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Everything posted by vladmyra

  1. Now I really know I need help with my addiction- I only put in another small order a couple of days ago for more NRs- after a monster order earlier this month. But can I stay away from the artfire site like any sane person would do? No- I ordered 4 bottles, and cried about the other 4 I really wanted but ended up culling. Maybe we need to start an LP addicts anonymous group.
  2. This one actually helps me to feel more connected to myself as well. Like I can love and accept myself more, despite all the stuff that usually causes angst for me. It feels extremely balancing.
  3. I mostly use Levitation phero at work, cause it is so social and uplifting. It really creates a friendly vibe with both fellow workers and customers. People seem to want to chat with me more when I wear this phero. It also has something to it that makes me feel very attractive when I wear it. Sometimes I add extra DHEAS cause I'm a DHEA addict. That makes things fun!
  4. Yeah, this really is one of the most beautiful and satisfying scents I've discovered so far. Because it's just 4 different types of musk it has a pure simplicity to it, but is so elegant and gorgeous, and on me it lingers strongly for ages and ages. I only have the Caramel Musk version, as I'm intimidated by T.M.I. But this is the scent I've had the most constant complimentary comments on. I've got a bottle of True Confessions coming, which I chose over T.M.I. because it sounds a bit less intense as a phero. To anyone who's tried both this and True Confessions, how did the feeling/experience of them vary for you? I know this is more b-nol heavy.
  5. I am literally dying to receive my Fairy Musk! I don't think I can wait any longer. Oh postage gods- please take pity on me and deliver my LPs today...
  6. See I'd be going the other way and swiping a little of the oil version in my hair, and spraying mainly on clothes. I have a lot of perfumes and pheros in spray form and I love that they cling to hair and clothes for longer than they stay on your skin, so I used to spray my hair all the time. Then I found that it gets pretty drying for my hair quite quickly, because of the alcohol content. So just be wary of that- maybe it won't matter if your hair is a bit oilier naturally, but mine is wavy and a bit dry, so a little of the perfume oil actually helps keep it smooth.
  7. Great review Anon! I've been on the fence about getting this one for a while, but now I know I must have it- fluffy airy pink cotton candy sounds absolutely perfect.
  8. I could use a little of your spikiness here Donsie! But none of the awkward- I already have that in abundance, lol. I know what you mean about it being a nice idea to play someone else for a bit- that's why I'm trying to eventually work my way up to something bold like Dom. I have always admired and envied women who have that naturally confident, "out there" aura about them.
  9. Yeah Amalthea I'd be careful of switching to anything with a really different type of phero signature around the man you're having good results with at the moment. Do you have any days at work where you're not around him so much you could try it first, to see how most people react to you? For me any of the what I call feminine/sexy/socials are almost guaranteed to make people behave in a soft and friendly way, but the others are more mysterious in a way that makes me a little uneasy. I really like your idea of combining the stronger sexpionage with something softening Miss D. Could see myself trying that one day. Rose you know what I've noticed in all the Libra type people I know (which may be wildly inaccurate, lol)? The women are usually trying to find some constant balance, like you said, while the men are really unbalanced (my sister always ends up with Libra men, all of whom have been crazy). As a double Scorpio (sun & moon) I feel I tend to favour the pheros I'm already strongly connected to, because I'm more inclined towards deeply embodying the archetypal characteristics I feel a natural affinity for, while ignoring all the others. Sort of all or nothing. Which is not very well balanced at all, lol. Oh well, at least I am very self-aware.
  10. Why can I not get my damn quote button to work? Nutrix: Yes, I will definitely have to experiment more with Leather at work. As for your motivating androstenone pheros- Sexpionage scares the crap out of me, lol! Can't see myself ever touching that. Dom merely terrifies me in a vague but intriguing way so I may work up to it eventually. I actually have a bottle of Soaked with Audacious, but haven't tried it yet. That one I am prepared to take on though, at the right moment. Miss D: I also love cuddle bunny, but haven't worn it too much cause I only have it in velvet kisses. I love the scent, but I need to get the Cuddle Bunny scent for times when I want something lighter and cleaner. People are very kind to me with this on, and men call me "Love" a lot. I find sexology works for me in a similar manner too, maybe even better. Rose: That's an interesting way of looking at it. I definitely get the idea of Yin and Yang type pheros, but haven't really chosen what to wear based on balancing my mood like that. I tend to almost always wear the Yin ones even though I usually have an overabundance of this energy already, simply because they feel so me. I expect them to work because they're already in alignment with my energy. I also find most of them are great as socials that also have the attractor factor.
  11. Woohoo! I has a great big LP box on the way! Can't get too excited yet cause it'll be a while, but YAY!
  12. I still don't have a functioning quote button . Donsie: "That explains why I like smelling my cats..." LOL! I love to sniff my cat's head, especially when he comes in from the backyard on a cold day. Sometimes he smells sweet and soft like baby powder, and sometimes he smells clean and lightly smoky, like autumn evenings. In summer, as it gets really hot here, he sometimes gets a little kitty BO under his arms legs. Then I bring out the blueberry muffin scented dry cat shampoo (because I cannot bathe him- he would skin me out of fear). I must get some OCCO Blue to wear with Sneaky Clean. It's one of my favourite perfumes and I love mixing it up with other scents to change it. These two seem to be made for each other.
  13. Yeah, I've noticed often when I'm wearing something that is not a conventional perfume type scent that people seem to like it, but always equate it with others things, which can feel slightly irritating or offensive sometimes, til you realise they do mean it in a good way. I keep meaning to buy this one, as I know I'll love it, and SS4W is my absolute favourite phero. But I wear it a lot to work and don't know how I'd feel if people started telling me I smelled like incense.
  14. I am a total wimp and have yet to try anything as strong as Dominance. I love some of the reactions I've read people get from it, but don't feel I'd successfully carry it off properly with my behaviour/personality. I have tried Leather and Swimming with Sharks, both of which I considered more dominant than I would naturally be. SWS I've worn a few times in the lovely Phero Money Potion, mainly while shopping. People are solicitous and respectful. I wore it once when getting some new tires and a wheel alignment done on my car. I had made it clear I wasn't in any rush for it, as I'd be happily hanging around in the shopping centre up the road till it was ready. It ended up being about 4 hours later before they rang me to say it was ready. I was fine with that. When I got there to pick it up, the mechanic's wife (who runs the business) apologised profusely even though I said I wasn't worried. They were so sorry it took them "so much longer than it should have" as they were busy, that they only charged me for the cost of the tires. I got the service and alignment for free. I haven't worn this to work or anything, cause I have no authority in my job anyway, and work with lots of customers, so I tend to go for more purely social things there. I've worn Leather twice (in Absence of Malice), but still need to get a better feel for it. I like it, and it does make me seem more decisive and confident, without being overly dominant. But people at work seemed to notice a difference in me, and didn't seem quite sure what to make of it. Maybe I wore too much or too little- not sure. I think I'd like to test this in the social sphere and see how it goes. I don't go out much though, as I'm socially inept. Maybe it would be great for when I need to get lots of stuff done. Do you find any of these blends motivating? SS4W makes me feel more confident too, but in a way that feels more natural for me. I think it and Lace are the two that feel most like me, only even better. Like when I put them on it's a glamour that's actually based on reality so it feels more substantial. I also notice people always react well to me with these two. In fact SS4W has become like my second skin.
  15. Hi Princess, you should try all those fabulous pheros you mentioned. I think in terms of phero purpose/feel Treasured Hearts is probably closer to Heart & Soul than any other, though others could correct me here. To me they feel quite similar, and evoke similar responses from people, except Treasured Hearts has no est, so sometimes I'll add a spray or 2 of that as well if I'm wearing it.
  16. Welcome to your new addiction. If you're anything like me say goodbye to all your money from now on, lol.
  17. vladmyra

    Highland Fling

    Molls, I thought it was "Meh" too the first few times I tried it- kind of sickly even (I have it in spray form). But have used it again a few times lately and I've noticed that it takes a little while to settle and bloom, but then it becomes this lovely, subtle, sweet and creamy thing that has me sniffing myself all day thinking, "God I smell good". It's such a soft scent after a while, but it stays noticeable for a good long time on me. I've also noticed it's a great one to mix with other scents, particularly if you want to sweeten something up, or combine 2 soft scents together.
  18. Oh god, I think I need help. I'm going to have to stay away from this site for a few days cause my addiction is clearly getting out of control. I already put in a huge order, yet here I am, stalking the new releases like a bear that's just spotted its first meal upon coming out of hibernation.
  19. I was so excited to see this one I couldn't contain myself. I squeeeeealed and danced, and traumatised my poor cat with my manic glee.
  20. Love the label and story for this one. And with the words "Moon" "Sugar" & "Candy" in the title how could you resist?
  21. Yeah I always have a follow-up order as well. I couldn't resist FBs of LP White, Fairy Musk (FAIRY MUSK- how could anyone resist such a thing!), Cherry Divinity, Moon Sugar Candy & Strawberry Cream Cake. Now I'm whimpering over all the ones I haven't ordered and wondering if I can hold out till my next payday. I suspect not.
  22. Yeah, I'd love to know if other people's noses are interpreting the Aja scent on us with a similar feel to what we're each getting ourselves. For me, after a weird initial period, this is essence of sex. Not dirty sex, sort of soft and sweet sex. But it scares me a bit because it's straight up sex. I really need to test it a lot by smearing lots of scents over the top of it.
  23. I've been meaning to review this one for ages! I have it in spray form, which is quickly becoming my favoured form of perfume because I can spray my clothes as well as skin (and this helps if your skin decides to gobble a scent on you). I absolutely adore it. I get a rich, warm, sweet, somehow creamy/buttery yummy (yet not foody) scent. It feels sophisticated and elegant, and I feel lovely and wealthy when wearing it. I can feel a good dose of magick in this one.
  24. Oh yeah, they are! I just happily bankrupted myself ordering away like a lunatic. SO EXCITED! All those beautiful goodies, so little time.
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