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New Releases for MARCH 2014

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Got my sampler today! Oh boy I'm in trouble. Six are love at first sniff. SIX! I need to walk away for a few minutes. These are goooood.


So which six? Not that it matters, everyone's taste is so different, I'm just curious what people are liking the most so far!

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So which six? Not that it matters, everyone's taste is so different, I'm just curious what people are liking the most so far!

Here goes and in no order; Gypsum White, Vermillion, Indigo, Gamboge, Vivid Violet, and my biggest surprise of all Carbon Black. I typically don't go for the darker, resiny scents. I can't wear LP Black for instance. But Carbon Black is one that I could wear.


Eta: holy hell. It's actually seven. I forgot about Atomic Mandarin.

Edited by greenergal
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The presentation is just adorable!!!!



The sampler comes in TEH KYOOT BOX:







The two crayons are "Perfectly Primary" and "Beautiful Brights"



And then you put the Crayons into their box!


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YAY! PUUUUURDY!!!! :cat690: I should pick up some coloring books in anticipation....something with my little ponies!

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That is SO cute!!!


How do you all get your samplers so fast?

Did you order them before the notes were announced?



I ordered the sampler set the day the notes were given, but they haven't shipped yet - in fact, I think the fastest something has ever shipped was 10 days after ordering, usually it takes at least 2 weeks before it ships.

And I'm in the Netherlands, so after that it's another week or 2 (or 3, or theoretically 5....) before it arrives.


Things sell out so fast, I often barely have a chance to try out a sample before something is gone again.


It gets a litle nervewracking! ;)

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Here goes and in no order; Gypsum White, Vermillion, Indigo, Gamboge, Vivid Violet, and my biggest surprise of all Carbon Black. I typically don't go for the darker, resiny scents. I can't wear LP Black for instance. But Carbon Black is one that I could wear.


Eta: holy hell. It's actually seven. I forgot about Atomic Mandarin.

Ha!! I knew GW & CB would be winners.... can't wait to get my order. :)


Reviews you guys... reviews!

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How do you all get your samplers so fast?

Did you order them before the notes were announced?

I have a subscription, so I get the sampler packs automatically.

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I know Mara discontinued new subscriptions during the time she was getting ready to relocate, so you'll want to ask either her or Heather about whether they'll be an option again.

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I apologize because this was kind of asked upstream, but is the FB set $199.95 for March, or is it a different price because there are 11? Or would I just include the 10 bottles that I would want?

This month, if you order the full bottle deal you get all 11 bottles. Does not always work that way...like, if there's 11 but one is for men, you would only get the 10 for women. In this case, they were all for women (one unisex), so we included them all.



Oh, I see!

Thank you. :)


So, how does one get a sampler pack subscription?


I discontinued the sampler pack subscriptions because it meant I could never, ever, take any time off. I am still trying to keep to our faithful monthly schedule, but I need to be able to go see my family once in a while or take a breather, so of the subscription holders we still have, the last month for all of them is May, and I didn't want to allow renewals. Hope everyone understands. I never want to disappoint anyone, but the schedule I have had myself on for years is reallly hard. Like, 12 hour per day, one day off per month, kind of hard.


But in answer to your question about how to get them faster, I would say, as soon as the labels go up on the message boards (don't wait for the descriptions) order a sampler pack - writing in the month about to be released. Order it ALONE. The sampler packs are always ready to fly out the door, it's the additional custom items in people's orders that will hold back the sampler packs if ordered together.

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But in answer to your question about how to get them faster, I would say, as soon as the labels go up on the message boards (don't wait for the descriptions) order a sampler pack - writing in the month about to be released. Order it ALONE. The sampler packs are always ready to fly out the door, it's the additional custom items in people's orders that will hold back the sampler packs if ordered together.


So good to know. Thanks!

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I know Mara discontinued new subscriptions during the time she was getting ready to relocate, so you'll want to ask either her or Heather about whether they'll be an option again.


Thank you!




I discontinued the sampler pack subscriptions because it meant I could never, ever, take any time off. I am still trying to keep to our faithful monthly schedule, but I need to be able to go see my family once in a while or take a breather, so of the subscription holders we still have, the last month for all of them is May, and I didn't want to allow renewals. Hope everyone understands. I never want to disappoint anyone, but the schedule I have had myself on for years is reallly hard. Like, 12 hour per day, one day off per month, kind of hard.


But in answer to your question about how to get them faster, I would say, as soon as the labels go up on the message boards (don't wait for the descriptions) order a sampler pack - writing in the month about to be released. Order it ALONE. The sampler packs are always ready to fly out the door, it's the additional custom items in people's orders that will hold back the sampler packs if ordered together.



Mara, I can completely understand that!

I was just thinking what an enormous amount of work it must be. :Emoticons04284:



Thank you for the advice, next month my sample order will be placed as soon as I see the new labels!


Meanwhile, I am really looking forward to sampling this month's scents - I have a feeling it's a great collection. :)

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Yes, only about once a year does such a special sampler package come along! Like the Embody The Tarot and A Treasure Of collections, this is such a cute and fun surprise!

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Did you get a pony? :D

:Emoticons04263: I love the quick-witted women that hang out here... always feels good to laugh along.









And down to only ONE bottle in Artfire!

I guess that means GONE now... I was going to snatch it up (smell unsmelt) but I can't find it. There's the argument for staying on top of these threads! And I was the one who asked the trivia question in the first place!!! Maybe it will be back someday! I loved that the HINT was right there all along (the emoticon) on Mara's original post!

Edited by luna65
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