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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. It's heavier on the Patchouli and Vanilla, with just DOTS of the other ingredients to cover the magickal intent.
  2. Ok, you guys ready to hear what's really in this?
  3. Awwww, what a great story. Thank you so much for sharing and a huge WELCOME to the forum! So pleased to hear when people get enjoyment from what we create with love. xoxoxoxo Mara
  4. I really don't see B2 as a work blend. It's kinda the opposite. It seems to make ladies all relaxed and cuddly and purry. On men, it seems to be a relaxed camaraderie huggy blend. For the situation you are describing, I say it's Swimming with Sharks all the way!
  5. Congrats, Honey! I'm so glad you had a good time and felt confident. Your outfit sounds gorgeous too! xoxoxoxox
  6. That's EXACTLY the feeling I get from wearing Lace. Ditsy, girly, Marilyn-esque. Not a good driving phero - I get lost EVERY TIME I wear that phero blend. And it's my favorite for self effects too. That's why I wore SS4W on my last big outing, because I knew it would confusing to find the place I needed to go and knew Lace would def not help me find it!
  7. TG, what clothes are you going to wear? Will you take a picture? This sounds like it is going to be a formal event! Sounds like great fun! Good luck and have a blast!
  8. I KNOW, right? That's exactly what I thought!!! Also once found a round concrete well, close to the ground, that had so much mist sitting on the water that it looked like dry ice. It was so strange. Things just magically came and went in the forest. A little cabin, a burned out 1950's era car...seen once then never again.
  9. LOL! I'm glad you guys like the label, it cracks me up. Ok, I've got SwSharks up and orderable in all sections of the site, and I also did a whole bunch of updating to make it easier to order pheros in any form you wish without having to go into the Beta section. I am trying to eliminate the Beta section entirely now, since we finally have a handle on the options. I'm doing the new listings with options, and I'm working backwards adding the options to the old listings. Hope this makes it simpler for everyone. Since my eyes are crossing from too much 'puter time, gonna rest me peepers for a while, and later will upload my Hollywood treasures to show you. Have a nice evening, all! xoxoxox
  10. Oh, and just FYI, added these to the cart today too, they are sooo cute! 5ml Empty Pretty BLUE Roll-On Bottle with Black Cap Pretty TURQUOISE BLUE glass bottle with METAL roll-on fitment and black cap. Capacity = 5ml (1/6 oz) These have a smooth metal roller instead of the usual plastic ones. The color of these are just so pretty, I couldn't resist! Have been carrying them around in my purse and so far no leakage. This is a good quality bottle!
  11. Just added it to the cart, working on the perfumerie area now....
  12. That is frggin' hilarious! Hey Ellie, you're in the UK aren't you? Do you even have those obnoxious Skittles commercials over there?
  13. BTW, there's an extra large dose of pheros in this perfume. There's 333 mcg of Lace, PLUS 333 mcg of Copulins.
  14. Ok, now I have time to talk.... This is a slightly tweaked formulation from the first. The original version was conceived as a blend for women. I spoke to Chris about it, and said, I'm not sure what you did to the last version to make is skewed toward women, but when you do it this time, I would prefer that both sexes can wear it equally. It wasn't much of a change apparently, and the goal remains the same. This blend is for people who have difficulties garnering respect in the workplace. It's supposed to make people SHUT UP and listen to you. It's supposed to make those people who may bristle at taking orders from you, calm down, listen, and accept your authority, and be happy about it. It has mood elevating pheros, calming pheros, respect pheros, trust pheros. I LOVE this blend in conjunction with wealth/prosperity attracting potion perfumes, it really kicks ass in that combination. But I would also suggest it along with any "office-friendly" scent. The phero blend does not have an overly strong aroma to my nose, so can easily be worn with a "light" cover, such as in the blends that I've marked as Office Friendly. "Office Friendly" is a new category in the perfumerie section that you can sort by. I am STILL in the midst of adding the new tags to the existing perfumes (had 600 to go through, I'm around 200 in), but anyway, there won't be many in the category yet because I'm still updating, but soooooon! Today I will add this offering to the cart - It will take me around four hours to get the programming done, but it should be up and orderable by this evening. And yeah, I did crack myself up with that label. I wanted to make a new one so people would easily know one version from the next. I was looking for a "corporate shark" image, and laughed my head off when I found that one. Glad you guys like it too.
  15. Potion Master

    Egg 2011

    Yes, Marshmallow has a very intimate fragrance, it never has a lot of throw, but if you slather, it will stay on the skin, close to the skin, for a long time. I find it a soothing, romantic scent, with a lickable appeal.
  16. Thanks, AG! To me, it's like a fresh out of the shower scent, but with a fleshy-ness to it. Like a voluptuous skin smell, but all nice and clean.
  17. When I was a kid, my Dad's house had a dense forest behind it, and I loved nothing more than spending sunny Spring days exploring for hours on end. There's something magical about the woodlands, it inspired the imagination of us kids and many a game was invented as we darted between trees, built forts, and spied upon the little creatures that lived there. Once we even found a little pond and stream, but as hard as we looked, we never found it again. That's what this scent evokes for me....fresh, watery green growth in the Springtime, and the unquenchable curiosity and wonder of youth.
  18. I love the candy-like sweetness of this LP varietal. The scent makes me feel like I have a piece of candy in my mouth, mmmmm. Definitely inspires the oral fixation vibe, makes people want to EAT YOU UP! I think fans of LP Pink will love this one too, and it's sure to be a winner with the younger set, as well as grown-ups. It has a deep, amber core that makes the scent feel satisfyingly robust, and not just a kid-like scent.
  19. Personal Space is one of the reasons I really love the long-distance relationship I have been in for the past three years. Every visit is a honeymoon and our time together is cherished. I am the type that gets pretty crabby if I always have someone hovering. Fortunately, my guy feels much the same way about it as I do so it works for us.
  20. I'm on Beccah's side with this one. It sounds like he is threatened by how over-the-top attractive he perceives you to be with the added pheros. It's too much. You become something that he fears he will not be able to control, so he slaps you down and tries to conquer you again. It's not acceptable behavior in my book, but I've seen it before and I understand it, though I doubt HE understands what he is really doing. He is just REACTING. And he is wired to react in a conquering fashion. As far as wearing pheros, LACE (Est plus Alpha-Nol) might have the most positive effect on him. Not to offend - this may not be your guy at all, but in general, there is a "type" that exhibits this kind of behavior. The "type" is excessively "macho" and see's women as possessions...as positive reflections of themselves. They want you to look beautiful, but they don't want you to stray too far from their side, or show any individuality or independence...god forbid you embarrass them. Doing so, creates a rage in the man where they are compelled to suppress the individuality and independence of the female. This can escalate to violence, or verbal abuse to the point where the woman feels useless UNLESS she has the approval of the man. Many times this is an insidious process...it can take a long time for a woman to lose all sense of her self worth. And usually, the rewards for "good behavior" are so wonderful, that the woman chases them like an addict. Adoration, fabulous passionate sex, etc. Beware the punishment and reward scenarios, and if the man tries to separate you from your support system, your friends, family, loved ones, that's it. Run for the hills. As soon as the "I don't like your friends" speech happens, get the hell out. The most important step in having total control over a person is giving them no place else to go.
  21. Potion Master

    Egg 2011

    I used a different Marshmallow this time. The Marshmallow I used previously (for Egg and Flying Potion) which I felt was the best, truest Marshmallow on the market, was actually a flavoring, not a fragrance oil. On this occasion, I was finally able to find a Marshmallow oil that met my strict requirements. They are very similar scentwise, and I used that favorite old flavoring for the Marshmallow Egg Sugar Scrub this month.
  22. From what I have read, it's the wearing on the skin of meo-est. Thank you, AIL!!!!!! xoxoxo
  23. I wore this to a convention this weekend, sprayed over top of Body Paint perfume. I like having a sexual aura phero in my arsenal that doesn't have copulins in it. So anyway, this convention center had three shows going on at once - the Gem Show, which I was going to for jewelry supplies, and also a hip hop convention and an ADULT convention. The greeter I was speaking to for directions assumed I was going to the adult convention, heh. It's always good to be a little sexy at the gem show because you get better discounts, thus the SS4W. At one booth, the guy was extremely helpful, gave me a good discount and then said, "and if you want free compliments all day, come back and see me." And then he winked at me. I have been buying stuff from this guy for over 20 years and he never did that before. Also had some very nice attention from some gorgeous young guys on the train...I'm old enough to be their mother.
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