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PEACH ~ Love. Promotes fertility, happiness, and abundance. A symbol of marriage. Longevity, wishes granted.

HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment.

VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.

SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.

MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.

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Okay, so I got my package this morning & excitedly tore into it. Soooooo many beautiful scents, it was hard to choose which to slather first ! Yes, I am aware of travel shock, but I can never wait, so I really don't even attempt to anymore. This is the scent that I finally decided on, & OMG is this GORGEOUS !!!!! I love this every bit as much as Buttercream Peach ! It actually reminded me a bit of that one at first.


It starts as the juiciest, freshest, sweetest peach, with the honey, vanilla, & sugar in the background. As it dried down, the vanilla & the most beautiful musk come forward. This might be one of my faves ever, & I'm talking right off the bat, travel shock be damned. This will be a FB for me when I get paid next.

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5 hours ago, StrawberryKitten said:

Okay, so I got my package this morning & excitedly tore into it. Soooooo many beautiful scents, it was hard to choose which to slather first ! Yes, I am aware of travel shock, but I can never wait, so I really don't even attempt to anymore. This is the scent that I finally decided on, & OMG is this GORGEOUS !!!!! I love this every bit as much as Buttercream Peach ! It actually reminded me a bit of that one at first.


It starts as the juiciest, freshest, sweetest peach, with the honey, vanilla, & sugar in the background. As it dried down, the vanilla & the most beautiful musk come forward. This might be one of my faves ever, & I'm talking right off the bat, travel shock be damned. This will be a FB for me when I get paid next.

I'd bought a full bottle of this for my bride in the hopes that it'd be similar to what you described.  I'm so glad to hear that it sounds amazing!


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5 minutes ago, Snoopyace said:

I'd bought a full bottle of this for my bride in the hopes that it'd be similar to what you described.  I'm so glad to hear that it sounds amazing!


I'm sure you'll both love it ! And it just gets prettier as the day goes on ! Just beautiful, soft, & so summery. Good choice going FB ! I wish that I did, lol.

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I know Mara wasn't purposely going for an evocation of Kittenish - and I didn't bring that up either when I related my concept of this idea to her - but boy, does this smell almost exactly like Kittenish!  Or the original Whisker Wishes.  At least at first.  The muscovado sugar really does give it a kind of caramel-y vibe.  It's freakin' delicious!


In the vial the juicy peach quality is right up front, whereas on my skin it turns a lot more sugary.  But it's definitely a summer peach mood.  It makes me think of Cotton Candy Peach as well, but not as much as Kittenish.  I don't really get a musky quality so much in the drydown, but the vanilla comes out a bit more.  It stays very sugary on me overall.

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Oh wow!

First off, I’m only smelling it out of the vial, I will let it rest before I slather because it will very likely be a FB. 
I have a lot of peach centered and peach involved perfumes, although I never really took to the LAM Buttercream Peach, but I am batshit crazy about Whisker Wishes. I don’t think I’ve ever had the 2013, but I love 2015 and the last one equally. This smells just like Whisker Wishes in the vial to me. Unless it smells completely different on my skin, this will be a FB for sure. I think a spiking of Open Windows or Treasured Hearts would be very appropriate for me, I could see someone leaning towards a LACE add-in for summer concerts! 


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  • 2 weeks later...

When I first smelled this it was definitely reminiscent of whisker wishes but it’s such a yummy fresh peachy scent. I combined it with Aja yesterday and it became a little denser not as light. I’ll try it on its own again because it smells good that way too! :)
I would also try this with Noco white under it for that vanilla peach combo like peaches and cream!

Edited by Vika
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  • 1 year later...

So my man is not a huge fan of perfumes. It probably doesn't help that I'm always shoving something in his face asking him what he thinks. 😂 I had a sample of this I never sniffed. Not sure how that happened lol but it did. So when I smelled it he was sitting right next to me. I was in heaven! I shoved it under he nose and he looked at me with wide eyes. "What is that?!?" I told him I wasn't sure, I just found it. He said, "If you smelled like that I would eat you!" So obviously I had to get a full bottle. 😁 It's bright fresh juicy peach. When I'm wearing it I can feel peach juice running down my chin. This is such an upbeat happy perfume. I adore it. ❤️

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  • 2 weeks later...

While I usually go for floral and fresh scents rather than fruity, this is such a fresh and bright peach scent! Honey, vanilla and sugar don’t make it too sweet for me. All the notes are really well balanced, just like all of Mara’s creations.

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  • 1 year later...

I did a blind sniff of this along with the others on the day that I received them. I was not able to identify this! What I thought was Katje turned out to be Love Potion: Pink Lace


It's been over a week since I've had this (Day 10) and I tried it out again today. It has a really nice peach scent! 🍑 It is very bright and has good potency. A very good one for summer! 🌞


Unfortunately, to my nose, there is a strong soapy undertone to this. I suspect it's the musk. I've read some comments where some people expressed concerns that some musks turn soapy on them. I thought then, why would soapy be a problem? I thought it would be fine since I associate soapy with clean. Now, I understand. 😭 


I thought it was just on my skin, but I put this on a paper towel and I'm still getting that strong soapy taste. Yes, it's a taste for me! Whenever I smell this, I get a strong soapy peach at the back of my throat! 🧼🍑 It's less about the actual soap scent, but more like I can smell it so much that it somehow feels like I have bubbles in the back of my throat. I've tried multiple scents here that use musk, so it may just be the specific musk used here or the combination that's doing this for me. 


I'm sniffing the paper towel again now that it's on dry down. The soapy sensation has been reduced a little and I'm getting more of the lovely peach again! 🍑 But when I keep sniffing, it returns. 🧼


Both unfortunately and fortunately, this is not for me. It is unfortunate because since this is not the peach I'm looking for, I have to continue with my peach scent quest. 🍑🏰🤖 It is fortunate because I don't have to get a full bottle of this while 'Weenies 2023 is going on. 😆



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