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I don't understand... did I say something wrong?


I just meant the OE-Bears said they signed onto the forum... but I don't see them yet :)

I want my Bears to come play!

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I don't understand... did I say something wrong?


I just meant the OE-Bears said they signed onto the forum... but I don't see them yet :(

I want my Bears to come play!


I'm guessing it was just meant teasingly about anything you might have mentioned here that the daughters might not want/need to know? Again...pretty sure it was just a tease there Chai - we know from your descriptions the young women are enlightened, and brought up well! :)

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Oh, Chai! Katz is spot on. Danna was teasing you! :Hug_emoticon:


Hee! Whew!


And, if I wasn't feeling so awfully harried here at school, I would have so gotten the joke... and, it is a good one!!!


I just couldn't even see it that way (I was observed today... but for the past two days I haven't even been in MY room because I have been testing 8th graders... so my kids were so off the wall, in my opinion... my observer still left thinking I am the greatest at differentiating she has ever encountered... but, me, well, I am just :):A002::(:Goingtobed-1::shocked::A002::angry3:


The only thing that has been keeping me sane today is Allegro and Bravado... and the fact that I LOVE my kids :)

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Since I am still a newbie - I was just wondering why you call your girls "the bears" it's very cute, i was wondering what the story behind that was...



Well, I have three daughters... the eldest is 'Zilla (because, as a baby, she would stomp and "grr" and, for the life of me, just looked like a baby Godzilla... so the name stuck)... the younger just was always my "Baby Bear", cuddly and usually running around buck-naked unless you grabbed her and wrapped her in clothing... just such a little nature baby... spitting image of an elf baby except for the lack of pointy ears... walking at eight months.... just the cutest, most scrumptious little baby.... Anyway, she was my Baby Bear. Then, in pre-k, she "fell in love" with a little boy at the JCC with the last name of Mushnik and would come home every day avowing that she was going to be "Mrs. Mushnik" some day... so, she became Mushie-Bear. When she was 12, we added a foster daughter to the family... they were the same age (with the foster daughter being a few months elder)... and both of them have names ending in the letters o-e... so they became the OE-Bears. They are still inseparable and are moving together for University in Alaska within a few months...

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Hrmmm... let's see. I am a BPAL addict who finally took the plunge and tried a new brand in a recent decant circle. Sugared Bonfire and Nasty Habits have me hooked, so now I need to come back for more! (Okay, when I can finally decide what I want to try most. I hate decisions!)


I am a Scorpio. I'm a Lefty. More interesting: I don't really think those things say anything about me, but the factoids still tickle me. Plus I'm a pretty true Scorpio, but only the good qualities. *cough*


I'm a Wildlife Biologist. Anyone want more wildlife? I'm your girl. At least, that's what I'm paid for, so I figure I should pimp it when I can. I live on a farm, with Lysistrata (cat) and Hodgesaargh (bunneh). I love reading, but mostly fantasy, myth, and popular science.


I love birds, especially hawks and herons. I like things that are graceful, but powerful. I like the fierce.


Observation: My nose twitches a bit every time I blink.


Yup, that's probably all I got that's interesting! Happy to be here!



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:wink2: Welcome from another southpaw you *wild* woman! Not sure what being lefty makes me, really...but I'm an appreciator of all things furred and feathered, for sure. Just got to see a 'birds of prey' (several vulture/buzzards, a red-tailed hawk, an owl) show at the Ren Faire here in Phx -the folks who run it are out of Florida...was cool as always to watch birds that close!


It's very hard making scent decisions here, for sure! So many varied temptations! The samples are very worth it and really last a long time so...I'd say try some that way first. There's a very active swapping area here in case something doesn't work out for you! Whatcha *thinking* of trying next?

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Hrmmm... let's see. I am a BPAL addict who finally took the plunge and tried a new brand in a recent decant circle. Sugared Bonfire and Nasty Habits have me hooked, so now I need to come back for more! (Okay, when I can finally decide what I want to try most. I hate decisions!)


I am a Scorpio. I'm a Lefty. More interesting: I don't really think those things say anything about me, but the factoids still tickle me. Plus I'm a pretty true Scorpio, but only the good qualities. *cough*


I'm a Wildlife Biologist. Anyone want more wildlife? I'm your girl. At least, that's what I'm paid for, so I figure I should pimp it when I can. I live on a farm, with Lysistrata (cat) and Hodgesaargh (bunneh). I love reading, but mostly fantasy, myth, and popular science.


I love birds, especially hawks and herons. I like things that are graceful, but powerful. I like the fierce.


Observation: My nose twitches a bit every time I blink.


Yup, that's probably all I got that's interesting! Happy to be here!




Greetings from the Other Leftie Scorpio on the boards~I also studied chem and Bio as I wanted to be a vet, or a marine biologist-interesting.

I, however, love to tell people that I am All Things Scorpio. I revel in the good..........and the bad.

Welcome to my little area of the world my dear!

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You guys are a welcoming bunch!


SG: Truth be told, I might be all things Scorpio... but there aren't many scorpio qualities that I think of as bad! *grin* (Wellll.... depending on what we mean by 'bad'.)


It's very hard making scent decisions here, for sure! So many varied temptations! The samples are very worth it and really last a long time so...I'd say try some that way first. There's a very active swapping area here in case something doesn't work out for you! Whatcha *thinking* of trying next?


Ooooh, ummm. LP: Red, LP: Black, Hallowtide (cuz I love autumn scents), and 976Girl... and Sugared Patchouli. Oh, and I loooove tobacco and leather, so maybe Santa Clara...


Did I mention the indecisive thing? right... anyway, suggestions are much appreciated, and I'm probably going to become a sampling crazy lady. ;-)


Another thought: I've yet to smell a "southern" inspired perfume that did not contain aquatics (don't work on me) or overpowering honeysuckle (not a native southern plant!), magnolia, gardenia, or wisteria. I swear, the south doesn't all smell like that! So I'll keep my eyes open :) for any southern fare, if it happens to come by.


Anyway, thanks for all the welcomes. Nice to meet you guys!

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You guys are a welcoming bunch!


SG: Truth be told, I might be all things Scorpio... but there aren't many scorpio qualities that I think of as bad! *grin* (Wellll.... depending on what we mean by 'bad'.)




Ooooh, ummm. LP: Red, LP: Black, Hallowtide (cuz I love autumn scents), and 976Girl... and Sugared Patchouli. Oh, and I loooove tobacco and leather, so maybe Santa Clara...


Did I mention the indecisive thing? right... anyway, suggestions are much appreciated, and I'm probably going to become a sampling crazy lady. ;-)


Another thought: I've yet to smell a "southern" inspired perfume that did not contain aquatics (don't work on me) or overpowering honeysuckle (not a native southern plant!), magnolia, gardenia, or wisteria. I swear, the south doesn't all smell like that! So I'll keep my eyes open :) for any southern fare, if it happens to come by.


Anyway, thanks for all the welcomes. Nice to meet you guys!



You may want to take a look at LP autumn, very nice....

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You may want to take a look at LP autumn, very nice....

Welcome Seraphine! I love autumn scents too! I'm a New Englander (sort of) and lovve Autumn! Let me tell you LP -Autumn is amazzzing. I just kept unconsciously sniffing my arm like every 2 seconds, i wear it to bed, around the house, I just cannot get enough! Hallowtide, Bonfire & Pumpkin are next on my hit list...


oh hey - I have s story for you too - i started putting out birdseed on my fire escape so my cats can have some entertainment when i'm away, for weeks no birds came - then one night as I'm closing the drapes I see something huge sitting on the railings, guess what? it was a hawk! he slept there the entire night - when i looked the next morning he was still there but then he saw me and flew away. ever since then i have seen him flying around my building - i guess this is his territory. I live in the northern most tip of manhattan & we have 2 parks here where they say it has not changed much since the indians sold it to the pilgrims..


Hey CC - how have things being going? How do you like your perfumes so far, what are your favorites?

Edited by Neve
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Hi! my name is traci, i am a retired college professor in my mid-fifties. As a woman who has just moved back to the city i find there are so many things to do and expierence that i am more like a butterfly flitting around and taking it all in rather than following specific interests or activities.


When the information about pheronomes started coming in i was interested from the beginning and i did purchase and use the Athena pheronomes for women with my perfume. i have been amazed at how far the use of pheronomes has spread and mostly at how playful and experimental it is. The limited pre-packaged products of not so long ago are still out there but there are places like here and PheroTalk where everyone is sharing their experiences, taking advantage of the existence of vendors like this one to try lots of different things out. i think that fits my butterfly phase much better than one size fits all women solutions.


i share my apartment with my labradoodle, Wyatt. we spend a lot of time playing outdoors. i am getting around to projects and passtimes that i have wanted to pursue for decades but was too busy to get around to. And one of those interests, projects, is pheromone experimentation. i haven't gotten any of the first mones i have ordered yet, so i am reading and learning but some of them should arrive this week so i am very excited, and very the week before Christmas jazzed up.


Hopefully i'll have lots more to share in the very near future.



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Hi! my name is traci, i am a retired college professor in my mid-fifties. As a woman who has just moved back to the city i find there are so many things to do and expierence that i am more like a butterfly flitting around and taking it all in rather than following specific interests or activities.


When the information about pheronomes started coming in i was interested from the beginning and i did purchase and use the Athena pheronomes for women with my perfume. i have been amazed at how far the use of pheronomes has spread and mostly at how playful and experimental it is. The limited pre-packaged products of not so long ago are still out there but there are places like here and PheroTalk where everyone is sharing their experiences, taking advantage of the existence of vendors like this one to try lots of different things out. i think that fits my butterfly phase much better than one size fits all women solutions.


i share my apartment with my labradoodle, Wyatt. we spend a lot of time playing outdoors. i am getting around to projects and passtimes that i have wanted to pursue for decades but was too busy to get around to. And one of those interests, projects, is pheromone experimentation. i haven't gotten any of the first mones i have ordered yet, so i am reading and learning but some of them should arrive this week so i am very excited, and very the week before Christmas jazzed up.


Hopefully i'll have lots more to share in the very near future.








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Hi! my name is traci, i am a retired college professor in my mid-fifties.




Hi and welcome aboard Traci! Congratulations on the "early" retirement and your new-found life - how wonderful that sounds!! (What did you teach, if you don't mind?) I think I'd be much the same as you are now, given the opportunity...so many things in life to do and try...speaking of which have you tried anything from here yet? We're all usually in a state of anticipation of new packages in the mail, or plotting our next acquisition, heh. Enjoy the board as well, there are a lot of helpful and interesting posters here!


Skritches to Wyatt... :dog1:

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Hi and welcome, Seraphine, Traci, and Wyatt! Come chat with us and enjoy!!!


Seraphine....the Southern Gothic is being released this month.....I've never personally tried it (but will be soon).....that may be just what you are looking for in a Southern scent.

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just found out about you store.

I am a big fan of designer fragrance oils and i wonder how did i missed you site.


I am a customer of androtics and since you use their pheromones i decided to make an order here too.

I am not that interested in pheromone blends but i will give them a try too.


So my question is is there Set of 10 New Releases - Full Size - 1/3 fl.oz. x 10 (for men)


and does Set of 10 New Releases - Full Size - 1/3 fl.oz. x 10 include both male and female products?

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just found out about you store.

I am a big fan of designer fragrance oils and i wonder how did i missed you site.


I am a customer of androtics and since you use their pheromones i decided to make an order here too.

I am not that interested in pheromone blends but i will give them a try too.


So my question is is there Set of 10 New Releases - Full Size - 1/3 fl.oz. x 10 (for men)


and does Set of 10 New Releases - Full Size - 1/3 fl.oz. x 10 include both male and female products?


Hi Idle,

Glad to have you here, you do know that we are not a duplication house, or offer "smell alikes" We brew or own, fresh, original and AWESOME fragrance blends charged with intent and brewed based on folklore of ingredient power!


The offer for bottles is:

Set of 10 New Releases - Full Size - 1/3 fl.oz. x 10


Includes shipping to USA and Canada!


Click here to buy FULL SIZE BOTTLES of all 10 of this month's NEW RELEASES for Women at an unbeatable price - a $50.00 discount!


If you are interested in a MENS full size-you are welcome to email the office, I am sure we can work something out.




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just found out about you store.

I am a big fan of designer fragrance oils and i wonder how did i missed you site.


I am a customer of androtics and since you use their pheromones i decided to make an order here too.

I am not that interested in pheromone blends but i will give them a try too.


So my question is is there Set of 10 New Releases - Full Size - 1/3 fl.oz. x 10 (for men)


and does Set of 10 New Releases - Full Size - 1/3 fl.oz. x 10 include both male and female products?


Welcome Idle... I think you'll enjoy stay here. The set of 10 new releases is usually not strictly for men, perhaps you could help develop that.


liz :w00t:


ps: as SG said

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Hey Idle! Glad you made it over here, you and your wife are going to LOVE these scents! Check out this link to find the trial scents that were reccomended for you at pherotalk: Love Potion Specials!


These will give you a good array of the scents available here for both men and women. ENJOY! and welcome once again!


CC :)

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Hello everyone! My name is Betsy, but I will appear here as turtledoc. I have only been using LP oils for one month but I've become a devoted fan of this line. For me there is no other that can compare! My first two purchases were : Pirate Bumbo and Sugared Forest. I wasn't too sure I would like them when I opened the bottle and smelled the fragrance; what a wonderful surprise when I actually applied the oils. My next two purchases were Phantom of the Trailer Park and Musky Dusky Fresh Cut Greenery. They are all terrific in their own right, but after trying them all I believe the "green scents" work best for me. Thank you so much for creating such lovely scents for us.

I am a Veterinarian, and these fragrances really seem to have a calming effect on some of my patients! Even if I am just imagining this they really do lift my spirits during some very long days of caring for these wonderful pets. I have a busy practice which takes up most of my days. but I have 5 wonderfully goofy dogs, 3 amazing crazy cats ( one is 18 yrs old) , 5 loveable tortoises (yes, tortoises are loveable!) and last, but certainly not least, one fantastic husband waiting for me at the end of the day. Life is good! <_<


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Hi There!!


My Name is Diana and I came across this site yesterday late morning. I have been on here since checking out the fragrances and message board. I ordered some sample fragrances and cant wait to try 'em! I LOVE perfume!! MMmm Yum!


Lets see about me ...I am an artist.. I paint pet portraits and murals and also design dog clothing, collars, beds etc.. My husband and I are owned by 3 wonderful Pit Bulls, 3 Shih Tzus and 5 parrots, we also own a holistic Pet shop specializing in nutrition for dogs, cats and birds. My life revolves around animals & art, always has since I was a child.


I look forward to meeting you all!!


Be well,


:( Diana

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Hi There!!


My Name is Diana and I came across this site yesterday late morning. I have been on here since checking out the fragrances and message board. I ordered some sample fragrances and cant wait to try 'em! I LOVE perfume!! MMmm Yum!


Lets see about me ...I am an artist.. I paint pet portraits and murals and also design dog clothing, collars, beds etc.. My husband and I are owned by 3 wonderful Pit Bulls, 3 Shih Tzus and 5 parrots, we also own a holistic Pet shop specializing in nutrition for dogs, cats and birds. My life revolves around animals & art, always has since I was a child.


I look forward to meeting you all!!


Be well,


:( Diana


Welcome aboard Diana - adorable Avatar there... :dog1: I know there's another person on board who swears her LP fragrances sometimes calm her pet patients - so enjoy!

I wonder if you'd mind a question re: holistic pet health some time...Something I'm looking for on the market but can't seem to find...

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Welcome Idle, Turtledoc and Diana! Enjoy your stay with us!!

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Nice to meet you Katz & Dolly thanks for the welcome!


The Avatar pic is a Pug I painted in a mural for a groomer, he happens to be one of my favorites, glad you like him :(

I'd be happy to help, if i can, with any holistic pet questions.

:) Diana

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Cool, glad you're havin' fun! Would you be ok with me sending you an email? Mara can assist in trading email addy's for us...otherwise, my question was regarding any kind of aids (not steroids) for an asthmatic kitty...I have one...

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Hey!! Nice to meet you Liz! I dont know how I missed your welcome <_<



Cool, glad you're havin' fun! Would you be ok with me sending you an email? Mara can assist in trading email addy's for us...otherwise, my question was regarding any kind of aids (not steroids) for an asthmatic kitty...I have one...


I dont mind at all! Poor kitty! :)

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Cool, glad you're havin' fun! Would you be ok with me sending you an email? Mara can assist in trading email addy's for us...otherwise, my question was regarding any kind of aids (not steroids) for an asthmatic kitty...I have one...


Did you get my email addy yet? If not you can check out this company we use their supplements for our pets. www.usanimalnutirionals.com They sell a product called DMG, Im sure would help your kitty. Its wonderful & safe to use for dogs, cats & parrots. People can use it as well (I do), for info on human use you can check out www.dmgdoctor.com


Also you can do immune support supplements, those should help as well. I'll ask my hubby which ones are safe & good for kitties.


Also heres a couple of good sites for natural animal rearing:






Hope this helps!

:Hug_emoticon: Diana

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Did you get my email addy yet? If not you can check out this company we use their supplements for our pets. www.usanimalnutirionals.com They sell a product called DMG, Im sure would help your kitty. Its wonderful & safe to use for dogs, cats & parrots. People can use it as well (I do), for info on human use you can check out www.dmgdoctor.com


Also you can do immune support supplements, those should help as well. I'll ask my hubby which ones are safe & good for kitties.


Also heres a couple of good sites for natural animal rearing:






Hope this helps!

:Hug_emoticon: Diana


****thankyou**** I didn't want to bug Mara for emails, I'm sure it's busy...I so appreciate the recommendation. On the website (http://www.usanimalnutritionals.com) it mentions DMG being an immuno support - that will help the asthma? He's been struggling a lot the last week. I had tried some "homeopathic" drops, but I think they were beyond their expiration date. I'll definitley check out the other links you put up here...thanks mucho!

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