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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. NuTrix


    Wow! This one is REALLY great! I will try to describe what I'm experiencing here... On first app I got the cocoa but it quickly settled back to a floral with a hint of musk, but mostly sweet floral...like edible flower petals...on a bed of something soft and...woodsy? It's sweet, but not foodie. Clean too. It went on light and I get the violet prominently in the foreground but the others notes completely compliment it. I think it's just gorgeous!
  2. This one smells Marvelous in the bottle so far - this is a TOTAL win FB and glad I didn't hold off on it. I love Lace to pieces and this scent is AWESOME and seasonal and the MAN likes it too! I don't think it's ONLY seasonal though. I think it'll be great for the upcoming holidays but certainly these foodie delights can be worn anytime. I wanted to wear the OCCO Black today but this one is SO delish that I think it may win out....I can always wear OC Black later tonight...
  3. This is so odd. It's not EoW at all to me...or honey...it's not "feet" but it isn't pleasant either I think I'll want this COVERED. The "dirty" I think, for me, comes across as more unclean - something NEEDS washing! - kind of smell Eeeesh! Will see how it smells in another half an hour....
  4. My order came in a beautiful beaded bag again - will this be the new norm? It's gorgeous! I'm still eying my mail though...I have everything except the Nov sampler but I DO like the scented Sexology sample, though I don't know if I like it enough for FB....still waiting to snuffle X Appeal but I'm fearful it may be too "clean" for me, lol. LP Black is much sweeter than I remember which is NOT a bad thing at all - but the OCCO Black? I am SO surprised at how much I'm loving the patch in this! I would never have thought I'd be using love and patch in the same sentence but this was a good choice for FB! I DID get the Aja and other wonderful sniffies - including a Wooing and Wapture! That one is DEFINATELY sugar coated Aja is so strange. It's not as in the face as EoW for sure but it's "odd". I may save it for the weekend...I will keep stalking the Aja thread for "how to"s and "with what"s... I may have to convert my thinking to becoming a sample orderer (with the exception of scrumptious foodie scents that I know I will not be able to resist!). Sneaky Clean is not for me I think. I've seen the comparisons to X Appeal and now I'm a tad concerned, but there's always unscented Sexology! And some of the others, though nice, I would not do justice to a FB. I AM thinking I'm going to need to get that FB of LP Black though The FB of G&L was a TOTALLY good idea...glad I didn't warfal on THAT one! Now I see what some of you all have been gushing about! Still holding out on Tickle Tickle til I smell it. So depending on the Nov NRs, I'm at least gong to get a FB of LP Black, and probably Un Sexology. Since Sneaky Clean isn't for me I'll probably get a back up of Rocket Fuel - LURV that one! And I've been wanting a mad scientist of Lumina scented with Pure Sugar b/c it layers with EVERYTHING! (at least for this foodie-a-holic girl!)
  5. SS4W on its own has never been overtly sexual on me without a cops boost but it's always performed as a fabulous social for me too I'd have to agree that it's been great at work for me too
  6. WOAH! That's a hefty dose! I like the hair idea too!
  7. DREAMY! I have a bottle of BSBA and LURV it...this is causing my foot to thump. I DO remember LPB being foodie but I just can't recall any more than that - it's just been to long since I had it solo...I had mixed the little bit of my sample left with LP Pink so I don't know at all what LPB is like on its own anymore... D'OH! Celery?! I don't recall celery NOW I'm DYING of curiosity!
  8. I'm only trying Sneaky Clean with this order, so I'll get to compare, lol. Wonder what to expect? You all make it sound so good and yet naughty Back to stalking the mail...
  9. How many sprays is he using? I need this intel for use on my hubby...
  10. Interesting. Cougar is one of the blends that I always get cheerful/playful selfies from - not giddy per se, but it can lean that way if I'm not self aware that I'm being self effected What kind of "odd"? Light headed? Confused? It makes me chit-chatty and behaves similarly for me like Popularity P but w/o the cops
  11. YES! This! I'm wondering how my year's soiree at LP has changed the way my senses interpret scents now. I did jump on the FB of OCCO, but the reviews seem to point to them being similar and yet quite different. Curious that it's more resinous. Now THIS will be just fascinating! I can't wait to compare! OCCO more resinous AND perfume like? I wouldn't have guessed it!
  12. :cat690:This comment blows me away! Oh I HOPE I HOPE I HOPE my chemistry likes this!
  13. WOW! I would say that's a turn around for sure! I had only ever had a sample and never really thought much about it once it was gone. Now I'm excited to see how my opinion of it may have changed since then. Package is on it's way so I'm hoping to have it before the end of next week!
  14. Stalking successful! Package is on its way...will be sure to let my little beauties acclimate before wearing...but you can bet I'll be sniffing each one in the bottle...I don't have the kind of restraint to just set them aside without at least doing that There are a couple of perfumes that I have that if I just hold out for 45 minutes to an hour that they become just amazing! I'm cringing at the medicinal aspect and drooling over the foodie...it sounds like a definite enigma! Can't WAIT to get my piddies on dat package
  15. Tickle Tickle is looking SO good by all the reviews so far! And I can't wait to try Aja! Allumette may be a FB spray because that one looks like a winner for me too WANT to like River Song too, was on the FB fence with that one as well. I hope to love one of the 2 Sexology fragrances too! I'm still eying Sex & Violins but not sure if the Dom phero is for me...but I like S&V;s scent QUITE a lot!
  16. This weird thing has been happening with my most recent LP orders - I get the email note that it's shipped many days later than I used to but then it turns up in my mail box just a few days later instead of a week or so. I hope to get it in time to squeak in that 1 more order before Nov 25 LOL! I'm so sad, I know... anyone else notice a change it shipping? It still all equals out to the same amount of time, just odd. Back to stalking my email....
  17. SO stalking my email for a clue about shipment!LOL!
  18. I'm waiting on this one to arrive to give it another go. Now that I have a more seasoned LP nose, lol, I'd almost be willing to bet this one will impact me differently than it did a year ago. I can't even remember clearly what it smells like. I want to love a resiny scent and I love S&V and would scoop up a bottle if it came unphero'd. I'm excited to try Black again now.
  19. I have scented some of this with Tidesong's Honeyed Amber and Neroli - that right there would be enough in the selfies department as far as I just LOVE that scent! But, of course, Cougar is DAH BOMB and is always a sparkling social for me. This seems to be the Cougar norm...People love my hair, my clothes, my shoes...pick something, lol. Starry eyes, when I'm taking with people depending on how long the conversation is going on for, they will go all dreamy eyed on me...just stare and then realize they were supposed to respond I have NOT noticed it causing more of an effect on men over women, women love Cougar too! Shmexy and BFF central out of both sexes HAHAHA! I USED to think that Cougar effected older gentlemen more starting out, but it really rings true that it's the people who are most sensitive to the pheromones, regardless of age, who respond well - or not - to ANY blend. Cougar runs the gamut...men, women, younger, older....kids too! Pheromones are just plain FUN but Cougar is always a reliable go to for me - LOVE this one FOH SHO
  20. I am still madly in love with this fragrance and have found 2 bottles in trade threads! I just go all dreamy eyed when I get a whiff of this and have even found it layers incredibly scrumptiously with other honey scents just barely dabbed near by (like UNE - HOLYCOWYUM!). But THA&N is still my first LP love and I will cherish the bottles I have and miss them like a distant lover when they are gone I'm sure
  21. Broke this one out over the last couple days. What a GREAT fall scent! For whatever reason it was more resiny this time, more smoky and dried leaves - absolutely fantastic - like sitting around the fire at night and smelling all the fall leaves on the ground Normally I get all the spices and pumpkin but for whatever reason these last 2 days have been different. So crazy cool how these perfumes morph! Every time I got a whiff it took me to my happy place Lumina is still DA BOMB! I need to get this in the mad scientist so I can have a stash on hand! It's a great social and pulls people out of their shells. I've been the go-to for, it seems like, EVERYONE these last 2 days LOL
  22. HAHAHA! That's EXACTLY what I'm doing too! Dolly got her package! I'm stalking for her reviews lol! She's got one in for Aja at least so far...still stalking....
  23. This sounds fascinating...and FUN of course Very eager to test!
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