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Everything posted by vladmyra

  1. Wore this to work. Three customers told me I looked beautiful.
  2. My stalking excitement levels have gone from to
  3. Such cute avi kitties- very distracting! I keep meaning to buy a bottle of this one cause I love Flying Potion so much I don't want to use it all up.
  4. This is om nom nommy. I don't get any of the floral, rum or masculine-yness others have smelled. On me it smells like a yummy cinnamon/almond finger slightly Christmas-like dessert. It's quite soft and elegant really.
  5. Ha! You know it's not going to be too long now- all of the loonies are coming out to play. Or is it just a full moon? Off topic, but I just found someone's link to the Victorian Trading Co. on here and am now stalking there as well. Probably a good thing. I needed a new hobby.
  6. Good. My behaviour is totally normal and justified. I've just been to slobber all over the artfire site for a bit as a temporary fix.
  7. Hope I'm not the only one so unhealthily obsessive that they're clicking on the perfumerie every hour or so with a glint of covetous madness in their eyes?
  8. vladmyra

    Glitter Kissed

    Plus it has the word glitter in it, and I am like a bird that collects shiny objects. Especially when I'm into the DHEAS.
  9. vladmyra

    Glitter Kissed

    Damn your "cookie blast" Nutrix. Now I must possess this.
  10. Yes, I always listen to my intuition. And I'll be spraying it all over the place when I get it methinks, so it won't take long to have something to report.
  11. Just ordered this boosted with Empathy Potion. Had a strong intuitive pull towards this combination for some reason. Can't wait to receive it.
  12. I am currently squealing with glee! So glad you're back. Hope all is well.
  13. I've really got to try this one again. When it came to me, months ago, I immediately tried it out in my excitement, without giving it any time to settle from travelling. The result was something strange and disturbing- almost slightly horrific- that bore no resemblance to any of the wonderful reviews on here. I've been a bit scared of it ever since. Storemy's description has inspired me to be brave.
  14. I'm loving this one. It's light, sweet and creamy and ends up smelling like some kind of delicious biscuit on me. I don't get any green scents from it at all. It's nice to have a Christmas-y scent that's light enough to wear in summer.
  15. Yeah, I completely agree irish eyes. And I find myself pretty much wanting to nom on all the scents, whether they're foody or not. There's just something so deliciously visceral about them. A while ago I bought all of the Love Potion scents currently available, and when they came I had a test fest on my wrists and décolletage. I decided to smother a goodly bit of LP Original, LP Red, LP Pink and LP Black on my skin at the same time in slightly different places so I could smell all of them and see how they might mix together. After an hour or so they all mellowed into the most incredible mix ever and I spent the rest of the day wandering round snorting myself constantly. It was a good day- the scent was magickal and made me very happy. I haven't worn LP Black much on its own, because it's summer here and to me it feels like a heavier scent that could be a bit overpowering in the heat, but it is amazing, and gets sweeter and creamier as time goes on.
  16. Welcome Donsie, that's a great list you've got there- I did the same thing when I discovered LP. Just noticed though that you have Rocket Fuel under "Gifts for Gents"- you know it has a female phero in it right? Not sure what would happen if a man wore it (but it might be fun to find out!).
  17. vladmyra

    Autumn Wishes

    Tried this one out yesterday for the first time. One small dab on my wrist and I am transported. It's like taking a walk in bare feet through a large overgrown garden at autumn dusk. Your feet turn slightly cold as you walk the earthen path, the scent of wild weeds and damp grasses mingling with a shy hint of flowers. And the air is cool, and the garden is shadowed, and you stop to make a wish on a dandelion head, but all you really want is to stay right here forever, all alone. This scent reminds me of a day I spent as a child, wandering round the grounds of a large historic house, imagining what it would be like if everyone else in the world just disappeared. It was a strangely comforting thought- to be able to exist completely within your own private world, forever. There's a sense of utter timelessness and nostalgic longing for something that can only exist in those rare moments spent outside the realm of ordinary reality in this potion.
  18. Wore 2 sprays of LFM, covered with the lovely A Taste For Luxury, to go out for some dreaded Christmas shopping. I felt a little awkward within myself, as a couple of others have described, but was treated beautifully by others- lots of respect and help and extra attention. Interestingly, when I've previously worn 5 or 6 sprays it's kept others at a distance, but made me feel less awkward. Weird.
  19. I wasn't sure about this the first couple of times I tried it. The rich deep fruit of the first stage seemed almost too loud for me, but have now tried it again, and within a short space of time it smooths out into something luscious and mysterious. A hint of fruit, a floral undercurrent, an amber warmth... nummy and sweetly elegant. I suppose "warm fruity floral" is how I'd ultimately describe it. This will be perfect for both hot and cold weather I think.
  20. Anonymous2F, based on your interesting experiences I'm going to start over, trying just one spray (of UN) at a time. So far I continue to be a little scared of it, but you've inspired me to tame the mysterious beast that is LFM. On a side note, I'm currently finding myself staring at Tyvey's avi for inappropriate lengths of time...
  21. Slathered myself in this yesterday, cause it really is a happy watery fragrance. And when I say slathered, I mean I basted myself like a well-oiled Christmas turkey. "Perfect!" I thought, "I'll decorate the tree and clean the house and get myself into a good mood." And everything was very good- for several minutes- until I found myself lying on the couch feeling like I'd just drunk 10 strong coffees in a row and was about to die from toxic caffeine overload. The bottle makes it look so innocent I just got a little overenthusiastic. Next time I shall respect the phero-beast.
  22. While I haven't found a perfume the scent of Aja seems to clash with initially, I've tried it with a couple of softer, delicate scents where- after a while- the Aja can overpower them. I'll be going about my day thinking everything's lovely and then, "Hang on, I smell sex and beeswax..." These include: Caramel Musk, Mississippi Moon, LP Original and Highland Fling. But the Aja smell grows exponentially stronger and more sexual on me as time goes on. It can even smell more obvious after I've showered the next morning than it did the day before. It's like a living scent.
  23. Wore this one the other day to a family thing with my parents, aunt and grandparents. All day everyone just kept telling me how beautiful I was, how I was the most beautiful woman in the family, etc. I love a good ego-stroking. Wore it to work with a generous spritz of DHEAS. I was greatly admired.
  24. Oh I am a synesthete Tyvey- are you one too? I love wearing scents like LP Autumn 2009 anytime of year, but this one actually feels too warm when I wear it- like the ginger and allspice is heating me up or something.
  25. I love the sweet & creamy spicy goodness of this one. It floats on the air like a magickal sprite, transporting the goodness of Lace to all who come near. The only problem is I want to wear it now- lots!- and yet it somehow feels too hot or strong a scent for the summer weather here.
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