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Everything posted by donsie

  1. I haven't placed an order in a while and my next one will be shipped to my mother's US address so I won't get to try it until I'm over in May, but I will deffo pop back once I have tried it and let you know what I think!
  2. Welcome! As to your third point, there are two potions available now that are phero'd but that you could both wear: Mark's Girl Nip with the unisex phero blend Perfect Match and Unisexy with the unisex (but with a male signature) phero blend B2.2. Both of these scents have notes that work for any gender but Unisexy is particularly awesome. As for what phero to get just for him, the first two that spring to mind are Charisma and MVP.
  3. I've experienced LPs like that but in time it (almost?) always runs more toward liking the perfume rather than not. It's so weird but yes, when I return to them, they seem more likable if I was on the fence about them at first.
  4. Thanks for the camaraderie, SirenSong! I'd love to know what you'd make of Dole Whip, Vlad, but I'm pretty sure you can't get it in Oz!
  5. Thanks for that great and detailed review, BG!
  6. Now that sounds like fun and makes me think I might wear Leather tomorrow!
  7. I think it should be your Saturday present to yourself. Pregnant ladies get FBs on demand.
  8. While you wait and dream of a Lick of Cream return you might want to try Land of Nog (if you haven't yet) as it is described as something you'll like if you're a Lick of Cream fan.
  9. FWIW I don't get a strong sense of sexiness from LFM or Leather, but I am Where Sexiness Goes To Die so this is probably an unusual result. I'd say LFM is alluring in the way of commanding attention and that can take a sexy turn if your personality or the situation run that way, though, if that makes sense.
  10. It'll come in good time. The more perfumes you have to talk about the faster it goes!
  11. Thank you! I am also a great lover of pineapple, though I've never had it on a sandwich. I'll also add that there is no pineapple in Seer. I have no idea whence I get the Dole Whip vibe.
  12. Thanks! I hadn't thought of getting wishes when I scrubbed that bottle but that's true!
  13. YOU HAVE SOME IN YOUR FRIDGE? How is that allowed? It is too delicious and powerful for private home and must be contained by the magic of Disney.
  14. It's a great rank! Mine is... more practical.
  15. donsie

    Kitten Heels

    LOL! Ha, yes. Whoops! I've done a mischief!
  16. Gosh, I guess you'll just have to get some to try!
  17. SirenSong, that is a much better review than I ever considered/wrote for this: "Smells like Dole Whip".
  18. I've only made things worse with that 'review', I fear!
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