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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. LOL@Pony...bwahahahaha. OMG, too funny. I can barely type I'm laughing so hard! Vomit and feet. Y'know, this is one that I anticipated having a rather select fan club. Ail and I both adore the "hot sweet milk" note I used in this, but not that many people love it as much as we do. When I made it, I told Luna that I thought the picture I chose for the label was perfect, because there was a little bit of a "morning breath" evocation to the scent. I didn't mean that in BAD way, but like hot warm skin in the morning when you just wake up in bed together. Having your morning tea or coffee in bed together, before you jump into the shower and that little slice of morning magic is gone. That's what this scent reminds me of.
  2. sampler set! Let him try a bunch to see what he likes.
  3. What do you mean, you can't wait? You should have gotten your two 900 pound boxes already!
  4. I do many things with you in mind, dear bandmate, but this one...um no. I'd entirely forgotten about B's MCS! I wanted to make something delicious smelling to me, but not too sweet for the boys to want to wear.
  5. My KSBF (aka, the intended victim) is flying down here for his birthday/thanksgiving week (YAY!) and this is the first thing I plan to douse him with...(I shall be wearing Compromising Positions)...we'll apologize to the neighbors later.
  6. Shelly, you are PRICELESS! So happy to see you post again, you've been missed. I'm really glad everyone seems to be enjoying this one! I felt like I needed to do one "perfumey" scent this month, I'm glad it's being well received!
  7. I tried to add to it the scent of a match, once you've blown it out and it's still smoking. It's a little insensey and smokey, over the combo of vanilla and musk that everyone seems to like so much. Teacher's Pest and Unisexy and Synchronicity all have that same pairing of vanilla and musk, and each were widely loved.
  8. You likely won't even smell it as strawberry. It's just one of the berries that makes a scent smell "pink"... or in this case, Fuchsia! Just imagine a pink sugared pumpkin scent.
  9. If it says for women, then it is an error I made while programming. This is a unisex blend. (Ail's Heart & Soul is for women, this one is for both.) Sorry for confusing you!
  10. Not too late, just making it now. I will make it with Vicars & Tarts then. Thank you!
  11. If I can get the ingredients again, I will. I tried, but they are presently out of stock. In the meantime, if you want a wonderful Eggnoggy scent, definitely try Compromising Positions.
  12. We have plenty of Vicars and Tarts left, Cybella. What made you think we were sold out? Just curious. Glad you like the creme!
  13. Yup just added a few, and there's quite a few 4ml vials left too. Don;t want to oversell it, so adding conservatively to the cart.
  14. Try Compromising Positions...it's Eggnoggy wonderfulness to the max. Slurp.
  15. I'm sorry for the wait! They are up now. Also, just about to go make the scrub of the month now, but I will put the numbers in the cart now to save time. I'll announce the final version of the scrub in a little while.
  16. I'll get the PEs up today, there's only 3. And the scrub too. As for Flying Potion, there are more than 4 bottles. I filled the rest last night - I think there is around a dozen left. No worries!
  17. I has a secret hoard... I reserved a few ounces of Sparkle Fuchsia in oil form for those who might prefer it that way. Shush. Email me if interested.
  18. This is a fave of mine and my KSBF...hoarded!
  19. They will go out separately. No worries. Your other should go out imminently...
  20. I got up the front page/perfumerie, yup. And now the new releases page and the trial vials pages are up too, so you can order collections at discount. Working on the rest of them now. So, yes, it's safe to order, NOW! Please let me know if you find any glitches or errors, ok? Thank you everyone!!! xoxoxoxox
  21. That's what it is supposed to do, exactly. Without the sudsing butter, all you get is oil and scrub, and it's not easy to wash off. It's a more, scrub and moisturize, but not clean, thingy.
  22. Definitely light on the spices, my thoughts too. No edible, no. bwaha! If I just did veggie oils and sugar and flavors though.....I CAN actually do that. Have to check out my flavor stash. BUT, there would be no suds, it would be oily. Maybe will try for fun.
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