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OMG I LOVE Cuddle Bunny!! and a question about Mirena

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Soooooo....Last night I was expecting a friend over, it ended up being fairly late on.I'd showered and slathered on a TON of Cuddle Bunny via Velvet Kisses (had no idea what his intentions were but it amuses me) and was just hanging out texting a different friend in the semi darkness when I started to feel really sleepy, in a curled up cat kinda way, not draggy, tired n miserable way. My friend arrives and hugs me, full lenght body contact and clings on for a minute, much touchier than usual. Heh, I think...must be working.


I'm in a short t shirt style dress I wear for bed. I explain why I'm ...'half naked' he says. His response- 'you looked pretty good going up the stairs...'.


We hang out, have a glass of wine, I let him do all the chasing me across the bed stuff, while I'm just doing this inner Cheshire Cat thing but barely keeping my eyes open. In the moments where I'm more awake, I'm giggling. Yes giggling. (Anyone who knows me will say I am categorically not giggly) He thinks I'm crazy probably but I don't care, I'm super hot, but half asleep but still rocking it it would seem... I'm so relaxed I don't much care if we have sex, I'm sooooo comfortable and relaxed. He kept saying 'Should I go and let you sleep?' then not being able to go.


Eventually it was pretty late and he left- I went to show him out but it took about five false starts for him to actually go, and all we'd done was kiss :) He limped out to the car and I smiled wider inside. Sometimes the teasing is better than the sex.



Today, I feel relaxed and sexy still, I go into the supermarket with no make up bar some pretty crappily applied smudgy eyeliner, all sweaty from being roasted in a super long post office queue for hours, no deodorant on and I STILL feel like I'm the business. I tell off the checkout guy for not telling a customer an offer he missed on mini wine bottles, and he, according to my friend, blushes. This guy is a motor mouth who chats to everyone and normally is kind of flirty with me in a friendly way.

Then I take my friend for coffee as it is her birthday and make the coffee waiter blush too. Nothing I said, she just thought he was attracted to me. So yeah, I have never worn this much CB before but I think the dosage is good at that amount I put on!


The ladies in the charity shop where I buy my books are way chatty too on the way back home.


The question: Since I have Mirena, which is all progesterone, plus I used to be on Yasmin for PCOS and was much happier on that, could the est in cuddle bunny be making me feel happier and more balanced?? It's just a thought. Any ideas?

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Some people find cops very relaxing and sleepy-making (Beccah is one I think?) and sexy and horny, and if you like feeling sexy and horny, :) of course a nice generous splash of cops will make you feel good :D

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This may turn into a regular go-to bedtime scent for me :) Better stock up my cart!! Find I can apply way more of this without worrying about a cops smell than with Cuddly Bunny Scented, even though I do like that.

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I do find cops relaxing. My first thought was the combo though, seems reminiscent of how I felt frequently when I was preggars.

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Hmm I should try me some cuddlebunny! I like feeling sexy..Im on the search of a phero that gives that feeling you describe.So far In unscented oils, I only have the super sexy and balm bomb ..they dont really give me any self effects. Im gonna get cuddle bunny next! thanks!

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Hmm I should try me some cuddlebunny! I like feeling sexy..Im on the search of a phero that gives that feeling you describe.So far In unscented oils, I only have the super sexy and balm bomb ..they dont really give me any self effects. Im gonna get cuddle bunny next! thanks!


Tanya,sadly,there are some people who just don't get self-effets,and some who only get them for awhile :( ... I hope I never lose mine,but if I did I would still wear pheros for the effects they have on others.


Mel,well hot damn...stock up! :lol:


I like how cops make me feel,and wear them every day :P

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mabey I dont apply enough?So my next order is going to be some spray pheros..I know lp red lace makes me and my bf get along...(in the bedroom) so Im gonna try the cuddlebunny and mabey the unscented lace..ohhh yaaa :smiley-signs136: ..hehe

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I don't think I was applying enough of CB anyway-but i only have the scented types. I get effects from Balm Bomb, but the effect is more pronounced the more stressed I am. It certainly doesn't make me horny. It's more like a room of requirement phero, it's there when you REALLY NEED IT. I might try scented stuff with Lace first?? Then you're not stuck with a big bottle that doesn't work for you.

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