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Everything posted by donsie

  1. Ha, RB, I have been warned about not eating them before following some comment I made a while back. I guess some LPs smell dangerously tempting!
  2. She did mention the possibility of a third brew if there was sufficient demand... if you're interested.
  3. Sounds like you have some good options. I hope it goes brilliantly but especially that you have fun!
  4. Howdy all over again!
  5. I think you've invented a perfect day potion.
  6. Oh, yes, do tell. Sounds like a potent combination!
  7. Right, tossing a sample in the cart for my next order. QG, you've convinced me that this is a must-try for my main squeeze.
  8. Thanks phergineer and halo. Just chiming in to add that Gotcha certainly isn't disinhibiting on me in itself but my gosh does it achieve this on the people around me; when they let down their guard it becomes easy to be swept along. So, it doesn't do it by the phero alone, but by creating an intimate atmosphere Gotcha has the potential to get both wearer and target to open up to one another if the wearer is so inclined.
  9. I didn't get any in the second rebrew (y'all are fast) but PM mentioned have enough for a third batch if there was enough interest, so I might get some then. Did you get another one?
  10. Sorry if this is a question that can be answered elsewhere, but do those of you who have Audacious know if PM still offers it via Mad Scientist?
  11. I've had them take a good two weeks before, perhaps even a bit over that. I'm in the UK. Try not to worry about the random workings of the post!
  12. I never even got to try it. In my imagination it is perfect!
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