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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. This is not what I expected - though I honestly had no idea what I was to expect. I was fearful of the licorice and certainly needn't have been! I do smell the faintest, sweetest licorice I ever have and the spices and marshmallow are there too, but, honesty, everything is so well blended that it's just this light gorgeousness. Lightly sweet sugar and spice and very sheer. I wish I'd gotten 2!
  2. NuTrix


    That it's. So wonderfully sheer is one of the things I like so much about it!
  3. NuTrix


    Flying Potion inched this one out for day wear - but I'll be putting it on - NO - SLATHERING - tonight which gives it and extra 9 hours of acclimation time to be absolutely as amazing as I suspect it will be!!!
  4. NuTrix


    My skin powderfies some honeys to for whatever reason, but not this one. The tea and the tobacco are what my chemistry latches on to. That's so crazy how it can be SO different for everyone...
  5. WOW! Everything sounds fantastic! Congratulations to all of you!
  6. NuTrix


    SO excited! Came home and my package was waiting Of course I haven't put any on because I've been duped by travel shock before...but I also couldn't NOT smell EVERYTHING in the bottle, lol. I got smoky and sweet and light marshmallow...I hadn't thought about shaking - but I've gotten into the habit of shaking everything as it is - but I'll be sure to shake this one with extra vigor I don't know how long I can hold off, but 12 hours will do for a start...
  7. OHMYGOODNESS that just makes it sound all that much scrummier!
  8. You put me in the mood for this again today and I was reminded that, yes, I should keep this one. The scent lasts all day and night for me - it's a clinger - and it is a very nice but neutral scent to my nose. It's not an overpowering scent and it IS very pretty...but it still won't get the love the foodie scents will
  9. NuTrix


    D'oh! I never got Spider Silk though I remember being on the fence about it...Halo - no wood smoke? No marshmallow?...
  10. Gads...I have a November list already....AND I forgot to order Super for Men! Not that hubby cares I LOVE him in Un for Men and wonder how similar they will smell? I think I need to complete my OCCO collection and get that fb of OCCO Black...and then there's LP Black that I want to try again...and the Nov NRs....
  11. LOL! Awesome post! Particularly the "Until next time..." I rotate so often through my stash that it usually isn't UNTIL something out of the ordinary happens that I recall my phero blend for the day - LP has turned me - I'm a complete perfume addict now...the pheros have become the perk! I don't wear the scented version as often as the un and it may just get squeezed out by Velvet Kisses now that I have it because I'm such a foodie fan...but because hubby likes this one so much I just can't see moving it to the back of the box
  12. Oooh! Lace is one of my VERY favorites! I hope it plays as fantastically with you and that you like it!
  13. hmm. That's an interesting question. My first thought was to maybe add something creamy, like Beth's Blushing Milkmaid. LP Pink - to my nose - is very distinct but it is sugary. I was thinking Sugared Amber or EGG? Someone else will have to chime in...I haven't layered it with Pink to be sure...but then again...experimenting IS part of the fun!
  14. Hmm. My first reaction to Sex & Violins was - No. Not for me. But, literally months, later when I finally braved it I couldn't stop huffing my arms. I wonder if when someone else smells it on me, do they initially crinkle their nose - like I first did - or do they want to follow the scent around - like I do now? I'd say if you're rockin' it then others are probably likin' it too
  15. Compromising Positions is a newly discovered delight for me - it smells delectable! And if you LOVE it, it's part of their permanent collection and will always be here...which sadly is why it took me so long to finally get it...there are just SO many things you will want....and only so much cash to divvy up! LOL! At least - this is what we tell ourselves...then we suddenly don't really need so much food...that pair of shoes can wait...birthday and holiday ideas become LP gift card requests.. .You'll be the sweetest smelling addic....enthusiast EVER!
  16. Your gay friends know your safe - even when they DO find you attractive as a person AND a woman. Maybe this other fella was threatened by those feelings? Maybe it freaked him out that he was actually affected physically by - A WOMAN
  17. Black is on my list for next month...some others things squeezed it out this month, lol, but I'm trying to curb my desire to have everything NOW....I had no idea it would be SOOO difficult to do though!
  18. NuTrix


    For our house I'll hit it up with all the snuggle mones - Lace, CB, PM, Gotcha!.....
  19. It sounds amazing! Like something my hubby might like too...as in, not just tolerate lol
  20. NuTrix


    Squeal! Squeal! *Chasing tail with excitement over this one! Pounding foot! Jumping up and down! Panting...repeat!* This one will THRILL my hubby too! SOOOOO excited! Ok, maybe it won't "thrill" him per se but I KNOW he will take notice. This is one scent I will put on and just keep quiet because this will grab his attention all on its own!
  21. Ooooo...scribbling down my first new thing learned today! That's crazy cool! CO2 Butter!!!!!!!!!
  22. Mara's psychic too! LOL! She said the same thing when I sent my request for my left over PE bottles and told her what I had in mind....Ridiculously excited to get my piddies on dat one! I'm fascinated by the Flying Potion...it "looks" all foodie and sticky and spice....which makes me think decadent heavy treats...but then there's ylang ylang, grapefruit and cassis which makes me think light and sugary - which will it be? Will it be both? Will it be neither? Will I be off and this will be a complete surprise I would have never guessed?! (probably door #3 LOL!)
  23. Scooped the last of my PE and asked for FBs of Flying Potion, Cauldron Cake, Pumpkin Souffle and Apparition and samples of Tara n Tula and Eye of the Moggie...SO excited!!! Squeeeeeeeeeal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got extra bottles of the Apparition because it looks scrummy like the campfire caramel PE I was thinking about - Thank you Mara! TOO AMAZING!
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