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Everything posted by donsie

  1. Congrats to you, Mai! And a retroactive/belated lot of congratulations for you, Blackcat!
  2. I'm not too worried about the Cougar because I was already having some trouble with it, so the conversion in this case was done with the hope of improving things. As for the others, I made small enough sprays so that I still have some of the oil left; if everything goes wrong with the Un sprays at least I'll have a portion of the unadulterated trials to use.
  3. I just made sprays for the first time. Messing with the experts' hard work makes me feel a bit like I've just done one of these, though: I made small bottles of Un Leather and Gotcha! and a slightly larger (still travel-sized) bottle of Cougar to see if it works for me more consistently as a spray.
  4. I've certainly tried to OD on one or two occasions just to see if I was a non-responder or what. More than anything I'm impressed that it didn't knock you sideways, Banshee. You're hardcore!
  5. Wow. This one sounds amazing and an excellent alternative to the vibe and scent of Cougar.
  6. donsie

    Top Five

    Lately: Sexology III OCCO Gold Dom Noire Unisexy Beautiful Dreamer
  7. Lordy! Yes, scale it back to two drops and see how it goes for you.
  8. Welcome, Wendylynne. There are review threads for all of the newer LPs and many of the older ones, too. The Lightning in a Bottle thread is here. If you use the search function you should be able to find others if you ever want to read them.
  9. Part pheros and part fear of your flailing, I think, Tyvey!
  10. Oh, I remember you writing about his special name for it. Boy noses, eh?
  11. How frustrating! I hope you get this to work for you very soon!
  12. I've had both of those experiences and I've learned that I can't always judge things just by the notes and that my response to certain LPs can change over time. I read that all over these boards when I first joined but was very incredulous that you could just suddenly like something you hadn't. I thought people must have been willing themselves to like perfumes they didn't really enjoy that much. I was totally wrong; it really can happen! Ditto! I am no longer disgusted/frightened when I see it listed in the notes because it is actually possible for it to smell good. Revelation!
  13. May you be preserved from the spectre of emergency dental work!
  14. I have had some results but they have been really rather inconsistent. Sad stuff because the description/intention of this one is right up my street. I might try it in spray because I've varied the application amount from 2-6 drops (I have it in a Pheromas trial size) so don't know what more I can do on that front and I know some folks have found with certain pheros the change from oil to spray can make something work that hasn't so much before.
  15. Great result, CerisLou! PM is one of my favourites. So is Phero Girl, as it happens. Together they are quite a combo!
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