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Phero Effects on Different Relationships

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I was just curious if anyone noticed a difference in phero effects or hits on people in different relationship realms?


To expand upon this a little further and not be so vague, I feel like my male friends who are super single respond more favorably and obviously to pheros, whereas ones who are in relationships with other people wind up coming off as either a bit more protective or they either shy away altogether. Is this because their hormones are more in tune with those people they are already with?


I was just curious because I don't want to be emitting something off-putting to my already attached friends, or should I just chalk it up to everyone responds to pheros differently?

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I would think it's less a hormonal issue and more behavioral, in that they know they can't show how the pheromones are affecting them because they're in a relationship. I suppose it could be, but my gut says behavioral.

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I would say so as well, at least on the surface; not desiring to act in an inappropriate way, or be disrespectful. Granted, some guys flirt no matter what, but I wouldn't even aim the big guns at someone I knew was in a stable relationship.

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I would think it's less a hormonal issue and more behavioral, in that they know they can't show how the pheromones are affecting them because they're in a relationship. I suppose it could be, but my gut says behavioral.


I would say so as well, at least on the surface; not desiring to act in an inappropriate way, or be disrespectful. Granted, some guys flirt no matter what, but I wouldn't even aim the big guns at someone I knew was in a stable relationship.


I agree with the ladies. As a married guy I may think a female other than my wife is attractive but showing that much less acting on it by flirting or more would be bad. In multiple ways. But a single guy is free to flirt and pursue a relationship as he sees fit.


The thing to remember is that pheromones will affect everyone around you to some level. Some people will mask those effects for a variety of reasons: they are married, inappropriate environment, etc.. Others will not. Sexual pheromones in particular can be a double-edged sword. I have had sexual pheromones on when I have been out with my wife and other women have reacted to them. In front of or around my wife. No bueno.


But also keep in mind that those people who are very likely to act on those pheromones in public can have the lowest social filters for whatever reason. This includes lots of alcohol or I guess what I will politely call low emotional filters. One example I like to point out is a young lady who was using pheromones at her university. She also happened to ride a city bus to her school. She said that the nice looking guy who was also going to the university would look at her, smile and maybe say hello. She also said the wild-eyed stinky homeless guy who tended to ride that bus would be all over her.


Just remember to think carefully about what pheromones you are wearing, what you want them to do for you, and where you will be wearing them. A lot of new users think sexual pheromone blends but the social ones tend to be more useful overall in my experience.

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But also keep in mind that those people who are very likely to act on those pheromones in public can have the lowest social filters for whatever reason. This includes lots of alcohol or I guess what I will politely call low emotional filters. One example I like to point out is a young lady who was using pheromones at her university. She also happened to ride a city bus to her school. She said that the nice looking guy who was also going to the university would look at her, smile and maybe say hello. She also said the wild-eyed stinky homeless guy who tended to ride that bus would be all over her.


Just remember to think carefully about what pheromones you are wearing, what you want them to do for you, and where you will be wearing them. A lot of new users think sexual pheromone blends but the social ones tend to be more useful overall in my experience.


THIS! A lot of newbies do not realize/remember that pheros do NOT discriminate. They affect not only your target, but also the majority of other people in range. Not always appropriate, and NOT a good thing in the wrong situation.


Love my social pheros though! Open Windows is a staple of mine! Treasured Hearts is indispensible as well......and then there are the female blends that are more social but with a sexy feminine edge (not totally sexual).....like Cougar, Leather (or Lace), SS4W, and for me, Dominance......




VexedGlory, I feel very strongly that the reaction of your "attached" friends is a behavioral response. They may very well be affected by the phero signals you are putting out, but they also know it would be totally inappropriate to act on their impulses. So, they hide it.....


There is also another possibility.....we phero vets always say....pheros do not create, they ENHANCE. So, it may be that those "attached" men are simply not attracted to you.

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There is also another possibility.....we phero vets always say....pheros do not create, they ENHANCE. So, it may be that those "attached" men are simply not attracted to you.


Exactly. Pheromones often work more at a subconscious level - they are more like whispers and it is up to you to get people to act on them. It could be these guys are picking up on the "whispers" - in this case a "sexual vibe" - but just are not interested. Pheromones are not magic. Just because I put on Wanted Man or Throb does not mean my wife much less any other woman is going to automatically jump my bones, much less even feel the urge to do so. What they might register is a sexual vibe coming off of me but if my wife is upset about work or mad at me because I did or did not do (insert whatever here), then it just isn't happening.

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I was just curious because I don't want to be emitting something off-putting to my already attached friends, or should I just chalk it up to everyone responds to pheros differently?

One thing you might want to keep in mind too, especially if you're friends with any of your male friend's partners is that they'll also be picking up on that sexual vibe you put out when you're wearing sexy pheros. And the ladies may find that off-putting.


The reason I thought of this: my boyfriend's buddy is engaged to a woman who's lovely, but fairly insecure, (aren't we all, just a little bit?). I found that when I wore sexy pheros around her while our whole group was hanging out, it made her bristly and a little abrasive. Not toward me in particular, but in general. One evening I tried wearing Pop Potion when I knew the whole lot of us would be hanging out at someone's house, ('cause it has a "jealousy buffer" built right into it), and it worked really well. She was happy and chipper the whole night, instead of generally grumpy and sharp-tongued. So these days, if I know I'm gonna be around her and her fiance together, I wear Pop Potion or LFM, Open Windows etc... Social stuff. I may add cops, but not a whole lot. I like her, and I don't want her to feel uncomfortable having me around, so I try to pay attention. And it helps quite a bit.


Just thought I'd mention the other angle. Pheros really aren't discerning, but when we talk about that, we tend to talk about how they're undiscerning in how they affect the men around us. But I really do try to remember that they affect my male friend's girlfriends/wives, too, because I don't want to be the cause of any kind of acrimony, and I certainly don't want to make anyone uncomfortable.

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One thing you might want to keep in mind too, especially if you're friends with any of your male friend's partners is that they'll also be picking up on that sexual vibe you put out when you're wearing sexy pheros. And the ladies may find that off-putting.



Excellent, excellent point. I've had very good female friends get bristly even though they knew I would never overstep. But ti was the phero I was putting out.

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Thanks, everyone! I havent worn anything overly sexy in social situations (i think), it's just not how I roll anyway. I'm more into fun and friendly sorts of scenes. I just didnt want to be offputting or disrespectful to anyone so I figured I'd gauge opinions here. Thanks for all the feedback!

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Another thing is that sometime we have to be cautious of the people that have the biggest open reactions to pheromones. Some of these people have less of social filter and may be more irrational or a lil crazy than they let on.

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Wow, that is a scary thought.


Another thing is that sometime we have to be cautious of the people that have the biggest open reactions to pheromones. Some of these people have less of social filter and may be more irrational or a lil crazy than they let on.

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Another thing is that sometime we have to be cautious of the people that have the biggest open reactions to pheromones. Some of these people have less of social filter and may be more irrational or a lil crazy than they let on.

Thats a point..

Eww this has me thinking of Tyveys creepy boss guy. eek...

Edited by StacyK
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  • 2 weeks later...

The notion that some people suppress inappropriate feelings is certainly valid.


Here's another idea; exposure builds tolerance and people who don't have a mate (or who have a mate who has some sort of health issue where they don't produce pheromones) will be more sensitive to mones.

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Another thing is that sometime we have to be cautious of the people that have the biggest open reactions to pheromones. Some of these people have less of social filter and may be more irrational or a lil crazy than they let on.

Yes!!! I admit I can be paranoid about people and outside of it simply being inappropriate , this is the reason I will experiment with my Copulin based stuff and other sexy stuff only when I know I am going to be home or will wait for my partner and wear them lightly when I am out with him. For me, I guess I just figure, "Hey, crazy people have libidos too!!! And many are clinically hypersexual!!" And yes Loki, as you point out, they do not always wear their "crazy" on their sleeve. Perhaps I am overly cautious, but better safe than sorry.

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Wow, that is an interesting theory. I don't have a mate and I wish I could get self effects. Well, there is the delayed cops reaction, but that is produced by chicas. But that still is a really interesting deduction nonetheless.



The notion that some people suppress inappropriate feelings is certainly valid.


Here's another idea; exposure builds tolerance and people who don't have a mate (or who have a mate who has some sort of health issue where they don't produce pheromones) will be more sensitive to mones.

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