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Everything posted by Rosebud

  1. I got my "Your order is being processed and will ship shortly" email exactly 2 weeks ago (and I've been really well behaved & not ordered anything since!) so I'm hopeful that I'll get the Stamp.com email before she leaves... But then I wont panic if I don't as I don't always get the Stamp.com email when they send out my goodies
  2. Can you tell us what notes you picked? Pretty please? Just to let us at least imagine the loveliness
  3. What do you mean when you say you "get sick" when you take both your Thyroxine & ADD meds? What type of sick? What do you take for the ADD? There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to take both. To be honest I'd go back to your Doc & chat to him/her. If you are hypo you need your Thyroxine, not just for your metabolism but other important processes...including brain function.
  4. LOL So does Rosebud! I'm thinking I need both, I AM a bit of both I'm a tad anxious about the descriptions...I have a feeling this will be an expensive month...
  5. Rosebud

    Mother Ship

    I don't think this one is for me... Not really the scent, (in the vial it's lovely) but on my skin I get lemony tobacco/smoke No cookies for Rosebud
  6. Oh yes! Dolly is a frequent flier of unchartered territories She paves the way for the rest of us!
  7. The 3 & 5 refer to "locations" of specific bonds on the molecule...eg an atom "x" that bonds with the 5th carbon atom of the structure would be called 5X-(rest of structure) People with limited knowledge of chemistry might not know that or understand the importance of the location of bonds in a molecule so it's easy to understand how the same molecule/phero can be called slightly different names when marketed, when they are still actually just the same molecule
  8. I'm with Luna on this one. You need a warm bath, some honye-lemon lemsip & lots of TLC & sleep No sense in burning off extra neurotransmitters by using phero's when you're sick & pooped already. Go snuggle up in bed -Doctors orders! Hugs!!!
  9. I thought 5a-Androstenol & Androstenol were different names for the same phero? I thought they were both different names for describing "A-nol" (i.e. 5a-Androst-16-en-3a-ol)? Are there different types of A-nol?
  10. You'll get an email (usually from Stamp.com) when your order dispatches. The usual TOT is 2 weeks but it may be a li'll longer now with the Beta testing & redesigning the forum For Q's about orders it's usually best to email the ladies & include the order number as they get so many orders they need to be able to ID who's who & who ordered what.
  11. This is why I just LOVE my OW for work It's just fab for boosting everyones mood, everyone gets along really well & it makes patients more comfortable & less stressed. It's less sparkly thanPopularity Potion & less lovey dovey cuddly than TH/H&S... A happy medium between the two
  12. Oh, excellent!! I'm so relieved...with both bits of news !!
  13. I think I'm guilty of that... I did add the perfume to the cart but then when I added the "phero add in" that meant I had $25 + $45 in the cart so I was a bit confused... How do I do phero amping and add the perfume to the cart without getting the price wrong?
  14. I'm so going to have to try Domino, K's Pumpkin tropique, J's Winter chai & Fallen angel... I should probably get the monthly sampler too
  15. I soooo wanted to nab both bottles but I resisted the urge... I only got 1 so there's still one left. Run Dolly!!!
  16. Rosebud


    I've got a bottle in my trading post
  17. 4 isn't enough! I'm anxiously watching the declining levels of my Constant Cravings... I've already burnt through 2 bottles
  18. Darling DJac, I've got tears welling up... I can't believe you have to go through this ontop of everything else you've already gone through this year. I'm soo sorry for your loss. Like everyone else have already said, you know we love you, you're such a special person & we're all here for you. Lots of hugs Rosebud
  19. Ladies, Ya'll need to watch the movie "Serendipity"
  20. LADIES!!! Please!!! Stop telling horror stories about marriage & divorce... Maybe I'm naive & not living in the real world but I can't help it... I AM a hopeless romantic, and I'm still waiting for my knight in shining armour & the "happy ever after"... I want MY fairytale
  21. It's quite sad but one of my main hobbies in life is sleep... I'm so knackered when I get home in the evening, and on weekends I'm either over with the air ambulance lads or I catch up on work/studying/things at home... I don't go out much at all Not that I've ever been much of a party animal, but I would like to get out more to bars, dinners etc. I do usually do my Starbuck's thing on the weekends & every once in a while I go see a movie, but I rarely go out at night. I just don't have anyone to go with. Most of my friends are now doing the family thing or they are in longterm relationships where any social gatherings seem to be about inviting other couples... So basically, I don't have that many opportunities to go out socially, and when I'm out and about myself I very rarely get approached by guys...I've ever only been asked out on a date a handful of times...in my life!
  22. TAF is an Androtics phero, (putative, so they don't tell us what the actual molecule is) but LP has used it in one of their blends. TAF increases focus but it also acts like a stimulant so if you use too much it's like having coffee jitters
  23. I doesn't surprise me that much actually. TAF is very potent, even in low doses, and it is also very long acting. If you have a "normal" brain (ie. you don't have ADD/ADHD) you probably are more sensitive to it. From what I've noticed myself, as well as when comparing notes with others over at PT, the users with ADD can tolerate much higher levels of TAF than "normal" people. Kind of the same principle as with stimulant meds that are used for ADD/ADHD... for us with the condition it doesn't give a high, it just brings us up to a normal level of neurotransmitters...but if a person without ADD/ADHD takes stimulants they already have normal levels of neurotransmitters so the meds end up topping up with even more...end result is getting high Focus Potion...I have no idea what's in it, but it seems to give a "smoother" increase in focus than TAF. To me it lacks that stimulant feel and doesn't give a buzz that you can get with TAF if you overdo it.
  24. I've been playing with FP for a while now. I didn't get dramatic effects like TG (?) did, but then I am on meds for my ADD, and I'm well controlled so I wouldn't expect to get much improvement. What I have noticed though is that when I get home in the early evening & I have things to do workwise or studying to do, and my meds are wearing off... That's when FP is really great. I've used it a few times and it does give that extra push and allows me to go on concentrating even though my meds are wearing off. And best of all, it doesn't disrupt sleep like TAF does. TAF is also great as a complement to my meds for that extra sharp edge of my focus, but I can only use that in the morning or midday, any later than that and it disturbs my sleep as it's so long acting.
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