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Everything posted by phergineer

  1. I will have to go with your recommendation on this one - the best looking, smaller one Thank you!
  2. Can I please have a Heart 3 instead of Heart 1? I will place a larger order soon, but you can invoice me already if you'd like. Thank you!
  3. Are the new designs the same size as the first round?
  4. "Here" as in at the store only?...
  5. Oh dear. Fairies I cannot resist indeed. And the whole point of me taking my time with the spell potions is to take a break next month. But with fairies.. QG is right
  6. I haven't even tested all the spell potions yet!!! I think I might take a break next month...
  7. Well... The second time I wore Audacious I went to a happy hour with a director from my company and some other people from a team who were interested in hiring me. I did not say anything inappropriate, but I felt like I wasn't in control of myself much. And I had no alcohol. It's almost like I was too comfortable in my own skin, trying to make jokes. granted, it was only after the fact that I learned one of them had a director status... Which may have played into me feeling more awkward about the whole situation. So for tonight I chose LFM with Topper. I'm hoping that fiance's OW will help me open up. We'll see how it goes.
  8. Thanks Halo! Yes, I will definitely be on my best behavior, but I also don't want to be so tense where I completely shut down and don't say a word. I know he is worried about that side of me.
  9. Welcome! What do you like so far?
  10. So far I've been looking for ways to impose myself, gain respect or become more open/connect in social situations which has always proven difficult because I am naturally an introvert. Tonight the opportunity shows up to go to a business casual dinner with my fiance, his company's CEO, founder, a few other higher ups and potential clients. He is not nearly in that circle of influence, but clearly they have him on his radar. The company is not huge, but has a few hundred employees. He is a social butterfly. If you are familiar with the DISC profile, he's an "I" with maybe a tiny "s"... I am a "C", with "S" and "D" following closely and "I" almost non existent. We could not be more opposite from each other. I obviously want to make a good impression tonight, while helping him be even more appreciated. I don't think me being in the spot light is necessarily a good idea. I am open to suggestions. What do I wear? what should he wear? I remember Dolly's thread about her experiment, but I am not sure this is the same situation, plus I do not have Dom with me. We are out of town, so I do not have my entire phero/scent arsenal with me, but I do have these (samples/trials/decants): UN Heart and Soul UN SWS UN LFM UN BAM! UN Lace OCCO White Topper Sneaky Clean with SS4W Valhalla with Open Windows Pherodise with Lumina A taste of Luxury with Audacious (which works well to dis-inhibit me around my fiance's friends, but I'm not sure I would use it in a business situation) Fairy Musk with Trasured Hearts (great around my fiance's family) Unisexy 2014 with B2.2 Beautiful Dreamer with BB (probably not...) Glamour Potion One True Love Thank you!
  11. Thank you Mara and LPMP for shipping my package so fast, for the generous gifts and for replacing my missing bottle of One True Love lightning fast while allowing me to keep Mother Goddess as a gift!!! I am taking it as a sign that I actually need Mother Goddess in my life... You rock!!!
  12. Good luck! I second what Beccah said. You might also want to check out the DHEAS thread.
  13. My fiance has been wearing LP# 9 and he loves it!!! It's his Go-to LP. The other one I've pushed him towards and he enjoys is Road Opener. Plus, you get nice benefits from the intent, too!
  14. PM, can you please clarify the part of using "as they are"? Can we layer 2 or more spell potions for several intents, or is it best to stick to one at a time? For example, when working towards a goal (let's take romantic or career/financial success), if I feel I first need to clear my aura, negativity, etc, I would use Road Opener, followed by Hex Deflection or Protection Oil in order to avoid any more negativity come my way, and then apply a more targeted potion like Fascination or Money Multiplier. Is this not recommended? Thanks!
  15. Dear LPMP, thank you for shipping the order so fast! I would have gotten it today if I weren't out of town. Can't wait to go to the post office tomorrow.
  16. Yes, I only have the trial Pheromas dropper bottles. What are the carriers?...
  17. Interesting, thank you for your input. When I first tried UN SWS I used 3 sprays and I definitely OD-ed. I was irritable. Then I went to 1.5. Eventually to 2 sprays, now I'm at 3. I don't feel any issues usually. On the contrary. How about the dropper bottles? 5 drops - too much?
  18. Ah, that makes sense. Pheros are taxing my nervous system even more. I've been pretty over worked and not getting enough sleep, so that might be it. Today I'm wearing SWS again, but only 3 sprays, and I don't feel the sore throat as much. I have to fly tomorrow and Thursday, so I have to be even more careful with staying healthy, yet pheros are so helpful at the airport!
  19. I noticed something odd when I first tried G2 last week. I was going to hang out with one of my lady friends, so I wanted to try G2. I applied about 5 drops of unscented oil and covered with LP Pink. I noticed that all of a sudden, the back of my throat started feeling scratchy, raw, like sore throat, but not the exact feeling of sore throat. I immediately thought I ODed on G2, but there were no other signals of OD... As the evening went on and the phero kept diffusing, so did the sore throat feeling. So, I blamed it on the G2 blend. I wore Pherodise with Lumina Saturday, Cougar (scented) Sunday and after I showered I applied Dom Noire. The issue did not repeat itself (since they were scented blends, they were lower concentration). I showered again before bed to avoid giving the wrong signal in the office today due to cops. This morning I applied my usual work go-to blend: unscented SWS, covered by Carol's Black Leather White Lace. I used 4 sprays, as I have been using 3-4 lately. The same thing happened, the sore throat feeling appeared again. It went away in the early afternoon... I refreshed with a spray of scented SWS (so only 33% concentration) and here I am, sore throat feeling again. I am a little thrown off as to why this would have happened all of a sudden. I usually take 2 days break from pheros every week, and I take my stress complex B vitamins every day. I have not noticed any other obvious self effects to point out that I am burning out my neuro transmitters, plus the blends seem to work great in terms of their intent. The SWS worked like a charm today, as it usually does - gave me confidence, focus and respect from those around me. I am starting to feel a little tired, but it's the end of the work day and I have been staring at the computer for over 8 hours now. This usually happens regardless if I wear pheros or not. Has anyone else experienced this before?
  20. Are you talking LP Rouge Or Phero Girl? I have yet to go the Phero Girl side, but I've been treading the waters of LP Rouge... mostly when fiancé isn't around, hehe. Tonight um trying Dom Noire. .. The second time. So far he only said it smells like honey, which in my book is a win! But it hasn't been enough time for Dom Noire to morph enough and for the patchouli to show its ugly teeth...Good luck with your fun samples!
  21. I have a question along the same lines. I have to record a customer demo tomorrow and initially it was supposed to be done by someone else. It's very technical and I'd have to be in front of the camera, which i am not comfortable with because I am not an expert on the subject, plus I am simply not confident in front of the camera. I usually wear SWS to work and works beautifully. Audacious is obviously out if the question since this is a professional setting. I want to stay away from cops. I'm still figuring out the dosage on Mega Watt and LFM is fine in terms of confidence, but I don't think I get the same laser focus and professional respect I get as when I wear SWS. Plus, I feel more like a queen, rather than confident in my skills when I wear LFM.. I've tried Leather and Dom begore, and I am definitely confident when I wear them, but I'm not sure about giving me the "at ease" feeling. I go into "get it done" mode, ready to take out anyone standing in my way, and I can feel my blood boiling if things do not go my way. So, this is a situation where I need to be calm in front if the camera, focused, and confident in my technical skills... Suggestions?
  22. phergineer

    Kitten Heels

    Oh dear. I should have kept quiet. Now I'm going to end up without a bottle.
  23. There is not one in this collection I do not look forward to wearing. Even the Blessing Oil, which is the only blend that does not sound like a me scent - a little too resinous/incensy and am scared of the patchouli. All the potions - I am sooooo impatient to get my hands on them and slather!!!
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