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This might fall under the umbrella of TMI, but how do you know if you're still producing a lot of cops? Here comes the TMI portion, so cover your eyes if you don't want to know! I've noticed that my boyfriend tends to 'respond' to me at certain points in my cycle. Obviously when I'm ovulating, but at very specific other points as well. If I'm feeling particularly aroused, but haven't given him any outward reason to suspect, he still responds, (by becoming snugglier, and kissier, which he is *not*, by definition), even if he doesn't act on it outright. Does this mean that I'm still producing a healthy amount of cops myself?

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I can tell I am still producing cops because I have a sensitive nose and can smell them. Usually right after my period. I think that's what cops are,when you ovulate right and are fertile? It's sad really I am 34 and have no idea about all this stuff. I recently found out maybe like 6 years ago or so that you have a period because your lining is shedding or something like that. I swear there needs to be more sex education classes for females, at least in school.

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Copulins - from the word "copulate" - is the fluid produced when you are aroused and ready to have sex. The scent and chemical signal give off a message to the male that you are receptive and ready to have sex.


The formula for lab created copulins was developed by using healthy fertile young women as a model.


Copulins are not necessarily a "thing" like many people seem to think. If your body has the ability to lubricate itself in preparation for having sex, you are creating "copulins". It doesn't matter how old you are or if you are on birth control pills or not.


It's just, as a matter of comparison to the lab crafted version - they were formulated using fertile young women not on birth control pills, and concentrated, multiplied a bazillion times, to make the smell stronger.

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That actually rings a bell, Mara. Years and years ago I read through The Joy of Sex, and I remember the author saying that one of the best aphrodisiac/attractants a woman has is her own scent, and suggested that women arouse themselves, and use their own secretions as a perfume to 'lure' their partners. He (she?) used some fancy French word I can't recall at the moment, but I clearly remember the suggestion. It makes a lot more sense now!


So you don't necessarily produce less copulins as you get older? Is that correct?


I wonder what it is then, that causes the BF to always want to 'get it on' at certain times in my cycle. I mean, I'm pretty sure you could set a clock by him - and he always comments (nicely) on my smell... weird.


Thanks Mara.


Lady V, I went to catholic school, and at the time, they told us squat!

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That actually rings a bell, Mara. Years and years ago I read through The Joy of Sex, and I remember the author saying that one of the best aphrodisiac/attractants a woman has is her own scent, and suggested that women arouse themselves, and use their own secretions as a perfume to 'lure' their partners. He (she?) used some fancy French word I can't recall at the moment, but I clearly remember the suggestion. It makes a lot more sense now!


So you don't necessarily produce less copulins as you get older? Is that correct?


I wonder what it is then, that causes the BF to always want to 'get it on' at certain times in my cycle. I mean, I'm pretty sure you could set a clock by him - and he always comments (nicely) on my smell... weird.


Thanks Mara.


Lady V, I went to catholic school, and at the time, they told us squat!


I went to there too.. we didn't have vaginas or penises back then

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Ha! No we didn't! I put mine to great use in high school, but I didn't really figure out what everything did until I was about 21. And then it was like, 'Cool! No *wonder* everyone's always on about sex!' Lol!


My bf always laughs at me because I refer to myself as a 'recovering catholic'... hehe

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If you have the ability to lubricate, you are creating "copulins" in the strictest sense. But there is clearly a chemical content to those naturally produced copulins that changes depending upon our hormones or level of fertility.


And yes, for thousands of years, women have shared the secret of dabbing a little of their own vaginal secretions on their cleavage or behind their ears to amplify their sexual allure.

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So you don't necessarily produce less copulins as you get older? Is that correct?

As you produce less estrogen (i.e. going through peri-menopause and menopause), it's going to have an impact on your ability to produce vaginal secretions. But if you're not even peri-men yet I wouldn't worry about it.


It's funny, I went to Catholic school as well and did receive sex ed instruction but not until Senior year (we had a class called Marriage and Family Living). But I had attented public school until 9th grade, so I had already received sex ed instruction. But I didn't leave my son's instruction to the caprices of the educational system; he already knew where babies came from by the time he was seven, which is when he first asked me.

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Thanks Mara - and Luna. It makes sense now.


Luna, we did get sex ed, but it was purely a case of the mechanics of the body. There was no mention of actual sex, or pleasure. Of course not, 'cause who would want to have sex for sheer pleasure?

My mom was always pretty good for explaining stuff, too. She's very no-nonsense, which I appreciate. Although, we did have the conversation about the pill about a year too late! (In that I was already taking it when she decided that we should, perhaps talk...)

I have endometriosis, so I've always had a bit more reason to learn about the female reproductive system. But it *was* when I was about 21 that I learned how all the feel-good bits work! It was a revelation: "So *that's* what that does!" Nifty, nifty...


ETA: Lady V, I just spit out my coffee! Titty Juice???

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I couldn't count on my mom...she brought home a bunch of pamphlets for me to read when I started menstruating at 10. Then I had sex at 13 and thus was rather autodidactic about the whole thing. Luckily, I've managed to persuade my son that he shouldn't do as I did.

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It's nice to have a guiding hand, I think. But I'm also a self-teacher. If I'm interested in something, I will exhaust the subject. I'm a compulsive reader, too, so at this point, my book collection is pretty eclectic. The sex section is pretty fun! A few years ago it merged with my aromatherapy section, and if I could find any books about pheromones they'd probably live in that section too. There's really something to be said for being self-taught in anything, and that is that passion is evident. If you're truly interested, you will learn a lot, and you will learn well. Plus, in the case of learning about sex, it's pretty darned fun! All hands-on, so to say...


Gosh, I really wish I could make a little blushing smiley-face right now...

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Well I didn't mean people shouldn't teach themselves about sex, because utlimately that is how everybody learns, just that he shouldn't rush into sex (which is what a parent does, after all). But I agree that if you want to learn about something, then just do it, whatever methodology you apply.

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Oh yeah! Rushing into sex is not what I'd advocate either. I waited until I fell in love and was loved back before I gave in. I think at the time I was just so thrilled to be having sex with this awesome, gorgeous, sexy guy that it didn't occur to either of us to think about technique. Once the shock wore off, I started to become more interested.


I'm sitting here wondering if there was ever a time I regretted having sex at age 16, but I don't think there ever was. I'm glad I waited for the right guy. He's still in my life, actually. He's like a son to my parents, has become like a brother to me, and in fact, married one of my friends from high school! He was definitely a good pick. ;-) I think we're gonna keep him!


ETA hey! I think I just highjacked my own thread! :-) lol!

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That actually rings a bell, Mara. Years and years ago I read through The Joy of Sex, and I remember the author saying that one of the best aphrodisiac/attractants a woman has is her own scent, and suggested that women arouse themselves, and use their own secretions as a perfume to 'lure' their partners. He (she?) used some fancy French word I can't recall at the moment, but I clearly remember the suggestion. It makes a lot more sense now!


So you don't necessarily produce less copulins as you get older? Is that correct?


I wonder what it is then, that causes the BF to always want to 'get it on' at certain times in my cycle. I mean, I'm pretty sure you could set a clock by him - and he always comments (nicely) on my smell... weird.


Thanks Mara.


Lady V, I went to catholic school, and at the time, they told us squat!

I read a very interesting study once that concluded that strippers who are ovulating make, on average, twice as much as strippers on their period (and those who are neither ovulating nor on their period fall right between, like clockwork). I need to dig it up - it was very interesting.


I went to public school and they started sex ed in 4th grade - it was really only mechanics at that point, and a sort of "what happens during puberty lesson", but I think we learned about condoms by 6th grade or so. Of course, it was hammered into our heads that "abstinence is the only option with a 100% success rate", but I think it's way better to let kids know condoms and other forms of prevention exist long before they actually want to have sex. A lot of parents wouldn't allow their children to attend - I think that's very sad... we had a very high teen pregnancy rate, I wonder if those were the same kids :rolleyes:

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Crooked teeth, I'm a server (waitress) in a restaurant, and I've noticed for years that I make way more money when I'm ovulating. But for some reason, I *also* make more money when I have my period. (Incidentally, this is also one of the times I mentioned that my BF gets frisky - during my period, without fail), so it's really making me wonder WTH's up! I gotta say, it's pretty nice having two weeks a month where the money is killer!


I wonder if those kids were Catholic? I'm only kind of joking, actually. Our school was the only catholic school in town, in addition to 3 other, public high schools, and we had the highest teen pregnacy rate!

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It's sad really I am 34 and have no idea about all this stuff. I recently found out maybe like 6 years ago or so that you have a period because your lining is shedding or something like that


WTHeck?? I guess my childhood with a nurse for a mom was the opposite extreme. TMI on more than one occassion.


Titty Juice


Okie dokie. On tap or by the bottle?

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That actually rings a bell, Mara. Years and years ago I read through The Joy of Sex, and I remember the author saying that one of the best aphrodisiac/attractants a woman has is her own scent, and suggested that women arouse themselves, and use their own secretions as a perfume to 'lure' their partners. He (she?) used some fancy French word I can't recall at the moment, but I clearly remember the suggestion. It makes a lot more sense now!



Was it, 'Cassolette'?? :Emoticons0424:

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Crooked teeth, I'm a server (waitress) in a restaurant, and I've noticed for years that I make way more money when I'm ovulating. But for some reason, I *also* make more money when I have my period. (Incidentally, this is also one of the times I mentioned that my BF gets frisky - during my period, without fail), so it's really making me wonder WTH's up! I gotta say, it's pretty nice having two weeks a month where the money is killer!


I wonder if those kids were Catholic? I'm only kind of joking, actually. Our school was the only catholic school in town, in addition to 3 other, public high schools, and we had the highest teen pregnacy rate!

Interesting! Hmmm, I'd love to hear input on what other hormones (or pheromones!) might be at play there. I was a delivery driver for years but not tuned in enough to correlate tips with my cycles. The closest I got to figuring that out was that I made wayyyy more in tips than all the other drivers because I was the only girl :lol: :lol:


That's way interesting, we didn't have any Catholic schools where I grew up - I've heard that from others before though, I have a feeling it is at least partially the sex ed approach (or lack thereof). I was sooooo shocked when I went out of state for school and there were SO MANY kids who, as a college freshman, still thought you couldn't get pregnant your first time or other such myths :blink: :blink: We had a huge percentage of kids from private schools there so I have to think there must be some correlation.

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Marquess, YES! That's the word. It's been bugging me all day! Thank you! You just saved me from a 4am head-slapping!


Crookedteeth, I'd really like to know what that's all about too. Sometimes I wonder if I ovulate twice a month or something.


I was a truck driver for a while - the only woman - and it sucked. That's one environment I don't ever want to have to brave alone. I drove with my boyfriend, and the other men still behaved like sexist piglets!


Catholic school sucked, too. I got out as soon as I could, and went to public school. Public school was waaaaaaay better. Stricter, but better. At least where I grew up. I always had a romantic idea about going to private school, though. It's funny what they don't want to teach you about in school. I can't figure out why they wouldn't exxplain the sex ed stuff while it was actually useful. Imagine how many woomen would have had a chance to finish being kids before they started having them...

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I went to Catholic school.


True story: When I was about 9 I spent the weekend with my grandparents (my father's parents) and while I was there my grandfather said the me "Well you're getting older. Soon boys are going to want to get into your pants." Baffled, when I got home I asked my mother why boys would want my pants. After she was done yelling at my father over the phone about his father she went and bought a book called "Sex Explained For 9 to 12 Year Olds" (I shit you not).


And that is how I learned about sex. From a book. After that I used books to learn pretty much everything (this was before the internet).


Anyways, even though I'm peri-menopausal I still seem to be producing the necessary female stuff with no problem.

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I learned about sex on the playground in kindergarden. (My best friend's older brother was 13 or so and she heard it from him. As i grew up, I was surprised to find out how accurate the playground lessons were!) My mom, a nurse, gave us a very scientifc approach to the female body when I was about 9 and my sister was 8. It wasn't until 6th grade health that I put two and two together. My friend's older sister's Cosmo filled in the blanks. My mom didn't attempt "the talk" with me until I was getting ready to go off to college. I cut her off and said, "Mom, let's save ourselves the embarassment. I know what I need to know." And that's how we left it, and we haven't spoken of it since. :lol: But seriously, lucky that I was bright enough to educate myself and not do anything until I was fully informed, because this is how a quite a few of the teenaged girls in my very conservative small town became mothers--having sex without knowing the basic biological bodily functions. Educate your kids!!

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Educate your kids!!

Yes. It is not the school system's responsibility to teach kids about sex (beyond the biology) it is the parents and any parent who fails to do so has, ndeed, failed their child.

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When I was little I always wondered if The Professor and Mary Anne from Gilligan's Island ever did it.

" doing it " meant long kisses. I was ten. I didn't think about sex until I got to high school. I loved to kiss boys, but that was it. I just liked to kiss, like they did in the movies. I was ALWAYS disappointed when a white horse and parade didn't show up to take me to a castle.

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Another true story: About 4 years ago I was on the treadmill and my son, who was 11 or 12, was playing a video game on the couch. Suddenly he asks "Mom. What's a blowjob?" I stopped dead, shocked, shot off the end of the treadmill and hit the wall behind me. Awkward moment alert.


Anyways, I explained. Just like a few days later I explained orgasm. I'd rather he ask me, no matter how uncomfortable I am. Because I'm sure he's just as uncomfortable.

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I agree: Educate your kids!


Skye, how cool it is that your kid asked you about sex. I think it's awesome that he trusts you enough to ask a question like that. And I also think it was pretty brave of him to ask his mom, too. Cool kid. Cool mom.


I always hated babysitting because kids always ask me those awkward questions!


I don't think I''m perimenopausal yet. Although the weird winter weather is messing with my internal heat &cooling system this year, so it feels like it!


Lady V, I always used to get squeamish watching kissing scenes in Happy Days and Three's Company in the presence of my parents!I thought it was too sexual,and I was embarrassed. Hrm...it was probably pretty obvious back then that I was a cathholic kid! Lol!




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