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Agent XXX w/Sexpionage

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Cripes!!! My January list keeps growing and I have already started a February list. LOL


I will be adding this one for sure along with CP...I think I would do better with Sexpionage if it is in a scent rather than trying it solo. Would hate to have a miscalculation there and the pheroed scents are so easy to use.

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Cripes!!! My January list keeps growing and I have already started a February list. LOL


I will be adding this one for sure along with CP...I think I would do better with Sexpionage if it is in a scent rather than trying it solo. Would hate to have a miscalculation there and the pheroed scents are so easy to use.

I always find the scents, if they work on me, preferable. Its helpful with dosage and PM does a great job of mixing scent with the intent of the phero and vice versa. Also, you can buy the $5 trials to get started. It's a win!

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Yeah I have a long list for samples. I am going to try and work my way through samples of most of the permanent ones in the first few months of 2014. At the same time I will be able to check out new releases as they come out. Getting the UN phero blends will take some time. I got some samples in Nov so I have an idea of what I want but adding all of that up would be a big order so I will break it up.


If I can get them in scents I like, then it is a win/win. I will be getting AgentXXX and CP samples in Jan along with the Occos. I know CP is more foodie so it would be nice to have an option that isn't. Then get FB of the ones I like.

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PLUS! ^^^ Don't these purfumes change a bit with age? What if they are always rotating in and out of "must have/need to haves"?!?!?!? Who KNOWS what all we'll love? Or when!!!? :o

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  • 1 month later...

Holy crap, I love this on very first impression! Typical only ordered a sample vial but like it the best of my order! It's rosy but not overpowering, there's a fruity aspect but it's very well mixed. It's like a fruit and rosewater jelly. I'll wear this a lot I think.

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I never thought I'd wear a perfume with Sexpionage just for the pleasure of the perfume, (I don't want to give off the wrong vibe in public), but I can't seem to help myself with Agent XXX. I just dig the perfume so friggin' much, I feel like I need a never-ending supply of it. There's just something about the way the citrus and the rose combine that really gets me. It feels slightly effervescent to my nose - like a vinho verde, as opposed to a full on bubbly. It's lively and youthful. I need to get at least one more bottle. Possibly two, if I can manage it before they disappear.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Off to Newport soon to see clients, so I thought I'd better post my review of Agent XXX before I forget. Yesterday, I started out with Bulgari BLVII layered over a bit of OCCO Blue to which I added a tad of XAppeal later on....nice. I was planning on re-showering and wearing Tickle Tickle with Gotcha to go out dancing, but Agent XXX arrived on the scene (thanks StacyK) and I could not resist trying some on the tops of my hands and wrists. Immediate hit/tingle to the spine. This to me smells like how I wish LP Red would smell on me. The sample of LP Red I have just doesn't work for me, but somehow AgentXXX does.


Anyways, I went dancing with my husband with the intent of waiting to use more of AgentXXX's assistance when we returned home, lol.


It was a very upbeat yet mellow, happy, everyone in a good mood, chatty kind of night. Of course it helped that we were with a group of people whom we've danced with for many years and the band, Johnny and the East Coast Rockers are old friends. My husband and their pianist jam together time to time. Perhaps it was the full moon energy helping as well, but we had a blast. People kept coming by our table, touching my arm, sharing news/stories, the waitress was warm and attentive. I had ONE drink only, but it felt like 3....my usual key lime martini, but I think maybe the phero amped it somehow. Yet, it was a wonderful buzz and there seemed to be a glamour like aura to the whole night. We danced energetically and effortlessly and everyone around us did as well.....it was like sprinkling energetic fairy dust on people as we danced by...smiles, laughter. as people got caught away in the vibe. Hard to describe, but wonderful. When we came home I did a lollipop of AgentXX and pulse points, and swipes up the arm. I think I may have overdid it tho......cuz it was like we were in a haze....my husband would start to be pretty insistant and me responsive and then we'd drift out to sea and float for a bit, then we'd start up again and float away again.....This stuff is something. I'm sure I'll be using it again. Thanks Agent XXX.

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  • 7 months later...

I got this off the trade threads and slathered last night for the first time.

Before application I was in a very Christmasy, family mood... after application... I pulled out my VS bombshell bra, which I've never worn for my fiance in our 3.5 years together. I put on the longest earrings I have, reapplied eye liner, some red lipstick and walked over to my target. He put down his book immediately. "Have I seen this bra before? I think I'd remember your breasts looking like this..."

Needless to say it was epic.

I was so happy I could play the part!


In terms of scent, it reminds me of Sneaky Clean. It's a very faint, clean but with a touch of honey scent - the kind of honey I can wear. And fiance said so too, that it smells like honey to him.

I'm liking this a lot!!! Much more than Compromised Positions, which got me no response nor any self effects the one time I tried it. Probably because it feels too much on the foodie side for both he and I.

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  • 2 years later...

I haven't a clue how this is on me ... I decided to wear a sample w/sexpionage in it to work of all places, not really knowing if it's a good idea or not, so it was a drop to drip down the cleavage, and a drop mid tummy and used the wand to spread it. I didn't think to dab my wrists. So I am trying to smell my dress because yeah, I am not that bendy and it smells like a lovely blend of roses, cinnamon and maybe amber? I'll have to reapply a bit later in the evening.


However, I may have had my very first DIHL with the hubby. Having to sit extra close for about 10 minutes while I did some homeopathic stuff to his lower back ... he turned, looked me in the eye which is rare these days (years) and gave me the softest kiss ever before he was forced to get up to take care of something that couldn't wait.


I'll review the scent again tonight unless his mood is foul in which case - no. COPS aren't hubby friendly as when he's grumpy, he just gets grumpier. So, full scent review later tonight.

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On the skin, after about an hour all my nose detected was the amber (I love amber so that was fine) but my shirt from when I applied in the morning smelled FABuLOUS. Of course this is an old scent ... but I do look forward to finishing the sample vial and look for scents similar in the future.

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