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It makes me feel honored to recognize the names of you elite forum members who took time to help little ol' me - a confused newcomer - navigate through scentatopia and make informed buying decisions! All within 48 hours!!! Ya'll are Rock Stars. :12_small7: I'll aspire to be like you someday!

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I can't shut up IRL, either!


Then we probably have something to talk about haha!


i moved up! Im Wilhelmina W. Witchiepoo



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Finally broke 2000!!! Wait, what? 2,100?? How'd that happen?! (Not complaining! Don't touch that reset button!)

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Thanks, Halo! I cannot even begin to imagine life without LPs and you guys here on the forum. It'd be a return to the Dark Ages, for sure.


And when did you get that big fancy red ADMINISTRATORS title under your avi, Halo!! Congrats!! Or has it always been there and I'm blind as a bat?

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And I made it up another rank! Hooray!


I am sad to see "Unicorn Jockey" go though - it matched up so well with my avi!


Congrats! Your avi is great, matching or not!

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Congratulations, Ms. Mzyxktlp Mzklpxt Mxyzptlk! :hearts09780:

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Congratulations, ladies!

Edited by quietguy
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So cool to see those familiar names that have been so helpful to me throughout the forum! Obviously you all deserve kudos and blessings for your time and input - especially helpful to new members like myself. Congrats & know you are appreciated more than you may ever realize!

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Aww thanks Lovestruck. They really stole our hearts alright. We learned to communicate with them by vibration. Tapping or stomping the floor to get their attention, or holding them against your throat while you spoke soothingly. Eye contact worked too. Their story was an interesting one. We adopted their pure white 6 month old mom, Jasmine, from a shelter who assured us she had been through a complete checkup. We brought her home to our two others and they got along well after only a few days. She was very, very sweet, but something just seemed off. The shelter we got her from also gave free first visit exams with certain vets and we made her appt. In the vBulletin interim, I started to notice behavior. Shewould get up and scope out different areas, etc. My partner was more of a dog person back then so he didn't notice, but I told him, "If I didn't know better, I would swear she was pregnant." By the time 2 weeks passed and it was time for her vet visit, we were pretty sure and he confirmed my suspicions. He told us her due date was likely only a couple of weeks and it would not be safe to abort. I couldn't have at that point anyway. So we got home, I called the shelter, told them the diagnosis we were dealing with in spite of their "thorough" exam. They told us we could bring her in and trade her for another cat!!! I was apalled!They also told us that they could abort the kittens.I informed them that the vet had told us that it would be life threatening to her and the kittens to which they replied, "Ohhhh...it is safe,maybe just a bit bloodier, but she'll be fine." OMG! I told them forget it, that we would see her andnher kittens through it and we would find the kittens homes. Jasmine's water broke on New Years Day and she was so young and unknowing, she squatted in the litter box thinking she had to go. I set up a box with a towel and carried her to it. She kept wanting to run until I saw her finally lay down. I told my partner, "this is it." He said, OMG, I am going out for a beer." "Like hell you are," I said. And then, the first one began to come. All was well until the second one came, and she was so fixated on washing the first baby, that she would not nip open the sac of the second. I told my partner to get me a clean, damp wash cloth and I gently broke it myself near thekittens nose and mouth. The next one came fine. Three white with shorthair. The last one told us what dad looked like. Very handsome and fluffy gray with a white locket on his chest. 4 kittens in all born to our 6 month old girl. one fluffy gray male, one white male and one white female with odd colored eyes. We took care of them as if they were our own babies

and fell in love with all of them, but were in no position to keep them. Each one got a good home through friends. Jasmine was very relieved to be free of the little darlings. As for names, I can only tell you that one was named Snowball (I kn o w) the gray one was named Stealth. And yes, I discovered that the white ones were deaf. BUT... it was a happy ending. :) The End. The happy end.

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:heart: That was my bed time story...I'm off to dream about lovely fluffy white snowballs...and one grey fluffy cloud...in a blue sky...with LOTS of sunshine...and a rainbow... :heart:

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Aww... I am happy you liked it Nutrix. And Lovestruck, we had Jasmine for over 7 years when she developed a sort of sudden onset diabetes and we had to let our sweet girl go. But you will be happy to know that she had a wonderful, spoiled rotten life while she was here. We gave her a good life and in turn she gave us a sweeter life for sharing it with us, as I believe they all do. :)

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Aww... I am happy you liked it Nutrix. And Lovestruck, we had Jasmine for over 7 years when she developed a sort of sudden onset diabetes and we had to let our sweet girl go. But you will be happy to know that she had a wonderful, spoiled rotten life while she was here. We gave her a good life and in turn she gave us a sweeter life for sharing it with us, as I believe they all do. :)

It's a real privilege to have them share their lives with us -- a hard one sometimes, but a privilege nonetheless. Thanks for telling Jasmine's story.

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:lol: Me too! Currently, 3 dogs, 3 birds...more than enough :D We had a kitty, but she passed several years ago. We all get/got along though so it can work if you find there's room for more ^_~

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