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Everything posted by Rosebud

  1. Lor's statement is correct; Neurotransmitters (NT's) are continuously produced by the brain but overstimulation means using NT's at a faster rate. You can get overstimulation by overdoing the coffee or longterm use/heavy highdose testing of phero's and that uses up the NT stores at a faster rate than the brain produces new... You can then get temporary NT depletion which usually manifests itself as a hangover effect; fatigue, headaches etc The brain is very efficient in replenishing stores though & you can help it by providing the "building blocks" needed; B vitamins (especially B5, 6 & 12), Vit C, Omega oils & a few minerals. Keeping well hydrated, eating a balanced diet & adding a multivitamin and/or B vit complex is all you need to prevent NT depletion. As for ADD and depression. I don't know if there's been any research on those conditions & phero usage... but I do know from own experience (I have ADD) & from talking to other ADDers over at PheroTalk that with phero's that are particularly stimulating (eg TAF, Focus Potion etc) , I can tolerate much higher doses than the average user & not get any adverse effects. Take TAF for example...most people find 10-15mcg to be their max dose & with more they get "caffeeine jitteryness", anxiety, restlessness etc (ie they get an overstimulation high). Me on the other hand, I find 35-40mcg TAF to be the right dose for me, around 60mcg if I don't take my ADD meds that day. It's the same with other ADDers I know & it makes sense to if you know how an ADD brain differs from a normal brain. ADDers brains don't lack NT's, research has shown that our levels are the same as in a normal brain but the NT's we have are, well...a tad "lazy". They respond a bit slower than the NT's of a "normal" brain. As a consequence, if you give Adderal/Ritalin to an ADD brain you stimulate the NT's & increase the activity but the result isn't "a high" as the boost only speeds us up to "normal brain signal speeds". However, give the same drug to a "normal" person & they overstimulate their brain & get high... Clinical depression is different as it's caused by NT imbalance. I don't know if this is just a coincidence but I spoke quite a bit with 2 individuals over at PT who suffered from depression & they couldn't notice any results in self-effects when using phero's. I don't know if that's because they didn't give phero's a proper try or if it was actually due to the depression either directly (due to NT imbalance) or indirectly (due to the social/behavioral implications of depression, not interacting with people as much etc). My flatmate has problems with anxiety & depression (though mainly anxiety) & I've noticed that some phero's seem to not affect her when I wear them whereas others seem to have positive effects on her. OW seems to relax her & make her more calm & comfortable (not happy/good mood like in myself). It tends to be the comforting & relaxing phero's that she responds to, most sexy mixes don't seem to have any effect but the alpha & bouncy/energizing mixes make her avoid me or get snappy...same as when she has an anxiety episode or is stressed. Not sure if that answered your question? Bottom line though... I don't think phero's are bad or cause NT depletion if someone has ADD or is depressed, but their response to the phero's may not be the same as the "standard"
  2. Cheezy you crack me up! How about your Maple/Pumpkin for the rest of my Gangster's Moll?
  3. Now miss Cheezy... Maybe you should just bite the bullet & set up your own trading post I know you've been resisting this forever but come on, join the rest of us I promise you'll have fun
  4. Hi LadyRose Welcome to the forum! You'll love it here, it's soo much more than just a forum , it's a second home! And it's a very friendly & laid back place Are you looking for scents in general or phero's to promote friendships? If you're after phero's then Ail's Open Windows is fabulous! I swear by it for work & mood boosting. Heart & Soul is another popular one but I personally find it a bit more cuddly than OW.
  5. Nuts? Nuts make me a bit wary...What kind of nuts does this one have? I really can't do almonds... I am them & they turn to glue sticks on me
  6. I hadn't worn this in a while so I put some on after work the other day. The scent has changed somewhat & matured. It's darker & the patchouli is more prominent now. If any of you fans of darker scents thought this one was too fruity then you might want to give this baby a second try
  7. Rosebud

    Vamp Cafe

    Oh, I wish I had ordered this one! Sounds right up my alley... I was a bit iffy about the coffee note so I never included it in my order May have to order myself a Christmas present though
  8. The one you sent is going to a very special lady so don't worry, you didn't send it in vain Unfortunately I didn't know I wouldn't love this one or I would have sent one of mine...
  9. OMG... Me & my indecisiveness If I'd pulled my finger out & ordered in time I could have gotten my hands on one of these... I'm soo sad I missed out I really, really want to try this one... I love gingerbread AND Pumpkin...
  10. Wish I'd thought about this thread before... I got 2 bottles & I'm not sure they'll get much lovin
  11. See, this is the beauty with working in a hospital... I don't have to worry about this stuff. Whenever I eat something I shouldn't have & get really bloated all I have to do is wander up on the gastro wards & let a few silent ones rip! Noone ever suspects the innocent badge & stethoscope wearing blond :angel: ...they all assume it's a patient that's responsible for the toxic fumes
  12. Oh yes! This one is beautiful! I like it even more than what I thought I would It's softer & not as spicy as I thought but I kinda like that... It's really a winter snuggle scent
  13. Oh, I agree! I just LUUUURVE this one! I love anything pumpkin, brown sugar or vanilla... This one combines them all in one magical li'll bottle If you like this one you HAVE to try Mara's Rocket Fuel!
  14. Rosebud

    Loco en La Luna

    Dito! I wasn't anticipating to like this one because of the Bergamot, tea leaves & sage... I was expecting some herbal concoction but this one is really lovely! Fresh & fruity but not fruity in a sweet way. I may have to get a bottle
  15. OMG! This one smells just like Elizabeth Arden's "Green Tea" on me! At first I couldn't figure out where I had smellt it before, then it hit me...My best friend used to go through EA's Green Tea like it was going out of fashion back in College It's supposed to have these notes; Top Notes Caraway, Fruity Rhubarb, Lemon, Orange Zest and Bergamot Middle Notes Cool Minty Peppermint, Green Tea, Sweet Jasmine, Spicy Carnation, Fresh Fennel and Crisp Celery Spice Base Notes Oakmoss, Musk and Amber As for Tabby...I do like the scent (even though I don't usually go for "aquatic florals" like this one smells like to me. I reckon it would layer beautifully with Eternal Chain, or any vanilla scent really. Now, next on the agenda is to try this on the lads at work
  16. Rosebud

    Wax Poetic

    This one goes horribly wrong on me... I figured with the honey it wouldn't be a hit but I didn't expect it to go THIS wrong This one is right up there with Jouir De & Shelly's Lascivious Peach with the "Plastic Play Doh funk" my skin creates with honey... I really wish this was lovely & poetic on me
  17. Hmmm... I haven't made my mind up about this one yet I was expecting to absolutely love this one , just like I love Sogni Incanti, but this one is nothing like SI on me. SI is all soft & snuggly vanilla on me & I can barely make out the anise in the background. Domino is almost all anise on me, just slightly softened by something "soft & fluffy" but it's too non-distinct to be identified as vanilla to my nose. Don't get me wrong, Domino is nice but I'm not over my initial surprise/shock that I didn 't get my vanilla goodness that I was soo sure I would
  18. Rosebud

    Buns of Cinn

    This is lovely! It's like real cinnamon buns without the creamy icing. It's not as sweet as LP Red. My skin does seem to love it too though...
  19. It's very hard to find on the high street. You can get it on eBay (but obviously you wont have any way of knowing if it's the real deal) & on the EU Sephora website (but the website is in French ). You can also get it at some discount websites like CheapSmells.com & uk.FragranceNet.com
  20. Does it smell of powdery buttcheese even after drydown?
  21. I finally managed to decide!! I got LP Passion & Desire w/BI, Offering w/Lace, Garland & Lace and the Monthly sampler Oh, and NoCo Vanilla Still a few I'm pondering but I'll be a good girl & wait for my samples
  22. Hey! It wasn't my fault! It was just too much of a too strong "soft & cuddly potion" At least I gave the li'll tadpole back in the end...
  23. LP doesn't have any straight A1 & I'm pretty sure they don't carry any products with A1 in it due to the negative effects it has in some men. But fear not! There are other great phero's you can try that are fab Teddyman (not sure if this is sold out or not) is for guys to wear to make us feel calm & snuggly. Tranquility potion is UNscented but you can always boost your favourite LP. May Day is a scented version of Tranquility potion. Ail is also doing the finetuning of a PMS relief type phero that is due to be released early next year Oh, and there are several EST blends you might like too... Eternal chain Garland & Lace UN Lace Ail's Cuddle Bunny
  24. Yeah, I'd say go for BI for the bedroom antics Sexology is more snuggle sexy for me than "do me now"
  25. The main things for optimal brain function is to ensure you have a healthy & varied diet that include "the good fats" like Omega-3 & Omega-6. You also need to make sure you are properly hydrated with water...Tea & coffee do NOT count as they are diuretic and cause you to loose fluids. To replenish neurotransmitters you have to make sure you have the necessary building blocks for producing new transmitters. The most important ones are B vitamins, (I take 1 high dose B vit complex each day) and of the various B vitamins B5, B6 & B12 are the most important ones for neurotransmitter production. Vit C is an important co-factor that he lps the process of creating neurotransmitters from the B vit's & other components. It's very safe to take high doses of B vit's as they are water soluble so any excess not used you just wee out
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