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Let's Talk EST!! ^_^

Ail )O(

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I agree with Mara, I wouldn't worry about it. The amount of EST applies is so small that even if it would be absorbed into your bloodstream it's not enough to have any harmful effect on you.


The oestrogen in the OCP does increase the risk of having a DVT but the risk, though definitively real, it's not as extreme as the media sometimes portrays it.

The risk of venous thrombosis (VT) is increased with obesity and greatest in the first year of COCP use. Approximate risks:


  • Healthy non-pregnant women: about 5-10 cases per 100,000 per year
  • Second-generation pill users: about 15 per 100,000 per year
  • Third-generation pill users: about 25 per 100,000 per year
  • Pregnancy - estimated to be about 60 per 100,000 per year

Thank you so much for this!!! Lucky me...I just recently found out that I inherited a genetic clotting disorder from my Mama. :) I feel great on estrogen (loved this one pill I had been taking for years) but alas, can't have any more, ever. So, I am heartened to know that using EST on my skin may make me (and others) feel good...but won't actually make my blood thicker. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all!


Sorry I haven't been around too much this summer so far. Apart from working on fragrance concepts for here (heh..heh..heh..) and trying to get an ETA for the launch of Happy Sauce For The Hormones - amongst other things.. (*Ail zips the lovely Beccah's mouth TIGHT shut at this point* ^_~) I have been just taking things (a bit) easier..


Well my DVT recovery is slow but steady, and I continue to improve every day. I have just had my halfway three-month Thrombosis Review which went very well, so as long as I don't try to run before I can walk (and it's unfortunately very, VERY me to do that, I'm afraid >_<) I should be OK long-term, and they hope I will make a full recovery, although it's VERY early days still.


I've had a few scary and very bad times healthwise in the last few weeks, which have had the Lovely Man of my Life's heart in his mouth more than once (and mine too!), but I'm doing better now and just working through this recovery process as patiently as I can..Which as my dearest friends here well KNOW is NOT something I am good at - like..At ALL> >_>


However.. There is nothing QUITE like being hammered with the blunt, sobering truth that "You could SO easily have died just three months ago, Ail," to bring it home to you that life is something we have for such a short time, and it really is so important to do what my dad always taught me. Many will know the first part of this, but dad always added his own wee sentiment to it, that I have tried so hard to live my life by for as much of my adult life as has been feasible..


"Yesterday is history, tomorrow still a mystery, today is called the present, because it is a gift. So life is precious and remember to live every day as if it is your LAST, Ail - because after all - ONE day you WILL be RIGHT.."

As many of you know I sadly lost my dad suddenly and tragically 23 months ago this Tuesday 27th..I miss him a bit MORE with every day that passes, but I know for a fact he was with me the night I was taken into hospital..I could smell his very distinctive Dutch Cherry Vanilla tobacco all around me as I waited to be attended to, scared to death of what was coming next..


Now.... Hold onto that tobacco's scent description - please.. I'm not going to tell anyone WHY right now - but just try to remember it - and visualise what that would smell like..And if you do, make sure the cherry is a TRUE, and woody cherry. NOT comstock.... :)


Anyway..Now that my long and winding waffle is over for another wee while, I will tell you all that I am now focusing on going forwards having FINALLY made the adjustment to a few minor necessary lifestyle changes - so onwards and upwards as they say! :)


Now..I am bumping my thread here, because I recently was surfing whilst in hospital (which is not as fun as it sounds cos I have the eyesight of a bat without my contacts in, and it's not easy to see those silly wee hospital PC screens!) and I noticed on another forum some APPALLING misinformation given to men about the usage of EST when worn by MEN..


Well I'm sorry boys, but I can guarantee the ONLY thing that's going to happen if you use EST around the ladies is that you will get great self-effects, will feel very calm and relaxed and will almost definitely WANT to cuddle... EST, just like Copulins, is ONLY produced by women- pregnant ones at that, unlike with Copulins, and it is a nesting, bonding pheromone..


I'm very drained, so putting this in layman's terms for now - ESTRATETRAENOL is the BOMB for us ladies who wish to calm the (sometimes) savage male Beast in our life and turn him into a Teddy Bear (not ALL men respond to EST thus when worn by a lady of course), but it's a big thumb's down if you are hoping it will make your lady cuddly when YOU wear if around HER..


Now conversely, if you have HER wear some around you, then you will be the one who wants to cuddle and hopefully, that will start a chain-reaction and will have your lady feeling affectionate too.. But otherwise, if you as a man try to induce cuddling by being the one wearing the molecule then no - all bets are off, I'm afraid.. Game over, it's a non-starter. OK..That's about enough clichés for a week! ^_~


I really don't have it in me energy-wise to keep my eyes open quite long enough just now to get all scientific - and I do try to avoid doing so most of the time here in any case! :020105~21:


Anyway.. EST is the bee's knees for ladies to wear around men, but sorry guys, if you wear it, the only one you will be calming, relaxing and making feel all cuddly - is YOURSELF.. and NOT the lady you are with.


ATTENTION DOLLY! My poor mum has been trying (and failing dismally I think) to email you for a few weeks now, so please can you email me now that I am home again (give me a few wee hours to get a sleep first please, as it's 1 AM here just now) to let me know if she managed to get you?


Otherwise, you maybe have thought a parcel went astray, but it didn't.. Will explain fully when you email, but my poor mum has been beside herself when she found out she was supposed to get something to you and didn't realise it was rattling around in her car boot! Anyway. Email me sweetheart please, and I shall explain all!


Night, night all..




Ail )O(

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So good to see this post from you ,and extra special to hear that overall you are improving! ...I find it disturbing in general the misinformation found on the internet :)


...It is a service you do to correct what you know to be false !!!!

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Thank you for your warm wishes, Calii.. Yes my progress is (to me) painfully slow, but very sure, and I'm getting there a wee bit at a time.. :lol:


There is way too much misinformation out there, and although the world of pheromones is still pretty much largely male-dominated, there are certain molecules that are unequivocally sexually-dimorphic in the way they work, and EST is one that's just for the ladies.. Not to mention the fact it is EXTREMELY expensive, and the gents could be spending the hard-earned cash they are parting with to make this a part of their pheromone arsenals, on molecules and blends that WILL garner them the results they seek..




Ail )O(

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ATTENTION DOLLY! My poor mum has been trying (and failing dismally I think) to email you for a few weeks now, so please can you email me now that I am home again (give me a few wee hours to get a sleep first please, as it's 1 AM here just now) to let me know if she managed to get you?


Otherwise, you maybe have thought a parcel went astray, but it didn't.. Will explain fully when you email, but my poor mum has been beside herself when she found out she was supposed to get something to you and didn't realise it was rattling around in her car boot! Anyway. Email me sweetheart please, and I shall explain all!



No biggie darlin'! Like I said before, I am in no hurry, I haven't gotten an email from your mum, unless it got caught in my spam filter....but I will email you later today....right now, I am running like a madwoman here.....lots and LOTS to do this morning, and pulling my hair out!!

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  • 1 month later...

a little question: can one wear EST during that time of the month?

or would it send out confusing signals?


many thanks for any advice.

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I don't think it does, in my experience. But everyone's reactions are somewhat different even as there are commonalities.


Q is always very solicitious and chivalrous when he's under the influence of EST and that's been on and off my cycle. If anything the extra sympathy has prevented me from going raging bitch on him, so to speak (luckily he understands the hormones make no distinction between loved ones and strangers in that regard). But I am more apt to use Boy/Boy, B2 or something like Teddy Man which has the "alpha male at peace" phero to fix myself first and spare him the drama.

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Oh no! Definitely try B2, it's magic for the moodswings.

Now ladies, I have an interesting development on the Est. front with TT. Heeding PM's advice that less can be more with pheromones. I only use the smallest concentration around him & it works like a magic spell on him. No more knee jerk animosity from him. We still have problems, but the right pheromones make living together more tolerable @ least.

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Beccah that is awesome news :666: ...I hope people new to the pheromone world will heed the less can be more advice,I find this to be true many times.Of course trial and error is the only way to find your sweet spot,there are many variables.

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  • 1 year later...
does EST have a "shelf life" ??


I found some that I haven't used in a while.


Dr Stone told me that he had his pheros tested at the three year mark and there was 0% degradation. I'm sure it will last you quite a number of years as long as the base isn't an organic one, such as a vegetable oil.

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Dr Stone told me that he had his pheros tested at the three year mark and there was 0% degradation. I'm sure it will last you quite a number of years as long as the base isn't an organic one, such as a vegetable oil.


good to know, Thx Mara :(

I have a some from Pharmacom (you gave me a link many yrs ago) and some I bought from Sultry Brunette, also a few yrs ago


phew....would've hated to discard after the $ I spent :lol:

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good to know, Thx Mara :lol:

I have a some from Pharmacom (you gave me a link many yrs ago) and some I bought from Sultry Brunette, also a few yrs ago


phew....would've hated to discard after the $ I spent :)


Liz, Heat and light are the enemies of pheros, just keep them in a cool dark place and they should last indefinitely. :(

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Liz, Heat and light are the enemies of pheros, just keep them in a cool dark place and they should last indefinitely. :)



thx, I have all my schtuff in a dresser drawer.

I emptied some little vials into my bigger btl, does EST smell like alcohol, cause that what it smelled like to me and I don't remember it smelling like that....and results tonight where if-ffy ??!!

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thx, I have all my schtuff in a dresser drawer.

I emptied some little vials into my bigger btl, does EST smell like alcohol, cause that what it smelled like to me and I don't remember it smelling like that....and results tonight where if-ffy ??!!


When it's wet it IS mostly alcohol! After it dries down the smell of alcohol should be gone, and it should never smell like rubbing alcohol (perfumers and phero companies (hopefully) do not use rubbing alcohol as a dilutant). When dry it smells *to me* like a lightly musky floral. To some people it smells vaguely pishy (it's naturally present only n the urine of pregnant women), and some people can't smell it at all.


What strength were you using and how much did you use? And on whom?

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When it's wet it IS mostly alcohol! After it dries down the smell of alcohol should be gone, and it should never smell like rubbing alcohol (perfumers and phero companies (hopefully) do not use rubbing alcohol as a dilutant). When dry it smells *to me* like a lightly musky floral. To some people it smells vaguely pishy (it's naturally present only n the urine of pregnant women), and some people can't smell it at all.


What strength were you using and how much did you use? And on whom?


not sure what strength...btl reads estra-1,3,5 (10), 16 tetraen-3-ol 10mg/10ml (1000 ppm), purchased it directly from Pharmacom, I mixed the stuff I got from a member here, not sure where that was purchased from ??

sprayed some on my arm just now, slight/faint to no smell today

I can never smell it, much less urine,

results last night where not the ones I expected, more like b-nol, he babbled endlessly ?

It was hot/humid last night, perhaps I perspired it all off....sheesh !

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That's strong stuff. You could dilute it by half or use half as much and see if that improves his response.


What I've seen, is that too much EST can sometimes make guys uncomfortable because it is giving the chemical impression/subconscious message that you're pregnant.


In small doses, it brings out the chivalrous and nurturing aspects of men AND women, can make people feel nesty and calm, make the wearer come off as very feminine.


Too high a dose, or on the wrong person, can make them want to run for the hills...they may not understand the chemical message they are receiving for what it is, but it can certainly make guys who are not interested in nurturing their women, or young guys who absolutely don't want to be attached to a pregnant woman, freak the hell out.


That's a rarer response...usually you get the chivalrous cozy response and it can be quite the turn on for certain types of men.

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That's strong stuff. You could dilute it by half or use half as much and see if that improves his response.


What I've seen, is that too much EST can sometimes make guys uncomfortable because it is giving the chemical impression/subconscious message that you're pregnant.


In small doses, it brings out the chivalrous and nurturing aspects of men AND women, can make people feel nesty and calm, make the wearer come off as very feminine.


Too high a dose, or on the wrong person, can make them want to run for the hills...they may not understand the chemical message they are receiving for what it is, but it can certainly make guys who are not interested in nurturing their women, or young guys who absolutely don't want to be attached to a pregnant woman, freak the hell out.


That's a rarer response...usually you get the chivalrous cozy response and it can be quite the turn on for certain types of men.


well that explains some of the dialogue 20.gif

usually I get a better response, I diiiiid kinnndddaaa spray more than usual 34.gif, usually it's a spray in the hair only and we're in business, I got carried away in my haste to be ready on time. You know me, I'm not an avid phero user. Thanks SO much for the info Mara !

umm...should I/could I take about 1 or 2 mls and spike a beta spray btl ? would it be as effective ?

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well that explains some of the dialogue 20.gif

usually I get a better response, I diiiiid kinnndddaaa spray more than usual 34.gif, usually it's a spray in the hair only and we're in business, I got carried away in my haste to be ready on time. You know me, I'm not an avid phero user. Thanks SO much for the info Mara !

umm...should I/could I take about 1 or 2 mls and spike a beta spray btl ? would it be as effective ?


Anywhere from 1 to 3 ml in your beta spray bottle would probably work very well, and it wouldn't put you in danger of ODing the person, I don't think.


I'm dying to ask for details of this conversation, but I am trying not to be rude. :heart106: heh.

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Anywhere from 1 to 3 ml in your beta spray bottle would probably work very well, and it wouldn't put you in danger of ODing the person, I don't think.


I'm dying to ask for details of this conversation, but I am trying not to be rude. <A href=" target=_blank> :D heh.



nah...not rude at all Dear :heart106:

the convo from Sunday ?

I'll email you, Friday...vaca day

uh...@ cataluna ?

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