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Everything posted by Rosebud

  1. How about I pop you an email It's the resonate-something-or-the-other addy isn't it?
  2. Rosebud

    Vamp Cafe

    To add to what Luna suggested... Li'll Goth Girl Next Door, Ego Boostier, LP Black, Alzbeta, Southern Gothic, Down & Dirty, Soiled Dove, Shady Lady...
  3. Lor, I have a sample that you can have I managed to get my hands on a bottle so I can share. Are there any other goodies you're itching to try btw? I have a vague memory of reading something like that in your trading post...
  4. It's sold out unfortunately & as the SS4W phero mix is extinct it's not coming back You might be able to get some in the trading post?
  5. Oh, I second that! I was (as always) expecting a creme brulee type vanilla scent with a touch of cinnamon & a hint of floral in the background... Not exactly what I got, but then what I did get is pretty hard to define...or describe I definitively get soft & gentle...it's floral but it's also almost a touch lemony. I don't think I get much of the cream or vanilla but I do still have a cold. I'll have to re-sniff this one in a few days
  6. Darn my skin chemistry!! All I get is honeycomb...which on me smells like rank honeycomb And I was soo sure I'd love this that I had it boosted with BI
  7. I'm confuddled again... (and late to the party) So, the spell kit is the Dec release? No new scents (other than the PE's)? What do they smell like?
  8. What you describe isn't my understanding of what build-up is... it sounds like neurotransmitter depletion, and that's not the same. Build-up as far as I know only applies to -none as it's a very sticky molecule & wont wash off as well as other phero's. That's why the lads over at PT chat alot about how to remove -none using Witch hazel & a lot of exfoliation.
  9. Rosebud

    Newbie :)

    Hi Lindsey, Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you'll like it here, this is a fabulous place A word of caution though...Although LP's phero's are great (Oh, yes they definitively are ) the regular perfumes are just as (if not more) addicting! You will become totally addicted before you know it
  10. Congratulations babe! You've had your BI baptism BI can be stinky & it does take a bit of getting used to but once you do... The key like you already touched on, is in the dry down. If it doesn't dry down properly before you apply cover it'll be really hard to cover :emot3: Did you use anything on your skin befor applying the BI? Any body lotion, oil etc? That could saturate your skin leaving BI sitting wet ontop. The silicone does usually dry easier than the oil & sits on your skin rather than soaking in like oil does. ..I'm not sure why it didn't dry on you. LP Red should be excellent for cover but the BI does need to be dry. The other ladies might be able to shed some more light on this If all else fails you can mix BI & your LP of choice. I've got several of my own mixes that work beautifully.
  11. Hi Sharky Welcome to the forum! You'll love it here, not just for the amazing oils but also for the lovely ladies you'll meet here. It's like a second home What type of scents do you normally like? Florals, fruity, darker, foody/sweet? The review section is a great place to start to see what wonders are available
  12. Yes you can if it's material that isn't too delicate or would be ruined by oil stains. It's not the best for phero diffusion though but it's lovely for fragrance My scarf smells lovely
  13. Hey Quietguy... You have some fab scents in that list! I loooove Down & Dirty! It's very sexy! One that I noticed you didn't have on the list was LP Three.... It's either unisex or for guys, but I have a bottle and it's really nice if you are after the more light & fresh scents similar to CK One and other like it etc
  14. Hey Snoopy! Welcome to the forum! Glad to see another guy here! We do have a few who report on male phero's... Robert, Quin, Wizard...and Terry pops in from time to time. But, we are always keen to see more lads being active in our lovely community Don't know if you already noticed but the phero's are reviewed in a separate section, so if you search for them in the perfume review section you wont find anything. Phero's have their own sub-section on the forum and all the reviews, Q&A's & general phero chat is there Oh...and have you seen the sale for forum members? I think there are a few phero-boosted scents for guys left
  15. Welcome to the forum Calii! Forum Q's...I don't think there is a specffic section. I'd stick it in either Q's for M&D, or in General Off topic chat? In the control panel (I think) there is a Q&A help section on the technical aspects of posting. DIHL...now that I can help you with It's Deer In Head Lights...The "Oh gosh you're hot" stare guys sometimes give LOL
  16. Rosebud

    Buns of Cinn

    Nope, no spray , just oil from my sample vial. I guess I'll just have to file Buns of Cinn under the "No-can-do" list of LP's (thankfully it's not a long one!)... Still...I`m not happy! I love cinnamon...I just don't get it I'm fine when I slather myself in LP Red (both oil & spray)...and I luuurve my Spiced Winter Chai (it's my bedtime scent).
  17. Rosebud

    Buns of Cinn

    I do have a very impressive list of allergies but funnily enough I'm fine with nuts & shellfish... My doctor was horrified when I told him I quite happily munch on PBJ's & eat shrimp LOL
  18. This is an old thread on cops contents; http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=3028 In post 18 Mara explains the in's & out's of cops in the different mixes
  19. Rosebud

    Buns of Cinn

    Does this have yeast in it? Someone mentioned a bread note I think? When I first tried this I only had a small dab on my hand but last night I slathered before bedtime...and ended up having to reach for my Ventolin (I'm asthmatic). I do sometimes react to commertial perfumes but I have never reacted badly to an LP before I've slathered in Cinnamon scents before so it's not the cinnamon...the only ingredient I can think of that could possibly have triggered a wheeze would be something like yeast?
  20. I might be wrong but I think BBM has less cops than LAM & BAM do...
  21. Here's a li'll science lesson for you Alcohol’s direct action on the brain is as a depressant. It generally decreases the activity of the nervous system. After one or two drinks a person tends to talk more & become more active because alcohol can cause disinhibition, i.e. inhibits cells & circuits in the brain which themselves are normally inhibitory. Nerve cells communicate with one another via electrical & chemical signals. In essence signals coming from outside the body like light, sound, smells, tastes, & pressure are converted (transduced) into chemical & electrical signals which pass from one part of the body to another & from one part of the brain to another. Electrical signals generated in one neuron causes of the release of chemicals called neurotransmitters (NTs) from that neuron. These NTs in turn are then available to act at other neurons in close proximity to the first to either excite or inhibit that neuron’s activity. There is many different NTs in the brain. Four of the most important NTs with respect to alcohol are glutamate, gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), dopamine (DA), & serotonin. Glutamate is the major excitatory NT in the brain. Alcohol acts to inhibit a subset of glutamate receptors, thus diminishing the excitatory actions of glutamate. This causes muscular relaxation, discoordination, slurred speech, staggering, memory disruption, & blackouts GABA is the major inhibitory NT in the brain. Alcohol acts primarily at the GABA-a receptor to facilitate its action, thus in essence creating enhanced inhibition. This causes feelings of calm, anxiety-reduction & sleep. Changes in the number of both glutamate & GABA receptors as well as the ability of these receptors to bind their NTs appear to be involved in the development of tolerance to & dependence on alcohol. The third important NT in alcohol action, Dopamine, is involved in reward processes & thus seems to be responsible for the rewarding aspects of alcohol consumption. Alcohol increases the amount of DA in the brain & this leads to excitement & stimulation. Genetics determines which neurotransmitter system is most strongly affected by alcohol in which individual. Individuals who become sleepy soon after drinking probably have their GABA system more strongly affected by alcohol. And individuals who become lively & excited after drink probably have their dopamine system most strongly affected. And phero's? Androstenol (5α-androst-16-en-3α-ol) is a volatile steroid compound belonging to the group of 16-androstenes. Androstenol is structurally similar to endogenous A-ring reduced neurosteroids that act as positive modulators of GABAA receptors. A structural similarity also exists between androstenol & progesterone, allopregnanolone & allotetrahy-drodeoxycorticosterone. So basically, these have the same effect on GABA-A receptors that alcohol does so you'll feel drunker if you use phero's when drinking, but your blood alcohol level wont be higher.
  22. When Ifirst tried this one I didn't think it was for me at all. I can't do inscensy scents and that's pretty much all I got from Naughty on the Nile. I got no violets or any of the other goodies that I was hoping for. I recently revisited this one (spiked with BI) and either it has aged or the BI alters the scent because I actually really like it. I now get violets (funnily enough as there are not supposed to be violets in this one) as a prominent note, with dark but creamy brown sugar or amber (I'm guessing that's the benzoin), and the inscense is now only in the background. Very nice... I might add a few drops of OCCO Purple to this just to amp up the "violets" even more.
  23. Oh, maybe a sparkly New Years scent? Not quite Champagne as that's been done but something like a bright & bubbly celebration type scent
  24. Rosebud

    Get Stuffed!

    OMG!!! I can't do this one... One brief sniff of the sample vial was more than enough. It was super-concentrated beef stock! I may love my foodie scents but this one crosses the line even for Rosebud... I'd be scared wearing this in public...I'd get chased by salivating dogs that mistake me for food on legs!
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