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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. LOL@ Katz...so you want 4 bottles? Yes, just hit the add copulins button - it will add $5 to the price and you will get it OCCO-ized.
  2. Mystery PE is shipping today, so unless I get permission from gift giver, we shall wait a few days for it to arrive. As far as Skye Loves Chocolate - yes, it's the perfect cops cover...makes a great OCCO!. Only her bottle contains copulins, but that's another one that I can easily make more of if you gals want it. Just post and I'll count up the requests and brew accordingly, and add copulins if you want to OCCO-ize it!
  3. Haven't you read the Old Testament? Ceiling Cat not very merciful.
  4. Oh, I'm sorry Halo. That was before the offers were up and everyone was just squeeing in general. I didn't realize you were serious. I can just make some more. Anyone else want some of Ravenwing's White Forest Cake while I am making another batch?
  5. Have you heard? They are re-releasing the film TITANIC in 3D next month, and we have been asked to create an accompanying perfume set to coincide with the release! I have been given permission to talk about it now, but we will have to wait for the website address to order the set for another week or two. This promo is in conjunction with a website called Romance of Yesteryear, and The Baltimore Sun newspaper. The offering is for a 3 perfume set, packaged in beautiful antique style pouches in the style of Romance of Yesteryear. Three bottles, 5ml roll-ons each of concentrated perfume oil. Each perfume is based around the ingredient of Rose, but they follow the arc of the development of the character named Rose, and each scent is wildly different, just as her personality develops throughout the film. The first scent is called "Young Rose". This was chosen because, if you have seen the film as many times as we have, you will remember that the shipbuilder onboard always calls her "Young Rose". This is the Rose who is a paragon of high society. The epitome of elegance. But straining at her harnesses, isn't she? Young Rose is the scent of elegance and high society...a memory of a lost age. Ingredients: Antique White Roses, Rosewater, Tibetan White Tea with a wee drop of Lemon. The antique papery feel of lavish Sandalwood. A dried bouquet with a hint of wistfulness, laid upon a doily of hand tatted lace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ But then, she meets her Jack. He teases her, he taunts her, and she follows wherever he leads until she is hopelessly in love with him and there is no going to back to the staid woman she was before. She becomes.... Jack's Rose ~ This is the most playful of the trio, filled with happiness and joy. When you're in love, kisses taste like pure sugar. Mouths stained like berries because you can't keep your lips off each other... The scent of joyfulness in a bottle, and a bit of mischievousness too. Ingredients: Baby Pink and Sweetheart Roses, berry-sweetened with drops of mood-elevating Strawberry, Blueberry, Blackberry and Powdered Sugar, with an innocent glow of sheer youthful skin Musk. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Even a 3 hour movie can end too soon, yeah? But Jack did more than just allow her to live...he SHOWED her how to live. And our Rose did not take this supreme gift for granted. She lived for both of them. Rose traveled from the Santa Monica Pier to the pyramids of Egypt. She learned to fly, she was a Hollywood star...she grabbed hold of life with both hands and LIVED it...and this is what the last of our trio is about.... Forever Rose ~ A perfume of ingredients only to be found if one circles the globe in search of the finest, richest, rarest, most elusive and divine... Forever Rose is the scent of the independent woman, the confident yet mysterious world traveler who knows what she wants and how to achieve it. Ingredients: Deepest, darkest Red Rose attars from India and Egypt...pounds of rose petals are used to create just a few precious drops. Aged Indian Patchouli, Tunisian Amber, forbidden animalic musks, exotic spices from Zanzibar and Marrakech over sweet Honey derived from Orange Blossom fed bees, and several more Honey varieties besides, because this alluring ingredient is the undeniable scent of womanhood...the closest aroma found in nature to the scent of female arousal, and a veritable magnet for men. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, this is our set. It will be interesting to see how much "screen time" they allot for this. There have been at least 4 incarnations of the text so far, but I have been given permission to write this how I want, and so I have. The "official" version will be much more conservative, but I wanted to share with you the thought process of how we made these...and perhaps spark your memories too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ More to come in the coming days....website addresses to follow.
  6. Apologizing for the wait. I have been filling special orders since 8am, and now it's 11pm. Spent 3 hours making wire wrapped crystals for one of my jewelry retailers, and now I am DONE! Weeee! Give me another hour, or, see the other announce when you awake....but I shall work on it now.
  7. D'oh! Edited my post to add 3 bottles of Sugar Lips' Loving You Lavender. Sorry for error!
  8. Gaby, and anyone that wants to grab these before they are in the cart, please use the Gift Cert option to purchase. Claim here first tho! First ones to post get em! Ok, here's the list: Ravenwing's Black Forest Cake - 5 bottles available Ravenwing's White Forest Cake - 2 bottles available Dr Suki's Break-Up Balm - 4 bottles available Moonholly's Daydream - 4 bottles available Sugar Lips' Loving You Lavender - 3 bottles available Sky Loves Chocolate - 1.5 bottles...meaning, I have a regular 10ml bottle available ($25), and also a 5ml bottle available ($15). I also have 2 bottles available of the MYSTERY GIFT...but sorrowfully, we must wait until the recipient receives it to expose the secret! And, yes, Darlyn...there is another surprise, a very nifty one! But I am going to start a new thread just for that - later this evening. Until then....heheheheheh.
  9. Ok, Gaby - tis yours if you wish it! Will post the amount available of the others in a few hours. And...maybe another surprise too....squeee.....
  10. Not to start a riot...but I found that we have ONE extra bottle of Invidiana's Anti-Valentine. I had it set aside because I was short one label and kept forgetting to print it. I will offer it of course to the creator first. If Invi doesn't want to grab it, first one to post gets it. And BTW, Invi, I sent you an email over the weekend. Did you get it? We are just labeling the PEs now, so after the orders are complete I will provide a count of what is left over of each. K?
  11. It's Lavender, Vanilla and Sugar, but the instructions on types was rather long. Foody but not too sweet. Light, not overwhelming. I hope she likes it. She said she finds commercial stuff too strong, generally, and our stuff tends to be on the concentrated side, so I tried to make this subtle, but not too subtle.
  12. IMO, it's probably more likely that your nose is becoming more "educated". Pheromones - commercially produced ones - are lab re-created body odor. We make our own, and especially if we do not shower them off every day, they are a part of our natural smell. Perhaps since you have been using pheromones, you are starting to understand what it is that they actually smell like, these bodily excretions, so you are now identifying it on your own body, when before you simply ignored it. That's my guess. OR!... Many EOs have anti-bacterial properties. True B.O. is more associated with bacteria and oxidation of sweat than the actual smell of sweat by itself. If you've stopped using EOs in the tub, that could very likely be the cause of feeling like you need to use deodorant.
  13. Thanks for the kind words, Quiet Guy! It is always a delight to get the male opinion on scents. This one did seem to be universally popular...it flew out the door and I'm not sure there's any left. Ahem! I believe I mentioned that to you myself! Yes, that is how I perceive it as well, and it's one of my favorite creations ever. I may have to brew this again someday...it was not a difficult brew, just have to keep fingers crossed that all of the ingredients are still available when it comes time to order from each of the companies again. (I'm still mourning the loss of my and Snoopy's fave Ambergris...we were apparently its biggest fans and the ingredient is lost forever.)
  14. Sending you good luck! But NO SPRITZING THE PLATES! Or you might be sending people to the hospital. The food must smell amazing already, but when we would do public shows, we'd use a warmer to disperse our aromas and draw people toward our booth.
  15. Wolf Pack is for MarkAM and his frat group of friends. It's basically an existing male blend, amped with additional pheros. His friend made the artwork - I thought it was cool so wanted to show everyone the label, but this one will be available only to he and his buds.
  16. These are currently being sent to their owners. A few of them have a few bottles available, but don't ask me which right now...I'm slammed bizzy! Just thought you'd like to see labels and the creators can discuss their creations if they wish.
  17. Don't worry about Bnol in small amounts. In REASONABLE amounts it works to make people feel close and bonded, trusting, etc. The phero enhanced perfumes only have 333 mcg per bottle. and Bnol is only a fraction of the pheros in Sexology...which also contains Est & Cops. You're safe there. It's just in the unscented varieties, where Bnol is the star, like in unscented TMI or True Confessions....hoooo boy. That's the ones to be afeeered of...at least for ME. Lostsa the ladies and gents here love it. My buddy Steve loves it - he's an entertainment journalist, and he has worn True Confessions to EVERY SINGLE celebrity interview he's done for past several years, since I first introduced him to the stuff. Magic bullet for getting people to spill their secrets. Yup, too scarey for me, but it definitely has its fans!
  18. You can use the scented OCCOs to add extra ooomph to anything - that's the beauty of them; I would just make sure I give it that dry down time so that I do not end up with wet copulins on my clothes. I think if you use the OCCOs on your bare torso/cleavage, and give them a good dry down time before putting your clothes on, you're fine. I have worn OCCOs Pink, Blue and Red out in public, usually with another perfume that "matches" on the more exposed parts of my body like cleavage. neck and arms. (I wear OCCO Pink with LP Spring 11 or LP Pink, Blue with Cuddle Bunny or the Smoking Bun, Red with LP Red or Vicars & Tarts, etc)
  19. That NOSE is just too adorable!!! Welcome to our
  20. Welcome Pebbles! Love the avatar!
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