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Uns versus scented pheros

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Hello everyone,


I have been using pheros for almost 7 months and I still am figuring it out. I would appreciate if you could chime in with your experience in this area.


I have lots of UNs and lots of scented pheros. My personal experience is that my hits are usually with the scented ones. So here is my question about the dosage. If I get hits with the scented ones (ie. less potent, I mean only the phero enhanced scents - 1/3 strength), does that necessarily mean that UN phero will be too strong for me? And that I am probably one of those people who just needs a little?


I know that also the scent might play a role in the whole success story thing, but still.


I wonder if there are pheros that work for you the same (with the same effect) regardless if you use the scented ones or the full strength UNs. Or if I get hits with the scented ones, I shouldn't have to bother with the UNs, because they would be too strong for me?


Or maybe I should use REALLY tiny amount of the UNs - but that is a damn hard thing to do :) On the other hand, I don't thing I use that much of the scented ones either.


To be specific, e.g. I need 2 sprays of scented Cougar for it to work (with some OCCO Pink). On the other hand - I used (in my earlier days) 7 sprays of UN LFN and I still didn't think I ghosted, but no extra results.


I know that everybody is different, but I am wondering what works for you.

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Hi Blanche :)


it sure does vary from person to person... but like you, I find that I usually do better with the scented/enhanced versions, rather than the UNs. Cougar, Perfect Match, Cuddle Bunny - I've had bottles of the UN in all of those, but didn't get anywhere near the results that I get with the scented ones!

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yes, Bella15, that's exactly my experience so far. But I don't want it to be - I have so many UN bottles! :) Far more than the scented ones. I need them to work :)


So others, please join this conversation :) thanks

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It depends on the phero and the scent for me. I have done well with both scented and unscented versions of Balm Bomb, Teddy BB, Mega Watt, Dom and Levitation. (off the top of my very tired head) The one that hasn't been the same is LFM. I have gotten better results with a scented phero version of it than I have when using it in UN form.


I use just a few drops of most every UN. Three is the most...except for this one time with Heart and Soul when my trial vial tipped and so I quickly swiped up as much as possible so it didn't go to waste...in hindsight that wasn't the best move ever. I did have great connections with all my framing customers that evening but I was way emotional, like crying at the cute puppy commercial emotional. >_


The one that hasn't ever seemed to work for me, scented or unscented, is cougar.

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It also depends on the phero for me. I have never gotten UN Cougar to work for me, nor items boosted with a full dose of Cougar. The Cougar enhanced versions are wonderful on me though. Other than that, I can usually use the other UNs. And I use UNs so I can wear with phero free scents, not so much that I get a bigger dose.


But there are one or two blends that just don't work for me. Audacious and Popularity Potion are two. (Actually...I can get results with PP enhanced scents, but the amount is so minuscule, it's not worth it because I can't smell the fragrance!) So there's a chance that the phero blends aren't a good match for you.


On the other hand - I used (in my earlier days) 7 sprays of UN LFN and I still didn't think I ghosted, but no extra results.

What do you mean by "extra" results? Are you talking about getting any kind of result in general, or are you saying that you get some at maybe three sprays but not getting much more with 7? If it's the first, again, maybe LFN isn't a match for you or your intended. In the second case, there's the law of diminishing results. You might get good results with one spray, better with two and phenomenal with three. But maybe the fourth doesn't really net much extra hits and even less with the fifth. In this case, three might be the sweet spot because you're getting the most bang for your buck since the additional four aren't really netting much of a perceptible reaction. Just a thought, though.


If you are getting NO results period with LFN, either in the UN or the phero enhanced

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yes, Bella15, that's exactly my experience so far. But I don't want it to be - I have so many UN bottles! :) Far more than the scented ones. I need them to work :)


So others, please join this conversation :) thanks

I do have bottles of UN Leather and Audacious - those work fine on me :)
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7 Months is not very long in terms of use with pheros.

There's no easy answer here.

If an enhanced LP works go with it. If you love the phero try the Un. There are only 2 pheros where the Un is too much for me. You'll just have to start a separate notation with that dosage. IMO There are to many variables to say oh ya just use twice as much or 2/3rd less or ? But it doesn't usually work IME. I've been using LPs for three years as of December. Everytime I learn something I have another question.

IMO it can take months of trials before you even know if a phero will be useful for you. Also, as mentioned it really is a "your mileage may very" situation. This is chemistry, so what works or how much you need can vary.

I'm not usually an easy sell. My first Phero was LFM (1/3 strength) in a really lovely scent heh hem. I got lucky. The very first time (& 2nd, 3,4 et..) I got noticeable hits. Of course I verified that with additional wearing. The first thing I noticed were the magnificent selfies. Wow. :)

TH was different. for a long time I got nothing from TH (I don't ever get any notable selifies from it either). a couple of years ago I used only TH or sometimes H&S, through the holiday season. Boy did TH help. Still no selifies but I know where & when to use TH and 9 times out of 10 it's been very helpful. I also learned how & when to work H&S. My point is I was using LP for a year before I got those.


Honestly IMO I say 7 sprays of LFN Un sounds like to much.


Dosage can be a personal thing. Always start out light and jot it down so you can adjust as needed. LFM I tend to do better with a smaller amount. On the other hand, I only had scented Cougar for the longest time. But, when I got the Un in spray, Wow! I found out what all the excitement is about. :) I'm now considering a 2x.


The pheroed scents are great. When a phero enhanced scent smells good on my skin, I love it! Mara can match a fragrance so perfectly to a pheros' intent that it feels like it amplifies the effects of both.


Do you get selifies from LFN?


I recommend doing what I did with TH. Set it aside for awhile. Try out something else. Then go back to LFN later and start over.

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Some I am OK with UN, some I prefer the enhanced......Cougar is one that I have had in UN, and it worked "OK", but the original scented Cougar is ALWAYS better. Period, hands down.


And I agree that 7 sprays is probably overload. You were either in OD land, or as BB said.....diminishing returns.

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Very true Halo. It is a YMMV thing.

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The only UN's I can use is Perfect Match and Treasured Hearts though I have to be mindful w/Perfect Match around my husband if I wear it at work he will be distant and grumpy all day then by evening just when I can't stand him and have forgotten all about the hero he is suddenly Mr Snuggles. It's not a good blend for us to work together I guess.


I can only do Popularity Potion when I'm not cycling and in scented because it turns on my bitch switch in UN no matter the dosage three weeks of the month but I've got lots to keep expiramanting with because when I know I need to be the "it" girl but am not feeling 100% into being somewhere I need to shine it really helps.


In the end, I really think it comes down to experimentation, personal chemistry with a husband doesn't do EST or cop heavy blends very well ... and yeah, when Mara does it its ... Magical. Seriously awesome results. Heck, I just ordered a few new blends (new for me) even though the scents weren't my fav because I got perfect selfies and responses from others around me. Plus, everyone around me thinks I smell fab so ... they keep getting closer to sniff some more.

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I really think that the phero enhanced scents are more user (& budget friendly) for those new to pheromones. Basically, you gave yourself the answer; you're getting better results from the ready to wear blends available. Your results aren't going to be static, this is just how these are working for you, for now.

My experience isn't going to be the same as your's, because you don't have the same variables in the equation that I do. I've experienced OD from using the G2 blend in Bosom Bows, & I've experienced zero effects from using Topper in Strange Attractors. While the Un spray of Topper is my HG blend. Your mileage is going to vary.

On the bright side, w/ the Pheromas trials still available, you can try out some more on the cheap. I recommend starting a journal to keep track of hits / misses, & keeping updated w/ the review threads. Good luck, & happy testing!

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Hey Blanche! I'm super new to pheros and LPMP in general (


I'm going to keep a journal and keep track of how many sprays I use. I'm guessing I'm still trying to find my sweet spot. Best of luck to us both!

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Hi Blanche and everyone. My experiences have been variable. Just like fragrances then, the reactions to different pheros, seems to be all over the place. With UN LFM, LFN, EST, DHEAs, Stone Cougar, Teddy BB, B2, I can always count on the same results. Typically, I use one spritz on each wrists, rubbed onto my forearms, and one one on my neck/cleavage, with the tiniest dab rubbed under my nose. Any less, no results. Any more, no results. This includes self effects. A couple of these are in 2 x strength, and I might need to go even lighter with those. Even though these are pretty predictable for me, for whatever reason, it can still vary. Some pheros will either do nothing at all for me at any dosage, others will yield exactly the opposite effects, for instance, using too much Levitation has actually made me weepy. As others here have rightly said, it can take quite a long time to get the hang of it. In general, the best way to go is to always start extremely light, making a point to stay aware of what, if anything, is happening. If you see it working at a low level, you have found that happy place. Write it down! If not, keep gradually increasing until it either works, or you can deem it as one that just isn't going to do it for you. Since the ones that are working for you seem to be in the scented versions, I think it's safe to assume that you are one of the people for whom, "less is more." Also, another thing that I have had happen is a sort of cumulative thing, where if I use any one phero on consecutive days for too long, it will stop working. I try to mix them up, or go without when this happens. Applying more will not work for me when this happens. I very seldom get effects from the amount in perfumed pheros, which tells me that I need at least more than that. Keep trying. Don't get discouraged!

Edited by Rose Blackthorn
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Hello MR, I guess we are in very similar situation. But I hope we will figure it out some day (hopefully soon). Don't worry if you have large amount of UN's - I bought almost all of them :) But as I mentioned earlier, I have not found any to work for me yet . Maybe UN BI, but that's it.


Others - thanks for your input. I appreciate it !!


As far as my quest with UN LFN - I've gone to the 7 sprays gradually, I started with 1. But I have not seen any results with any amount. Except that if I am already in not very good mood, it turns me even more bitchy. I think it would be the "none".


I was surprised with the Sensual Harmony with LFM. I always thought that LFM was not a good match for me (it seemed to me "too weak", I imagine myself as LFN kind of girl). But I got really nice hits with just a little bit of this scented phero. And I think it is the only one (and scented Cougar) that I have some selfies (but pretty mild). But now I am thinking if the selfies are real. Maybe I get the selfies only because I know these pheros work for me. I.e. when I have these on, I know that I will be the most glamorous and pretty girl wherewhere I go. And maybe this feeling is not caused by the pheros, but from my previous experience from which I learned that these work for me. But I guess, it doesn't matter - the important thing is that it works and I feel good :)


I keep a journal with my experiments and write everything down. So far, only scented LFM and Cougar work for me. But I still experiment with the others. However, when I need a sure result, I go with these.

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I do not necessarily agree. And that's because I'm a phero oddball. I played with enhanced scents for two full years and only ever got effects from two of them. Then I got into the UNs and started experimenting and it was a whole new world. Amounts needed vary radically person to person. There is Tyvey for instance that gets outrageous over the top hits from a couple swipes of a sample wand from an enhanced perfume. Then there is me who wears 8-10 sprays of the full strength UN. It takes a lot of time and patience to really learn about pheros. I researched and tested daily for years. I have beta tested formulas for almost every phero company out there. I have blind tested unknown pheromones for our main formulator. I have ODed do badly that I puked and laid shaking and with cold chills for 14 hours. More than once. My worst OD to date was from a 1/3 strength enhanced perfume with Cougar in it. There are sooooo many factors that affect literally everything. I'm telling you this not to discourage you but to let you know that there is a lot of information you still don't have. Keep testing. Be creative with it. It's great fun and when it works there is nothing like it. The journey has just begun. How corny is that??? But it's true

Halo - how much of the scented Cougar did you use when you ODed on it? And are you able to use it now? Or does the smell remind you of your bad experience so you cannot wear it any more?

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Hi, I'm not sure how much more to add here; only to echo what others have said.


My personal results have varied between the Uns and the scented. I just posted in a separate thread about titration (though I sucked at Chemistry, it's a lesson I learned well in labs); that just a smidge over can change results; just as a smidge under. And all of our body chemistries are different from both each other; and even on ourselves on different days.


I can share my personal experience:

UnLeather: I don't have it in scented and usually only wear for motivation and/or workouts; so wear the Un with great results.

Cougar: I prefer the scented (bc OMG smells awesome and I feel it ups the selfies) and haven't found my sweet spot with the UN, but I still wear the UN

LFN: I only have like 1 scented; so I wear the UN and 'self scent' with some LPs; great selfies and hits

Topper: Same selfies and hits with scented and Un (the un has a scent for me; but admit I wear this as a topper, so usually always wearing with some scent).

NOCO vs. OCCO: I prefer the OCCOs unless I am mixing a NOCO with a phero (which I've done only once with knowing my sweet spot with the Un)

Popularity Potion: I only have this in the Un. And my sweet spot here is very small, too much and I feel anxious, but just the right amount and, gorgeous.


Enjoy the fun and the journey! My personal recommend is to test every phero at home 1st, but I almost always experience selfies while others don't, so again, to echo others, YMMV.

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