but, yes, something of it while in dry down is reminiscent of some product brand of aerosol hairspray! Once it dries it becomes a clean, fresh linen type scent. This one is not for me...the closest I've been able to come to wearing something in this category was CB '09. I'm just not meant to be a "clean" girl But I'd think those who are fans in that category would really like this one
  12. Alright. This one is. Just. Stupid. Awesome! It's full on cupcake first on, then almost immediately after...icing. The other notes have to be the manderin/tangerine/orange oils and the berries giving it a sweet zip - I just want to lick my arm right now....I need to eat more fruity sweets because I have nothing to compare this to. The vanilla and cream makes me think of vanilla cake and everything else is just the "icing on the cake" so to speak (sorry ) Not regretting the FB purchase unsniffed here at all. Eggers - I have always approved of the "cat nip roll" for any essential perfume...I think this one qualities! You should definitely ROLL in THIS one!
  13. I agree! SC wasn't for me either, but when I tried SS4W in MRF, I had to get a back up bottle! I believe the previous version had Blatant Invitation in it, but I liked MRF so much with the SS4W that I had to get more...I love the 2 of them together! So good to hear you've gotten something that is doing well for you
  14. Test site: last night: in house: only available target: Man beast Yup. He responds well to this one. He was following me around the house as I puttered about with laundry. He even came back and laid on the bed to hang out with me while I folded it. He was crushed (puppy eyes and whimper to boot HAHHHA!) when I told him I was going to need to use the bed for work space (folding sheets and drapes) and asked if he would give me a few minutes and I'd be done shortly and come hang out with him when I finished. We snuggled up together on the couch and watched some tv...and the longer we snuggled.... This doesn't hit him, cop wise, the same way an OCCO does, or the same way Sexpionage does. It IS a very HANDSY phero, he's all touchy feely, hugs, cuddles and gropes Normally when he comes home from work and (w/o the help of pheromones) he's usually straight to his computer to catch up on email and unwind. LFN made me a fascination and priority. WIN I think I've just realized something. LFN is completely overshadowed by LFM I my thinking because I ALWAYS go for LFM for work. I think all it is, is that I'd forgotten how that little tweak of mones in LFN makes this one so good for when I'll be with hubby. Must test again on world at large though....this was always a happy social....
  15. Oooo! I was fortunate enough to get a bottle of TT and I DID think of it when I first sniffed BCM! They are both delish! But the additions in BCM? To the moon!
  16. I can't believe I'm about to say this....I think it's too sweet for me to wear. Not pointy or anything, I just don't think I care for the pineapple (?!?!) How unexpected - I thought this would be awesome...I LOVE pineapple, to eat anyway, and the smell of fresh pineapple....I've never had Dole Whip But this is one I like the smell of better when it isn't on me. It smells pineapple-y and bright in the via, but on me it's all sweet...hmm, maybe if I layer with something amber to curb that sugary sweetness.... Ambre Amore, or Sugared Amber?
  17. So you're saying you both spilled too much? I don't know how heavy the b-nol is but there's a lot of other stuff going on too. I know that it sure has opened people up the last few times I wore it outside of an intimate setting. I know that blends with a-THDOC (PP, SS4W and Gotcha!) all took a while for me to sort out my dosing for repeatable/predictable - and positive - out comes. I go pretty heavy (for me) with all of them to get the results I'm looking for.I wonder if a change in qty will make a difference for you...but then, not sure I'd want to chance another blowout after that either Sorry that happened.
  18. I LOVE BI too Hmm. I reach for LFM more than LFN too. LFN feels more alpha, but it does make the menfolk melty and fawning. Hmm. This may call for more experimenting....why DO I go for LFM more...I see tonight and tomorrow being LFN test time...
  19. I got the same at work today. Once again though, I got someone asking what smelled like pancakes To which I answered that it was probably me. They looked skeptically at me and said "NAH!" And I offered my wrist and BOY did her eyes light up! I said it's supposed to resemble a cinnamon roll and she blurted out, "That's crazy! It does! Where did you FIND something like that!?" I have to ask though - Why with the pancakes and maple syrup? I was thrilled that I didn't amp the cinnamon But I TOTALLY got soft sticky rolls - loved the oats and pecans! This sample won't last more than 3-4 wears at the rate I slathered today...
  20. That was my bed time story...I'm off to dream about lovely fluffy white snowballs...and one grey fluffy cloud...in a blue sky...with LOTS of sunshine...and a rainbow...
  21. Awesome! Who says you can't be a strong feminine creature that smells absolutely fantastic?!
  22. He's never taken much more than a fleeting interest in ANY scent. Even the ones - on those rare occasions - that he has said smelled good. ie, usually foodie - like Orangzipan, that I got solely on the basis that he gnarfled approvingly (grabbing and nomming on me as I tried to pass by him) when I had it on he's not one to articulate! That this was a recurring conversation was an enigma all its own
  23. YAY! Welcome! The family that plays together, stays together!
  24. OutSTANDING post! To fine wine! Fine cars! And fine dance partners!
  25. Muhahaaaaaa! *rubs hands together nefariously while raising eyebrows up and down knowingly.....*
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