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Rainbow Falls Cologne Spray

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I REEEEEALLY like putting it in my hair when I'm wearing other scents on my skin, and the Rainbow definitely works its magic.

This has become my favorite use for it as well. I think it works best when it can be diffused among others.

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This has become my favorite use for it as well. I think it works best when it can be diffused among others.

Perfectly stated! And...I went to see If there's more available, and the cart says it's Out of Stock. Boo hoo. Might have to make one of those Mad Scientist mixes or a PE when my little trial spray runs out.
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I was thinking of doing it as a beta with Pleasure Valley as the scent.

Oooooh! Just went and looked that up--sounds PRETTY! I've not smelled that one. Looks like I need to add a sample to my next order. Is it as fresh as it sounds, luna?
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I wore some of this in my hair on Saturday, and got compliments from my B/F's mom. I think it was for this, because I had Hanagumori on, but it had faded almost away by then...

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I wore this in my hair over the weekend (traveling especially which is always fraught with stress for me) and it helped everyone be much more upbeat. Quince said, "Why does your hair smell like Herbal Essence?" so I guess it reminded him of that shampoo - he said he dated lots of girls who used it "back in the Dark Ages." :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I forgot to review this. I used this in my hair the other day when I had to meet with my parents and lawyer, to sign my life away on the new house. Was worried Dad would be his well-meaning, over-bearing self, and at Mara's suggestion at smoothing Dad's sharp & pointy edges, thought this would be a good time to try it. I don't know if it worked on Dad. But he *was* making a lot of jokes as we were signing our kajillions of legal documents, and he *was* sitting right next to me, so I suppose it could have been Treasured Hearts helping me out. Or it could simply have been that Dad's pretty pumped about buying this house. I don't know.


However, I had to go to work immediately after the lawyer's office, and this worked a strange little miracle on my grumpy-*ss boss. It wasn't a very busy night, so his wife and the manager and I were all standing around the bar, chatting. 'Chef', my boss, who is always, always, always in the kitchen because he's very formal about everyone's roles in the restaurant, kept coming to the bar to hang out with us, and he was super-giggly, which was also fairly freakish considering that even on good days he can turn into Gordon Ramsay in under a second. The best part was that having this in my hair, it didn't really smell like perfume, it smelled like shampoo.


I've also used this to calm BF down when he starts swearing at his video games a little too rabidly. I stand close to him, turn my head upside down and spray my hair once, then spray a little poof into the air near BF. Works like a charm.


I'm disappointed that this is GGG. I wish I'd gotten more when I had the chance. I love the smell, and I can see how Treasured Hearts could be very useful. I was thinking it would be nice in Areion Skye.

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I'm glad I could get this before it ran out! I wasn't sure I could wear it at first because I wasn't used to wearing perfumes much and thought it was kind of strong. But I tried again, and I liked the watery scent even though I usually can't deal with florals.


But the reason I love this one so much is the phero blend. It makes me feel very happy and upbeat. I get a bit chatty, other people get chatty. I remember once I was feeling down and got dragged to a party. I put some on, and by the end of the night I was all smiles and making new friends. I've also had men express interest in keeping in touch after talking with my while I wore this. (A guy on the plane talked to me the whole trip. Maybe not the best to wear while traveling, depending on who you end up sitting next to!!) Yesterday, I had some on while out at a cafe and a few guys looked back at me when they came in and out. I know it's not a sexy phero blend like the others, but maybe because it makes me feel happy, others are drawn to that. So even though the fragrance is sold out, I'd definitely keep the blend in mind to add to other scents.


I like to wear this in my hair too, or spray it on scarves. I tried layering it with Pleasure Valley yesterday, and I liked it, kind of like hawaiian forest vibe.

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I know it's not a sexy phero blend like the others, but maybe because it makes me feel happy, others are drawn to that.


ABSOLUTELY...this is so important,and I am glad you *get it* :):)

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  • 3 months later...

I got this through the trading post (shout out to Katz! Lol) and I looooooooovve it!! Its so fresh and sweet!! I haven't tested the phero, as I just hung around the house today, and don't really ever notice self effects. I will say the past couple of weeks have been crazy, and I've been a bit on edge about the gazillion things I have to do before school starts. A bit after I sprayed myself, I felt more relaxed and calm. And a bit smiley :) :) :) this is definitely a keeper in my book!!

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Well...seems like someone just got their self-effects :) ...this is a special one,I need to wear it more often,it never fails to make for a good day,oh you will enjoy wearing it around others too! Not even a Calii scent either but it is so uplifting,refreshing and just "clean" :wub: The blending of Treasured Hearts with the extra A-nol is a win!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm surprised I haven't reviewed this yet! It's really become my go-to. I just started work with some unintentionally clique-y ladies. I think it's helped speed up the process of getting to know eachother, and warm them up to me. After lunch, my manager blurted out that we should take a yoga class together. Treasured Hearts is that extra push with my SO to feel safe and secure with me. One time I had some residual treasured hearts on when he just stared and told me the that I made him happy. I've only had the trial size, so it's a bummer that it's almost gone.


Rainbow falls scent itself was awesome too. It's a showered and fresh scent. It was really easy to wear and non intrusive that's perfect for any situation. An overall happy and versatile scent.

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I've been testing different pheros in our Market Night booth every Friday, and last night I wore Rainbow Falls in my hair and on my body. Boy, did I get conversations! I really enjoy talking to the folks that come by, and this made it more...more! Hee! It seemed to put my customers and me into deeper conversations than normal. Maybe a bit longer, but mostly more personal ones immediately. Very interesting, and also quite enjoyable! Plus, some young friends whose folks have a booth down the way hung out with us pretty much the whole time. I love seeing them and loved talking with them...and realized later that I probably phero-bombed them! :)


P.S. This reminds me to go post about using Jubilee at Market Night! *runs off to the thread*

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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  • 1 year later...

I skipped this when it originally came out. The notes weren't calling to me. But I got a sample from Molls this weekend (thanks dearest!!!) mainly to test the phero. The scent was a pleasant surprise! Very light and fresh, watery, but immensely fruity on my skin. I didn't see a lot of mention of this before, so I'm wondering if it's something that aging has brought about. Not really a me scent, but I will love and enjoy the vial I've got.


I realize that this also has a-nol in addition to Treasured Hearts, so the phero experience might be a little different from straight TH, but this actually worked well for my intended purpose. I've worn Treasured Hearts around coworkers (all women) and it was nice, but I wanted to test it in a romantic situation. It was nice and cuddly in a different way than CB, but i really liked it. At one point, the boy looked at me and said, "I am so happy right now!!" This is atypical of him (to randomly express his happiness, not the fact that he's happy, lol). I know he was under the influence of a-nol. I'm thinking when the shop opens, I will get a bottle and add a spritz of my a-nol when necessary.

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  • 5 months later...

I got this one in the E-bay auction and I haven't stopped wearing it for two days. It's the perfect scent for work, play, home...anything!! I LOVE THIS ONE!! I didn't think anything could beat Levitation, Flying Potion, Soaked or the Big Easy but it sure is up there with one of my favorites now.

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