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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. I FOGGED in Balls! today...FOGGED I say! LOL Layered oil and spray AND Topper to (slightly) buffer. I was JUST full of myself flirtatious. We had contractors in today, whom I immediately targeted for sport, lol, one played back VERY well and was quite a bit of fun! I met with a gal pal for drinks and without goading, the bartender became very flirtatious and was very generous with my portions. His behavior was SO pronounced that my friend, in partial exasperation announced, "How does THIS seem to follow where ever you go??!!!" Granted I was feeling particularly initiative :laugh1: but not terribly more than usual ^_~ She KNEW I was wearing Balls! Sometimes...slathering is a good thing
  2. Are there a lot of others waiting to drop the bin and sale bomb until NRs come out? I feel I've been exercising and unusual amount of restraint trying to hold out....but then I keep shopping too.....
  3. NuTrix

    Coconut Breeze

    LOL Blackcat, I can promise, although wonderful scents can come and go here at lightning speed...the Potion Master is always divising wonderful new delights! There will always be something absolutely to die for - Promise!
  4. Muhahaaaa... All I need are the August NR's and I can pull the trigger on the mother load of all orders (for me anyways ) *rustle rustle* Sorry lades...need to stay sober...will celebrate once order is made and money is appropriately allocated....
  5. How many times have you worn it now? Maybe tuck it away and try it again in a couple of weeks? I see the pouty face and I'm hoping it's only temporary I'm not...or I should say, prior to LP I wasn't....a big fan of patchouli, but this one, even though at certain stages is patch forward, is so well blended and such a smexy, sultry scent that all those old notions of patchouli being an immediate nose crinkler are put shamefully to the test and LOSE. The amazing perfumes here really have me rethinking EVERYTHING I ever thought about SCENT. For cryin' out loud...I've only just learned you can truly bottle the scent of the sea? WHO DOES THAT?! Da Mawa! LP freaggin' ROCKS!
  6. Hi Blackcat! It doesn't always work, but sometimes applying lotion before applying the perfume keeps the skin from sucking it up. Trying it over or in a silicon base can slow the process of scent swallowing too OR - with all he choices at LP - certainly just "finding" that great scent that does it all on it's own is at least half the fun! This was a surprise for me too...just reading the notes is like..."meh, I don't think this one's for me"...and then you get "the sniffie" (terrible little culprits for many of my orders lol) and then WHAMMO! OH WOW I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THIS IT'S SO SCRUMMILICIOUS!
  7. LP Gold 2013 VANILLA, COCOA BUTTER, AMBER, HONEY, PATCHOULI, PINK GRAPEFRUIT, ORANGE, LEMON GRASS It's weird. I wear this and first off I get the Patch, lemongrass, orange and grapefruit (at least that's what I think my nose is getting, lol) but hubby gets the cocoa butter and vanilla right away where as I don't pick up on it until later. This one is a sultry, scummy scent to me that just intensifies in depth over time...and it LASTS and LASTS. Really a favorite!
  8. I get the Jessica Rabbit too...from the gents...but none of the jealousy from the ladies...that's where the sparkling glittery effects shine...it's the best of BOTH
  9. I have no first born! But I'd offer any of our pooches...house broken, well mannered, don't get up on the furniture, short haired, shots all up to date, walk well on the leash, don't bark all day long at every noise (or worse yet at nothing)....what might they be worth?
  10. Welcome Angelica! Teheheee...better just start categorizing by what you absolutely cannot do with out...and then go to the bank, take out a loan and order the things you will need Cougar Potion was one of the very firs phero fragrances I ordered because I thought it was funny and just had to try it....but CP is NO joke! It's a go-to for a social that never fails Go-to Socials...CP, Popularity Potion, Teddy BB Go-to Sultry, could be made naughty with a bit of cops added - Le Femme Mystere (and her sexy Le Femme Noire), Super Sexy for Women (and her sexy sister BANG!) Go-to Bonders - Pefrect Match, Gotcha!, Cuddle Bunny Go-to Sexuals - Sexpionage, Blatant Invitation Happy experimenting!
  11. NuTrix

    Hi! :)

    Hi and Welcome! Hehehe...one more thing that no one's yet mentioned...when you're choosing what to use on your fella...be ready for reactions from people who are NOT him as well Pheros do not discriminate and you may get admirers you did not expect...not that THAT is a bad thing at all...just giving you a heads up ^_~ I like all the choices on your list! I like White AND Pink OCCO and have Blue and Gold on my order list...like you, I'm watching for that sale! The Pink is bright and sweet sugar to me and the White seems like a heavy, foodie, cake-y vanilla and layers with just about anything! Anything on your list will effect him positively I should think - which is an awesome selection you have there by the way! Popularity Potion and an OCCO would TOTALLY grab his - and everyone else's - attention! As far and sprays and oils....my personal preferences are - social blends in 60/40 and just about anything intended for sexual attraction in oils. So excited for you, sounds like you have some great winners on your list and I'm sure we'll all be watching for reviews of what you think and how they work for you
  12. Welcome out of the darkness of lurkdom, Blackcat, and into the glorious light of the forum board! I'm a fan of how things make people feel in their reviews...I'm actually going to remember Lady'Vs advice and work harder on that aspect (thank you LV!). I'm still sorting out my nose and it's understanding of scents so sometimes my best offering is that it IS great and I DO love it and then try to explain how it makes me feel...maybe even listing out the notes will be helpful in reviews when we just can't seem to pin something specific down? Oh! And welcome to the MANY delights of LP and foodiliciousness! And even so, I'm amazed by the talent here and have such and unexpected assortment of favorites! I hope you find it just as fun and fascinating as the rest of us
  13. I'm thinking a second mortgage may be in order.....
  14. Scooped up a back up bottle of this in the $10 sale...I LOVE the tobacco note from this...it's foodie, it's rich, it's got great depth..GrrrRuffff!
  15. OK..who has just gone completely mental on the $10 sale? I know I'm not the only one...fess up... Blood and Snow Lava Rain Candle in the Wind Marigold and Amaranth Saturday Night Special Spontaneous Combustion Sugared Moon Dust Voodoo Fondue Wax Poetic AND I STILL HAVE MY WISH LISt YET...that I'm saving for "the other" sale
  16. NuTrix

    Amazonia Zee

    t was in the fine print of the contract.....that I made up to justify the behavior....
  17. NuTrix

    Amazonia Zee

    SO excited to see you over here reviewing! Down the rabbit hole she goes....*teheheee*
  18. "A very sexy scent that would handle Cops quite well" Yup!...I copped mine and now it lives with my "phero enhanced" fragrances
  19. NuTrix

    Veloute Lavande

    Yes! Yes! When I spray this on after a shower it's like a full body soft clean lavender/jasmine amazingness....even hubby gets all cuddly and lubbin' up on me saying how great I smell (and that's something, considering most of his compliments are reserved for foodie only scents!)
  20. OK... 3 days of fun! SS4W & Sexpionage. 3 days, 3 different cover scents (Act of Violets, Coconut Breeze, Elixir of Worldly Delights) 3 circles of Sexpionage around belly button SS4W - 1 - 5 inch strip each forearm, 2 - 5 inch strips each wrist, 2 - 5 inch strips collarbone All appropriately smooshed around Today though, I bumped it with 4 sprays of DHEAS to my blouse...for fun....cuz I could... Thoughts: Puts people in an amiable mood...playful even. If you are NOT comfortable with eye contact - do NOT wear this - you will solicit a GREAT deal of eye contact. Conversation OFTEN went to naughty places but that's ok...I tend to live in that plane anyway...it was simply nice to have so much company LOL! Some things I experienced: Afore mention eye contact People going out of their way to get my attention Flirtation - men & women ^_~ Rapt attention - googly eyes, flushing of the face (too cute), big grins and smiles Nervousness (definitely noticeable sexual tension in some cases) LOTS of conversations...people I barely talk with wanting to talk like we'd been bffs for years... I would definitely recommend this combo and I intend to hit hubby up with it this weekend You know, to see what happens if this is allowed free reign in the sexuality department...
  21. HAHAHA! Go tyvey! SCHWING! Warned ya *chuckles* classic cougar...
  22. NuTrix

    Lava Rain

    I got this in a sniffie. HOLYCRAP. I'm LOVING THIS. I found out with Spontaneous Combustion and Tease that I m a FAN of smoke. I also seem to like tobacco. This is also sweet though, yet clean, yet smoky and light...CRAZY, but definitely in the best possible way... Will the need for full bottles never end!
  23. Eh-hem...I tried it out...put it on prior to leaving for work. BWAHAHAAA! Try it...just try it. YOU HAVE TO TRY IT. Let me think again...Unscented of both with An Act of Violets as cover scent. 3 circles of Sexpionage around belly button SS4W - 1 - 5 inch strip each forearm, 2 - 5 inch strips each wrist, 2 - 5 inch strips collarbone All appropriately smooshed around It started at home with hubby and then just progressed from there...since I had to go to WORK! Oh yes, LOL, I wore THIS to WORK. All I can say is that I'm going to wear it again tomorrow just to make sure it wasn't a fluke...I cannot believe the people that came out of the wood work...I have to know if it'll be consistent!
  24. My SS4W is also in oil. I can see now that this one needs more attention from me thanks to you ladies Let's see, I've used it on it's own, with LAM! & BAM!, with CB, with TMI, with Topper, with DHEAS... You know...I wonder how it would fair with a touch of Sexpionage? Has anyone taken that for a spin with SS4W? Wonder if that could tip the scales from sultry to wanton seductress?
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