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Darling Catalina

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Today is the day I wear the absolute last few drops of the divine smelling perfume. I am going to spritz a bit if a glycerin based refreshing the skin/hair type thing I actually only use for a home galvanic spa ... I want to see if I can get juuuust a bit more perfume oil out :-)

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Wearing Darling Catalina & OCCO Pink for a night "out" with BF. We're having drinks at a friend's house with a bunch of people. I wore LFM to the same friend's house last week. I tend to sit & gab with his girlfriend, which means that she always gets the "brunt" of my pheros. Last week I noticed that she was getting a bit down on herself toward the end of the evening, comparing our looks and despairing that she "needs" to wear so much makeup to look like I do when I get up. That kind of thing. It's nice to hear those kinds of compliments, but I don't want her feeling bad, especially since her perception of me was undoubtedly coloured by her having been in my phero-cloud for 8 hours or so. Plus, it was uncomfortable for me, 'cause I don't do well with the soft-talk. I'm clumsy at it. (I noticed this same reaction with her when she unexpectedly turned up at a show BF was playing a few weeks ago. That night I was wearing Super Sexy & Topper). This week I'm wearing Pop Potion, (in freaking *yummy* Darling Catalina), to see if I can't tone down that comparison thing, and make her more comfortable, while still being able to enjoy the phero world myself. We'll see how it goes. Wish me luck!!! :)

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Good luck and have fun Eggers! I wore DC yesterday for the first time in a long time. It was even better than I remembered...so buttery and cakey. I don't generally get great hits or selfies from PP. The perfume alone makes me feel good but I know it's not the PP because I feel just as good with my Un pheroed bottle. But anyway...creepy guy followed me around store and into the next store and lady behind counter (who was not ringing me up) kept staring at me like she wanted to say something so bad but just kept smiling. Both instances kinda creeped me out. Clearly a good phero to only wear around your friends!!

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Oh my gosh! This was such a great choice for tonight! We had lots and lots of fun, and there were no weird moments like there have been the last couple of times we've seen each other... I will be wearing Pop Potion the next few times I forsee myself spending any length of time with this particular friend. It was such a help. She didn't seem to feel bad or awkward, and I didn't feel like I wanted to fade into the background. We just... hung out. And joked around. And laughed our heads off. And it was perfect. :) It really was the perfect phero to wear amongst friends.

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I wanted to add that this was a great choice for a mixed crowd, and an especially good choice for a mixed crowd containing at least one

insecure woman. I was so happy that I wore Darling Catalina last night. It kind of helped me straddle the awkward position I'm in with this group of friends. The boys were all BF's bandmates, and the girl is the fiancee of the other guitar player. And because I tend to spend a lot more time with the band boys than she does, ('cause they often practice at my house), she seems to group me in with them, as in, if they're up to anything "suspicious", then I must be in on it, and know all about it. And it's a weird place for me to be. Especially considering that her fiance, my boyfriend and the two other guys are the biggest musical dorks there are, and the only "suspicious" thing they might be up to is trying to buy a can of Red Bull at the corner store without letting anyone know that they're stoned out of their faces. :lol: DC kind of helped me -or maybe her - get over that weird hurdle. And the two of us wound up having a great time together. Not that we don't usually, but for once she didn't have that suspicious laser combing me all night whenever in-band jokes came up. That was really nice for a change.

Oh! And she nailed the scent of my perfume! She took one whiff and said, "Pink cake!" :lol::D

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How weird, huh? She kinda startled me when she nailed it like that. I mean, who, aside from us LPers, would immediately identify something as smelling like "pink" anything? :lol: Maybe she's an LPer too? :o Ha! I hadn't thought of that possibility... I *did* give her my sample vial of Bridezilla when she got engaged...

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Egg,yowzers this is an awesome assesment of PP !! :o ...I adore both Darling Clementine and Darling Catalina,and have really fond memories of a S'More Than A Feeling I boosted with PP :D ...gosh I have to get back to my old favs,and I love the self-effects of PP too,LOL,so many pheros so little time !

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  • 1 month later...

My first time I wore this, it came across as way to cakey for me. Now when I wear it, it's cotton candy. No orange. Strange.


I like it and find it pleasant. not quite "smelling like a candle" but not full blown bakery either. Sadly, have not been able to make Popularity Potion work (and I have a bottle of the UN as well to try in different amounts with different un-phero'd scents.)


Smells definitely good but not a favorite.

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  • 2 months later...

I barely ever want to grab for this (I have so many to choose from) but when I do- Im reminded of how absolutely amazing it is. I LOVE it. I need to wear this more and give it the love it deserves. It's a true hostess cake smell. I layered with Merry for a yummy pink bakery scent today. I love my smell :D

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I would have loved to try this. So sad.... :(

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don't be sad! I was so bummed that it didn't work for me (it got passed on. no clue who has it) but the nice thing is eventually you'll see stuff on the trade posts :)

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I would have loved to try this. So sad.... :(

You should try Kitten Nip. It's not exactly the same, I does not have that cakey quality but I get a similar foody vibe. At least on me. Kitten Nip actually gets more compliments.
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don't be sad! I was so bummed that it didn't work for me (it got passed on. no clue who has it) but the nice thing is eventually you'll see stuff on the trade posts :)


You should try Kitten Nip. It's not exactly the same, I does not have that cakey quality but I get a similar foody vibe. At least on me. Kitten Nip actually gets more compliments.


I'll be keeping a look out for some but I saw them disappear quite quickly awhile back so I won't hold my breath. Ah well. It's not like there isn't a thousand more out there that I wouldn't love to try!! :D I'll take a look at Kitten Nip too.

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Storemy, I think I have a sample on my trade page if you want to try it...


:cat690: Molls, I am going to go now and see what you have!!!

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