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Introduce Yourself!

Potion Master

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Greetings and Welcome!

Please use this thread to tell us a little about yourself!


Don't be shy! I'll go first to break the ice....


My name is Mara, and I'm the founder of Love Potion® Fragrances.

I'm an artist and a workaholic. I always need to be doing 'something' with my hands - making jewelry, magic wands, writing, painting, playing guitar - I can't seem to stop myself! I am the proud mom of a 4-legged furry child named Catalina, who is the smartest, most beautiful cat in the universe, and we recently moved from the heart of Hollywood, California to a hundred year old house in the country - or what passes for the country to a born and bred New Yorker - which is actually the suburbs, I guess, but we have a yard now and there was a POSSUM in my KITCHEN a few months ago, so that's the country to me!!!!


Interests? Sci-fi junkie, certified comic book geek, passionate about both ancient and modern mythology of every culture, and fascinated with religious lore and history - voracious reader of same, and all quite similar at their core! I LOVE to travel, and do so on business every chance I get. Favorite places I have been include Alaska and Toronto, and I intend to visit Scotland and the Moon at my earliest opportunity.


Personal Quote: "In my dreams... I fly."





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Ahhh, the dreaded introduction.


I'm Danna-AKA Sinister Girl. Obviously I am a proud Lefty, a quad latte junkie, and I hope that when the zombie horde attacks I will be in a (easily defendable) Borders or Barnes and Noble.


I write-and therefore I read.


I am the Horror geek; I started writing early, it was so early that I can't remember beginning. I have two novels, numerous short stories, songs, a rock opera, and a few screenplays under my leather belt. I have worked in the music industry for over two decades, and have been perfuming since I mixed a bottle of Joy and Chanel #19 when I was about 5. (By the way, that's a bad idea.)


I have three furkids, two ulcers, and one badassed, hard rockin', bass playing, working musician long-term boyfriend. Six years this month!


My great- grandmother was a documented hands on healer, and I have Shamanic ancestry (Native American) on my Mother's side.


I keep my nails long, feel that the only color is black, was a singer in a Rock and Roll band, and will own a 1971 Hemi-Cuda one of these days.


I have a past conviction for exhibition of speed, laugh way to loudly, owned a foul tempered Bashkir Curly/Thoroughbred cross that could jump the moon when she wasn't kicking the farrier, and am proud to be a raging Scorpio.


Any Questions?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well.....I guess I'll introduce myself as well ;) (mind you, I'm not as articulate as y'all).


I'm Gaia (aka Nyree aka original-gaia on different boards). A stay-at-home mom of 2 boys, owned by 3 cats and there's a man also living here that I like to call mine......


Oh yes....I'm a groupfitness instructor and a solitary witch and I basically like to smell good ^_^ So I'm *very* pleased to have stumbled upon Love Potions Perfumes!


My interests are SF movies, horror stories, being active on various boards ( mostly about perfume/bath&body ) and, of course, working out.......


I haven't tried as many of Mara's perfumes as I'd like (being the perfume whore that I am, I have to spread my limited funds), but I really love the "sugared" ones......patchouli and amber in particular.


So that's 'me' :)

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Welcome, Gaia!

Thank you for joining us!


Your life sounds incredibly full!

Kids, hubby, fitness, cats, internet! I'm exhausted just thinking about it, and honored that you took some of your valuable time to say hello to us here! ::BIG HUG!!!::


I think/hope you will meet other solitary practitioners here - if they prove to be as brave as you are! (YES, that's a challenge to the chickens!). Most email me privately, but I'd love to have group discussions in the "Magickal Advice and Discussion" area. C'mon!!!


Hmmm, Sci-fi AND Horror? Say it's not so! That means Danna and I will be fighting over you! She doesn't know the first thing about sci-fi. Disgraceful! She says time travel gives her a headache!!! I, on the other hand, am blissfully ignorant of the horror genre - and contrive to remain so for the rest of my days, thank you. While I, ever so patiently, explain to my dearest buddy quantum physics, time travel and future history; she describes the hacking of limbs and sucking of blood and staking of hearts...Come over to the LIGHT side, Gaia! ;) LOL!




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Hello, I'm Trish (Starrgirl2), new to the posting board, and happy to introduce myself.


I got here via the Androtics site and Ail, who whole-heartedly recommends your potions. And, so far, I must agree with her! Love Potion Pink--yumm!! Can't wait to try more, which makes me absolutely thrilled with your free samples offer. Thank you thank you thank you!!!


On the personal side, oh my, where to begin? I guess the essential fact of my existence at this moment is that I am 55 (this month) and starting over. New master's degree (in mental health), new career (currently position-searching), last kid (of five) graduating from college and leaving the nest, and probably most significantly, soon-to-be newly single.


That last fact is the toughest, and I'm still recuperating from my husband's announcement that he needs to go find himself (condensed version). But I'm getting there. Working on turning "55 and starting over" from a negative to a positive. Which is part of why I'm here, I guess. Exploring and expanding undiscovered facets of myself.


Not sure how much of astrology I believe in, but as an observer of human nature and interaction I am frequently impressed by how well many people fit their sun sign personality descriptions. I am one of them, a Taurus. Very earth-mother & nurturing, I love children, animals, gardening (it's Spring, hooray), and everything eco-friendly, even bugs. Generally easy going, but occasionally stubborn and once riled up, watch out! What riles me are threats to the well-being of what I love. I have worked in children's protective services, animal rescue, and lobbying for the environment.


The outcome of animal rescue, naturally, is that I currently share my life and space with (1) rescued collie--Darby, short for Darbyshire (so named both to acknowledge his British Isles ancestry and because I'm a Jane Austen freak)--and we adore each other; (5) rescued cats of varying ancestry, fur length, and coloration--Mr. Fuzz, Beulah, Missy, Marvin, & Princess; and Belle, one very possessive and ornery peach-faced lovebird who, weighing a mere 3-1/2 ounces, thinks she owns and runs the whole show. Our other dog, Penny (rescued yellow lab mix) that was with us 14 years crossed over last month. If there is a doggy heaven, she's there, after patiently "nannying" 5 rambunctious children, protecting my disabled sister, trying to mother orphaned kittens, and allowing a curious lovebird to pick at her toenails. And I hope she's smiling again.


As a Taurus I love my creature comforts, one of which is all things that smell wonderful. But I often have allergic reactions to "commercial" perfumes (musk seems to be particularly problematic), had pretty much given up on wearing scent at all, but decided to give Love Potions a try. And they are so worth it! I'm going straight from here to place an order. ;)


I love travel and would like to do much more of it (except now I need to find a new travel buddy. :) ) I enjoy hiking, camping, bicycling, in fact, most outdoor activities.


Reading is practically an addiction, but I love movies too, especially old movies. There probably isn't a Star Trek (original) or Next Generation episode I haven't seen. (IMO, the other take-offs have been disappointing.) About every two or three years, I revisit Narnia and Middle Earth. I think they did a great job on the movies, but occasionally I need to return to beauty of the original language, so masterfully wielded by Tolkien and Lewis. Have any other sci-fi/fantasy lovers out there visited "The Land", as created by Stephen Donaldson in the Thomas Covenant series? Also a fascinating place.


My life has been a spiritual journey, a continuing quest for the deeper meanings in life. I am Jewish, by genetics and by choice, active in a Reform synagogue. But I believe there are countless paths to the Divine--likely created, in fact, by that Force--and that every one has the right to seek the path that is right for them. I hope humankind will soon come to the awareness/enlightenment that finding and celebrating our similarities is a higher calling than fighting over our differences. That diversity is the expression of divine creativity, to be marveled at and enjoyed. Why would we want to seek uniformity in all we do, look, talk, dress, believe? Boring, boring, boring!


Oh dear, I think it's time to get down off my soapbox, order more fabulous smelling concoctions, and pack more books... Nice to get acquainted with you all!




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Hello! I'm not really sure what to say about myself except that I love things that smell good. ;) I'm very into BPAL, but I absolutely fell in love with Tea & Strumpets when I got a sample of it in a swap. And I think the new sugared scents are fantastic! I like pretty much anything with coconut, citrus, ginger, vanilla... and yum, foody things. I've been burning lots of chocolate hazelnut tarts lately!

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Hey everyone, I wanted to say HELLOOOOOO and thank you to everyone coming here, hanging out, and introducing themselves!


I will try to spend a bit more time later- but please know that I am so glad you are all here with us!



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Hi, all!

I am giving BPAL a rest a branching out.


Looking for the perfect beach scent, I bought some Mermaids of Atlantis on eBay (yesterday.)

Right now, I smell like I Hate Perfume: At the Beach 1966.


Anyway, I love almond, sugar cane, honeysuckle, cherry-chocolate, heliotrope, and pine. There are so many scents I want to try here, and I look forward to reading and writing reviews ;)

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Hmm ... intro posts ...


I'm from the UK.

I hide a lot and I watch a lot. People fascinate me but preferably from a distance.

I'm a solitary witch.

I'm a LARPer which makes life interesting when I'm having people issues.

I can do many craft like things well but usually get side tracked on something else before finishing them.

I read and I write but my written worlds are just for me.

I have incredibly eclectic tastes in music.

I love good smells.

I miss my garden.

I am lucky enough to have a very understanding, insane, longhired idiot of a boyfriend ;)


That's about it really.

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Hi, all!

I am giving BPAL a rest a branching out.


Looking for the perfect beach scent, I bought some Mermaids of Atlantis on eBay (yesterday.)

Right now, I smell like I Hate Perfume: At the Beach 1966.


Anyway, I love almond, sugar cane, honeysuckle, cherry-chocolate, heliotrope, and pine. There are so many scents I want to try here, and I look forward to reading and writing reviews ;)



I hope you enjoy Mermaids- It is just the most awesome beachy scent!

I really look forward to your reviews- I just love that!




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Hiya Everyone!


Hrmmm, my name is Kaity.

I just graduated Montserrat College of Art

I am a designer and crafter

I make faery wands and wreaths

I love dogs

I love pretty smells

I design websites

I believe in Astrology.



Haha, and Im never too good at these things :blink:

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Hiya Everyone!


Hrmmm, my name is Kaity.

I just graduated Montserrat College of Art

I am a designer and crafter

I make faery wands and wreaths

I love dogs

I love pretty smells

I design websites

I believe in Astrology.



Haha, and Im never too good at these things :blink:




Please post some pics of your wands and wreaths!

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Hello all!


I, too, found my way over here via the Androtics site (where I am pherobeliever) and am so-o-o-o happy to have discovered the wonderful potions and fragrances to be found here. I have been transformed from someone who rarely wore perfume to an honest-to-goodness fragrance junkie because it's so much fun to smell so good!


I'm 49, a Scorpio, and currently support myself as a factory worker doing small parts assembly that, most of the time, seems more like play than work. My work environment allows me to interact with a wide variety of people, which has been both fascinating and enriching. I enjoy watching people.


Home is my sanctuary, and I share it with two cats and an abundance of books on all types of subjects. I'm currently reading and absorbing Law of Attraction-related material, particularly the Abraham-Hicks books, things on personal development, the mind, dreams, synchronicities.


I enjoy long walks, biking, travel, going to movies, watching the sky. And, as I said earlier, smelling good!



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Hello all!


I, too, found my way over here via the Androtics site (where I am pherobeliever) and am so-o-o-o happy to have discovered the wonderful potions and fragrances to be found here. I have been transformed from someone who rarely wore perfume to an honest-to-goodness fragrance junkie because it's so much fun to smell so good!


I'm 49, a Scorpio, and currently support myself as a factory worker doing small parts assembly that, most of the time, seems more like play than work. My work environment allows me to interact with a wide variety of people, which has been both fascinating and enriching. I enjoy watching people.


Home is my sanctuary, and I share it with two cats and an abundance of books on all types of subjects. I'm currently reading and absorbing Law of Attraction-related material, particularly the Abraham-Hicks books, things on personal development, the mind, dreams, synchronicities.


I enjoy long walks, biking, travel, going to movies, watching the sky. And, as I said earlier, smelling good!






Yeah! A Fellow Scorp.

Welcome! So happy to have you here. Make yourself at home and have a great time.

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Hi everyone!

LOVE these perfumes!! Discovered LP via the BPAL forum(if I remember correctly), over a year ago and I've been hooked since. So far everything I've tried is absolutely lovely-I'm definitely hooked :blink:

I'm a Leo(and all that that implies), I live in west Texas with my love where we share our home with four Pharaoh Hounds(Anubis in the flesh), a Chihuahua, and more recently added, two, weeks old found-in-a-dumpster kittens. Never a dull moment around here.

I've been selling(and buying!), online for quite a few years. Mostly coffins/coffin decor-from bookcases to apothecary coffins to clocks, wine racks, and so on. I've met a lot of wonderful people online and quite a few have become dear friends-looking forward to the same here =)

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Hi everyone!


25 yo male virgo medical student and artist.

I am interested in massage, energy medicine and of course things that smell great!

On occasion, I also like to pretend that I can sing.

I am really looking forward to ordering some samples to try out.

Oh and I also used to play the accordian :blink::lol:B)

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Hello Everyone!

I have been interested in Love Potion Perfumes for over a year, when I found the site doing an online search for Witchy oils, which I have had an obsession with since my early teens. There was a local Witch in my Southern Ca. area who had a shop that I frequented because of her amazing oils. She fell off the face of the Earth though, unfortunately, years and years ago. That left me in the lurch for my oils, so I had periodically searched online for another place for Magickal Perfumes. I am SO happy to have found Love Potions, because these oils exceed my old favorites by leaps and bounds. I just love them! Thanks so much to Mara and Danna, I am truly indebted to you both. I hope you know just how amazing you are.


My favorites so far are: Love Potion Red, Scandalous (I got it over at Magical Omaha's site, Cindy recommended it to me and I love her for that!-among other things!:blink:, Sugared Roses, Sugared Patchouli, I am looking forward to trying SO many of the new scents, especially Love Potion Pink, and most all of the new Sugared Layerables. If anyone has any suggestions according to my favorites, I'd love to hear!


About myself: I love my cat (my only child!), perfume, reading: fantasy, sci-fi, humor, and lots of non-fiction. I love cartoons. Right now I am way into The Venture Bros. I'm married. Thanks for reading this!

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Guest lynred

My name is Lynda and I am a lover of perfumes of all kinds, I am not very computer literate and it took me a little while to finally figure out how to introduce myself. I love to read, mostly paranormal romances, cook, my husband considers me a wonderful cook, I love to bake goodies of all kinds. I am a gardener, we live in central Florida, so gardening can be done almost year around. I work at a full time job and sometimes it seems like it stresses me out way too much, but oh well well all have to work. I know this may not seem like much, but I really don't know quite what to put here. I found your perfume site in a Better Baking Newsletter that I get. So far your web site seems to be very interesting. Thank you for being very patient with me.


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Hello all!


I think I will fit in just fine here.....I too have some magic up my sleeve, if you know what I mean! I have been looking for some special potions for awhile and believe that I have found the perfect place to find them. I can't wait to find the special one! There is alot to tell about myself, but for now, I will just say that I am a Taurus to the T. I'll save the good "stuff" for later! Thank you to the founders of this website!

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I travelled here via an older post by Ail at pheromonetalk forum. The scent descriptions and oohs and ahhs peaked my curiosity and interest.


I am a 37 yr. old woman, have been with my husband for 18 years, we have a big silly looking dog named Clive. I'm am hooked on good smells, be it perfumes, candles or incense. I love food scents like vanilla, fruits and spices.


I would like to try the love potions in tandem with my pheromones, and really blow hubbys mind. :huh:

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Hi, I'm inanna...here and there.


I'm obsessed with perfume and other smellie stuff, but I'm taking the summer off from my obsession to finish working on a project. ( I couldn't, however, resist Mara's free sample offer, so here I am. Plus, I was hoping to hear how Bad Boy smells and how the Chakra Balancing Potion worked...so yeah, still a little obsessed.)


So far, my favorite Love Potion perfumes are Athena: Creativity Potion, Benzaiten's Good Fortune, Mara's Magick, Sugared Patchouli, Musky Dusky Fresh Cut Greens and Santa Carla. I've had great results with Mercury Retro Naught. And those are just the *very* favorites - Mara and Danna keep coming with amazing blends. Can't wait to hear about Hecate's Night Potion.


I have two kids, I like to write, and I'm into astrology, tarot, mythology, vampires, improvisational magic(k), and other stuff that would probably just sound weird if I talked about it.


But honestly...I'm trying not to spend too much time thinking about perfume this summer (and it's hard! Blame it on my Cappy moon and Mars in Taurus), so I'm just checking in to say "hi" for now ::waves::

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Hello! I come to the wilds of perfumerie addiction via BPAL and the evil_enablers community on LiveJournal, and I've really come to love some of the Love Potions line. Love Potion: Black, Rajah, and Sugared Amber are my favorites right now. I love the sample packs and just ordered another one, with my gimmes from the last two updates. (S...sugared forest? Sugared Egyptian Musk? <3!) I can't wait for it to arrive! :)

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Hello all! Glad to be here! I just found out about the comm, got some potions samples in a BPAL swap as frimps and loved 'em! I am a myrrh addict, I have joked I would wear an oil called "myrrh and socks" if myrrh were the top note. Anyhow, this is going to be fun, I love the smellies... :)

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Well after shopping here for the past few months and posting the past few days, perhaps it's time for me to introduce myself.


Like a few others have mentioned, I found this site through Ail's post on the Androdic's message board. Before I very rarely wore perfume. It was so hard for me to find one that I liked well enough to use regularly. Now that I have a few bottles of the potions here, and many of the samplers, I wear one nearly every day.


More proof that this stuff is great is that my cats, who always hated any perfume I wore before, love this stuff. They all gather around eagerly as I put it on. I have eight cats in all. Two Siamese, two Himilayan look-a-likes, two Calico, one male tabby, and a white tom with black spots. Yes, some might claim I'm a crazy cat lady, but I always insist everyone could use a healthy dose of insanity.


I am a twenty-four year old Saggitarrius. I'm going to school for business, though I'm much more interested in writing. I've written articles for several years now and short stories since first developing that ability.


I'm very interested in Psychology. I'm always studying body language, social persuasion, effects of the sub-concious, the criminal mind etc. etc. I guess I'm just fascinated in what makes people tick. I've worked with mentally challenged youth and adults for the past five years.


I have been interested in Theology since early grade-school, if not even prior to that. I don't really know what initially caused such an extreme fascination, but it's always been there. At the present time I have researched most of the major religions, in addition to some of the lesser known ones. I've been interested in the stories of ancient worlds and their mythologies, Celtic, Greek, and Egyptian in particular.


I suppose I would refer to my self as a spiritual person. Though I've had more than a passing fancy for earth based religions for some time now.


I'm very out-doorsy; hiking, swimming, a recent interest in rock climbing, etc. I've also practiced Tiger-Mantis Kung-Fu for over two years now. Before that it was karate and kick-boxing.


Well I suppose that's enough for now. Which is just fine considering I've probably gone on long enough anyway. It's great to meet so many kindred spirits here. I'm enjoying reading everyone else's info.

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Hi all!

I'm 23 years old and completely obsessed with perfume oils :)


I came over here by way of the BPAL forum. So far, my favorite scent is the original Love Potion; my husband definitely responds well to it. It's so sweet, and a scent just for me.


Glad to be here!

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Hello everyone! My name is Mia and I *adore* all sorts of scents, especially foody and sophisticated ones! I found out about the lovely Love Potion perfumes from the BPAL forum also. So far, my favorite Love Potion scents have been Sugared Grapefruit and Tea and Strumpets. Both are just so delicious! Anyway, I'm looking forward to experimenting with more of Mara's perfumes and to discussing them! :)

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Guest Charlee

I'm Charlee - please excuse my typing - i'm recuperating from shoulder surgery and indulging in a little [ok, a LOT!] retail therapy. I found my way here from evil enablers on LJ.

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Hi there! My name is Alicia. I was given a sample of Love Potion to try and just had to get an order in! The samples I chose to start out with are-


1. Love Potion Perfume (Original)

2. Love Potion: PINK

3. Pirate Bumbo™

4. Sugared Red Berries

5. Sugared Vanilla Mint

6. The Sandman Snoozeth ~ Sleep and Dream Potion

7. Candy Pop

8. Sugared: PURE

9. Sugared Coconut

10.Sugared Vanilla Bean


I'm excited. :) Nice to meet everyone!


Edit- And hi Mia! Thanks for that enabling. XD

Edited by Dreamergirl
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Hi there! My name is Alicia. I was given a sample of Love Potion to try and just had to get an order in!


Edit- And hi Mia! Thanks for that enabling. XD


Hi Alicia! You're welcome! You know you love it, haha. :P

Glad to hear that you liked it!

Edited by Mia
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I made my first order tonight and am very excited about smelling all the lovelies. Also came along via fellow BPAL lovers suggestions. Quite glad I did, I ordered a sample pack and quite a few other samples vials...so as I said excited. Let's see, introductions...never all that great at them...I'm an artist, love all things piratical (practically squee'd when I saw Pirate Bumbo), music, pin up art. All that jazz. :D

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