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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. PLUS! ^^^ Don't these purfumes change a bit with age? What if they are always rotating in and out of "must have/need to haves"?!?!?!? Who KNOWS what all we'll love? Or when!!!?
  2. Wore above mentioned CP & MRF combo last evening and was appropriately ravished by husband....
  3. So glad to see you review A2F! I loved this from the start and even got a backup bottle in the sale...I would never have expected it to be such a winner. You didn't get any rose? How fascinating! I totally get the rose in with everything and can completely imagine this being a scrumptious dish to enjoy...if I wee ever brave enough to attempt to make it properly
  4. WOW. That's wild! I try to help "lead" people when they appear to be going down a path of self embarrassment. I know that sometimes the initial knee jerk reactions can't be helped, lol, but if you weren't in the mood to steer (or find humor in ) his unusual behavior then it was probably a real pain in the tuckus. But it now begs the question...did you ever fall in love and find what you were looking for in spite of his odd behavior?
  5. ^^^YES! I wasn't sure what oakmoss would lend to it, or smell like, but I LOVED the line up of all the other notes and now that I've got it I'm hooked!
  6. Interesting...and thank you! I'm piqued about the idea of it reminding you f LPB Molls. I've never sniffled Autumn Equinox 2010 or the original RM though I looks foodie and/or resin-y and maybe it will be neither...
  7. Thanks vladmrya! Keeping that in my memory bank.... And I know what you mean all too well about the carry over. This is THE most sticky scent I have ever encountered!
  8. Yup..no scent etiquette here either...I will wear this whenever I desire the effects of Lace or just want to smell ridiculously delicious...fall, winter, spring OR summer. I go by mood or "mad scientist" - like LV
  9. I thought I would love Gold, and I do like it very much, but it goes quite powdery on me - like a number of honey scents I have do - and it's clean and soft and pretty with my chemistry. However, hubby says I smell like a clean baby's bum after powdering?!?!?! THAT is NOT sexy! BUT there are other men who just LOVE that clean, powdery scent and go nuts over me when I wear it...but I'm not interested in their reaction so much as hubby's - as you can imagine I love the White and Pink. They are delicious to me, no getting around it. Red I like to layer with LP Red. As a matter of fact I rarely don't wear them separately. My skin eats up LP Red and OCCO Red seems to give it better sticking power when I layer it down first and the put LP Red over it. Black is crazy. It's very patch forward to my nose, which I didn't think I would ever go for but I like it VERY much! And the surprise horse in this race? Blue! I was REALLY not sure about this one but I think I'd have to say - even though I'm a super fan of the foodie scents - that this one is my favorite. On the site it says those who like CB will love this...I "like" CB, not my favorite, but I like it, floral/clean...OCCO Blue is WAY better to my nose and chemistry. It's light and fresh and completely unique to most scents I normally reach for. I don't find it floral OR clean like CB...I don't find them alike at all But I can say I do LOVE Blue and it's a favorite
  10. I bet I'd make MAD money tending bar! If corporate life ever take a turn - I'm going to have to keep that in mind...A little MRF to the backs of hands and wrists to get that social up and out there and CP to navel and between the "girls" for anyone welcome enough to get that close...it's like a Venus fly trap....closer...closer...GOTCHA! ^_~ I've been known to enjoy biting... LOL Too true! Know your phero and how to use your phero powers for good...or naughtiness...and what to expect so you can steer/divert anything potentially weird that may come your way
  11. FluffyG - Have you tried layering it under another scent? I find I can't really bear it solo until it's hours - I mean HOURS - later and the scent I layered over it has gone and all the is left of Aja is this really soft unique sweet honey "something" that I still have not yet been able to put my finger on. It's VERY unique to me and I'm fascinated by it!
  12. I have a laundry list of samples that I'm just not sure about in that they look like they would like me but I'm just still too new to know for sure. I decided I am going to get that back up of cop'd Sex & Violins too ^_~ I'm going to go out on a limb, based on reviews, and get a bottle of Raven Moon. One that caught my eye was the reference to RM being like S&V's little sister... Does anyone have any thoughts to share on that one??? And of course there will be the other January goodies...
  13. Totally sounds familiar LOL Most pleasant addic...hobby I've ever had!
  14. NuTrix

    Wink at the Moon

    Yes! I've gotten that with this, with Cheeky, Hungry Heart, Abby Normal's Dessicated Brains, Scotchies...I know there are others but I definitely see the pattern...they hone in on "something" they find foodie and pleasant and then it's Mc D's breakfast or IHOP or French toast at a buffet!
  15. OHMYGOSH SO TRUE! My stash of favs is so expansive when I went through everything and set them aside from the "nice but not favorites", my favorites were clearly more than half my collection! It will take forever to cycle though emptying them all
  16. Was interviewing yesterday and wore this with an extra bit of the unscented PM. I've noticed PM sooths the atmosphere for the interviewees and have worn it on several occasions when interviewing, so far it has behaved consistently - and, of course as always, I smelled wonderful with Allumette This is such a soft, barely there scent on me and I just LOVE it. I have attempted to resist slathering as I want it to last but it's REALLY hard not to!
  17. At least it isn't already gone...you can stock some reserves....
  18. NuTrix

    Cauldron Cake

    HAHAHA! Yes...it' always starts out innocently enough...then the list just begins to grow....and grow....
  19. It isn't permanent Does anyone know how permanent fragrances are chosen? Maybe a combination of being a great seller and also having readily available ingredients for continued re-brew?
  20. Kind of EWE to the video but YOUR story is WAY more adorable LOL! I'll have to take note next time I wear it...our dogs go lovey-dovey over me when I wear certain blends, I'll have to see if CB was one of them
  21. I have only the oil...I've gotten so spoiled to the "ease of use" of the little bottles for travel and application that I get just about everything in oil with the exception of a few of the unscented phero social blends. I like Original for the same reason it's not the forerunner for MissD - the patch is a subdued background note and it's mainly a floral vanilla and amber for me
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