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Cops with high testosterone guys?

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Heres a question...I'm sorry if it's a repeat of one, but I've searched through the boards and was unable to come up with anything. Does anyone know if there is any difference in cops' effect on guys who are naturally high in testosterone? If there even is such a thing? My target guy was Army, loveS guns and shooting, has a harley is just super GUYish and also has a really low voice...so I'm guessing that he might be. Would he need more or less cops than average? Or are there any blends that might work especially well? Last week I used some LAM pink during a visit last week and honestly within four minutes of my arrival and within two minutes of me sitting on the sofa with him (maybe even less than a minute), not even touching, he was absolutely ginormous, if you know what I mean. Granted, fooling around was likely on his agenda but I'd like to think it was me and LAM that sped things up. What do you girls think? Could he be more easily affected? Was he just horny to begin with? He IS a guy, after all... ( I know the answer to that) should I be careful of wearing too much!? Any advice will help because I do NOT want to turn him away. At all. Ever :)

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Exposure to copulins will raise testosterone...but sounds like his pump was already well primed :rofl222:


unlikely he would be turned off by feeling too horny.

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I can't imagine a guy could be turned off by being too horny! I guess I'm wondering if there's a point of diminished returns.

And now I can't stop thinking of him being too horny and I'm feeling weak in the knees!!!! Thanks Calii! Lol

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You'll know when you're in OD territory (ghosting), & it probably doesn't hurt if you slather with abandon around him. Do keep in mind that if his testosterone is higher, you're likely just wasting product if you use a lot. He will likely respond just as well to a 333 mcg per bottle strength as he would to a 1,000 mcg strength.

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Thanks Beccah! I'm kind of a noob with measurements and things...how differently should I apply the LP scented Pheros as compared to a bottle of EoW? Whats the concentration, I guess? I'm also forty so I guess I shouldn't be shy about it so long as I don't smell like a$$!


Ok I have to say... I was just surfing the web and came across an article that stated endogenous testosterone was positively correlated with penis size. If this is true, then hells yeah...he's high in testosterone!!

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Thanks Beccah! I'm kind of a noob with measurements and things...how differently should I apply the LP scented Pheros as compared to a bottle of EoW? Whats the concentration, I guess? I'm also forty so I guess I shouldn't be shy about it so long as I don't smell like a$$!


Ok I have to say... I was just surfing the web and came across an article that stated endogenous testosterone was positively correlated with penis size. If this is true, then hells yeah...he's high in testosterone!!

A "pheromone enhanced" LP has 333mcg/bottle where a "pheromone boosted" LP or the UN pheromones have 1000mcg/bottle. I think this is right anyway. The OCCOs have 30gtts of EoW cops/bottle and cops boosted LPs amounts can vary according to what the fragrance can handle.


I have used cops in every amount imaginable. During times of relationship stress, super heavy cops applied neat with fab cover. Last night I used a bottle I boosted with only 5gtts & had AWESOME self-effects. I have been surprised at the success I've had with smaller amounts.....Mara's encouragement was right on target. I think with experimentation, you'll learn your parameters with him & cops.

and I'm 36, my man is mid-fourties. His voice is so deep I actually have a hard time hearing him sometimes! LOL he's got it going on in his pants but isn't "guyish" in the typical way. So that's interesting about the testosterone!

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LOL he's got it going on in his pants but isn't "guyish" in the typical way. So that's interesting about the testosterone!


Ha!! I hope high tesosterone is also correlated with not texting very much...it's been three days and I'm dying, but refuse to text him until I get one. He's just started back to school with a million young hot girls, I'm sure...even though he says theyre not for him...so I'll be using plenty of Cougar and hope that's chock full of cops! If I ever seeeeeeee him, send some good energy my way!!

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Ha!! I hope high tesosterone is also correlated with not texting very much...


LOL!! That's cute. I have been with both types. Those that text throughout the day (not the annoying type/clingy texts, I'm talking about the sweet ones we like just showing they are thinking about us) and the type who only text when absolutely necessary. I've come to the conclusion it is just a personality thing not necessarily how they feel about you. Once you are used to the texting type the other ones are hard to get used to. I like to hear SOMETHING throughout the day for crying out loud!

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I suspect my guy is high in testosterone and you know he doesn't like to text or talk on the phone. Sometimes i text 10 times before he answers. That sounds bad like i am stalking him. He works out of town and I have to keep him updated on stuff with the kids and such. LOL.


Well, unfortunately I'm more of a fwb at the moment so I can't expect much, and I certainly can't text him a lot or hell think I'm clingy/needy. But I'm thinking about him ALL the time. His kisses, everything! Do you think guys think back to awesome make out sessions from a few days ago or is it just like a cheeseburger for them? And if they did, wouldn't they just text HEY? I'd take anything, even something Neanderthal like Me Hungry!!

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Hi Maiea...I'm not a pro, but I think I've read somewhere that you need to use more?? Anyone correct me, Im not sure!


MIssdarlyn, I just ordered LFM! If it doesn't come before I see him again, I'll use My LAM pink, he's smelled it on me before so maybe that will help! That would be AWESOME! Pheros to hypnotize guys when you're not even around!! Damn, wish I could send them over the phone!!! Lol

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Here's my take. Within 10 minutes cops raise a guy's testosterone from 110-150% ( I don't know the exact number because i hear it reported between thoe two numbers). Anyway it more than doubles it. So to my thinking it should feel the same to him as it does to any other guy because it's simply doubling what he's got naturally. Though to be sure that doubling a high testosterone man's levels are putting them really high. But i think it's still relative to his baseline. i would just wear your normal amount. It really doesn't take that many cops to get the increase in testosterone. Have fun and enjoy the ride.


I can assure you the scent of cops - real or spray - does have this effect. Pretty much creates a "spring to" effect.


LOL!! That's cute. I have been with both types. Those that text throughout the day (not the annoying type/clingy texts, I'm talking about the sweet ones we like just showing they are thinking about us) and the type who only text when absolutely necessary. I've come to the conclusion it is just a personality thing not necessarily how they feel about you.


It is a personality thing. Once you get the relationship established then teach him that you like the contact during the day and it will help him get where he wants to go.


Well, unfortunately I'm more of a fwb at the moment so I can't expect much, and I certainly can't text him a lot or hell think I'm clingy/needy. But I'm thinking about him ALL the time. His kisses, everything! Do you think guys think back to awesome make out sessions from a few days ago or is it just like a cheeseburger for them? And if they did, wouldn't they just text HEY? I'd take anything, even something Neanderthal like Me Hungry!!


"Me hungry, want more." You did not know I was already here on the forum, did you??


(Ha - just kidding ...)


Of course we think back to stuff like that. That is what carries us through the day.

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Hi Maiea...I'm not a pro, but I think I've read somewhere that you need to use more?? Anyone correct me, Im not sure!



I'm confused! @_@ If you're female and want to wear cops.. but your own system is naturally high in testosterone (due to hormone imbalance), you need to wear more cops?

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Of course we think back to stuff like that. That is what carries us through the day.


See I would have thought "no." They tell you they do but I have never noticed that a guy can think about anything that isn't right in front of his face.

In fact I have always suspected that those really good texters have me on some sort of alert on their phone.

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I'm confused! @_@ If you're female and want to wear cops.. but your own system is naturally high in testosterone (due to hormone imbalance), you need to wear more cops?

As an experienced user, I say NO! Testosterone regulates the sex drive in males & females. If you want to walk around feeling the need f**k like a rabbit, then by all means use more casually. Otherwise, save the heavy doses for playtime, lady.

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Thanks Beccah...see? I don't know what I'm talking about. I think you do need a bit more if you're older and your natural secretions are waning, though? Is that true?!


I'm not sure I see anything wrong with walking around with the need to f##k like a rabbit, but hey, that's just me!! Jk!

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"Me hungry, want more." You did not know I was already here on the forum, did you??


(Ha - just kidding ...)


Of course we think back to stuff like that. That is what carries us through the day.


QG, I'm not sure I believe you! Or maybe it's that women are more prompted to reach out when they think like that than men? I dunno...you all just drive me crazy!!!


Yeah.....no, I didn't know you were on here! I'm busted!!!


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I can assure you the scent of cops - real or spray - does have this effect. Pretty much creates a "spring to" effect.



So here's a question if you didnt know cops were involved, would you consider the spring-to effect to be due to the person, or to vaginal proximity!?

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Vaginal proximity FTW!


In my case (and I'm in my 40s) cops are hit or miss. Depends where I am in my cycle and even my mood. Generally if I'm in "Do not touch" mode I don't wear them at all. Yesterday I wore Torrid Sorcery though and I couldn't smell any cops at all but Shadow was "Ooh you smell extra grunty today." (Grunt is the term he uses for the smell of cops. You know, caveman sounds?)

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QG, I'm not sure I believe you! Or maybe it's that women are more prompted to reach out when they think like that than men? I dunno...you all just drive me crazy!!!


Women are more likely to to call/text even under those circumstances than most guys. It will be a pleasant thought (maybe a really hot thought) but we tend to be focused on what is in front of us. Hunter syndrome - focus in on the immediate so you catch the deer and don't get eaten by the tiger. Kinda like what MDC said but more nuanced.


Yeah.....no, I didn't know you were on here! I'm busted!!!


I am touched by all the effort you are going to ...


So here's a question if you didnt know cops were involved, would you consider the spring-to effect to be due to the person, or to vaginal proximity!?


Depends how much clothes you have on and where my face is ...


If you have just shown up anywhere and I spring to attention, then I am horny (as usual) but you are one hot mama because it is not taking much at all to get there.

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As an experienced user, I say NO! Testosterone regulates the sex drive in males & females. If you want to walk around feeling the need f**k like a rabbit, then by all means use more casually. Otherwise, save the heavy doses for playtime, lady.


Okay, thank you. So.. normal amount, or go easy on them?

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That's it. Next time I'm over I'm rubbing my LAM underneath his pillowcase to make him think of me more often. Actually, would that work!?



You may want to be careful putting anything with cops on fabric. It ends up smelling like ass. That's why dry down is so important with cops. I've managed to accidentally get it in my hair/clothing and ewww. So I'd veto the pillowcase idea


I'm not sure I see anything wrong with walking around with the need to f##k like a rabbit, but hey, that's just me!! Jk!


LOL aren't your 40's grand? I mean with all the crappy things that happen (readers, saddlebags and moodswings) there has to be ONE good thing right?


Vaginal proximity FTW!


"Ooh you smell extra grunty today." (Grunt is the term he uses for the smell of cops. You know, caveman sounds?)





I am touched by all the effort you are going to ...



WHATTT? I'm lost here...at first I though 'Mrs. QG??' but then, no, b/c of the fwb post.

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WHATTT? I'm lost here...at first I though 'Mrs. QG??' but then, no, b/c of the fwb post.


No - it was a joke on my part she just ran with.

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Lol no scandal...was just kidding around with qg. He's not a child, or a jerk, that I know of!

I got my LFM today, with cops...and no one to waste it on! I was supposed to go to a show with d...b.. Tonight but I couldn't help myself..I texted last fri about it and got no response. Or the day after...or the day after..and so on. So I am taking a guy friend, wearing my new $50000 Paige denim jeans that make me look two sizes smaller and LFM topped with cougar just bc I love the smell so much...I will be a veritable cops fairy, so if he's there, I should have little problem attracting other guys and making him feel horrible. Or at least attracting other guys. It's one of his favorite bands so I'm not sure if he'll show up or not...if he does, he's quite the ahole and not worth me anyway! Hmmmmm maybe that's all my Pheros talking, I just sampled them all on my arm! I smell delicious!!!

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