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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. NuTrix

    Peach Sparkle

    Oh No! That's terrible! The last time I had too much - I had WAY too much...the kind of much were you're sick for days much...I would have been happy to have only suffered what I did yesterday...I have not done THAT since May 2013...But like every time I've relearned that lesson until it becomes too faded...I have sworn it off from ever happening again...again
  2. NuTrix

    Peach Sparkle

    I Don't know what to put my finger on. I thought it was the peach maybe? I had a similar reaction to yours. All day yesterday while wearing this, even while it IS lovely, there's something in there that kept my eyes a bit scrunched and kept a tiny headache, right about the "third eye" spot where my sinus' are, throughout the day. So sad because it's very peachy and sugared apricot on me. It just didn't seem to get along with me on some other level.
  3. I ordered Cherry D too...but not in spray...THIS was a special circumstance or I would have held out until the NRs
  4. NuTrix

    Cherry Divinity

    I ordered mine Thank you SOOOOO much Mara! You're the ultimate!
  5. Oh Jeeze! Now. You see. THIS is exactly what I'm talking about I'll be wearing it tomorrow....start the clock now I guess...
  6. NuTrix


    I have been told today that this registered as: French vanilla - male response Mocha - female response Breakfast - female & male response Maple syrup - female & male response Something sticky, sweet and delicious - male response Vanilla cake-y - male response A yummy candle - female response Numerous - "What smells so good?"s Maple? Mocha? Breakfast? Yummy candle? What a wonderful hit this was with me and practically everyone I encountered! It's SO fascinating how everyone reads it a little - or a LOT - differently! Completely loved all the feedback - and I did not ASK for it from a single one of them. This drew people's interest without even prompting! and in a couple instances created a conversation on just what it DID smell like
  7. NuTrix

    Cherry Divinity

    For realz?!!!! I'm already indebted to you for giving me the gift of perfume I can wear and enjoy - something I didn't have before LP! if you're going to make a bit more I'd love to be a taker!...2 if it's not too greedy?
  8. This one is so bright going on and yet it wears so softly on me. FB was a good choice for me. I'm just tickled to have a scented BANG! and also to enjoy it so much!!!
  9. I've been saving this sample 'til last, lol. Hoping it will sell out before I find out I love it so I won't have to get a FB Is that sad?
  10. NuTrix


    Giving this one a proper run today. Applied liberally and loved that first candy orange burst but it quickly settled into soft sugary nutmeg...so I slathered a bit more JUST to get that orange burst again....I think I can leave it be now Now my nose is reading the almond as cherry again, which is really yummy with the nutmeg. I wonder if I'm getting sandalwood or if I'll notice it more later? Looking forward to how this blooms....
  11. Welcome to the fascination that is LP! I'm sure you'll be enchanted
  12. NuTrix

    Cherry Divinity

    You are all RIGHT! This one is really delicious. It's the perfect cherry cake! I have never had cherry cake, but if I were to have it, I would want THIS to be what I was served! I've never been terribly big on the scent of cherry, or at least thought not but this is fantastic! It blasts out of the bottle a fruity delight but then settles into a glazed fruit cupcake fantasy. All I have itsmy little bitty sample...that won't last long - but I'm going to love every drop of it. It took everything I had today to not devour my own arms...or at least lick them like lollipops!
  13. This may have been done before my time, but what about a colorology theme? Perhaps, someday?....
  14. I had stayed away from Dom for a very long time, being concerned I may come off too alpha or overly dominant for my personality, soooo, I started out with Leather and felt the Est gave me that touch of feminism that I was concerned would be missing in straight Dom. That being said, I also got a Dom sample to try in the Nov sale of 2012 and I also tried it in the Sex & Violins scent (which went well and I ultimately got a FB of...with added cops of course ^_~ ). The selfies are slightly different for me: Leather keeps me my flirty, girly self and the effects on others are to want to assist me in accomplishing the things I've asked of them or to simply offer to assist me without even being asking (great for work and I use it there A LOT) Dominance is a little more, serious? for me. Selfies are confidence and very alpha take charge kinda feel, but not in a crack the whip kind of way. More of a focused type of vibe....which actually translates nicely into the bedroom as well hehe... Leather and BI are similar in effects on myself & others except that the cops in BI really can take things in a different direction, as I'm sure you could have guessed BI makes me decidedly horny too but VERY flirty and effects on others, unless it's buffered, will send things to questionable conversation just about...immediately
  15. NuTrix

    Moon Sugar Candy

    This one is my favorite, FAVORITE, so far...did I mention LOVE!? LUUUURV... This is fantastically sticky and stays for hours and hours. I am a SUCKER for maple sugary treats so far as LP goes...just go ahead and sign me up! I remembered being concerned about the lemon (would it overpower everything and would I like it with the maple???) No need to have feared (and I did go FB so I must not have had too terrible a trepidation about it ) Not only is the label art gorgeous, the description is AMAZING and the scent makes me swoon - TRIPPLE WIN!
  16. I NEED to wear this one today. I have so many samples to try, lol, I know this will be a favorite so I've been kinda holding off for fear it will be the only thing I will want to wear for - like - DAYS. Since we have ANOTHER (UG!) delightful snow storm blowing through today, I can't imagine any better way to be stuck indoors than to smell delectable the entire time....I will be able to really enjoy it with out distraction Hahaha Edited to update: This one jumps out of the vial all chocolate. It mellows out quickly and becomes, on me, a very soft and close - skin like - scent that is lightly nutty and barely chocolate with a hint of sweetness. Not loud and all but sultry and understated. I think I would have liked it a more in my face chocolate, lol, but that's just the chocoholic in me. I don't think there isn't anywhere you couldn't wear this (thinking work specifically) because it's staying so close to my skin that you would have to be right next to me to catch a whiff of it...perhaps I didn't slather appropriately?
  17. The whole reason I first tried (and then wound up purchasing) this one was because of the review of one of the others about having more intensified "O"s - so, of course, for the sake of science.... WELL. Yes, it turns out that it not only knocks hubby out of the ballpark, it does indeed randify me as well. A load of cops usually makes my randy too, but there's something about this blend that takes me from the point were I'm inviting to the place where I'm crossing that line of "Unless you are truly going to fight me, I'm just going to have my way with you, thank me very much." So, um, yeah....I will keep this stocked for as long as they continue to offer it Right there with you as far as the Love, love, love it!
  18. I know the blends with a bit of androstenone pick up my butt and give me umph. BI, Leather and her big sis Dom come to mind for starters....
  19. NuTrix

    Marsha Mellow

    Slathered in this tonight. My goodness this is so soft and dreamy and yet it has great staying power. I smell like a sugary sweet treat...and I'm perfectly ok with that
  20. Hmm. I'll have to ask them to specify when they compliment/inquire about it next time. I haven't, myself, registered spicy but I have had people admire the scent. Interesting.
  21. I'm not sure I can help. I wasn't raised in the church and have never attended one that burned incense. I had always had an affinity for, and used, the little rock like crystals of frankincense and myrrh over little round coals in my incense burner. I have been unscarred in that area of my upbringing This perfume, however, is much softer and smoother and not as intense as that. It isn't overpowering and really melded well with my chemistry. My husband was raised Catholic though and hasn't mentioned that it smelled reminiscent to anything he grew up with if that is helpful? Perhaps you should try it for my sake...I certainly wouldn't want to smell pious - that would be false advertising!
  22. This is wonderful! It's light and soft and was constantly wafting up from inside my jacket the whole time we were running our errands. It is sweet without being actually foodie and I love how light it wears. It seems like my skin was meant to wear this scent. All I can say is: WOW.
  23. Happy February 1st! *rustle rustle*
  24. In the vial: clean? Like shower fresh. I guess I was expecting resins, woods, incense? Instead I get a clean floral blast that threatened to be overpowering but that didn't quite happen (fortunately). Not sure if I know what wisteria smells like but I can pick out the rose and I've always liked lavender and violet. But definitely the floral notes were begging NOTICE ME FIRST! It's not the same "clean" or floral that I get from Sneaky Clean at all though. But then something interesting happened about 20 minutes later. The floral notes stepped WAY back - which does NOT happen with me and florals. This is a first!! The floral notes become a bed for this fantastic woody, resin-y, incense WOW! And another thing is that it stayed close to my skin and melded with it deliciously and yet this is in no way foodie. This is surprisingly sultry and...like the description says - decidedly naughty! At first I thought, "No way - too clean for me." But after dry down - 20 minutes maybe? - KAPOW! I think I get it! The idea is that this little potion is for absolution. From LP description: "Once upon a time, one could purchase salvation as easily as a loaf of bread, no matter the offense an “Indulgence” was always available to wipe the slate clean. And sin is so very persuasive, so we say: why not have the blessing at the ready when next you are tempted to stray from the straight and narrow into the dark alleys of temptation?" (emphasis mine) I think the idea is to have the blessing ready prior to the sway of temptation - perhaps this is why the fragrance begins so clean only to move into something much more seductive and - dare I say? - temptuous... Things that make me go, Hmm... Verdict? Oh yes! This one is a keeper. I can't stop huffing my arm at this point Hahaha!
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