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Does OD Effect Everyone the Same?

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Okay, so if this has already been covered before I apologize, but I couldn't find anything similar with a forum search. I'm pretty interested in OD effects anyway, since I don't usually get alot of selfies I don't think I feel alot of OD effects either. I think the only time was once when I got super-grouchy a few hours after applying cougar.

But I'm wondering, specifically, if OD is an all-or-nothing thing, or if different people can be affected by different amounts of pheros. For example, if I'm wearing a certain amount of pheros, can it be a good amount for some of the people I come into contact with but an OD amount for others? Or is it either OD or it's not?

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You brought up two different types of OD - self and others.


Self effects can be very subjective. Some pheromones that might cause a type of OD - say the 'nols and talking too much - usually wear off after time as you get used to wearing pheromones. But some people report that they might always or usually get headaches with a specific type of pheromone in a pheromone mix. and that often varies by individual.


As far as OD effects from other people - it really seems to vary by person but there does seem to be a level at which a lot of people will react in a way that indicates you have OD'd or are wearing too much. And that level often varies by the wearer's body chemistry. This is because as we get older, men tend to produce less 'none so they can wear more without ODing. The same with women and cops. I think it is the cops that drive female aggression towards other females but hopefully one of the ladies will chime in and confirm or deny the cops thing.


Usually the OD effects you see in others is either in the form of aggression (verbal or even physical) or you get "ghosted" - your pheromone levels are so high, that they do not compute in the person's subconscious so they ignore you completely. Guys get aggression when they put on too much 'none. Women get aggression from other women I think when they go high with cops as I mentioned above, but again, one of the reisdent female experts will have to confirm that it is the cops that drives that.

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So it sounds like, if you're talking about OD for other people and not yourself, it's probably OD across the board or it's not. Right?


Usually but not always. I can only tell you from the guy perspective with 'none. Once you go that high with 'none, the alpha kinda guys get prickly and women - especially younger ones - start shying away. I went way high one night just to see what would happen at a friendly adult social function. it was very interesting and pretty funny to watch. Certain guys assumed very aggressive physical and verbal postures during innocent conversations. You could see the alarm in the eyes of some women I spoke to and they would try to physically back away and break contact as soon as possible.

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There's not too many discussions here about OD effects, per se, but I did ask a question about it awhile back. Here's the thread: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8291. You might take a look at some of the answers I got because it might give you a few ideas although it may not directly answer your question above.


In terms of a straight across the board reaction, my thought is that more than likely if you are seeing the same reaction in a few, it probably will apply for the many such as with QG's experiment. However, everyone here has required differing amounts before finding what "worked" for them - some only need a dab, others spray or roll on a bit (or quite a bit) more so I have to also think that there are going to be some that will react much quicker to high amounts than others because they have a much higher sensitivity to the pheros.

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Thanks! Your thread was pretty helpful, after reading it and thinking back over my day I am pretty sure I was getting some ghosting from my target guy today. But everyone else seemed okay, it was just him, which is why I asked this in the first place. It's hard to tell sometimes what's pheros and what's just a person's normal reaction, especially with him because he can be kind of moody. I mean, he didn't completely ignore me - he kind of can't, we work together too much. But for example, at one point I was standing right next to him, but he called someone else over from across the room to help with something instead of asking me, when I could have just as easily done it. That kind of hurt my feelings at the time, but now I'm thinking pheros. And he actually backed away from me when I pulled my chair up to his desk (which I do all the time, when we're both looking at his computer or working together on something) which was weird too. So now I'm definitely thinking phero OD. Especially since I got an unusually thoughtful text after work - I wonder if he realized that things were weird? I'm definitely going to have to watch how much I wear from now on. Maybe I should think about trying unscented pheros, so I can wear as much scent as I want without worrying that I'm going overboard on the pheros.

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If you find a phero that you really like a lot, you might invest in a bottle of the unscented. Phero-enhanced, now you have a better idea of how much is maybe too much for you and those around you. It'll take a little time of figuring out what that might be in the unscented form but when you do, you won't necessarily be bound to the phero's effects when you really want to wear more of the perfume. I have some perfumes phero-enhanced because they came that way and I've had Mara add some to scents but I've kind of come to like having the phero separate so that I can layer it with whatever I want. There's pros and cons to either method but in the end, it's always about what works best for you.


And, that's just pheros. Truth be told, I think everyone's had some amazing hits just with the perfumes alone!! So don't discount the ability to sway and woo simply with one of the awesome perfumes here.


Glad that the thread helped!! :D

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Too much 'none can also make women crabby, & over application of cops can give off an unfavorable impression to men. If people are ignoring/actively avoiding you when you have on pheromones, then you definitely have too much of it on. We make pheromones on our own, so anything we apply is in addition to that. If you're younger & in good health, you probably only need about half as much as you want to apply of a good pheromone blend. There are always factors to take into account. Like if the blend combines well with what you've got going on. I'm short, curvy, & very femme. When I wear SS4W, it's just over-kill, men get extremely bossy w/ me & it's not the effect that I'm looking for.

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Too much 'none can also make women crabby, & over application of cops can give off an unfavorable impression to men. If people are ignoring/actively avoiding you when you have on pheromones, then you definitely have too much of it on. We make pheromones on our own, so anything we apply is in addition to that. If you're younger & in good health, you probably only need about half as much as you want to apply of a good pheromone blend. There are always factors to take into account. Like if the blend combines well with what you've got going on. I'm short, curvy, & very femme. When I wear SS4W, it's just over-kill, men get extremely bossy w/ me & it's not the effect that I'm looking for.

I have had this happen to me with applying too much 'none, it usually ends up being a bad situation in that I am crabby and make those around me as well crabby.

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If you find a phero that you really like a lot, you might invest in a bottle of the unscented. Phero-enhanced, now you have a better idea of how much is maybe too much for you and those around you.



To add to Storemy's statements. if the phero enhanced version contained too many pheros for you, you're gonna want to start small with the UN because they are stronger than the enhanced!

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:yeahthat: one advantage of scented pherod over unscented is that you can monitor and compare and keep track of how much phero you have on. Much harder with un, PLUS they're much stronger (3x I believe), and those sound contrary to where you are experience wise and what you're trying to do.
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Chiming in here with: 'enone makes me crabby sometimes, too. I've had it happen with BI (just about every time I've worn it), and with LFN (once), where I was fine, fine, fine, BITCHY-KNICKERS! :lol:


But I haven't had issue with any other pheros or cops.


I *have* had off-reactions from other women while wearing both Cougar and Cuddle Bunny, but I think that was more due to the threat of having another sexually attractive woman in the room with their man, than it was to an over-dose of pheros, 'cause I felt wonderful both times. :)

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Thanks everyone. I originally liked the idea of the scented pheros because I didn't want to have to cover scents myself. But now I'm finding, like yesterday's experience, that I want ALOT of scent and it may be just too much phero. That's why I'm now thinking of playing a bit more with unscented pheros.


So far I've only had one bad reaction from another woman. That was one of the first times I tried out sexology III (and decided that I couldn't pull off the scent). Funny thing though, when I wore indecent exposure (also sexology) I had a GREAT reaction from all the women I work with. But my experience yesterday was the first time I tried Velvet Kisses (with Cuddle Bunny). All the women I work with responded well, it was just the guy who acted weird.

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OK, so I will say it one more time.....Cuddle Bunny at work.....scent or no scent.....WAY TOO MUCH COPS! Not meaning to offend, but you have been phero-bombing him with sexual pheros repeatedly....sounds like it is catching up to you. I would LAY OFF of the sexual blends for a while.....seriously. They ARE NOT MEANT for the workplace. Go with some happy-go-lucky social blends, or if he responds well to Est, try Lace with NO cops.....or LFM......

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Thanks Dolly. And you're definitely right. I have only been using cops about one day a week - I hate it because I had kind of thought that CB was going to be my everyday, go-to phero. I do have some unscented LFM on the way that will probably become my staple, either that or cougar, which has also gotten pretty good results at work. I want VERY badly to try lace, but I'm waiting for unscented samples to come out in November.

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So Dolly (or anyone else who wants to respond) another question - then do you think the weirdness was not really OD, but rather just too much cops in the wrong environment? In the past CB has been like happy in a bottle for this guy, but I have normally worn a VERY modest amount compared to what I wore in Velvet Kisses.

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So Dolly (or anyone else who wants to respond) another question - then do you think the weirdness was not really OD, but rather just too much cops in the wrong environment? In the past CB has been like happy in a bottle for this guy, but I have normally worn a VERY modest amount compared to what I wore in Velvet Kisses.



It think it may have been just too much cops at work.....

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I want VERY badly to try lace, but I'm waiting for unscented samples to come out in November.

Oooh! Lace is one of my VERY favorites! I hope it plays as fantastically with you and that you like it! :cat690:

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NuTrix I've been wanting to try it for a while, but I'm noticing that I don't seem to get a good reaction (well, ANY reaction really) with A-nol, and that's one of the main ingredients in Lace. I wish there was something similar to sexology but with less cops...I actually had this crazy minute where I went into the mad scientist section, but then realized that I had no clue of percentages! Lol I think I need alot more experience before I try something like that!


ETA: Today I tried my sample of Levitation (trying to decide if I want to go FB on Flying Potion for October) and didn't see much of any result. It was the first time seeing the guy since Friday though, and he was STILL weird for almost the whole day! I was a bit worried that my phero experimentation had damaged our friendship somehow, but then I wonder sometimes if I'm giving the pheros too much credit where he's concerned. And then suddenly, almost the end of the day, everything just seemed to go back to normal. Weird...maybe he's just weird...lol.


And now I have to decide what to wear tomorrow...any suggestions? I'm thinking I might give TMI another go, or try out cougar which has been good so far in Enduring Appeal.

Edited by Amalthea1978
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I think your OD question was covered here.


My comment is more to your statement that you are finding certain Pheros don't work for you.

From my experience here my advice to you on that is this;

1. Next month all the NRs will have pheros in them. When an LP is released like this I find, in most cases, that the phero effect is more effective. IMO this is a combination of the fact that an expert is giving you the best of both worlds each (phero & scent ) is advantageous to the effectiveness of the other. IMO, as someone new to pheros this is an effective way to start. I was lucky when I found LP my fav scent was Phero'd it was a great way to be introduced.

2. The scent phero blend is a great way to gauge how much you are applying, very helpful.


I'm not saying you should not buy any Uns but your timing here is advantageous and this may benefit you. Also, don't totally discount a specific phero and the blends it may be in. I thought B'nol was out for me in the beginning, but recently I've discovered that many blends with B'nol work well for me it just took practice and time. I think I even prefer BAM to LAM. Thats just the opposite of where I was a few months ago.

Moods, what you may be going through in your life and hormones also effect. I say take your time and try some Phero'd scents, if you see some you like, and enjoy.

Edited by StacyK
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MDC I actually have been eyeing empathy potion too...I recently got a sample in Empathy and Harmony (I think that's the name without pulling it out) that I haven't really tried yet - not too knocked out about the smell of that one. I just wonder about this phero because I can't find alot of info about it in reviews - it doesn't seem to be a favorite here, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I won't like it. I will definitely give it a try - maybe even tomorrow.


Stacy, I am looking forward to next month's releases! Even though I think I've managed to get my hands on alot of the popular blends, there are still alot that I'd like to try. The problem I'm running into with phero'd scents is that I find I want MORE scent, but then if I'm putting on alot of the scent I'm also slathering on the phero. I think this is why I had trouble with Velvet Kisses - I liked the scent so much that I went WAY overboard. But don't worry, I'm trying LOTS of phero'd fragrances, I've already got quite a collection of samples I've bought from the site and the trading post. Plus I'm thinking I may just order the sampler in November, but I guess I'll wait and see what the releases are first.


As far as certain pheros not working for me, it just seems that so far, if a blend doesn't have Est, I'm not getting much of a reaction. Maybe though, like you said, I need to give it more practice and time.


And yes, I think the OD question was covered and this thread has evolved;)

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I like EST too. My first fav scent here was Goddess Of The Blue Moon with LFM. It was this scent that brought me into pheros.


you should wait for the Nov NRs but I'd say you should try Lace and Heart & Soul.

Don't let the fact that Lace has A'nol put you off. The EST in the blend really takes it to a different place.

Heart & Soul is amazing. Also if you have an OCCo or a couple of OCCo samples you can always add a dab or so along with the blend when you want the cop edge.

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Stacy those are exactly the two I had planned on ordering if we can get unscented samples in November:) Also I'd like to try out SS4W, but I can get that in a sample of Sneaky Clean, which will probably be in my October order.


I have LFM in a sample of Goddess of the Blue Moon too, which has gotten really good results. Not super-happy, over the top results like I usually have with CB, but still good. I have an unscented LFM on the way right now, which will be the first unscented that I've really tried. I do have some OCCO samples, but apparently I need to stay away from those right now.

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CB and LFM are very different. CB is a sexual blend, soft yes, but it's still a sexual blend.

Like Dolly says "that's a lot of cops".

You'll get the big reactions with those blends but they are not always appropriate for your daily needs. in the wrong setting you'll get strange vibes from some people because they'll perceive something off from you. Yes sometimes even from men too.

Yea there's always a dude who'll get horney but IMO if your really interested in someone you should try some of the more social pheros which may open up communication.


Once you experiment a bit more with the socials you 'll find you can get some really great hits.

If you check out the OW phero thread look for Dolly's reviews about how she cheered up her man and others by using this feel good phero.

Also, the socials can go from work to play with a refresher and a dab if cops.

BANG is SS4W with cops (a lot of them btw) and a dose of EST.


I've actually gotten some big hits with LFM btw and I've had some nice evenings with GOBM and a dab of OCCo blue :)


ETA I don't know if this is the case...

but you have been loving the CB ( I love it too BTW) but the sexual blends and the responses they get may make it harder for you to see the more subtitle effects of the socials.

Think of it as going wine tasting and starting out with some really heavy dark reds.. it will be hard for you to appreciate the more subtitle Flavors in the lighter wines.

Just a thought, only experimentation with your chemistry will tell you for sure.

Edited by StacyK
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