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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. If you like MRF, you will no doubt like this one also...and should you find someone worthy, the 2 have worked great together - for me at least ^_~ Just a thought
  2. Agreed! And I've had that reaction A LOT They aren't sure what's drawing them, but they feel like they should say something but genuinely have no idea what And I'll bet that other fella DID sniff you...you would have smelled divine to me!
  3. The good thing is MRF is permanent so if you have others that squidge it out at least it will still be here in another year or 2 when you finally have all of the other ones you'll find you need!
  4. I agree! This is just wonderful. If it were a perfume w/o LFM in it I would buy it by the gallon But I would grab a handful of bottles even with LFM and make it the LFM dedicated perfume....wonder how they decide what's a permanent part of the LP collection and what's not....
  5. You are not alone Sneaky is very pretty but very NOT me either....and you WILL need a fb of THIS one! You have been warned ^_~
  6. LOL! You go GURL! Teheheee....Bet you like Red and Pink too. I think they are sweeter than their LP perfume counterparts but I love them both. Can't wait to see what you think of them Love the "I smell scrumptious" part - too true too
  7. I can totally believe that DD, this scent is SO comforting to me. It's been a stressful 3-4 weeks at home (remodeling, contractors in and out, long hours at work and no where to go in my own home for downtime...). Last night I just put on a couple dabs and it just seemed to center me. I wouldn't lay it at the feet of Dominance so much as the scent just brings me to a state of well being...and that was just what I needed! So sleep? Yeah! I could totally see sweet dreams with this one
  8. ^^^ Blackcat - to add to Eggers in that I hope PM sorts out for you - I can't recall who suggested it, (BlueBear I think? or maybe DD?), to use Perfect Match for work and it really was exceptional for that environment for me. I don't notice much in the way selfies but the hits are obvious from others and it lends to a great, smooth work environment...at least for me. Maybe it could be an option for you too? Eggers, have you had success with PM in your line of work? I'm with Blackcat though - in that if there's a V3 I'll know better and snatch it up too
  9. Go ahead Cherise! The way this thread has been panning out - Aja plays well with others of many kinds. I'm curious - has anyone found a scent Aja has not agreed with? Edit: hit post too soon lol
  10. I'm wearing this today and - again - I am just so surprised how lovely this is...not really that it's lovely so much as I didn't realize how much I'd fancy it. This is just gorgeous. It feels soft and warm and luxurious
  11. Do it! At least a trial. It's VERY sticky in that the scent lasts and lasts and a little bit goes a long way, imo. I'm thinking that may have been where I went wrong initially with MY samples months ago...I'm a slatherer and though I would totally slather this all for myself now - it was too much of a good thing. If I were to slather this and enter the public, the scent would fill every room I walked into - and probably hang out there for a while after I left! I just put a dab on a few minutes ago - just for the scent's sake. This is soooo good! Playing with this yesterday was fun. Dominance and I seem to get on just fine and I don't see any reason to layer Est...no one feared me...I don't think I'm the scary type anyway Dom does seem to motivate me to get things DONE and in turn I then motivate others. It was a very productive day. No one was thrown off by the cops addition either,lol. Another great thing - after the dry down and about an hour after application, while it still isn't hubby's favorite by a long shot - he did offer that "it's not tooooo bad"
  12. Hehehe... breaking out my copped beauty today. Hubby is NOT a fan of the scent, but I didn't get it for him this time, lol. So off to work for experimentation. Just hoping I don't get the same crinkle nosed reaction to this scent as hubby from co-workers. It's always heartbreaking when others don't seem to love something as much as I do, lol. I'm expecting this to be smashing, as Leather has always been great for work. If it turns out Dom is a little too dominant I have plenty of Est to layer with to soften it up but I'm excited to play with this today. And imo, I smell fantastic! I'm so surprised - and glad that I saved my samples - that coming back to it after so many months I love this so much....I may just need to get a back up in January....oh gosh...the order list doth growth yet again!
  13. Light green scents? Oooo! How interesting! I'm going to have to rifle through my stash to see what I can find to give a whirl...
  14. So glad your very first LP to try was such a glorious success! You better star saving your pennies....you will be in NEED of many full bottles I'm sure
  15. Too true! I am confounded by how amazingly complex this smells with only 4 notes - it's glorious! And agree completely that LFM is such a perfect match
  16. Squeal! Got my bottle delivered to love and adore! Think I'll pair it with my mini spray today and BLOW PEOPLE AT WORK AWAY Leather is SO great for work
  17. I think, imo, G2 is social predominately. It DOES have that - "gives you the sparkle" - when I'm with people generally, but particularly among other women. I do wear it out when I'm looking for feminine attention. It's a great door opener...which can be steered in the direction of invitation very easily in the right circumstances. I've used it very successfully in that manner
  18. Wow Eggers! What a great layout! Awesome info ....*scribbles notes furiously...* Arielk - YES! I got my stamps notice in my inbox sometime yesterday and was hopeful for you too! Glad you got yours - now the anticipation of the arrival begins! PS - I LOVE how joyful your avi looks - it makes me feel joyful looking at it! Kind of like right after I've made my LP order Hahaha!
  19. Maybe try it again I another week or so? Or have you tested it several times already with similar results? If so, that really is too bad because I thought the opposite and figured it WOULDN'T work for me and wound up pleasantly surprised! I hope it turns around for you!
  20. wish I were there!lol! You sound divine!
  21. ^^^ I haven't found anything yet that Aja hasn't enjoyed pairing with - but so far it has also OUTLASTED every scent I've paired wit it as well! I think Honeyed LP would be a sure win together with Aja - and Honeyed LP, for me, has always had staying power as well so they could totally be the bomb together
  22. Oooo - I DO have BBM and I will give it a whirl! Thanks for the tip!
  23. Looks like you have a slew of goodies on the way and so good to hear you're enjoying the ones you already have! GREAT choices! I made an order 2 days before the deadline and didn't get a shipping notice yet...I'm just trusting that they'll be on their way and the chaos of moving has perhaps limited their shipping responses??? Maybe it's the same for you and others? Welcome again and look forward to your reviews!
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