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Pheromones for Business Networking

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Hi Ladies,

As part of my strategy to grow my business, I realise I am going to have to network a lot more. Can you suggest some appropiate mones/perfumes for this. Something that can really act as a "Ice breaker"

Lol Joan.

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Hi Joan, when I saw your post, the first thing that came to my mind was Open Windows. It works very well when meeting new people and making new contacts. Stealing Heaven is a wonderful perfume which contains Open Windows.


When you are going to deepen your contacts and sales talks then you may want to use something to enhance convincing. As for perfumes, Persuasion Potion might be helpful for sales talks, and there are many pheros which can be useful for deeper conversation, but for the purpose of networking I think I'd first start with Open Windows.

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Ooh! Yay! I was going to suggest Open Windows, too, but thought I'd leave it for the more experienced ladies to suggest what they thought was best. I've been wearing it to work for the last few weeks, and it is nothing short of spectacular for encouraging people to talk - a lot. They seem to warm right up to me, and the phero itself makes me feel personally vibrant, like I'm sparkling.

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Open Windows is a given and you could try Cougar Potion,both for a scent that everybody likes and the confidence of the blend. Since I go for the heavier foody scents, there will be others along to give you ideas for something more appropriate :) ...good luck in your endeavors

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Thanks ladies,I did wonder what scent to wear. I have LP RED,LP NO9,all of the kitten collection so much to choose from!

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Further to this I now know that 70 people will there including my SO. Just thinking which of the above will give me the best results!

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LP9 is a great scent. When you are meeting 70 people it would be good to wear a scent which almost everybody likes, such as LP9. It goes well with Open Windows and also with PP.

If you want to choose something from the kitten collection, I would recommend Enchanted Wonderland for that occasion. It is rather androgenic than feminine and it can boost one's confidence.

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So the actually meeting is only 30 minutes and the rest is socialising. I'm thinking LP RED or Goddess of the Blue Moon as my SO will be there.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm hoping to get some thoughts related to this topic by reviving this thread! I currently in the market for a job and figuring out a career path. I signed up to go to a startup conference type event to get inspired, learn, and network. I am wondering what phero I should wear to come off as stellar and professionally fit because I am in that search for a job. I like the idea of open windows and pp, but since my main goal is find possible job leads and learn, I feel that open windows might not give me that professional edge. Especially because I am younger and at a professionally insecure spot in my life, I want to be able to project a hireable air. I am also afraid that just using sws is not social enough to ice break. That being said, I wonder what are your thoughts on lfm alone, spiking sws with a sprtiz of topper, cougar, or any other combos?

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^^ Been there, sort of still there. Divorced and restarted a career at 46. If I can, You can totally do it! Go right to Art Fire and get "Shut Up and Get A Job" :) It was literally brewed for that purpose.


There's a drop down menu in the Perfumerie with various scent type descriptions. Click the "Office Friendly" scents. I find light, clean, friendly, ubiquitous scents great for starting out in this area. (Same for the pheros really)


Phero-wise, Swimming With The Sharks (SWS) a great one to start with. Once you get a look at the various type of folks u could be dealing with, you may find some of the other socials helpful.

I find Open Windows (OW) great too.


Good luck!

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She said she didn't want to just wear SWS. I would try OW or a social on their own. I would not layer SWS with OW or Cougar. Totally different feels to them IMO. Even Topper feels too light and bubbly to layer with SWS.

That's why I suggested OW even tho she said she was worried about that too. All I can do is express what worked for me.

I wish I had discovered SWS sooner. I was hoping if she saw Maras/Luna's wise words in the Shut Up & Get A Job description it might be helpful.

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I have used LFM extensively in networking situations and love it. I try not to wear pheros in session because I want authentic response from clients, but I have seen rapt attention from male colleagues holding on to every word wearing LFM on many occasions. It actually makes me giggle when I put it on, it doesn't really seem fair!

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Totem Beaver/SWS is a great fragrance blend. Very clean, crisp, all business. I use it a lot. Helps keep me on task with a little added energy to get thru heavy work and people really team up & listen.


Hmmm.... Actually, Shut Up and Get Job, as Stacy K mentioned might be a nice choice as it has the fragrance already blended in with SWS. As she said there's a list of the fragrance notes/ingredients in it over on Artfire.


I think whatever day - scent you feel most confident with and you feel most yourself with layered over UNSWS would work best but I personally would not use another phero with SWS. It's quite sufficient on it's own. Good luck.

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One Phero I sometimes forget is "Mothers Little Helper". It's a good office friendly, task oriented phero. I don't find the Kangaroo scent that office oriented. IMO I'd get the unscented with a lighter business/office friendly fragrance.

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  • 4 months later...

I think my question almost fits in this category... I was wondering if you can give me some advice. I am going on a hike with coworkers/potential hiring manager tomorrow who are flying over to the US from Europe and would like a social, open, happy vibe, but also professional - since I do want to get hired.

So, even though my coworkers are using this hike as a way to get over their jet lag, I am looking at it as business networking.

My question is, OW, or SWS? Or a different blend?

I wear SWS at the office, and it works well in terms of getting a respect vibe from my male entourage, but it's definitely not a happy, uplifting social.

OW got my misogynist male manager very chatty and open towards me, but I didn't feel he was looking at me with respect.

So, I'm torn.

Most of the hiking group already knows me and they think highly of me, but I do not want to screw up my chances at a potential dream job...

The group is made up of 2 females in their 40's, 2 males in their late 40's/early 50's, a 12 year old, my fiance and I. My fiance, one of the ladies, and the child are family tagging along the hike.


I am inclined to think OW is the right choice in this case, maybe with a couple of Topper sprays?

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I ended up wearing Open Windows. I think people were chatty enough, given that we were walking mostly single file. I also got tired really fast, which meant I had to make a conscious effort to talk.

All in all, I think it was a good choice, but since it was a sample vial of Totem Panda and hiked in 25-30*C heat, I don't know how well I gaged my application.

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So today I got invited last minute to a happy hour with higher management and the two people visiting from Europe where I'm hoping to score a new job next year.

I only have sample vials of pheroed fragrances of popularity potion, dominance and swimming with sharks...

it will be a mostly male environment, and I will be the most junior engineer, and one of the very few (young attractive) females.

Which one would work best in this situation?

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I love Dom. I'd wear that. Dom can actually be a fun phero. It can give you a very attractive, in control of her shit, appeal. :)

Think power suit (with a skirt) & heels.

Dom leaves an impression.


Pop potion is more kiddy time to me. Great for a brunch or hanging out with friends.,


SWS is always good for work but your out for drinks, full on grown up fun time but also an op to make an impression and show other aspects of your personality.


Just be careful pheros can make you somewhat more susceptible to the effects of alcohol.


Have fun!

Edited by StacyK
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I love Dom. I'd wear that. Dom can actually be a fun phero. It can give you a very attractive, in control of her shit, appeal. :)

Think power suit (with a skirt) & heels.

Dom leaves an impression.


Pop potion is more kiddy time to me. Great for a brunch or hanging out with friends.,


SWS is always good for work but your out for drinks, full on grown up fun time but also an op to make an impression and show other aspects of your personality.


Just be careful pheros can make you somewhat more susceptible to the effects of alcohol.


Have fun!


I ended up going with Popularity Potion, I read this too late... I can't say it was the best decision. I may have OD-ed. I felt very uneasy. There were only 6 of us at the table, and I wasn't able to take part of the conversation much. I felt out of place. I usually love PopPotion, but this time it just didn't work. People were almost contradicting me whenever I was saying something.

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I ended up going with Popularity Potion, I read this too late... I can't say it was the best decision. I may have OD-ed. I felt very uneasy. There were only 6 of us at the table, and I wasn't able to take part of the conversation much. I felt out of place. I usually love PopPotion, but this time it just didn't work. People were almost contradicting me whenever I was saying something.


Definitely sounds like how I feel when I OD on it!! I can only wear it in minute amounts to get the desired effects.

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I feel that way with Pop!! I finally gave my spray of Darling C w/pop to my mom. I can't figure out what is in this that would cause that. Probably wearing too much but it's hard not to with a scent like DC. I gave up. Topper serves as my pop potion anyway.

I will have to write review on PopPotion in the right thread, because other than in the business happy hour instance, I have not had issues with it...

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I will have to write review on PopPotion in the right thread, because other than in the business happy hour instance, I have not had issues with it...

Oh! If you have not had issues before maybe it was just an off night? I don't judge a phero unless it screws me up at least three times. Lol! Because there might be other factors going on with me....

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Guest cutie.pie

My relationship with PP is also weird. If I wear phero enhanced scent (333 mcg), I'm Bitchy Bitch. If I wear UN PP (1000 mcg), I'm Miss Popularity!

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Actually my best results with Pop have been with scented versions. I think it's a less is more deal with this one for me. Plus, I love Lamb & my ever so fav Sweet Chic. :)


Phergineer, you may have OD'd or had an off night with it. This is exactly the "thing" with pheros and why it's hard to get what's considered empirical evidence for social use. So many variables. If you've had a good time with it before I'm sure you will again.

Did you drink at this Happy Hour? That could have had an impact especially if you were already feeling off. I'd just take a break from Pop, then come back to it on a few weeks.

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Actually my best results with Pop have been with scented versions. I think it's a less is more deal with this one for me. Plus, I love Lamb & my ever so fav Sweet Chic. :)


Phergineer, you may have OD'd or had an off night with it. This is exactly the "thing" with pheros and why it's hard to get what's considered empirical evidence for social use. So many variables. If you've had a good time with it before I'm sure you will again.

Did you drink at this Happy Hour? That could have had an impact especially if you were already feeling off. I'd just take a break from Pop, then come back to it on a few weeks.


Yes, I am sure I applied a lot more than I used to... since I got my full bottle of unscented Pop Potion, plus a PP enhanced full bottle scent, I forgot how much I used to apply from my Totem Lamb trial vial...

And yes, I did have one drink, which I am sure did not help :(

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  • 1 month later...

Suggestions for business networking other than Popularity Potion? I pretty much have most of the pheros handy, I just need to pick one.

I'm an introvert... last time Audacious worked well in a social setting where I didn't know many people, but I'm not sure if it will work for business networking.



SWS would probably not work, and Open windows does not make me less of an introvert. Treasured Hearts is great for family gatherings for me, but again, I would not use it at a HH.

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Yea, I personally wouldn't wear Aud or Pop Potion for business related stuff. But that's me, I know some have succeed with it in that area.

I'd do the Aud if you and your guy are going out having fun ect, especially if you are going out with his friends and you want to exude that playful outgoing vibe.

It's a matter of what you're going for really.

I think any of the social could work, you're just going to have tip sly around with a couple of them and find your sweet spot.

Going by my experience I'd think TH would be fine. But if you want a different vibe I'd go H&S.

I get soft selifies from H&S. It could soften your general demenior and it really works to help people to relax around you and chat.. but not so extreme you'll end up with a TMI situation.

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