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What am I supposed to be noticing??


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Okay so I'm STILL trying to get my feet wet with respect to using pheros. I'm still never quite sure what or how much I'm supposed to put on, and I haven't seemed to "get it right" yet with pheros with the exception of SWS. But today at work I decided to try a little bit of Goddess of the Blue Moon (w/LFM) just on my neck and behind the ears, and mixed it with Sweet Revenge w/p83 (I think this is an old phero? I got the bottle from JOC).


I think I am perhaps seeing phero reactions but I'm not sure. There's a couple of young (early 20's) boys at work whom I'm friends with and I went around chatting to them a bit earlier on in the day when I knew the pheros would still be active. As the boys are all friends, I didn't really expect much, but a couple of them were like "oh are you leaving already?" when I got up to leave and get back to work. Another one later in the day was "ok, stay and help me figure this out." I'm not sure if these are phero hits or if they really are like that as they are all friends anyway. These guys are all pretty good friends and are comfortable with me, but today it seemed like they wanted me to hang around more.


I'll make a note I DO NOT give off an air of a sexy lady by a long stretch. I don't even give off the air of a sophisticated/elegant lady. I quite often interact with the boys as "one of the guys" and saying I'm chummy with them is a good way of describing my relationship with a lot of the young boys at work.

Edited by maiea
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From everything I've learned and experienced, those were phero hits! Most phero hits are subtle. It's one of those things you don't always notice until you think back on your day. Sounds like you've found a sweet spot with those phero blends! So exciting, isn't it? :)

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Yeppers,could have been the pheros :) ...they are an enhancement to what you put out there.

Some people react to them,some don't...or don't show it,or even try not to ;)

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(One of my 23yr old boys is going to be away tomorrow and I hang out with him the most. lol. <_< I'm not a cougar. I swear. >_>)


Maybe just a puma ... haha. (Thanks BB!)


I love pheromones and people have thrown out some key conecepts:


They emphasize what is already there. But remember that is good and bad. So if you are upbeat, they can help emphasize that. If you are feeling aggressive, professionally or sexually, they can emphasize that. If you are in a crappy mood and feel like biting off the head of the first person who talks to you, yep, they can emphasize that too.


Most hits are subtle. Every now and then you get something way over the top. God those days (and stories) are great. But for the most part people have enough social filters the hits will be subtle.


It is really best to throw them on and just go about your day knowing that they are emphasizing you and greasing the skids for you in the background. The door that gets opened just a crack wider when you need it. The "yes" instead of the "Let me think about it". At this point I do not look for the hits but may have an "aha" moment at the end of the day if I think about it.


Pheros affect everyone, not just your intended target. Especially if you are throwing something on for that special guy or girl. And the people with the lowest social filters will react the strongest. And quite often you may not want anything to do with the people with the lowest social filters. Like the sloppy drunk in the club or on the bus.

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Maybe just a puma ... haha. (Thanks BB!)


LOL, yes, puma for another month! I'm *gasp* turning 35 next month though so I guess that puts me into the next age bracket.


In all seriousness though, I don't go after 20-something boys for dating purposes. I am just a geeky/nerdy person and I seem to click well with boys in their early 20's because we can relate on a lot of topics, and/or I feel comfortable talking them up (whereas men my age freak me out - it seems like as soon as single guys my age find out I'm single they see it "oh hey, maybe she's someone I can date" and I HATE that).


So essentially, I'm NOT elegant nor do I consider myself sexy or anything, but I tend to be a logical, straightforward and confident person, so pheros would just emphasize those points? LOL, no wonder SWS works so well for me. But I have my days of feeling just very friendly and social, which is probably why LFM worked well for me. I guess this means the pheros that would work best on me would probably be the social ones.

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I'm *gasp* turning 35 next month


God you're old. Not.


I tend to be a logical, straightforward and confident person, so pheros would just emphasize those points? LOL, no wonder SWS works so well for me. But I have my days of feeling just very friendly and social, which is probably why LFM worked well for me. I guess this means the pheros that would work best on me would probably be the social ones.


Mostly yes. Everyone always likes the "sexy" pheros for obvious reasons but you get a lot more mileage out of the social ones. You could even make the sexy ones work for you - it just might be more of a low key sexy rather than an in your face version.

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Lol, well, old for someone who spends her time hanging out with boys 20-25yrs old. <_<


*nods* I think the social ones are the ones I feel like I can pull off. Often with the really sexy pheros I'm like... "when would I ever wear those?" or "I don't think I can pull that off."

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Often with the really sexy pheros I'm like... "when would I ever wear those?" or "I don't think I can pull that off."


That is the beauty of pheros - you are not "pulling off" anything. You just put them on and go about your business. Instead of being the friendly geeky/nerdy girl you are now the sexy friendly geeky/nerdy girl.

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Hmm... but those would still be "sexy social" pheros right? Like Cougar or SS4W? For example I haven't managed to wear LAM or OCCO out, thinking it'd be way too much?


No way, I think LAM is perfect for you. It is only Alpha-nol and cops. Alpha Nol says you are friendly, upbeat and approachable (which it sounds like is already YOU it would just reemphasize it) and cops remind them that you are a woman and NOT one of the guys. I really think this one should be your fun sexy/social phero. You can definitley pull this one off...it's already you!


Then you can wear your SWS and LFM when you want to be taken a little more seriously. You mentioned that you are not considered very feminine, If you want to change that a little you want to wear pheros with est. That may be why LFM made them sit up and take notice. It has est (I think as the first ingred) and they may have been intrigued by this change in phero signature. Your femininity is there you are just not used to acting on it and I think you could use est pheros to push yourself in that direction. That is why I wear Leather sometimes. Although "alpha female" is not an apt description of my everyday personality it is certainly part of me and I can bring it out when necessary and Leather helps. (Which is why my bottle is still full but I like to have all necessary weapons for battle on hand.)

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Oh! Thank you, that's a REALLY good explanation MDC! Okay will try out LAM in the future. And no, I don't consider myself very feminine. I've never thought of even trying Leather before but now you make me curious.


(On a side note: Aqualad, your user pic makes me laugh only because I want to make a Mera costume in the future)

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No way, I think LAM is perfect for you. It is only Alpha-nol and cops. Alpha Nol says you are friendly, upbeat and approachable (which it sounds like is already YOU it would just reemphasize it) and cops remind them that you are a woman and NOT one of the guys. I really think this one should be your fun sexy/social phero. You can definitley pull this one off...it's already you!


Then you can wear your SWS and LFM when you want to be taken a little more seriously. You mentioned that you are not considered very feminine, If you want to change that a little you want to wear pheros with est. That may be why LFM made them sit up and take notice. It has est (I think as the first ingred) and they may have been intrigued by this change in phero signature. Your femininity is there you are just not used to acting on it and I think you could use est pheros to push yourself in that direction. That is why I wear Leather sometimes. Although "alpha female" is not an apt description of my everyday personality it is certainly part of me and I can bring it out when necessary and Leather helps. (Which is why my bottle is still full but I like to have all necessary weapons for battle on hand.)


I concur with this... and want to add even the OCCOs are not that bad to wear out, as long as you go easy on the dose. Just a little OCCO just makes you seem youthful and sparkly, it doesn't "have" to be an aggressive or sexual thing.

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Just a little OCCO just makes you seem youthful and sparkly,


Because Syn isn't already youthful and sparkly enough already. :P

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  • 1 year later...

Hi everyone im new here and just got my first roll on EOW...ive been looking thru as many threads as I can the past few days and I wasn't sure how many times a day I need to apply it. The past two days I've been wearing it I have not noticed anything different. My hubby is a pretty manly man and he's been working a lot and pretty tired so not much cuddling going on for him to get a good sniff of EOW. Any suggestions on how long they last...any tips on diffusion etc. I have put on a few strips in my cleavage..a dot in my arm pits and a few strips on my belly and no reaction yet.

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Hi - did you read your enclosed bookmark with the fragrance and phero tips? There's a lot of useful information there. But generally I'd say limit application to no moire than twice a day, and also congruence/context/environment is important to the use of a sexual mix/cops. Cops alone won't necessarily cause sexual connotations to arise (so to speak).

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This thread is a gem. I know it'd old but I'm glad it has been revived so I could find it.


Thanks to everyone who has shared some of their knowledge (and asked useful questions).

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