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BANG! Unscented Phero Blend for Women

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Wanted to share a cute hit on this one. A guy passed me on the street and then spun around on his heel to check me out, so hard that he stumbled and fell down. :smiley-laughing024: I will say my hair did look good today but otherwise I credit el bango.

Lol. Watch that Bang on the streets.
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I love to dance. I take classes and go out social dancing sometimes. At my school there was a "popular" (in the high school way) teacher who was widely beloved for his teaching skill and humor and also because he is really cute. Several years ago I took a class of his. It was an advanced level class. I had not "grown up" at this particular school so I didn't know this teacher or any of my classmates, but having learned elsewhere, I did just fine in the class. However the teacher had a major Mean Girl thing going on with me. He would literally just ignore answers I gave, would praise other students for subsequently giving the exact same answer I gave, never gave me individual feedback the way he did for others, etc. I didn't really care; I got what I wanted out of the class.


Fast forward several years. I decided to go to an intensive cram course one weekend that he was teaching. I decided fuck it, I'm wearing bang! Which I realize is pretty uncool to do when you'll be dancing in close quarters with lots of stranger dudes, but I yam what I yam. We all rotated partners every few minutes. Each time I got to him, he literally clung to me (in between practicing segments of the routine or class work, partners usually don't touch, but he just held onto me the whole time, even while explaining stuff to the whole class) and kept me with him for I'd say at least three times longer than the normal interval, gave me tons of individualized feedback, and grabbed me afterward and gave me a ton of extra info, tips, practice, superfluously touched me a lot, etc. I was on cloud nine. If you don't dance, you don't know the ecstasy of being a "follow" (usually, woman) and dancing with an expert lead (usually, men). It's like driving a Lamborghini.


I didn't see him for several months after that, then signed up for a regular class of his. Though I haven't worn bang! there and am only rarely anywhere near him (he doesn't join the rotation like in the seminar) but he pays particular attention to me, compliments me, and when I ask questions he calls me dear (he doesn't do this with others) and beams at me affectionately. To me this seems to prove that pheros, or certainly bang at least, can have an imprinting effect.

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OutSTANDING post! :cheers04251: To fine wine! Fine cars! And fine dance partners! :drinking-red-wine: :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

I've been rocking LP BANG! the last few days. I don't usually wear any one phero more than 2 days in a row, but I was loving it so figured - just 1 more day....


I spent a goodly chunk of time with my mom yesterday and I usually wear G2 around her because she can be - um - opinionated? :lol: But instead I took the chance and wore BANG! and though it didn't curb her in any way (not much does, lol) it gave me this great "whatever" vibe and I just let her ramble on and on...

She doesn't have a filter anymore I've noticed. Not that she says bad things, but there's no inner monolog anymore - at least that's my hypothesis, lol. There can be no silence with my mom - someone must be conversing at all times, and I was fine with that being her (she doesn't let me say much anyway HAHAHA!) So she was in her glory and I was cool with being along for the ride. It's the first time I recall wearing BANG! around her so I will have to remember this day because this was definitely tolerable.

We're so alike and yet so different. So strange. We look alike, laugh alike and there's no doubt we're related but our take on life and interacting with other people are so polar opposite it's astounding sometimes. But we love the heck out of each other so go figure :D


SO BANG! selfies? IDGF vibe comes in handy with rents...wonder if it works as well with in-laws...hmmm.....

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  • 3 weeks later...



Bang! - Phero Blend for Women

Unscented Pheromone for Women

BANG! is a remix of our fabulous SUPER SEXY FOR WOMEN blend, given a slutty sleazy spin with the addition of Essence of Woman Copulins and an extra dose of the feminine magic of Estratestraenol. BANG!...for when you know you need to hit it, and hit it hard.



SS4W, EoW and Estratestraenol. The magic that is Bang! Get you some divas.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Weeeell, SS4W with a slutty twist, yep, that sums it up. Today, men wandered into my office, and they seemed not to know how they got there or why they had come. Two kinda made a beeline for me, it was really cute! One put an arm around my waist, which we do a lot at work, being friends and all. But lo and behold, this time, and I've known that guy for ten years, his hand slid down and cupped my butt. And stayed there. I don't think he knew what he was doing, he was kinda spaced out. It was so funny! Boss payed me a compliment, whatever I asked today, I got. I covered the Bang with Atomic Mandarin, great scent, even though I lose the citrus very fast, the warm notes stay with me. I think I put on quite a lot of Bang, but didnt refresh, the effects lasted all day though. Very interesting effect. Have to see if I can repeat it... ;-)

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I never used pheros when I was younger, there really wasn't much around anyway. But honestly, I didn't need them. I fucking hated it when men touched me uninvited. Maybe you shouldn't Bang at work.

Edited by StacyK
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One put an arm around my waist, which we do a lot at work, being friends and all. But lo and behold, this time, and I've known that guy for ten years

whatever I asked today, I got. I covered the Bang with Atomic Mandarin, great scent, even though I lose the citrus very fast, the warm notes stay with me.

I think I put on quite a lot of Bang, but didnt refresh, the effects lasted all day though. Very interesting effect.


That's how some of us are at my work too, most of us have known each other for at least a decade and there's a comfortable camaraderie that good friends have - like siblings, but not quite :Emoticons04263:

BANG! does make people quite helpful, even if they don't always know why....I love AM too, and like you mentioned the citrus doesn't hang around for me very long either but what's left is deliciously irresistible!


My stomping ground is usually work (because it seems of late I'm ALWAYS there) but because of the nature of my work I have the opportunity to be around diverse groups of people. I tend to be heavy handed, I think, with my pheros - but like you mentioned, I only have to apply once for the day and I'm done. So either slathering works or LP is da BOMB...or of course - both :Emoticons0424:


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That's how some of us are at my work too, most of us have known each other for at least a decade and there's a comfortable camaraderie that good friends have - like siblings, but not quite

I tend to be heavy handed, I think, with my pheros - but like you mentioned, I only have to apply once for the day and I'm done. So either slathering works or LP is da BOMB...or of course - both :Emoticons0424:


It's exactly like that at my workplace, we have been together for so many years and it's a very fun, creative atmosphere. I wasn't angry at the guy, since I know it was my own fault anyway, going around experimenting, and anyway there is a lot of hugging and touching going on all the time. And that guy (my age) is currently is involved with a much younger woman, so I dont think he was desperate for a feel. It was all Bang, and those sky high heels I wore. I take full responsibility ;-)


Yeah, Nutrix, I like to slather, too, especially with the scented pheros, they smell so yummy and make me feel so goooood! It's not what I recommend, it's just what works for me, and it's magnetic for a lot of people and by now it's easy to pick out the ones who respond really well. Also, and I think that's important, I dont lack self-esteem and over the years I've learned to decline graciously when someone makes a move on me. I only use pheros in safe environments.


Today: no more Banging around, I shall go with Rocket Fuel...

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  • 1 month later...

I love how this can be steered to be everything for everyone, especially if you're not wearing a lot. Over my last few wearings, it made all these things happen:

-- straight women friends were giddy and high spirited and extra sociable

-- a gay male friend chattered my face right off (he is very very even keeled, even tending more to be a bit of a gloomy Gus if anything, and he was the total life of the party; mutual friend said "what is he on tonight?? I want some")

-- a straight male friend stood too close and kept putting his around me and then hastily removing it, like over and over, lol (we've known each other for a really long time and nothing ever happened with us or ever will, but it was funny because he's never ever done anything remotely like that before; it was funny though how it had that "robot not in control of its own operation, becoming increasingly flustered" effect on him)

-- the dude I was actually *targeting* with it also talked my face off, and his friend (who was also cute, mental note for file :is terrible:) just stood there staring silently at me, eyes periodically welling with tears, but in a good way - he looked like he was having recurring wonderful sweet sentimental recollections. I had covered impulsively with Love Drawing which is kind of like flattening someone with a piano and then also with a safe.

Edited by tyvey
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I really love Bang. I wore it this weekend and threw a temper tantrum when the heel of my boot broke. In one swift movement just like a rugged highlander, the BF took my boot and said. " I'll fix this for you " He stared at me with such intensity that all I could do was say " ok "

He would do that normally, but when I have a freak out sometimes he is more logical than highlander depending on the freak out

I fully expected him to tell me to take deep breaths and that it would be okay and talk me through my freak out. It was incredibly sexy how he moved so swiftly and reacted in the manner I needed him to so I wouldn't shit on him for not caring about my boot.


I've noticed this behavior from him when I wear BANG. The man is sexy to me without pheromones, but with this blend, I feel like we are straight out of a Harlequin novel and we both play these parts. Me- sexy bratty damsel in distress, and him- rugged ripped

sexy beast that rescues me from freakouts.

The other time I wore this same thing happened. I was hinting at how tired I was and sleepy, this was after dinner. I even did the stretch with boobs pushed forward very exaggeratedly, to make sure he caught a whiff of the BANG and a glimpse of the cans ~ he did the whole swift highlander thing again and told me to rest, he would wash the dishes and clean up. He got up and kissed my head.

This blend is amazing!

Lady V, I know this post you made is SO old, but I'm reading this thread because I am unfamiliar with a lot of the pheromone blends that have popped up in my absence from the forum and from LPMP, and I just LOVE this post you made, it totally makes me want to buy BANG. Its too cute!! Just had to say it.


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Oh wow! I totally missed this post. Lady that is awesome! I want this reaction! I need it! Sighs..Ok so once I get caught up from having bought UNd two months in a row, score some Sugared Layerables, and whatever else Mara is brewing in New releases, I am going to HAVE to try this! And that decision is based solely on your report Lady V! Nice results! ;)

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  • 2 months later...

Im normally a fan of LFN or SS4W for sexytime but I have been experimenting with Bang for several days. My man who normally loves Est seems to not respond sexually to this blend which is rather shocking to me. I have been receiving ALOT of hits from others both women and men but more adoring as opposed to the sexy SS4W. Must be my skin chemistry. I love how this FEELS though its really calming and sexy, I cant explain it. Doesn't get my man aroused we were kissing last night and he started to fall asleep..lol. While we where sleeping he was cuddling and squeezing me so hard I couldn't breathe at all. This morning he called me his sweet love cat. Even cuddly bunny hasn't gotten me this kind of attention...lol. Im sure this blend could come in handy if we're fighting or Im starved for a snuggle, its very soothing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been solo testing BANG (haven't had opp to test much around others yet) - agree with Krazy Kat's comment on selfies.


This feels so calming, feminine, sexy, like it augments my feminine side. My work life can very easily over take all other parts of my life (and it has been doing so a lot lately), making me feel less like self, and making me feel less feminine bc it's neverending constant projects, deadlines - all very demanding and precise.


BANG somehow gets me less out of my head. BANG has been awesome @ making me feel more back in my own skin (if that makes sense). Really love it.


I feel 'softer' and hopefully making my aura the same too. I'm sure it is. I know I'm feeling softer and therefore giving off that softer vibe. I'm a huge fan of SSFW and love this too. I am so happy to have both bc they both work for me but are feel very difft for/ on me.


Just ordered another sample of it as want to always have this one , but need to save up for FB of this (and much more!). May wear out this weekend (don't worry I wont slather or douse) just to get some addtl testing around others.

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I know the question wasn't asked to me but many times over men seem to say a confident woman is sexier. So if the phero makes you feel comfortable with yourself, you are ahead of the game. It wouldn't be the same if say, Dom is not who you are and you wore it only to feel uncomfortable. If you rock whatever phero you are wearing, you are sexy.

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BG, would you say that Bang! makes you feel the most sexy (out of all pheros you've tried)?

Hi cutipie - so I've tried SS4W, BANG, LFN, Cougar (scented and UN) so far, limited testing. That said, for me they are all different.


SS4W doesn't make me feel like I'm a sexpot or anything, but my body language and selfies are definitely more relaxed and as posted on another thread kind of a 'hip opener'.


Cougar makes me feel like I'm "hot" or "glam" - like I've "got IT going on" and I'm sparkly all around. BANG (not tested around others much) so far makes me feel more feminine, a gentler type of confidence which translates into feeling more comfortable and sexier. I'll be testing BANG out and about this weekend so will post if I notice anything from that. I like them all, for different things. Cougar can be social. BANG doesn't make me feel as open socially as Cougar. It's a relaxed sexy - which is a nice feeling. I'm glad I have both of these!!


LFN is like magic mojo sauce as far as I feel more straight up confident (body language is actually better posture, I'm more polite , not that i'm rude but like formal polite or something) and gives me a lot of confidence. Too much for me and my bitch switch is flipped on and too much self-confidence. I'm still testing this one to find best sweet spot for me. I recommend all trying this one. I think I'm probably less relaxed in body language in this so probably appear less approachable.


Hope this helps.


I have samples of Blatant Invitation and Lumina I haven't tested. Gotcha is on my list too!


Oh and I can't forget my 1st phero ever - LAM - all around go to - makes me feel prettier, more feminine and lightens me up all around. Love LAM! With that I feel sexier bc I feel prettier. Again it's subtle but enough that I 'feel' like I'm shining more (or I'm somehow shiny?). :) LAM was also easy for me to find sweet spot, adore this. Grab a sample of this too if you can, I think you'd like it based on some of your other posts and reviews.


I know the question wasn't asked to me but many times over men seem to say a confident woman is sexier. So if the phero makes you feel comfortable with yourself, you are ahead of the game. It wouldn't be the same if say, Dom is not who you are and you wore it only to feel uncomfortable. If you rock whatever phero you are wearing, you are sexy.

Irish eyes - 100% agree! I'm fascinated about how I'm responding to these difft blends and others reactions too. Some seem easier for me to find my sweet spot with (LAM, Cougar, BANG, LFN). I've tested DOM once but not enough to post about just yet, but like Leather. For me, Leather seems to be a better 'fit' than DOM, if I had to choose between those 2.

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Guest cutie.pie

I know the question wasn't asked to me but many times over men seem to say a confident woman is sexier. So if the phero makes you feel comfortable with yourself, you are ahead of the game. It wouldn't be the same if say, Dom is not who you are and you wore it only to feel uncomfortable. If you rock whatever phero you are wearing, you are sexy.

Hi cutipie - so I've tried SS4W, BANG, LFN, Cougar (scented and UN) so far, limited testing. That said, for me they are all different.


SS4W doesn't make me feel like I'm a sexpot or anything, but my body language and selfies are definitely more relaxed and as posted on another thread kind of a 'hip opener'.


Cougar makes me feel like I'm "hot" or "glam" - like I've "got IT going on" and I'm sparkly all around. BANG (not tested around others much) so far makes me feel more feminine, a gentler type of confidence which translates into feeling more comfortable and sexier. I'll be testing BANG out and about this weekend so will post if I notice anything from that. I like them all, for different things. Cougar can be social. BANG doesn't make me feel as open socially as Cougar. It's a relaxed sexy - which is a nice feeling. I'm glad I have both of these!!


LFN is like magic mojo sauce as far as I feel more straight up confident (body language is actually better posture, I'm more polite , not that i'm rude but like formal polite or something) and gives me a lot of confidence. Too much for me and my bitch switch is flipped on and too much self-confidence. I'm still testing this one to find best sweet spot for me. I recommend all trying this one. I think I'm probably less relaxed in body language in this so probably appear less approachable.


Hope this helps.


I have samples of Blatant Invitation and Lumina I haven't tested. Gotcha is on my list too!


Oh and I can't forget my 1st phero ever - LAM - all around go to - makes me feel prettier, more feminine and lightens me up all around. Love LAM! With that I feel sexier bc I feel prettier. Again it's subtle but enough that I 'feel' like I'm shining more (or I'm somehow shiny?). :) LAM was also easy for me to find sweet spot, adore this. Grab a sample of this too if you can, I think you'd like it based on some of your other posts and reviews.


Irish eyes - 100% agree! I'm fascinated about how I'm responding to these difft blends and others reactions too. Some seem easier for me to find my sweet spot with (LAM, Cougar, BANG, LFN). I've tested DOM once but not enough to post about just yet, but like Leather. For me, Leather seems to be a better 'fit' than DOM, if I had to choose between those 2.

Thank you ladies!


So far, I've felt the most sexy while wearing Sex and Violins, so I'm not sure is it the scent or is it DOM ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So far i've tried Bang! twice. (60%/40% alcohol / spray)


Two light spritzes on tummy and one split between wrists and then dabbed on cleavage.

In the begining it makes me feel very sexy but in a subtle fun way, swinging my hips, smiling and with bright eyes full of prmise...

But later, it makes me feel sad.


It's weird. It makes me feel like i just want to stay in bed away from everyone, just by my self, under the blankets, looking outside the window and thinking about my life.


I'll test it more for sure, but if this continues it might have to go to the trading post.


Is something wrong with me?

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Is something wrong with me?


Cutie.pie may be on to something. I've read, too, that some women have a sensitivity to Est and that it can sometimes make them weepy or overly emotional. Have you been playing with the dose?

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  • 3 weeks later...

DD, I agree, I adore BANG for the selfies. I thought I had EST sensitivity too ephoebe, bc Lumina can make me weepy but maybe it's just that blend and cycle related as other blends with EST don't have same effect. LFM can also make me feel odd sometimes, same way you described.


I've had good luck with bang - only tried in oil though so can't speak to # of spritzes. Also small doses to start, but LP's description is spot on, like a sexier SS4W, more of a sensual and sexpot vibe. But still casual enough like, 'yea, I'm sexy'. :)

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Wow, I really must give Bang! a try!

You really should…. I wore it to work today and I was able to conquer some very daunting tasks with ease.


DD, I agree, I adore BANG for the selfies. I thought I had EST sensitivity too ephoebe, bc Lumina can make me weepy but maybe it's just that blend and cycle related as other blends with EST don't have same effect. LFM can also make me feel odd sometimes, same way you described.


I've had good luck with bang - only tried in oil though so can't speak to # of spritzes. Also small doses to start, but LP's description is spot on, like a sexier SS4W, more of a sensual and sexpot vibe. But still casual enough like, 'yea, I'm sexy'. :)

I have been a huge fan of SS4W for a very long time and finally I decided I needed to give Bang a try… I really love this for the days I have to kick ass at work, it always delivers.

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Guest cutie.pie

You really should. I wore it to work today and I was able to conquer some very daunting tasks with ease.



Hmmmm, I have Coquette w/Bang! I'll try it tomorrow. Thank you! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest cutie.pie

I tried Bang the other day and I know I have yet do find my sweet spot but so far I've had mild selfies, I felt confident and flirty. SS4W doesn't work for me, but this might. I just need to find my sweet spot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bang is a sure thing for me to score hits. I guess it just goes well with my chemistry. I like to try all pheros I have for a spin and note what kind of effect they have. And if there's a day or two that just brings meh reactions, I break out Miss Bang with the confident feeling that she will deliver. And she never, never disappoints. :-)

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This one is always a sure fire phero, like Cougar Potion only this ones a touch naughtier...just a touch. I still like to combo the SS4W & Cuddle Bunny out of work (I think the Est & cops are heavier when I go that route, which seems to work great for me socially) but BANG! is like guaranteeing a VERY good day - for EVERYBODY! ^_^

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Nutrix how much Bang! do you use (strips / sprays)?


I have it in oil. I will slather a scented fragrance with abandon (well, within reason so as not to knock anyone over with the scent :D ) I'll usually throw some unscented on with it, a stipe to each wrist and 1 across my collarbone. I LOVE BANG! selfies ^_^ I have decanted into little 5ml fragranced sprays, but found I just prefer the oil.


For the unscented, my norm is 4 to 5 inch stripes. 1 up each wrist, 1 each side of neck and 1 long lollipop around my navel and up to between the girls...then smoosh about :) Sometimes I'll opt for a bit on the backs of my hands, but I usually smoosh the stripes on my neck with the backs of my hands and that's perfect. It's the approximate equivalent to 2-4 drops of oil depending on how long your stripes are.


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Thank youfor replying! I haver it in spray. Still trying to figure out my sweet spot with this one.

With Stone Cougar, 5 sprays are perfect.

Maybe I'll need to up this one too, cause so far 3 sprays don't give me anything.

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Thank youfor replying! I haver it in spray. Still trying to figure out my sweet spot with this one.

With Stone Cougar, 5 sprays are perfect.

Maybe I'll need to up this one too, cause so far 3 sprays don't give me anything.

I have it in x2 Spray and I usually start out with 2 big sprays.

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So for a regular bottle this would be four sprays, right?

I think i got some positive results with 4 sprays the other day, i need to test this more but i believe i definitely need more than 3 to see results.

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