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Papal Purple w/ Heart & Soul

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WISTERIA ~ Welcoming of new person into your life. Youth, eloquence.
FRANKINCENSE ~ Purification, consecration, protection, exorcism. Associated with silver and the moon.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
SMOKE ~ In addition to the attributes of whatever is being burned (resins, woods, etc), smoke is for cleansing, purification, renewal, consecration, concealment and celebration. It is also the foremost mode of communication from this world to the realm of spirits and the gods.

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Given its DNA, this one has no choice but to be utterly fantastic.


(I'm looking at YOU, Wisteria, Vanilla, and Smoke)

Edited by Just Ducky
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The flower smells very nice to me. Kind of a sweet mix of lilac and violet. Not sure what the scent will end up like but I would like more floral scents in my collection and the addition of vanilla only ads to it as far as I am concerned.

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Yes I will buy 2 FBs if this works in my skin. My reservation is the smoke note. LP has a few different ones. I love the "woodsmoke" note but this being only listed as "smoke" I just want to be sure it's not note that goes ashy dry on me. It just sounds great so my fingers are crossed.

Edited by StacyK
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Wisteria, a mix of lilac and violets? That sounds lovely! I don't know that I've ever smelled wisteria so I went trial on this one. All the other notes are instant win...fingers crossed - I'd like to get some H&S scented....

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Wisteria, a mix of lilac and violets? That sounds lovely! I don't know that I've ever smelled wisteria so I went trial on this one. All the other notes are instant win...fingers crossed - I'd like to get some H&S scented....

Wisteria is a flowering vine. Sort of herbaceous smelling. Not super floral, just slightly. To me it is not a sweet floral at all (at least not the actual flower).

Edited by StacyK
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Thank you ladies! Oh my, I'm getting eager to try this...sounding better all the time :)

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I agree there are different varietals, but I have never smelled a "live" one that is anything like Lilac. I don't get much scent differential in the varying flower colors. But that could be my nose.

I have a lilac tree and I frequently come into contact with Wisteria vines in the summer here. I actually have been trying to find one that can survive the winters here. I usually find the best a bit closer to the coast.


Black Cat you have probably been near Wisteria but didn't know it. It's a flowering vine the small clustering flowers range from white to a super pale purple. On the old vines the flowers hang low in clusters like grapes. they are all over NE. Tons in RI.

I should add the bulk of my Wisteria experience come from the live plants that grow on the East Coast.

Edited by StacyK
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I agree there are different varietals, but I have never smelled a "live" one that is anything like Lilac. I don't get much scent differential in the varying flower colors. But that could be my nose.

I have a lilac tree and I frequently come into contact with Wisteria vines in the summer here. I actually have been trying to find one that can survive the winters here. I usually find the best a bit closer to the coast.


Black Cat you have probably been near Wisteria but didn't know it. It's a flowering vine the small clustering flowers range from white to a super pale purple. On the old vines the flowers hang low in clusters like grapes. they are all over NE. Tons in RI.

I should add the bulk of my Wisteria experience come from the live plants that grow on the East Coast.

I bet you're right, StacyK! And all the descriptions are sounding more and more enticing.... I think this will be the first thing I try.

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OH! I got a sample of Pixie Dust in my last order and REALLY liked it! How exciting! I'll have to go find that sample and snoffle it a bit more now! Thanks Irish Eyes! :)

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Oh my GOD but this is incredible!!! I want to BATHE in it. Inhale it until I can't breathe anymore. This is the crown jewel of the year! I could wear no other scent but this forever and never regret it.


Oops. I mean yucky blech! Because I love you all so much I'm going to buy all the bottles in stock so no one has to put up with this stuff. You're welcome.

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^^^ <_< Why is EVERYTHING fantastic here at LP? Really? Is my next logical step to just sign up for the FBs each month? :D


Um, Ducky? I'm afraid you're too convincing...in the opposite direction you would like...I have bottles on my list already just on your reviews alone :lol:

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Oh my GOD but this is incredible!!! I want to BATHE in it. Inhale it until I can't breathe anymore. This is the crown jewel of the year! I could wear no other scent but this forever and never regret it.


Oops. I mean yucky blech! Because I love you all so much I'm going to buy all the bottles in stock so no one has to put up with this stuff. You're welcome.

Wow! I can't wait to sample this one. Is the floral the dominant scent, or does the vanilla/musk/smoke push forward with the floral taking a back seat? So curious!!

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Wow! I can't wait to sample this one. Is the floral the dominant scent, or does the vanilla/musk/smoke push forward with the floral taking a back seat? So curious!!

Oh! Yes! Please! DO tell!

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Is my next logical step to just sign up for the FBs each month? :D


Of course! Think of all the time it would save you in the long run! :lol:



Is the floral the dominant scent, or does the vanilla/musk/smoke push forward with the floral taking a back seat? So curious!!


The wisteria -- on my skin -- is and remains the most noticeable note, but wisteria is a gentle floral to begin with, so it's not the least bit pointy. The vanilla/musk/smoke round out the overall scent and keep it from being flowery, if you know what I mean, but they don't smother the wisteria at all. The end result is just . . . perfect.

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Hahaha! Should've known you'd say THAT! :lol: I am inclined NOT to argue though lol

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Humm . I'm trying 3 out now and this one is the most dominant. So far, about 40 min, I get a powdered, wispy floral/ slightly herbal'ish note. The smoke teases me and says hee hee ..I'm gonna go Incense on your ass, Psych! it moves near that holy power then veers away and plays in the powdery floral again. I do love some Heart & Soul tho. Interestingly after my unpleasant experience this weekend this Phero seems to be the happily balanced cure.

Can I survive the constant teasing of a Papal smoke blessing tho that's still the question. Update to follow later....

Edited by StacyK
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Humm . I'm trying 3 out now and this one is the most dominant. So far, about 40 min, I get a powdered, wispy floral/ slightly herbal'ish note. The smoke teases me and says hee hee ..I'm gonna go Incense on your ass, Psych! it moves near that holy power then veers away and plays in the powdery floral again. I do love some Heart & Soul tho. Interestingly after my unpleasant experience this weekend this Phero seems to be the happily balanced cure.

Can I survive the constant teasing of a Papal smoke blessing tho that's still the question. Update to follow later....

Thanks for this very useful review.

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Argh! Everything I hear makes me more and more curious to try this.... it sounds like it could either be a regretful, nope, not for me or MUST HAVE. Any further reports on the incense factor? Anyone?


EXACTLY! Sounds like Yes but then maybe NOT SO MUCH.... ARG! The suspense! :A002:

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On the fence. Love the H&S. Love some the "Purpleness" of the scent. But the smoke note is not my fave. I get a smoke/incense note I could live without. It's very "Ash Wednesday".

I'm hoping for some aging here. Seems like aging could refine the overall scent a bit.

I really want to hear others interpret this scent. It's very interesting.

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I get a smoke/incense note I could live without. It's very "Ash Wednesday".


Thanks heavens it doesn't do that for me, because that would be a deal breaker, too. Incense notes set my teeth on edge.


"Ash Wednesday" -- *snert*

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Oh my! This is amazing! The star of the show is definitely the musk. I might buy it just for the musk. The vanilla and smoke are background players, smooth and hazy. I don't smell the frank at all which is good since I don't like it. The wisteria is on top of it all. It is soft and it does read slightly like lilac. Lends a lavender color feel to the whole thing. I am really excited to see how this morphs over the next few hours.

Wow, great review. Certainly makes me want some!

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Wow. I am glad I didn't order this yesterday. Today I put it on and it's totally different. The musk is more subdued and I can get much more of the smoke. And the frank is totally there. Strongest when wet but still these a bit when dry. I am going to keep trying this for a few days until I can figure out what to expect. If it ever gets back to what it was yesterday I will be buying multiple bottles. If it stays like today, not so much.

Oh, that is so weird. Perfume has a will of its own.

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OK, this was the first thing I went for when I opened The Box. Wet, I get a gorgeous floral rush -- must be the wisteria, which apparently I adore. I was babbling, Yes, yes, must order! Then in the drydown much of the floral whisked away and I got the frankincense but no smoke. I am putting this away to try again when it has had some time to settle its tender little nerves after that cross-country journey! If I get a more consistent result with the first bloom lasting, I will definitely go full bottle. But I want to play it with a bit more before committing.

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Thank you, thank you all...I have just ordered a bottle unsniffed. :D I was shopping along, not intending to order this, just going to grab a few things really...when I scrolled past the description....then clicked to the page...re-read for the umpthtillionth time - and the next thing I knew - it was in the cart....

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So lovely from begining to end from the bottle, on skin, through the drydown and lingering scent never stops being beautiful, romantic and classy.. and does't fade! has a lovely lingering staying power. I would put this on your must sample list. The frankincense gives the prominent wisteria depth and the vanilla smooths and sweetens it out all while maintaining a very floral fragrant. The Heart & Soul must be working me over cause it takes hold of me, not something I'd wear regularly but definately would want on hand for a special occasion. At the very least would want another sample to explore with, this would also make a great gift since I could see more people liking this than not.

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Hm, tonight this is staying deeply floral -- the other notes are all balanced in some complex dance that allows them to support and enhance the floral without calling attention to themselves. I can't pick out smoke or frankincense at all. It's lovely, but I don't know if I would reach for this often, as I am mostly not a floral type at all. (I am not sure how LP White ran away with my heart, but that's another story).

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