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Everything posted by knjsavy

  1. knjsavy

    Fairy Lure

    This is great, sweet tart handy, sweet with a hint of lemon citrus, very good throw - definitely goes on big bottle list as i love it, love it
  2. knjsavy

    New Year's Evil

    In the vial this was expensive champagne with exotic fruit on it went way left - it was like i woke up the next day after spending the previous night in a no name dive bar where smoke and cheap drinks got repeatedly spilled on me - not good, I am not sure what my skin is making wonky in this but sadly this isn't for me
  3. knjsavy

    21st Century Venus

    On me this one is a light sweet floral with a clean, clear light musk and a bit of faint citrus. Very nice - would get another sample but not sure if i would get a bottle - need more testing as it is a close up scent (people have to get close up to smell it)
  4. I needed a few odds and ends from the local store, i did not want to go in my paint splatter gear, so i grab my jogging suit i wore to do laundry - it still smells of LP red as if i just applied it {this is 3 days later} I mean it is strong and as i put on the clothes and walked around the room it scented the room. I LOVE LP RED, I WANT ANOTHER BOTTLE dang my obsession and long list of bottles to get and i seriously want to start getting dupes of my faves [which is nearly everyone i have tried]
  5. knjsavy

    Sultry Afternoon

    I tried this in the morning and i don't get currents, i get dandilions, dafodils and star fruit (not sure what it's correct name is), on it settles into a creamy freshness - a clean scent - not soapy and not quite linen, but fresh like laundry drying on the line in the sun. Later it develops into earthy flowers. It is a nice scent - i don't get too much throw from it, i find it similar to music of the spheres and i'd get that first but this would be a nice back up.
  6. COOL, My bottles are full as well - so does my classic seductions for it sound good? If so ask the ladies for email exchange and we'll be in business
  7. knjsavy

    Top Five

    It is not even a month later and this will probably change in week as i continue my samplin' orgy fest 1. super woman 2. dolly dark side 3. lp red 4.une 5.hathor
  8. If you do want to trade for it, what you like for it - is it a bottle or sample? Bottle i have i will be willing to part with fortune cookie kingdom of dreams classic seduction scandalous intentiions
  9. I just got my ravens moon from magicalomaha and not only did they include two samples from their line but i got a nice sample of time travel along with a thank you card - i guess good birds stick with good birds (you know the whole flock together thing) I am pacing myself - first trying the older LP's that came with my order while i taunt myself with the samples and bottles of the recent ones
  10. knjsavy


    This is truly a creation - i get so much from this - a great fall scent and a great scent in general. I get a cup of hot apple cider (with peaches and cinn in it), a comforting pumpkin (like when someone says pumpkin soup and you think it will be nasty - who wants soup out of pumkins but when you taste it all you can say is ahhh while you keep spooning it into your mouth), creamy vanilla figs, watermelon, poms and so much more. I asked for a sample and the ladies graciously sent me a full bottle - i am so thankful Update: it is 6hrs later and no reapp and i still get a warm glow smell, soft but deep and everyone in overcrowded pathmark was so nice to me - the threat of a storm (even a small one does not bring out the best in poeple)
  11. Nice CC, Plain simple straight forward truth. PS -i am a newbie and i have not gone wrong by following any of the advice any of the ladies here give - so good luck and keep us posted
  12. I also recently bought, received and tried cougar unsented - unsented is non-cover added meaning there is no scent to cover the pheros so you can smell the pheros so when you wear cougar unscented you will need to cover it with a more pleasing scent and our resident Helpful one - Dolly will chime in and let you how best to do that or you can read through the other posts titled pheros and the other review posts and read what some of the great ladies here have advised on this PS welcome to the enablers zone - ooops i mean forum
  13. So true, so true It has only been a little over a month for me and i happily look for extra money to get LP's, if i had to do that to pay off a credit card - i would not have the same results VIVA LA ADDICCION
  14. I had my first trade set up with ivy fox, was all giddy carrying packages to post office, hers was on top, wind blew it right off into the street, Bus comes flying along - POW crushes the padded evelope, vain and gypsy wine gone bye bye
  15. this is a clear rose scent, the musk make it deep and long lasting, you don't smell like imitation roses but like you just came from the yard from pruning your prize rose bushes at the peak of their bloom - ahhhhhh
  16. WOW, OMG, OMG This scent is incredible, I wore it this evening (to do laundry) over a little unscented BI and it covered well plus it has an amazing sexy cinnamony, sweet deep aroma. Every time i try a new one it becomes my new fave. I truly love this and i am so glad i got a bottle, i must get another one
  17. I looked through each page and i could not find a review of this and i am shocked. this is amazing - fruity, flowery, and just plain gorgeous. It lasted a very long time and when i wore it today i got a lot of smiles and people stopping by cubby to hang out and be near me. I may this again tomorrow to an interview i have. i love it, love it It is definitely in my top 5/10
  18. I know Ivy, I was so excited about my first swap, imagine my horror as i saw the bus make the package explode - you guys sure the retrograde has not started yet?
  19. I agree, this was one of the first few i tried and i feel in love with it. Ditto on your avatar Pony
  20. I am definitely going to try that combo
  21. LOL, Shelly B i love your stories and adventures, you make me brave enough to consider adding that to my next order
  22. this one is a must bottle - prettythings hit it on the head, an elegant bridal bouquet - the scent is light and floral and heady at the same time. i could not stop sniffing myself and i did not have to bring my arms to myself to do it as the scent continually wafted up to me from my neck scarf. i love it, love it
  23. I guess i better cherish the sniffie i got. It kind of reminds me of the custom aija got - sugared allspice, cinn and vanilla
  24. Me too, Me too. i went to the post office before work {of course i was late} and could not open until my break at 3:30 but there was soooooo many extra goodies it was worth the wait. Now that i am home i can really go through them and feed the addiction. YAY
  25. Welcome Jet, Look forward to hearing your reviews on any others you ordered
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