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Cuddle Bunny and Cuddle Bunny 2009

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I agree! They tend to be, completely by accident, insulting to a perfectly delightful scent! The trick is figuring out if what they say they're associating it to is complimantary or not :lol: I always follow my husband's statements with, "And what exactly does that mean to you?" I want to find things we both like but it's a constant, though entertaining, riddle LOL!

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  • 1 month later...

I haven't worn my UN Cuddle Bunny in ages and ages. But I'm wearing it today, with Halo's Angelique and Lady V's Cherry Rose and a bunch of Topper, too. And WOW! I went out grocery shopping in a sea of DIHL! Holy molio! Anybody looking for DIHL reaction: this is a good'un! :o I didn't really notice at first. I'm in a bit of a funk today, (hence the piling on of some of my favourite pheros & scents), and I was kind of stuck in my head. Then, when I was looking for the coffee aisle, my eyes landed on some dude who was standing near the cheese section, blatantly staring at me. He continued to stare at me until his partner/wife/girlfriend/sister/whatever looked over to see what had his attention. He looked down at her, and then right back at me! I was all: :huh: And then I remembered the CB/Topper mix. And then I got all self-conscious and began noticing all kinds of dudes giving me the eye. I forgot how potent Cuddle Bunny is. This is the first time I've ever thought to wear it with Topper, but apparently it was a good choice! :lol:

It even started to nudge BF out of his work-grump. I've missed my Cuddle Bunny. Cuddle Bunny, meet your new best friend, Topper. ;)

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You gals keep coming up with these great combos...I need to create a spot for all of them so I don't forget!

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  • 1 month later...

I'm wearing Cuddle Bunny 09 today.. First, I love the scent. It's clean and fresh - and it lasts all day! I applied at 6 am this morning, and it's almost 3 pm and it's still going strong! I mostly work in a cubby, so not much interaction with people. But I was washing out my cup this morning in the breakroom, and this one guy comes in - who is ALWAYS snotty to me - and he actually asked how my day was so far! Then proceeded to ask how my weekend was, and on his way out, he said "Hope the rest of your day goes well too" - I was almost speechless, lol

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I decided to give my Cuddle Bunny sample a go last night, after my husband had put our child to sleep. I wasn't in the mood for anything too sexual and felt that this would suit my general mood. We rarely get enough sleep and are usually quite tired in the evening, and this was one of those evenings when I feel like just a little bit of cuddling and then going straight to bed (to get some precious sleep, that is!). My husband often continues working on his computer at home late in the evening, but apparently he had nothing too pressing to tend to last night, so the timing was perfect in that respect as well, because it turns out he had the same cuddling agenda on his mind!


I quite liked the scent straight from the vial as well as on my skin. Very sweet and nice and soft. Sniffing on where I applied it on my wrist gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling, especially after some time (though it could have just as well been me feeling tired and cozy in general). The scent registered pink in my mind, I don't know why, but it could be because of the pink colour on the label. I didn't get any bad cops smell (not sure that I know what it's like, though), to me it smelled good and sweet straight away and I hardly waited for it to dry down at all before joining my hubby in the living room. I think I was rather cautious in applying and didn't put a lot on, just dabbed a little bit with my finger on my wrist (then rubbed together to get it on both wrists), a few dabs on my cleavage and the sides of my neck, and a tiny spot on the back of my neck.


True to the name of the fragrance, it was a very cuddly evening! First off my husband wanted to cuddle for a bit on the sofa, but I think he would have wanted it anyway, because he initiated that already before I had come into the room and there was no way he could have smelled me then. We cuddled and talked for a bit, then drank some tea and did stuff on our computers, sitting on the sofa about a meter apart. I did note that he came to sit so close to me, because often in a similar situation I'd be sitting on the sofa drinking my tea and staring at my laptop, and he'd be doing the same but at the dining table on the other side of the room (it's a small room, but still we'd be much further apart). Also, he kept on looking at me, smiling and reaching out to touch me. After about half an hour I put my computer down and he asked if I was going to go to sleep. I said I was, and asked if he would too. He said yes, which made me very happy, because more often than not he stays up a lot later than me (working...) and I do like to go to bed at the same time. In bed we read for a bit but again he wanted to be very very close to me, and after we turned off the lights we cuddled some more, and it was so sweet and intimate. We didn't talk much, just stayed close, but then I was extremely tired. He kept snuffling my neck a lot more than usual, which was very cute, but he didn't comment on the fragrance at all. Oh, and I guess we also slept a bit closer to each other than we normally do (we both like to have our space, so we never fall asleep in each others arms), because I woke up at one point in the middle of the night and we were practically side by side, which is not usual at all.


I didn't get any kind of sexual vibe from this (which was just as well for yesterday, as I wasn't looking for one), but I wonder if that would change if I applied it a bit more liberally?


All in all a very nice first go with Cuddle Bunny! I like the scent and I believe I like the phero too. With my husband it did result in a very warm, fuzzy and cuddly evening and night, very sweet and intimate but not in a sexy way - nothing drastically different from what we would have had without CB, but I do believe this enhanced the atmosphere. I will definitely do some more experimenting with this.

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What a wonderful post! Makes me want to go cuddle instead of go to work :blushing: Intimacy is always rewarding. SO glad this blend was a success for you with interesting little nuances....moving closer, being more attentive and touchy. Sometimes it really IS the little things :love:



Ok. reading through this thread some more. I'm going to go for the scented version. Going to go for fb too. You are all giving such great ideas about how you can combine the scented CB with other scents if it doesn't quite suit that I've GOT to try it!

Edited by NuTrix
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Great review!!!! As for not feeling a sexy vibe, i think it just depends on you. Sometimes this makes me crazy horny, sometimes it doesn't, and i wear consistent amounts. You said you weren't feeling much in the mood for it, so maybe that's it. but i'm betting if you had given your hubby "that look" he would have been all over you. There are a lot of cops in this one!

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Ok, good to know it could just be about me and my vibe in regard to the sexiness! I definitely wasn't feeling the least bit sexy or in the mood for anything apart from cuddling. Will have to try again in another kind of mood to see if I notice a difference.

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Oh and NuTrix, thanks for the suggestion that you gave me in my Welcome-thread to use this one! I think that was why I grabbed this to try for the first night - didn't dare try to mix it with BAM though as you suggested. Maybe later when I have a bit more experience! :^^:

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Nice review, Lisbet! Cuddle Bunny '09 is one of my favourite LPs, and I'm sure you'll love it too. (Be careful not to get it in your hair, though. Between the copulins and the Est., getting it in your hair could make for some stinky locks!).

I do love the vibe the phero creates. And yes, it's great for sleeping. I tend to wake up with my boyfriend wrapped around my back & hogging the bed when I wear CB close to bedtime! :lol:

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Thanks Eggers, and no, I definitely wouldn't want to get it in my hair! I guess with long hair you'd have to be extra careful when applying cops-heavy products at the back of your neck, but my hair is short so it's easier to avoid getting it in there. :) Actually with short hair I like the idea of adding a dab of the product at my the back of my neck as well, and that's where my husband will often kiss me, so it might be effective too.


I agree, this was so lovely just for tired cuddling and sleeping. I think I will wear this again tonight for the exact same purpose!

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Okay. :) I just wanted to make sure you were aware of the dangers of getting those two in your hair. I have long hair, but I often wear it up in a bun, and put my pheros back there for exactly the reason you mentioned: kisses! :D Works like a charm. ;)

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okay, so - today. I wore OCCO Blue and Cuddle Bunny '09. Which is like my new favorite combo. I want to wear this every day, lol. The kid who took our order at breakfast was so attentive. Then in Oakland, we stopped by a little store to get cups with ice to put our warm-by-now drinks in that we had left in the car while at our appt. The guy at the store wouldn't take my money!! Later we stopped at a mall, and a guy at a kiosk stared at me all while I walked towards him (like 20 feet) then for the lack of anything better to say, complimented me on my glasses, lol. And when we went to eat before heading home, the guy had them make us fresh chips, and gave us a big container to take extra salsa home!! I knew this was good stuff, but WOW... So glad I have an UN bottle on the way! Watch out, boys, here I come...

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Wow! That's some SERIOUS attention! :D I LOVE it when I great combo comes together! :jumpforjoy:

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You all talked me into scented CB! I can't WAIT for it to arrive....ok...I CAN, but I don't WANT to LOL Such mixed reviews from everyone. It seems so different for everybody and yet it's so highly praised I have to try it! I have high hopes and got the fb!

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Ohhh! I love the ones that linger like that! And, yes, I do have the UN, it's a go to! It's a real winner with hubby and I can't imagine being w/o it :love: And it layers great with so many things. The scent description sounds so unique...but then I could probably say that about all LPs Hahaha! I'm really hoping the scent's a winner with hubby too :D Crossing fingers, toes and eyes!

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NT, MyBeloved is absolutely passionately in love with this scent on me! It is his long-standing favorite, from the time it was originally released. So glad it is a permanent scent now; when it was originally released I stocked up to ensure I would have "enough" (as if we can ever have enough LPs)... Wonderful to know I don't need to worry about running out! When I put this on before coming home, no sooner have I walked in the door than My Beloved is extolling my beauty and declaring his absolute undying love for me while kissing me longingly!

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I really need to test out my Cuddle Bunny

DD, if your man responds best to the softer, est-y blends, most definitely try this out! It really stokes My Beloved's flames of love and desire! You know how the blends just make us more of who we are, amplifying and intensifying and emphasizing those innate, amazing qualities we each have? Well, this blend does that for the love and attraction My Beloved feels for me, emphasizing and accentuating and pulling forth all of those reasons he is attracted to me, reminding him of those first moments we meet...of those first kisses of longing and desire... of the beauty of exploring the nuances of each others souls and being.

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Chai, it is exactly these types of posts (and the ones where people are enamored by the scent) that helped me decide to take the plunge to try the scented version.


UN CB is SUCH a winner in our house for all the reasons you mentioned and more. My hubby is a restless soul and this settles him down into cuddle mode, and there are FEW things that keep him there, but THIS is one of them, lol. I haven't found a place that this isn't appropriate either. I've worn it to work and play and it just gets great responses all around (men & women) I want to love the scented too :love: So eager for that lovely LP package to arrive!

Edited by NuTrix
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Chai, it is exactly these types of posts (and the ones where people are enamored by the scent) that helped me decide to take the plunge to try the scented version.


UN CB is SUCH a winner in our house for all the reasons you mentioned and more. My hubby is a restless soul and this settles him down into cuddle mode, and there are FEW things that keep him there, but THIS is one of them, lol. I haven't found a place that this isn't appropriate either. I've worn it to work and play and it just gets great responses all around (men & women) I want to love the scented too :love: So eager for that lovely LP package to arrive!


I feel like this scent and phero go hand in hand so unless one of the notes goes terribly awry, it will be a hit for you as well! I think after a time, it smells vaguely masculine on me, but everyone else is so enamored by the phero, they never say that it smells anything but good on me!

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BB, I think it's so funny that this comes off as masculine on you. I think it's the LP that comes off the girliest on me!

CB is a big, BIG winner in our house, too. I love that the phero seems to do double time, too. Sometimes I get more hits the next day than I do the day I put it on. I love that. :)

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BB, I think it's so funny that this comes off as masculine on you. I think it's the LP that comes off the girliest on me!

CB is a big, BIG winner in our house, too. I love that the phero seems to do double time, too. Sometimes I get more hits the next day than I do the day I put it on. I love that. :)


It can go masculine, not all the time, just sometimes on me. But it's not by far the girliest LP on me. I think Pink Musk is the winner in that contest. It's so girly, all i want to do is wear pink and bat my eyes or something. (and that is not BlueBear behavior!! :lol: )

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I love that the phero seems to do double time, too. Sometimes I get more hits the next day than I do the day I put it on. I love that. :)

WOOOOW! I could only hope! I'm always putting on something different daily (although I have been getting int the habbit of wearing the same mone 2 days in a row) I wonder how many risiduals I've missed because I wasn't looking??? :huh:

It can go masculine, not all the time, just sometimes on me. But it's not by far the girliest LP on me. I think Pink Musk is the winner in that contest. It's so girly, all i want to do is wear pink and bat my eyes or something. (and that is not BlueBear behavior!! :lol: )

Now I'm REALLY curious about it! Thank goodness it's ordered...I only have to squirm for 7-10 more days LOL
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NuTrix, I usually wear different stuff every day, too, (except for work days, and even then I try to switch it up), but a couple of times I've worn CB at night, after my bath, and then in the morning put something else on,and gotten the most brazen hits! It even happened once when *all* I was wearing was the last night's CB. And that one was a *crazy* hit. Two hits, technically, 'cause it was two wine reps who came into the restaurant. ;) Fun stuff!

I like to take advantage of that residual effect and wear CB at night, after my bath, and then Sneaky Clean in the morning when I have to go to work. The scents are sort of in the same kind of family, (to my nose, at least), and wearing them one after the other like that makes it feel a little Bang!y. Those are good days... *le sigh*

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:lol: "Crazy" hits are some of the BEST kind! Wow though! For realz! That's a supa hit more than 24 hours later without re-app! THAT'S the crazy part :blink: But in a great way!
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LOL! CB was SO covert even YOU didn't know about it at first! Now THERE'S a killer phero! :lol:

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I know everyone always says "pheros can't MAKE people feel things they wouldn't otherwise." Well I call bullshit in the case of CB:) I wore some today and a guy I've met 3 times before -- and not briefly -- who has taken zero notice of me -- to the point that he did not even remember having met me any of those 3 times despite the most recent having been just a few weeks ago -- today COULD NOT GET ENOUGH OF ME .... Hovering, staring, coyly wandering off and then coming back as if he just couldn't play it cool. Suddenly my eyes and hair and voice and blah blah were worthy of awestruck comment.

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