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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. LOL! I'm telling myself that since I didn't get the July samples until I received my sale order, that that is why I need to order the ones I really like in FB...and of course to make the shipping worth while for Mara, I should get more than a couple of bottles...and then I can't NOT take advantage of the sale since it's still going on... I'm in deep Storemy...I'm in deep...
  2. This one is a trickster! Notes: ROSE, TANGERINE, ORANGE BLOSSOM, APRICOT, HONEY, VANILLA, SUGAR, GINGER, CINNAMON, NUTMEG, AMBER, MUSK It started out all gooey sweet and then within 10-20 minutes something shifts completely. I DO NOT understand how these notes are working together to create the smell my nose is experiencing - don't get me wrong - this is goooood...real good. It's foodie. But it's not. It's spicy but like an exotic spiced fruit pastry. I can't wait to really slather this one! This is insanely good!
  3. NuTrix

    Goodie Tooshu

    This DOES stay sheer and light. It's beautifully floral, not soapy floral, more like flower petals steeped in white tea! Yes! And if I breathe in deeply and long enough I get the vanilla as well - WOW!!! I like how light this is, so delicate...the vanilla is making it - creamy? OHMYGOSH! Flower petals, steeped in white tea, with a touch of vanilla cream! This one is gorgeous! Edited to add: After an hour the vanilla really steps forward and just makes everything a decedent and creamy deliciousness!
  4. Yes, but does she smell good? Hahaha! I take it the description means you like it - a lot Or have librarian, trench coat fantasies - or BOTH! One of the best lines I ever heard in a movie as a compliment to the power behind what the beauty of women could have - chauvinistic though it may have been - was: Director to producer about actresses in question: "Can they act?" Producer retorts to director: "Act?! What act?! Did anyone care if Marilyn Monroe could act?! All they cared was - is she in focus!" Now I'm wondering - if the scent evokes the sexy librarian in the trench coat...should I really care what it smells like?
  5. I hate to admit it after my last order...but AS ALWAYS...I have a (tiny) list forming already....that's how it always starts though.... Heart Strings Katerina Suit (if there are any left...) Marsha Mellow (ditto) BANG! Cheeky & Pot of Gold on reserve..... oh, gosh...I just spied 221B...Can anyone tell me what they think of this one now that it's aged a bit? It looks irrisistable...
  6. BUMP! I just spied this - and it's new (?) label! OHMYGOSHILOVEIT! It's absolutely beautiful! Gorgeous even! I want to pick it up and cuddle it and I'm not even under phero influence (right now, lol) The love birds are fantastic - and the colors! WOW - just blew me way and I had to come here and gush about it...
  7. Blue is intended to seem like a lightly scented unscented CB you mean? (I hope that made sense...) Along the lines of how LAM! & BAM! are lightly scented rather than intended to be a fully fragranced perfume? I like that it's lighter/more sheer quite a bit. I still like scented CB but the OCCO Blue Shield is definitely distinguishably different to me. (now THAT was a mouthful wasn't it?lol)
  8. NuTrix

    New Member

    Welcome! Mmm... BBM, Tease (I LOVE the smoke in that!), RED, Cougar Potion.... You have a nice start to your stash! Look forward to "seeing" you around the forum
  9. Welcome to the forum!
  10. NuTrix

    Goldie Fingers

    WOW! This smells like a delicious rum beverage! I would say colada but the lime makes it a pina colada with a spray of lime! There's a little crab shack that we go to in North East MD where they serve their coladas with whipped cream and a cherry on top and THIS is SO THAT but with a sprinkle of lime. I wouldn't personally want to wear this scent but I wouldn't mind huffing this or...drinking it...if I believed that I could that is I would totally load this in the oil warmer and make my whole house smell like JAMAICA! It reminds me of our trip to Jamaica for sure, lol. YUM for sure...now I'm thirsty for something frosty and sweet...
  11. NuTrix

    Coco Honey

    This one is DREAMY! I totally smell the cocoa in the bottle, but on this is a dreamy honeyd amber with a hint of cocoa. I LOVE me my honeys and this one is no exception. This one isn't as sugary sweet as I first thought it would be either. The honey is drippy gooey on me with just a hint of powdery that sometimes happens with my chemistry. It's mostly a semi-sweet amber honey on a bed of lightly scented chocolate...Soooooo yum! FB orthy for sure!
  12. NuTrix

    Katerina Suit

    Can I just say - MEN. Will they EVER get it? I'm holding out hope for my man as he's been wearing Voracious for me on the weekends when we're together - without prompting, lol - OH and being complimentary of my PE - HUGE strides there... BUT OH LUNA - I would love to try this on him....I think you must be right. It's so delightfully unique and I certainly wouldn't mind him smelling like a sexy beast! ^_~ This fragrance is such a puzzle to me. It's so far from what I thought I would be drawn to....but I'm DEFINITELY drawn...
  13. NuTrix

    Coco Honey

    You should be! I almost passed on this, but I'm too much of a honey ho, lol. Think about it - Honey + Chocolate =
  14. OHMYGOSH! I'm in lust with OCCO Gold Shield! I had the feeling I would be - Right up there with Sugared Honeycomb - OH DROOL! I don't know what it is about those honey scents but it makes me want to find a slick surface on the floor, poor out the bottle and roll around in it while laughing like a mad woman (which I indeed would be if I did such a thing....) No joke people. No cops smell either. Perfectly hidden. You know what may be next? I adore UNE, I may need to pick up Pherogirl. This OCCO Gold is crazy delectable! The OCCO Blue Shield - I think I was expecting a noticeable floral but it's actually light, almost sheer, on me. I smell the cops wet in the bottle - but only barely - and I doubt anyone who didn't know what they are would recognize them or think the scent was "off" in some way. I think I was maybe expecting something more Cuddle Bunny - and it is reminiscent of it - but on me it's much lighter and airy. Does anyone else find this to be so between the scented CB and OCCO Blue? As for me, I'm QUITE liking it!
  15. It was really fun to learn about fragrance. Since I haven't worn perfume until LP I really didn't know a lot about what notes work together and why. And I was certainly fearful about coming up with something that might smell like my mom or granmom - which is what I had always equated floral with before LP.- irrational as that may be. I had thought I wanted to have a jasmine scent but it wasn't sure about something so obviously not foodie until after trying LOTS of Mara's creations with florals and finding myself actually liking so many! I'm sure my husband was surprised that I didn't go all foodie with it either, LOL. I think that is at least part of why I'm so delighted with it - it was an unexpected choice for me and is completely lovely JOC - I don't know that I would want to ask for a PE often exactly BECAUSE it's so exciting and is such a wonderfully decadent treat. Maybe I'll do something like this for my birthday again next year But it is tempting now...Right now I'm still tickled and showing it off! That should hold me over for quite a while!
  16. Halo - I'm sure the memory of this PE will far outlast my bottles *chuckles* it definitely IS wonderful Luna - SO true! It certainly feels very special to know there are only a couple handfuls of bottles...and that's it... MissD - I hadn't even thought about that! The font is as wispy and whimsical as the blossoms and her fly away hair! Ooooh! Could I love it even more?!!!YES!!!I can!
  17. As always! You're absolutely correct! I forgot all about that option in my excitement and went and made a review just now!
  18. Thank you Luna! I was so excited, it didn't even occure to me to review here After some schooling I found out from Miss Mara that Jasmine is not a foodie flower. My first thought for this PE is now a 180 from it's current realization, as I as thinking "candied jasmine" but still something very centrally jasmine. Mara will know all the amazing nuances she used to get this scent to be the delight that it now is, but the notes that I inevitably chose for the Potion Master to work her magic with were: Blackberry, Jasmine, Vanilla and White musk. The first thing I saw was the label. O.M.G.O.O.D.N.E.S.S. Isn't she lovely? *Faints dead away* (my favorite of the labels for the month ^_~ ) Then I awaited my LP parcel to arrive...stalking my email...every couple of hours...I know, sad but true. I showed tremendous restraint and let my lovely bottles sit for 10 hours after arriving at my door before my ability to resist caved. In the bottle this is candy like to me, the blackberry perhaps? Mara had said that the blackberry would be non-foodie, and the vanilla too, So I wonder if my nose is just playing tricks on me or if that's simplly how I'm interpreting what I smell? Immediately on my skin, it's still sweet but gives way quickily to the Jasmine and for about one half hour to an hour it is very Jasmine forward - at least when I had my nose to my wrist, lol. Without my nose being attached to my wrist, it's very lovely, soft even, and sheer. I don't get soapy at all - I've heard some people campare the scent of jasmine to soap - and I'm not getting that at all. Jasmine. Floral. But not soap - not even "fancy" saop At the 2 hour mark and on it's just a gorgeous, sultry jasmine. I think it's the musk that's grounding it? Or maybe it's the vanilla and musk together? Just a beautiful jasmine scent! Feminine and lovely and I think it could be a day or evening scent...I will use it as both LOL! I had been keeping this creation a sectret from my husband - it's a birthday gift to myself So when he came home the night I put it on I was very excited to share it with him - "Here - look closely at the label.... Isn't it lovely?! It's all my very own!" He was genuinely interested - which was a HUGE deal for me - he was asking how many there were in "the world" and how unique is it really...I, of course, was only too willing to GUSH about all the details AND...AND...as if that were not enough...he even SAID it was "alright"...which in "my man's speak" means he thinks it's nice! TRIUMPH!!!!TRIUMPH!!!!TRIUMPH!!!! And, at the risk of seeming like a sentimental, squishy mess, even just typing this out I have gotten bleary eyed more than once. I cannot adiquately express how special this is for me. My deepest gratitude, Potion Master - you realy DO work magic!
  19. Teheee, thanks Rose My hubby didn't know about it until he got home from work tonight (I have been trying very hard to keep quiet - it was NOT easy) and I could barely contain myself to show him my very own perfume! "Look! It has my name! Look! Isn't the label lovely?!" He was duly impressed that there were so few in the world and that it was a one time special brew juz fo me - SQUEEEEAL! It even got his approval ("hmm, that isn't bad" - for him, that's approval LOL) I'm still a little tickled - if you couldn't tell
  20. I do not have WORDS for how delicious this smells in the vial. H.O.L.Y. COW. I cannot wait to wear this and follow it as it morphs through all these delectable notes - WOW!
  21. I expected this to be sweet when I lunged on the FB, but it's "shower fresh". PM is great for work and this scent would be too. I think we have a winner! Though for hubs and I this is never going to scream, "Take me!" But for family gatherings and work? Absolutely Edited to update: 08/28 I DID NOT expect to like this so much. like I said, I was expecting something sweeter but instead I get this really clean, light floral. At first it's like WHOAH! Scrubbed clean and just stepped out of the shower! But hen it settles down on me and becomes this very sheer wonderful floral, like I've showered and have wrapped myself in clean linens. I think the musk is underneath there(? lol) and patch is really complimentary and barely there. I can't quite pick the carnation from the honeysuckle and I'm still not sure if I would know bergamot on its own if I smelled it...I wouldn't have thought it would be a me scent but my skin really likes this! And you would have to be nice and close to me to really smell it...Muhahaaa....
  22. So, I saw banana and thought, not so much, but in the vial it's all coconut and vanilla and the banana just gives it a sugary something...but looks like this sample is all I will ever have going by the above posts. Something is better than nothing....
  23. NuTrix

    Goodie Tooshu

    Goodie is exotic and lovely in the vial, it smelled sheer and not overbearing for all of it's floral notes. I think/hope it will be lovely on me to wear
  24. NuTrix

    Double O

    In the vial this one smells sweeter than I expected. I see all the posts about pink scents and I guess I was thinking it would be more caramel vanilla amber but it wasn't an unpleasant surprise be any means...wonder how this will wear on me...so many perfumes...so little skin! Edited: 08/28/2013 I thought this one was going to be really sweet - and it is candy like at first - but within an hour it becomes very "grown up" It's still slightly sweet but mostly amber. It's a sweet amber and there's just that hint of something else that has to be the patch in the background. I thought this was going to be a cutesie fragrance but it's really quite surprisingly sultry....VERY nice indeed!
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