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Everything posted by donsie

  1. I can't believe I am actually going to be getting some of this. I am so excited! I really hope it works. I haven't noticed any ill effects with anol but I'm also not sure it does a great deal for me. Eh, the only way to find out is to try it!
  2. Seriously? I'll keep that in mind. I'll have to try the original scent now!
  3. Hi, Equinox. I have no phero suggestions at the moment (plenty of good ones already) but I just wanted to say that I hope your mediation goes as smoothly as possible and that you get your desired outcomes. Oh, and on me at least Dom doesn't make anyone bristle, just makes them deferential and sweet as pie. If you do end up trying 221B I'd love to know what you think of it. I've been stalking it since December and just haven't got round to ordering it!
  4. And now, on my third application, I really like this one and I can hardly detect the phero blend. And it's sold out. Such is the way of fate.
  5. donsie

    Totem: Bunny

    Oh, that is so cute!
  6. I love vetiver and birch, but I'm starting to get a bit nervous of this one. I got it because of the bat and the phero, to be totally honest. I am not a fan of licorice as a flavour and I am worried about how the black musk will play out, just because other dark things, namely dark resins, are too much for me. However, I know that if anyone can make me reconsider how I feel about particular ingredients it's the PM. This is the wildcard of my order. I am prepared not to like it, to chalk it up to experience, but I'm hoping this will be a surprise winner. ETA: I'm looking forward to trying the banyan fruit and earth, since I haven't before.
  7. Oh, the caramel rose sounds interesting. I'd love to know what you think of it when it arrives.
  8. donsie


    Hi there!
  9. I just placed my birthday order! Here goes: FBs Topper Perfect Match Trial Vials MRF Eye of the Moggie Kitten Heels Kangaroo w/ MLH Lamb w/ PP Panda w/ OW Bat w/ LFN Beaver w/ SWS I am really looking forward to them all but I'm perhaps most excited about Topper, MRF, and Kitten Heels.
  10. LAM - Sandalwood and Resins is utterly lovely... after a long dry-down. The pheros are strong to my nose when they're wet and they don't seem to taper off, just suddenly disappear. In their wake is the nicest sweet, powdery, and warm sandalwood. I would love to know which one in particular is used here and which other LPs use this (or these) sandalwood(s). The resins are light and barely there, just a bit of weight behind the sandalwood, which suits me down to the ground. I would wear this one for the scent alone. As for the phero, I've not noted any clear hits but I haven't worn this out and about, just with someone who needs to further enticement to get close to me. I'll have to try it in other settings to be sure. I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm more of a B-nol, and therefore BAM, girl than and A-nol/LAM one. This is based on how successful Sexology and PM have been for me. So I must test BAM (in the same cover scent) and report back.
  11. LOL! Ha! Hormones again, maybe. PMS+LFM made me supremely easily annoyed and wanting to kick people. PMS+Dom seems like tinder that could easily catch fire!
  12. Seconding that last bit. It's excellent for conjuring up that interest and excitement in LTR/things have got comfortable types of situations. Thanks for sharing a guy's take! Makes me want to try this as a social, too!
  13. I tried this again yesterday and it bears repeating: where you are in your cycle makes a huge difference to how things smell. I liked both the scent and the phero much better this around. It is still a bit heavy on the resin for me but overall a *much* better experience. I didn't notice any obvious hits but if anything people were attentive and helpful, especially in shops. I know this is their job, of course.
  14. It just wouldn't be the same here without you!
  15. I did wear LFM and covered with Bridezilla (review to follow). No one got up in my grill and some rich, in-crowd, alpha women talked to me politely and for a lot longer than your usual mingling dictates. Brilliantly, no one came up to bother me uninvited -- it was only when I created an opening with a smile or something. This might have been down to a bit of OD as I'm still getting amounts right for this and I did use more then I had before, but if there was any OD it was mild; I wasn't blanked or treated oddly by people I know well or whom I engaged in conversation. Family and my plus one were all solicitous. I was offered a seat in a crowded room, etc. and had rapt, complimentary attention from my plus one. Sadly no selfies (I think any confidence was down to the free bubbly) but I survived unscathed and I have to give LFM some props for that. Thanks again for taking time to make suggestions!
  16. Thanks for all your suggestions. I think I'll wear Cougar tonight to have fun at the more relaxed meal and then tomorrow, the big day itself, go for LFM. "Step away, peasants" is basically what I want to get across! BTW, I wore Kitten Nip for the 6.5 hours in the car with family and it did keep us from fighting the whole way. Group crankiness was minor considering the annoying journey.
  17. Charming and perplexing sounds good! I'll cover it with Bridezilla!
  18. Thanks! I think your suggestions all sound really sensible for this situation.
  19. I have a family wedding this weekend. I'm not keen. There will be a lot of stinking rich and snobby Chelsea types. What should I wear? I want to shut down snobs by being FABULOUS and to have a good time at my table of family. Any suggestions? I've got the following that might be suitable: LAM BAM Cougar Papal Purple Sneaky Clean Sex and Violins Kitten Nip River Song Garland & Lace Sweet Chic UN LFM Cheers, me dears!
  20. This one is so beautiful I'm not sure I can imagine it being better. Sounds very like a very special bottle indeed, ssuptalp.
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