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Everything posted by vladmyra

  1. That's a sad story Fleur. It almost brought a tear to my eye .
  2. vladmyra

    Hungry Heart

    Thanks Eggers! That little black beauty is my lovely Bernie cat. I named him after the delightful Bernard Black from Black Books, the UK/Irish series. My sister found him as a young kitten, tied up inside a sack someone had thrown in the bin at the café she works. Humans are disgusting creatures.
  3. vladmyra

    Hungry Heart

    Am wearing this for the first time. It can be accurately described in three words: Om Nom Nom Nom Nommy Nom Actually that's six but once I started I had to keep going. Cause it's so delicious. I am a gourmet pancake covered in oodles of maple syrup. You can never have too much maple syrup as far as I'm concerned.
  4. vladmyra

    Caramel Musk

    I wore this one the other day and my mother loved the scent so much she's coveting it. I really don't want her knowing where I got it from, cause she'll see all the pheros and my mother is a bit insane and has odd reactions to things, lol.
  5. Hmm, I have a bottle of this one and haven't tried it yet but it sounds like it might also work well with a vanilla type scent if you wanted to lighten it up a bit. Has anyone tried combining this with other things yet?
  6. God I love this stuff! I have soooo many pheros & perfumes now, and they're all brilliant, but this one is just magickal. I wore it to an evening class yesterday and we were broken up into small groups and sat at round tables discussing things. The woman sitting next to me just kept turning and talking to me and looking at me all the time. Her pupils kept dilating and she kept staring at me for longer than you usually would, like she couldn't help herself. She's not gay, she just seemed absolutely knocked over the head by my "Sneakiness". And I kept catching her turning her head half towards me and taking long hard sniffles, lol. Afterwards we were moved around to different seating areas 3 times, and this man in my class kept rushing up behind me to make sure he was going to sit right next to me.
  7. vladmyra


    This is beautiful: like a delicious honeyed tea with hints of a sweet vanilla-type scent (is that the tonka bean?). The tobacco is so sheer it's more like a sexy wafting ghostlike hint of tobacco and just adds a bit of depth and mystery. I hope this smells as good to other people around me as I think it does, because I want to wear it all over the place. Elegantly feminine and softly sexy in a ladylike kind of way.
  8. I am in love with this scent. At first it has a really clean, luxury soap/hand lotion smell to it. Then all of a sudden, after about one minute it actually blooms on my skin, like a delicate night flower opening in the evening air and releasing its sweet, light floral fragrance. The luxurious clean scent doesn't disappear, it just morphs into something slightly more magical and mysterious. For me this is like Sneaky Clean's night twin- more delicate and secretive. The scent stays close to the skin and is not overpowering. I'm constantly snuffling my wrist. I would wear this anytime, anywhere. Perfume at its best.
  9. Yep, I've found when using it that if something majorly distracts you from your original purpose you can end up focusing completely on that instead- which is can be fun too.
  10. Wore this one to work today with Caramel Musk. I've never been called "love" so often in my life. One middle aged lady was like "Hello love... yes love... thanks love... that's right love... thanks a lot love.. have a nice day love." LOL I'm lovin' it.
  11. Now that's a sad story: a lovely perfume turned to granny lipstick spit Having said that, I really used to love the smell of lipstick as a child. I remember walking through the cosmetics section of one of those "classy" department stores that have that slightly snooty, superior air and seeing all these luxurious lipsticks lined up on one counter as testers/diplays. I really really wanted to take a bite out of them. After that, every time I saw a brand new lipstick I got an intense craving to bite into it. However, I can see that lipstick spit may not be as attractive.
  12. Interestingly Sneaking Clean and Caramel Musk feel very closely connected to me, even though they aren't really alike. I suppose it's the vanilla and musk in them. They're both such naturally elegant, serenely clean scents that project this aura of soft femininity in a quiet but confident manner.
  13. Oh yes Eggers, it really did. I sat down at my laptop thinking "I'll just buy a couple"... Next thing I knew I had like half the store in my cart, and had to focus on getting my order down to a conservative 8 or 9 bottles. You really should give yours a go. If you're like me, the reason you probably haven't tried it yet is because you'd rather be doing something fun or interesting, or even doing nothing at all instead of whatever it is you're supposed to be doing. Focus Potion is great, but it's all business, no play.
  14. I had a uni exam for Advanced Statistics for psychology this morning. I've been sick with some damned throat/head virus thing that reared its head just 3 days before my exams started (as they do). So I showered myself in Focus Potion (6 sprays) and a little caramel musk (yumyumyum) and off I went to sit my exam, armed with a bag full of throat lozenges. My head was kinda swimming and my nose was kinda leaking, but my Focus potion definitely helped me through it all, bless its little phero heart. I don't think I would have been able to concentrate at all without it. And to celebrate finishing uni for the year I came home and immediately ordered a nice big lot of LP perfumes...
  15. Yes StacyK- I definitely don't feel tall compared to most people, but I quite like the fact that the majority of men are at least a bit taller than me- I've always thought if I was really tall I'd feel quite awkward. Like some sort of hulking she-beast, which is weird, cause I think women can look elegant at any height. But middling is good enough for me. I'm definitely going to have to get me some of these dominant pheros- I don't even like having to take my car to the mechanic because it's so intimidating. They must be good for things like that.
  16. vladmyra


    Wow, Lady Victoria's fabulous sexy review just sold me on this... Needs it now.
  17. vladmyra

    Caramel Musk

    So many requests for this, how could we refuse! This is an UNpheroed variant of the caramel/musk scent we crafted for our popular TMI perfume. Caramel and vanilla, over a group of pale musks and sweet amber. Smells deliciously AWESOME on both Ladies & Gents. MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal. AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches. CARAMEL SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing. VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. ______________________________________________ I couldn’t find any reviews on here for virgin Caramel Musk yet, so sorry if I’ve overlooked it and please move it if needed. This one is sooo beautiful! It needs a fan club. It’s not at all overtly caramel-like. It’s like a sweet, softly delicious skin musk scent once it dries down, but even though it’s soft it has great throw and staying power. I have it in spray form and I’ve just used one spray to try it on my wrist. It’s been there for hours, with no sign of fading yet, and I smell so nommable. I think this would definitely be a great one for anyone to try if they’re more used to commercial scents too, because it’s one of the more typically perfumey scents I’ve tried so far. I’m glad I got the spray because this will be great to use with pheros I like to wear on my clothes. And you don’t need more than a couple of sprays for it to be noticeable.
  18. Lol, I might just try that- but would it cover the cops smell fully? It's quite a light fragrance.
  19. vladmyra


    This sounds exactly like what my kitty's head smells like when he comes in from the backyard on an autumn night: sweet, soft and smoky at the same time. I've always wanted a perfume that smelled like nocturnal autumn kitty (is that weird?), so I'll be needing some of this.
  20. Yes- this is one of the sweetest ones I've come across. When I put it on all I could think about was eating red lollies as a child and getting a happy little sugar rush. But it's not sickly sweet- it's like a subtle, elegantly lolly-like fragrance softened with creaminess. Childhood happiness bottled for adults.
  21. vladmyra

    Nip of Autumn

    Dried leaves... God I love that smell. And where I live autumn doesn't even really feel like autumn cause most of the trees are evergreen and it doesn't get that cold. So I guess that's enough of an excuse to buy this.
  22. vladmyra


    This one sounds truly delightful. In fact they all do. I just made another order a couple of days ago so I can have all the actual Love Potion perfumes (I'm greedy). Then saw all the new October lovelies on the perfumerie page yesterday and decided I probably can't live without buying practically all of them as well!
  23. I was just playing with TH myself for the first time yesterday at work. I like it- like StacyK said it seemed to create softer happy/bondy type experiences. The men and women all responded well to it, and I just had a really nice day.
  24. Thanks for all your suggestions ladies! I think I might give a couple of the slightly softer dominant pheros a try soon, as that's probably a good way of starting to work with them. It's so interesting to read the different ways people are responding to pheros either in line with or more apart from their normal sense of self here. Beccah, we sound very similar in many ways, except that I'm not short- I'm 168cm which is I think about 5ft 6. I wonder if the extra height makes a difference, as I've not yet had any negative reactions to any softer feminine blends- they just make me feel even more myself, and men have always been respectful and nice to me when wearing them, as normal. Mind you, I also don't tend to ever be in situations where I really have to do serious business with men, or be in any kind of dominant hierarchical role with them at all, so that probably helps. Oh, and I tend to stay as far away as possible from men who are extremely alpha, as they intimidate me and I've had bad experiences with this type in the past. Maybe this alone is a good enough reason to try a dominant phero blend...
  25. I'm still so new to pheros Heather, but I've been playing with my DHEAS heaps lately. And I quite often go a bit overboard in excitement and spray like 3 or 4 or 5 sprays instead of a couple. I can't say I've ever felt sick the next day, but sometimes I've woken up the day after feeling really tired and lethargic. And sometimes I've developed a headache by the afternoon of my DHEAS days- but I'm prone to headaches anyway. And obviously I'm too spray happy. Particularly with this happy spray.
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