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Selfies with Cops

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I've seen mention of people getting selfies for the phero's and cops. Of course, I've gotten the expected selfies, but one that's surprised me is I get happy with cops. It's a real mood lifter for me. Do you get that kind of selfie when using cops? I love it and sometimes wear them places where I should stick with phero's because the self effects are so good.


Side question:

Love everyone's avatars. Where are you finding them? My profile's beginning to feel a bit naked.


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Well...I have only gotten the expected selfies with cops, but some women say that it makes them perkier and it puts a swing in their step. That is the phrase they all use :Swing in step". LOL!


So maybe you are one of those women who can wear cops in "non cop" territories. Some women can do that and get away with it.

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I've seen mention of people getting selfies for the phero's and cops. Of course, I've gotten the expected selfies, but one that's surprised me is I get happy with cops. It's a real mood lifter for me. Do you get that kind of selfie when using cops? I love it and sometimes wear them places where I should stick with phero's because the self effects are so good.


Side question:

Love everyone's avatars. Where are you finding them? My profile's beginning to feel a bit naked.



I get tons of self-effects from cops. I feel womanly, confident, happy, hip-swingy and horny. :D


I save pictures from all over the internet. I have a (too) massive file on my tablet full of pics I love. Sometimes it's tough to choose a new avi, I love so many pics!


I get no selfies from Cops. I find my avi pictures on Pinterest usually.

Really? None at all? That makes me sad. Cops hit me so hard that I thought they did that to everyone!

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Nope, none at all. I have gotten effects from Aja though. Although not every time. Still trying to figure that one out.

Wow. I seriously thought pretty much everyone reacted to cops the same way that I do. Guess I can count myself lucky! lol...

Aja affects me the same way, but I'm not *that* keen on the smell of it on its own.

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I get a sexual effect from cops but not necessarily a mood-lifting one unless I use LAM! or some other blend which also has a-nol.


I commissioned my current avatar from an artist friend of mine (I also used it as the label art for one of my PEs); I'd really love to employ her full-time to draw pictures of Trevor Rabin for me.

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Idk why but when I read this title I was thinking it was about taking a selfie while wearing cops. Like sexy selfies under the influence of cops. Lol- I'm feeling goofy and ditzy today. Must be the Lace im wearing ;)


Cops make me feel sexy, womanly, pretty much what Eggers said.

Cops and LFM combined make me like a horny monkey. I can't get my mind out of the gutter!


I get avi pictures off Pinterest or Google images.

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FYI on a related note, there have been no studies of how women may or may not respond to cops.


Just to clear thing up as there has been the claim floating around here and there that science has proven that women defitively DON'T and CAN'T respond to cops, and this claim isn't true. No studies, no data. We don't know, outside of anecdotes, which are mixed.

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FYI on a related note, there have been no studies of how women may or may not respond to cops.

Just to clear thing up as there has been the claim floating around here and there that science has proven that women defitively DON'T and CAN'T respond to cops, and this claim isn't true. No studies, no data. We don't know, outside of anecdotes, which are mixed.

I suppose I can understand why there haven't been any studies of women's responses to cops. Although you would think, given that women are the sex who tend to have the most issues with their sexuality, (in terms of ability to become aroused, ability to climax etc...), that *someone* might have had at least the *idea* to study this. However, given that our sexual responses aren't as important as those issues men have, (yes, my tongue is firmly in my cheek here), it's not surprising that no one has bothered.


We have tons of anecdotal evidence that women *can* and *do* respond to copulins right here. We're our own experiment. I kind of like that. Maybe when someone finally figures it out, (that women can and do respond to cops), these little groups of copulin users like we have here, will be considered enterprising pioneers! :lol: I've gotta say, this "research" is a lot of fun!

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I'd say I don't get real Phero selifies, as in the type of selifies you'd get with a phero blend. I do say usually with the right application in place, I get a lift from the sweet scent cops can add. I think maybe it's a type of personal scent memory effect. The scent of something cop heavy like Red Lace or the Occos ..ect. Where cops are a noticeable factor, give me a happy lift. Perhaps I even feel 20 years younger. May be some distant scent memory of myself when was younger.. It is certainly a youthful, sexy feeling wearing them.


Edited by StacyK
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I get no selfies from cops at all. EST gives me that sexy womanly feeling others are reporting here. I've never had a sexual effect from any pheros I've tried.


Like others here, I usually get my avis from google images or pin interest. I'm always saving cute pics when I see them.

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I get no selfies from cops at all. EST gives me that sexy womanly feeling others are reporting here. I've never had a sexual effect from any pheros I've tried.


Like others here, I usually get my avis from google images or pin interest. I'm always saving cute pics when I see them.

I don't really get a sexy feeling from EST. I get what it call the Est Bounce. It's like a happy, feel good, feminine boost.

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I love cops. They make me feel feminine and sexy.

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Est Bounce, LOL! I like that StacyK. I'm picturing a gorgeous little bunny with long flopsy ears, bouncing all over the place. Actually, Lace does make me feel like this, come to think of it- all girly with glitter and twirls. But when I add EST to other pheros, or wear something like SS4W, CB or Sexology I tend to get more of a slightly sexy, gracefully feminine feeling. Both are fun!

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Est Bounce, LOL! I like that StacyK. I'm picturing a gorgeous little bunny with long flopsy ears, bouncing all over the place. Actually, Lace does make me feel like this, come to think of it- all girly with glitter and twirls. But when I add EST to other pheros, or wear something like SS4W, CB or Sexology I tend to get more of a slightly sexy, gracefully feminine feeling. Both are fun!

Lol.. I like the bunny visual.


Yes, I like adding EST to some phero blends. One of my fav is TH+EST. If you are accustom to the feel of TH the addition of the EST is really interesting. It changes the dynamic up in an really nice way. I hope Mara does a SUPRISE blend like this in the future. :heart:

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I get self effects from cops, particularly after a gap between uses, say a few weeks. With sufficient application of cops, I might feel horny and definitely more feminine and swaying of hips when I walk.

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