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Everything posted by donsie

  1. Ah, yes, a very good point! And I'll certainly try Dominance in another perfume, as there might have been something in Sex & Violins that was enhancing my perception of the enone.
  2. I was surprised by how much this one bothered me, especially since I like the smell of cops, even wet. I guess there's some animal part of my brain that can't stop screaming "EEEWWW, boy pee" when the enone's around. I will try again and give it the chance for a long dry-down just to see if things change as I get more used to the particular phero blend.
  3. Aaw, that is so sweet, LoveStruck! Thank you!
  4. Cheers for clearing that up, StacyK. I guessed they'd be different in the particulars despite any superficial similarities but I'm still intrigued. Thanks also for the suggestions about the LP line.
  5. Gosh, yes, I understood you were joking! No implications about anything weird meant! And very best of luck on bringing out the Bayou Man in your husband, Makes me think of the (sold-out) LP, Creole Man.
  6. Oh, wow, enone STINKS to me, even in Sex & Violins. I smell like an outhouse, all wood and wee.
  7. I've been in situations where wearing LPs seemed to make people sneeze -- always within the first hour of so of applying. As for Oedipal things *shudder*, I think the generally-accepted wisdom around here is that pheros can't make people do things that they wouldn't naturally/are totally out of character for them. So, it's likely that the worst-case scenario is that your son though you smelled funky. But people with children would be able to shed more light on this, I think. Just wanted to allay your fears!
  8. Ah, I just mean that I've never tried the LP Original perfume and LP #9 is a variation on that theme. So, I mean I think I ought to try the original before the variation. There's no actual reason to do it that way round except my own particularity! I'm not sure how similar they are. I'd actually assume they're pretty different because Cougar is very much a women's scent (to my nose) and it has the sugary sweetness in there. Yes, it's got citrus in the form of pink grapefruit and it has a white musk. But, since the citrus in LP #9 isn't specifically pink grapefruit and the must isn't specifically white, not to mention it's a unisex blend, then the two perfumes could well vary a lot from one another. But I guess I mean that since the principle of citrus+musk=happy nose has worked in CP I think there's a good chance I would like they way it works in LP #9. Sorry to be confusing! For the sake of curiosity I'll ask if anyone else here has sniffed CP and LP #9 and can say how different they are.
  9. I'm thinking of wearing this to a supervisor meeting today. I'll have to ask the label's violinist to help me kick ass. I reckon she's becoming a folk spirit to invoke in our time of need (kicking ass, getting laid, etc.)! ETA: The enone, it burns my nostrils with wooden wee!
  10. CB 2009: Although I really like it in the bottle this smells very cottony on my, almost a bit too much when wet. It calms down once it has dried, though, and the maple and sugar come through, as well as a touch of the florals (the are never prominent). The scent lasts a very long time; an afternoon application is clearly noticeable the following morning.It also seems to encourage cuddling as promised, though in this instance the cuddler has such a propensity naturally, so it's difficult to know how much of a part the phero itself actually played! I used approx. 0.25 ml and will try 0.5 next time, as this is a perfume and so 1/3 the strength of the UN.
  11. This is gorgeous. To my nose it is an elegant floral -- very ladylike perfume in a wonderful way. I get no discernible smoke but there is some heft to keep the floral elegant rather than fluffy (musk, frankincense) and a touch of creamy vanilla very close to the skin. It stays true from bottle to application through dry-down with the only slight change being that the vanilla is only there for me after it dries. I was *so* close to ordering a full bottle but wasn't sure I could afford it. Sad but not a surprise that it sold out before I had the chance, as this one was very special. I haven't noticed anything from the phero and this is my first time using Heart & Soul, so I have no idea what application I might need. I'll try more next time.
  12. I'd like to try this at some point but I feel like starting with LP Original is the Right Order. Then again, citrus and musk works so well for me in Cougar Potion...
  13. Okay, eff it. I think an FB will be my birthday gift to myself.
  14. I'm planning on trying Gold in my next order. I found Black a bit too-too. I'm not sure what in it was the particular culprit, as I thought all the notes would be fine by me. They sounded like my sort of thing but I have learned that I was only presuming to be a Resin Ho when instead I am but a Resin Maiden... or something.
  15. It's a real privilege to have them share their lives with us -- a hard one sometimes, but a privilege nonetheless. Thanks for telling Jasmine's story.
  16. Yes it will! You'll have to tell me what summer is like. I've kind of forgotten now that I live over here!
  17. Ah, I live in the UK so I feel your pain. Enjoy your new goodies when they do finally arrive!
  18. I also can't. It's sort of dusty on me, like the bottom of the herbal tea basket.
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