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Cuddle Bunny and Cuddle Bunny 2009

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Scored a sample and bottle of scented CB 2009 and a scented CB (maybe a version prior to 2009) a long time ago and have never really used them. 


Went out for dinner with someone at the top of the food chain in one of my ex work place. We met up about 3 times in the last couple of months for lunch, coffee and trail walking. I can be quite thick in the skull but my ex-colleagues did point out previously that he probably likes me. He has in the past also said that he feels there is a connection between us and that he was glad that he's no longer my boss. 


Anyhow, I had LP Pink and OCCO Pink in the morning and dab some scented CB on the back of my hands about half an hour before he picked me up from work. We usually talk about our frustrations at work (culture shock as he's an American, never married, worked and lived outside the US for a number of years but first time out here in Asia), our pasts, current affairs and a little about my kids (which I don't usually share with anyone). We talked about the first time he met me and I only remember being dragged by a fellow colleague to appear in front of him to introduce ourselves. Then our next few encounters at formal work events.


He said that he was pretty sure that I have many admirers. To be honest, I do notice some of these signs but most of the time, I would completely block them out that I don't even realise and recognise the signs. Told him that it's simply because I am still married even though it's not a happy marriage. 


In short, he said that he would be there till I sort things out. I guess the nesting effects did hit him after all. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wore this again with the same subject for trail walking this morning.  


Don't think he is an alpha although at work (and with his responsibilities) he does seem to come across one but one who respects and cares for those who work under him. 


The nesting effects is definitely working on him as he feels very bad that I'm working doubly to triple harder than those in his organisation and has recommended me to his counterparts in other organizations. While I was under employment, he has asked if I wanted to transfer to another department. Now that I've left, it is unlikely that he would want me back in the same office, reporting to him or his direct report. 


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  • 2 months later...
1 hour ago, Angelic said:

Would it be weird to wear this for a massage? I'm getting one this Saturday and really want to wear this for it.

The scented version (because of the fragrance?) or for the phero effect on others or yourself? 

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I wore this for my massage today. That has to have been the most pleasant massage I've ever had. Massages are always pretty painful for me because I'm extremely tense everywhere, but she was so gentle with me! She even at one point just sort of caressed the skin on my legs. Not massaging, but just running her hands over my skin delicately. Never had someone do that before. It felt soooo goooood.


I love the fresh, gentle scent of this. It smells very clean on me.


I can't wait to wear this around my niece and nephew. I want lots of hugs and snuggles with them!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have to sing the praises of this again! I wore it all throughout holiday festivities with my family. The effect on my big brother in particular was great! He's always loving and protective toward me, but he's also a little hard-nosed and is very much into tough love. He was extra sweet toward me all throughout the holidays, though! He even gave me an unsolicited hug at one point, which doesn't happen! It was great.


My niece loved this on me. She said "I like how you smell! You smell like flowers."

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  • 6 months later...

When I started my LP journey many years ago, I always thought this blend would never be for me, as my feelings were that it was too soft, too light etc...


Let me tell you that I could not have been more wrong. Because this has Waterlily, and I love aquatic scents I knew I had to give it a try.  This scent helps me when I'm in a frenzied state of mind and allows me to calm down, but I have learned that I little of this on me goes a long way... I love to wear this to work so that I can calmly handle employees who feel that they are more privileged than anyone else at our company.


This scent is like smelling a baby that has just taken a bath and has some baby powder on and just smells so sweet and heavenly.  This is the only one of my LP scents that I get a bit of a buzz from.  It's a very comforting scent that wraps you up and makes you feel safe. The scent goes on soft with a bit of a sparkling kick to it.  


I have recently worn Cuddle Bunny with Sugared Gardenia and its to die for....


Everyone needs Cuddle Bunny in their arsenal even if you think you don't...

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  • 7 months later...

I purchased a virgin bottle of Cuddle Bunny 2009 and tried it for the first time today. I’m a big fan! Very light, clean scent - I agree with the early posts about it being reminiscent of freshly washed sheets. I’m not sure it has gotten me any closer to figuring out which scents are most “me,” since I have found something I like in almost every scent I’ve tried so far. But the lighter scents, whether aquatic or sweet or floral or fruity, seem to be the ones I enjoy immediately. Richer and more complex scents sometimes take a couple of tries. Anyway... this one is a keeper for sure, and I am glad to have a full bottle.

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  • 9 months later...

Last night I wore Gossamer Threads w/ Cuddle Bunny, haven’t worn it in a while. I used to wear it whenever I’d be around my kids’ dad as he is incapable of being a dick when I’m wearing any CB. 
I took my kids out to dinner, and then dessert, and they started arguing with each other about whom I’ll be living with when I’m old, kinda fighting over me. It was cute. Pretty sure it was the CB and not just my great taste in dessert spots.

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18 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

Last night I wore Gossamer Threads w/ Cuddle Bunny, haven’t worn it in a while. I used to wear it whenever I’d be around my kids’ dad as he is incapable of being a dick when I’m wearing any CB. 
I took my kids out to dinner, and then dessert, and they started arguing with each other about whom I’ll be living with when I’m old, kinda fighting over me. It was cute. Pretty sure it was the CB and not just my great taste in dessert spots.

Awwww, that's so cute!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, newbie here! I wore Cuddle Bunny w/ Cuddle Bunny pheromones last night. Gorgeous scent! Jasmine was the first note I smelled and loved it straight away.
The scent was so lovely and fresh that I forgot about copulins in there and did 4 swipes from the trial vial around the back of my neck, behind my ears and some got in my freshly washed and styled hair! I didn’t detect any cops scent like some users describe, just kept getting a whiff of the cover scent and loving it.

I went to bed thinking I would get cuddles and maybe more from my partner, but he didn’t cuddle me or comment on how nice I smelled, like he did with Unisexy w/Perfect Match.
It was only this morning I remembered about the cops, so after a mad dash to Google how to clean off the scent, I found a witch hazel bottle in my cupboard and rubbed my neck, ears and hair like there was no tomorrow. Going to use another scent and hope that if any cops remained, they won’t be noticeable. Live and learn!

Edited by CosmoTea
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  • 1 year later...

I got a little sniffie of this with my most recent order along with Cougar Potion and Love Potion: Red(Thank you so much to whoever added these! 🥰🙏🏻


I mentioned in my Cougar Potion review that I did a blind sniff and was initially confused between this and Cougar Potion until I saw the notes. It seems like this has changed a lot since 2008. These were the notes according to the first post: 


On 3/1/2008 at 9:50 PM, thatonegirl said:
gallery photo
Includes Waterlily, Oakmoss, Jasmine, Cotton Blossom, Tobacco and Sugar.


I checked the current shoppe page for this and found: Jasmine, Sugar, Water Lily, Maple, Oakmoss, Cotton/Cotton Blossom, Ginger, Anise, Bergamot. I highlighted the ones that were similar to the older version.


I am glad for the change because I am trying to avoid scents with tobacco nowadays. I might pick it up as an exception and would probably not get a full bottle unless I really like the scent. Fortunately for me, tobacco is no longer in this because I really like Cuddle Bunny!!! This was once again, such a surprise! 


It did not make that much of an impression on me when I first tried it. I think it was because I was more surprised by Cougar Potion's brightness. I somewhat expected Cuddle Bunny to be bright. I'm also not into florals so when I identified this as floral, I thought, okay that's nice and moved on. 


I put this on again yesterday and wow. I don't even know how to describe this. It's floral but  more . I read some comments saying it smells like laundry (I think Sneaky Clean is actually the one that does lol) but to me, this reminds me of the afterscent of this hand wash that I smell every now and then in some bathrooms. I don't know which hand wash it is, but the afterscent that lingers on my hands and wrists afterwards smells so clean and elegant. Cuddle Bunny smells exactly like that. 


The dry down of this smells very nice and it's pretty much the same as the start. It does eventually turn into this unisex scent on me, but that's after a long time has passed and most of the other notes have faded. I can't quite identify what it is, whether it's green or blue, woody or aquatic. Now that I'm looking at the notes, perhaps that's the oakmoss? 


This one also lasts a long time for me. I put this on before bed last night and woke up to it still present. I also put Cougar Potion on around the same time, but that disappeared before I woke up.


I would really like this in a virgin spray. I saw that Mara made some virgin bottles before. (Ten years ago! 😱Can this even be sprayed on the hair? I really want to spray this all over! 🤩 


I am so surprised since I am not into florals but this one just works for me. Mr. Onyx also said, "This one I like," when I asked him to sniff this. I like this so much that I'm considering getting a sample of the 'Weenies 2023 version of Vampire Bunny even though I'm avoiding tobacco! 


Once again, I am so grateful for the sniffie! 🥰 I'm happy to have found something I really like that's part of the permanent collection. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can you believe that I’ve never tried this? (the scented version) 


I received a trial vial in my last shipment, and finally got around to putting it on yesterday.  It is not for me.  BUT, if the notes are ones that you think you’d like, absolutely try it!  It lasts and lasts.  And, even though it isn’t a strong scent, when I discovered it was going in a direction I wasn’t enjoying, I tried (twice) covering it with Cocoa Musk because it has this phero it it too.  Nope, cocoa musk disappeared, and scented Cuddle Bunny stayed very present.  This is quite interesting, because on its’ own, Cocoa Musk lasts on me for ages, and I truly love it.  


I do like the UN version, and have a backup bottle even of it.  

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